Hard To Resist

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Hard To Resist Page 23

by Kylie Brant

  “Did Connally have any answer on Delgado’s medication?”

  Dare nodded. “It had been tampered with, just like we figured. Mannen must have been playing it cool, as long as Delgado believed Paquin would get him off. But the moment you went in there and blew his nice little plan all to hell, he revised his strategy and got rid of him altogether.”

  People were expendable to Mannen, A.J. thought bitterly. Leo, Delgado…anyone who stood in his way. She and Dare had very nearly figured among his victims.

  “How about if I fix you something to eat?” he offered. She’d fallen into a brooding silence that made him uneasy. “Or we could order out if you don’t trust my cooking. I have it on good authority that we can order a year’s worth of Chinese food at a time, to be delivered daily. You never have to worry about going hungry.”

  “As enticing as that sounds, you’d better forgo the plan. I can’t stay here forever.”

  “You could. If you wanted to.” Her gaze jerked to his. “When I saw you lying there, bleeding, I couldn’t think of anything but getting help for you. I didn’t consider chasing Mannen, all I could focus on was getting you help. There’s no way I’m going to let you out of my sight again. I want you here with me tonight. And tomorrow. And every day after that.”

  He felt the gradual stillness that crept over her and almost wished he could retract the words. He knew too well what happened when Addie felt threatened. But his feelings were out in the open now, and he’d force her to deal with them. “You can have all the time you need to get used to the idea. But you need to know what I’m hoping for.”

  There was a measure of anxiety in the way she was trying to free her hand from his. The sign of her nerves had talons clawing in his gut. “Are you sure you’re not feeling tired? Because I’m thinking maybe you ought to lie down for a while.”

  It was as if she didn’t hear him. “I don’t need time to think about what you said.”

  Panic tap-danced across his chest. “Shoot, honey, of course you do. Don’t rush into a decision.” The words tumbled out of his mouth in a mad rush. “Take all the time you need. A few months…years if you want.”

  She was shaking her head. “I’ve already come to a conclusion. I’ve been afraid, forever it seems. That if I really cared for someone, gave them that kind of power over me, I’d be left defenseless.” Her gaze met his, sought understanding. “That terrifies me.”

  Unable to answer, he gave a terse nod.

  She frowned a little, seemed to search for words. “You could walk out right now, and I’d survive. I’m convinced of that.”

  “I know,” he said bleakly. Rising, he jammed his hands in his pockets to keep from reaching for her.

  “I’m doing this badly. It’s just that…I’ve never really needed anybody. I’ve never let myself. And I got so wrapped up in running from the emotion that it took a while to understand that needing and wanting are two different things. I don’t need you in my life to complete it. But I do want you there.”

  He stilled, his gaze cutting to hers.

  “Do you understand the difference?” At his stupefied silence, her lips curved slightly. “Or do you still want me to take some more time to think about it? I think you mentioned years?”

  “Not a chance.” He was back at her side, in two quick steps his mouth taking hers in a kiss that was half desperation, half relief. “You’ve taken a couple of years off my life in the last few minutes alone.” He cupped her jaw, his forehead resting against hers, a shudder working through him. “I guess as long as you’ve come this far, I won’t scare you off by telling you I love you, will I?”

  She turned her head, pressed a kiss into his palm. “You’d better.”

  “I love you, Addie.” He drew back, watched the wonder on her face, found himself reaching for more. “I can wait for the words. Give you some time. If we’re talking years again, though, it just might kill me.”

  She smiled, shook her head. “I love you, too. I can’t say it doesn’t scare me to death, but I’m willing to work through that.”

  Nuzzling her neck, he murmured, “We’ve got the time to work through it together. Decades. A lifetime.”

  A trail of flames lit beneath her skin, fired by his touch. A lifetime. It sounded about right to her.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-6298-4


  Copyright © 2001 by Kimberly Bahnsen

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  *The Sullivan Brothers

  *The Sullivan Brothers

  *The Sullivan Brothers

  †Charmed and Dangerous

  †Charmed and Dangerous




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