Forgotten Days (Fate's Intent Book 6)

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Forgotten Days (Fate's Intent Book 6) Page 8

by Bowles, April

  “Even us?”

  “Even us. Don’t worry. You’ll be well distracted.”

  “So, how do I look?” Zayden walked out of his closet wearing an all-white outfit suited for such an occasion. There was a white dress coat that was trimmed in silver with a decorative cape hung over his left shoulder and was the main focal-point of the outfit. It was like he dressed to match his new pet that was constantly next to him. “Oh, hey, Troy. Didn’t hear you come in.”

  “Just got here.”

  “Um. Which point of view were you looking for?” I asked, my eyes scanning Zayden’s outfit. “A woman’s or a man’s?”


  “From a man’s, intimidating. From a woman’s, classic Prince charming.”

  Troy laughed.


  “Well, you asked.”

  “So, are you ready for this?” Troy asked.

  “More than I’ll ever be, I guess. Now you two better get dressed too and since I knew this would happen, I had the liberty of finding something suitable for you to wear.”

  He moved the massage table and revealed two all-white outfits, similar to his, laying on the bed behind it.

  “Oh, no.” I said. “I don’t do the Prince thing.”

  “You do tonight. It’s for your wedding. Just do it for Ruby.”


  “She’s willing to wear a dress for you, isn’t she?”

  “If she shows.”

  Troy may have said it jokingly but I still didn’t appreciate it while acting accordingly, barely tapping his shoulder but it sent him stumbling to keep his feet.

  “I was only teasing!”

  “It doesn’t matter.” Zayden said. “Darius, she’ll be there and you’re wearing it. End of story.”


  Troy laughed and stepped towards the hideous outfits first.

  My eyes moved over to Zayden and I casually walked by him, muttering quietly. “You should tell him now.”

  “Working on it.” He muttered back.

  There was a pause while I joined Troy by the bed and we started getting ready.

  “Ah, Troy. There’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.”

  “I know.” Troy said while he concentrated more on getting dressed.

  Zayden shared a look with me and we both seemed confused. “You know?”

  “Yeah, how you’ve been biting my future wife to try and gain control over your gift.”

  “She told you?”

  “Of course she did. She didn’t want us making this official with secrets.”

  “Oh, well, okay. I guess that makes some of this easier. Are you—”

  “Letting it continue? Yeah. I am but take it any further with her and I may not want to but I will make you regret it.”

  “You should know I wouldn’t.”

  “How much further would it really go?” I asked in a sickening tone unless he meant draining her dry. I’m sure that would kill her—maybe.

  “You knew about this?” Troy asked.

  “Knew about it? I walked in on it.”


  “Yesterday. Right in there. She was—and he was—and it was just completely—I hate thinking about it.”

  “It really wasn’t that big of a deal.” Zayden said. “He just kind of overreacted and threw me away from her.”

  “Did it look sexual to you?” Troy asked.

  My face became disgusted. “Sexual? Fuck no. It was downright disturbing. Why? Is it sexual?”

  “Yes.” Zayden said.

  “Oh, shit! That’s messed up.”

  “Let’s not go on about it.” Troy said. “Nothing will happen.”

  “Exactly.” Zayden added. “Thanks for not taking it so hard.”

  “I know you need to control it. I wouldn’t want to see you hurt Adele and it doesn’t hurt Jaylyn so—”

  “No!” I laughed. “It just gets her off!”

  “It does not!” They shouted at the same time then looked at each other and Troy smiled.

  “I’m glad that’s true actually.”

  “Well, I’m certain it is but I haven’t actually asked her.”

  “Oh, this just makes things so much better!” I was enjoying this part. It didn’t look the least bit fun to me but I could still tease Troy about it and distract my mind from tonight for a minute or two.

  Chapter 21


  I was glad he didn’t take it so hard and was even gladder that he was letting it continue without strife. He was right after all. I would never want it to happen to Adele and the more I can practice, the faster I’ll get to controlling it.

  There was a knock at the door while they were just finishing with their dressing and I was surprised to see who it was. “Mother!”

  “Zayden. Do you have a free moment?”

  “Of course. Come in. You can ignore them. They’re just moody because they hate me.”

  She smiled and stepped in, pulling along a cart. “Well, look at you. Don’t you look fit for the part.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I brought your breakfast.”

  I suddenly felt nervous. “Oh, mother. You didn’t have to. Really.”

  “Nonsense. You boys will be so busy today that you’ll forget to eat and I don’t want you to collapse when you see what I’ve done to them.”

  “Them?” She just smiled at me and it sunk in a little deeper that she was talking about the girls.

  “Oh, yeah. I’ve seen Adele already.” Darius said, letting out an intriguing whistle. “You probably will faint.”

  “When did you see her?” I asked.

  “When I went looking for Ruby. She was on a pedestal and everything.”

  I couldn’t believe he was telling me this and worse that I didn’t get to see it yet.

  “A lot of women are going to be crying themselves to sleep when they hear the news.” My mother said with a smile from my expression. “But on the plus side, I won’t have to pay for my son’s whores anymore. That was distressing.”

  Troy and Darius laughed loudly with little or no care about my feelings but I was mostly embarrassed about this whole thing. I never knew that she was my mother until now.

  “I am so sorry about all of that and probably everything else.”

  “No. No need to discuss it. I’m just glad you found the one.”

  “She is the one.”

  “I always thought so. Your father, well, he just needed a little more convincing.”

  “Have you seen Seth?”

  “No but I heard about it and I’ll get to—someday.”

  “I hope that’s soon.”

  “As does everyone. Mostly your father. You’re the future for this country.”

  I sighed. “I know. It’s something he refuses to let me forget.”

  “And you shouldn’t. One day you will be King and it will be up to you to carry on with your father’s work.”

  “How could I possibly live up to him?”

  “Just do it your own way, Zayden. You won’t be alone. You’ll always have your brothers and have now chosen the perfect Queen.”

  I stayed quiet for a second and led the conversation a whole other way upon hearing the word brothers. Darius and Troy looked at me like I shouldn’t but I couldn’t help myself. “I’m sorry, mother.”

  “About what, dear?”

  “About Ryon. I know he was my—”

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to be sorry. I’m getting through it my own way. I’ve had experience in the loss before.”

  “I just wanted you to know that I was.”

  “Thank you, Zayden. I appreciate the thought.”

  Rift whined at my feet and I kneeled down to pet him. “I know. You miss him too.”

  “He was his?” My mother asked.

  I was certain that she had to know about his wolf blood and answered truthfully. “He took him in after his pack was killed and he kind of became depend
ent on people or him and now me. He doesn’t seem to like other people unless they were attached to Ryon in some way.”

  “I’m sorry you didn’t know sooner.”

  “I know. So was he.”

  She smiled to prevent herself from crying and completely changed the subject. “Good. Now, guests are starting to arrive downstairs. You should change and eat then greet a few then put this back on when the time draws near for you to meet Adele.”

  “Okay but please, I want to see her before then.”

  “That’s not tradition, Zayden.”

  “I know but I have a ring for her now that I’d like to give to her.”

  “Oh, all right. I suppose that’s a good reason. Have anything special planned?”

  “Ah, I want it to be a surprise.”

  “All right. I’m sure she’ll be delighted and I’ll soon find out.”

  “Okay. I just have to get one thing then I’ll find her.”

  “Very well. I suppose I should get back. I’ll see you tonight and ah—try not to overdo it, okay? For your father’s sake.” I nodded and we kissed each other on the cheek. “Oh, and I almost forgot.” She walked over to the table with my crown on it, taking the smaller box from the drawer. “I better bring this into her.”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Just keep in mind this will be for real this time. You don’t have to be worried about a thing.”

  “Thank you, mother.”

  She left and Darius sighed. “We just get dressed and now have to change?”

  “This was just to make sure nothing had to be altered. Now we eat, I’m sure Rift is hungry too and then meet a few guests downstairs and get back into this when it’s time.”

  Darius sighed again but louder. “Okay. Now we’ll just change back.”

  “Yes. I’m going to do that quickly than I’m going to give Adele her ring.”

  “You haven’t done that yet?” Troy asked.

  “No. I was waiting for you to ask them. I didn’t want to be in the way or make things seem obvious.”

  “Way to make her think you don’t love her, Zayden.” Darius joked.

  “I’m marrying her. She knows I love her. Let’s just finish with the rest of the day, okay?” They turned back towards the bed where their other clothes were still sitting and I went inside my closet with some of my food, tossing some to Rift as he followed.

  I thought of how I should present the ring I picked out for Adele and came up with something I knew she’d love. Now I just had to do it.

  “Rift, you stay. I’ll be right back.”

  Chapter 22


  I was finally alone. A few hours of resting to stay calm and relaxed was a good idea. I was laying on the bed in my room with the Senian Princess crown sitting beside me in the open box.

  My eyes were fixed on it like a child staring through the front window of a baker’s shop at an array of tasty treats. I knew how much I wanted it and couldn’t look away. The gold shone brightly with the accented diamonds just egging me to touch it until I finally gave in. I sat right up and reached my hands out towards it just as there was a knock at the door.

  I quickly looked up like I was caught doing something wrong. Something always seemed to stop me from taking a hold of it and I had to touch it for an instant just to do it.

  I smiled and got up to open the door. Zayden was standing on the other side and it was who I least expected to see. “Zayden! What are you doing here?”

  “I had to see you. Here. These are for you.”

  He held out a bouquet of white roses and I took them in my hands. “Awe, Zayden. They’re beautiful.”

  “Sorry they’re not the blue ones. They need every one for decorating.”

  “That’s okay. It’s the gesture.” I lifted them higher towards my face to get a nice good whiff and suddenly gasped, making them fall from my hands. Zayden was quick to react and caught them before they could have even fell below my waist.

  I was speechless as I looked down at the roses. The light hit them at just the right angle that I saw a large pear cut diamond placed in the center of a rose. It sparkled with the light of a thousand suns.

  My mouth was hung open and my hands slowly reached for it. “Zayden, it’s—it’s—it’s—”

  “It’s for you.” He plucked the diamond from the center rose to show me its high silver ring setting. “Well—if you want. I know we planned this so I never really got the opportunity to ask you but I’m asking now.” He lowered himself down on one knee and I began to shake. “Adeleigh Lydia Balwin, will you do the exceptional honor of marrying me?”

  How could anyone say no? They’d be a fool.


  Zayden smiled and tucked the bouquet under his arm, taking my left hand. “You are my life and I can’t wait to spend the rest of eternity with you.” He slipped the ring on my finger while he stood back up and it fit perfectly.

  I was staring down at it, trembling under his touch. I didn’t know what I would do. My scrambled mind only came up with one thing. I hastened towards him, throwing my arms around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth.

  “I don’t know what else to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. It’s yours and so am I.”

  “It’s all I’ve been thinking about.”

  “Come with me.” He took my arm and started leading me farther into the room towards the balcony. “Here. Hold these.” He handed the bouquet to me and picked me up in his arms.

  “What are we doing?”

  He just smiled. “Close your eyes.”

  He stepped towards the edge of the balcony and I looked down with wide eyes. “Zayden! No! Don’t you dare!”

  “Just close them until I say.”

  I did and tightly too. I had my arms around his neck and tightened them as much as I could. I felt Zayden take a leap and I didn’t dare to open my eyes. They were squeezed shut and my grip around him stayed strong.

  He was walking now but didn’t say to open my eyes yet. I kept them closed but started to feel a gentle breeze pass over my body and Zayden set me down. “Okay. Open them.”

  I swallowed my nervousness and slowly opened my eyes. It was bright but the second I could see clearly, I latched on to Zayden’s side with a gasp. I was high, very high. He had brought me to the roof of the palace and we were the tallest thing in the city.

  I could see every part of it. It spread wide under my feet with its white brilliance, shining under the sun. Randal was beautiful and I couldn’t seem to look away.

  “My second gift to you.”

  I finally blinked and snapped my head towards him. “What?”

  “This is your city now. Your home—well, again.”

  “This is amazing. I’ve never seen the city like this before.”

  “I like to come up here when I don’t want to be bothered. It’s peaceful to just sit and forget about everything.”

  “Then let’s.”

  I lowered myself down on the high peek of the roof and Zayden sat right next to me. “Damn. I’ve missed looking at you.”

  I smiled and looked over. “It hasn’t been that long.”

  “I know but I’m breaking tradition right now. I wasn’t supposed to see you until tonight.”

  I moved closer to him and leaned against his shoulder. “I don’t mind you breaking the rules for me.”

  “Then I don’t mind doing it.”

  I had a quiet laugh to myself and just wanted this moment to last forever. It felt peaceful at Zayden’s side with the world right at our feet but I knew something would have interrupted this perfect moment and so it did.

  Zayden lifted his head from mine and looked behind us.

  “What is it?”

  “My father’s looking for me. He probably expected me downstairs already.”

  My eyes widened just slightly and I was the first to get up. “Then we better get you in there before he catches you with me.”

  He star
ted to move along the rooftop towards the edge and this time I kept my eyes opened. My breath stopped briefly when he hopped over the edge back down onto the balcony.

  “You all right?”

  I was still clung to his side and could only nod.

  “Have you no respect for tradition?”

  I looked up and Izin was standing in the open door of the room as we entered. I gasped lightly and held even tighter on Zayden’s arm, moving a step behind him to unsuccessfully hide myself.

  “Father, I was just—”

  “You’re not even married yet and she’s already a bad influence on you. What’s next? Intend to show up late to your own wedding?”

  “Of course not. I intend to stay away until tonight. Right after this.”

  “Okay, Adele, I’m sure you were told that you need to stay upstairs and out of sight until tonight.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ve been completely briefed on the matter.”

  He gave me this little smile. I knew he could see that I was trying to be respectful but at least he liked it. “Good. Zayden, you have two minutes. I expect you to be downstairs.”

  “Of course, father.”

  “No pre-celebrating.” He was out the door in a hurry and Zayden and I laughed.

  “I like this mood of his. Are you sure all you did was show him Seth?”

  My mouth dropped but playfully. “What are you suggesting? Of course that’s all I did.”

  “I was kidding, Love. Relax. I just haven’t seen him this happy much in my life.”

  “You’re finally getting married, why wouldn’t he be happy? I only had to explain about Seth briefly but he believed it right away.”

  “Or he just wanted to. He always liked to mention grandchildren.”

  “He only saw Seth though. I didn’t have the blood to show him the others.”

  “I’m sure he’ll hear about it.”

  I started to smile and nodded. “Okay. So, what do we do now?”

  “Well, now is the hard part. I have to spend most of my time downstairs with the guests and you have to stay up here until it’s time to get ready. No one is supposed to see you until you walk down those stairs to our future together. I’ll be waiting for you.”

  I leaned in closer to him and found his lips. “I already miss you.”


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