Night Waves

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Night Waves Page 12

by Wendy Davy

  The hairs on Cali’s neck stood on end and her palms dampened. “Why can’t you tell me now?”

  “Do you want to talk or not?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “I’ll meet you on the beach at the Half Shell Road public access in an hour.”

  Cali glanced at her watch. “An hour? I don’t know if I can…” The dial tone sounded in her ear. She looked at the note. Realizing she had not written Nancy’s instructions, Cali scribbled the location and the woman’s name on the paper.

  Cali’s mind raced and her anxiety surged in intensity when it occurred to her she did not have a car, which left her under Nick’s control. Even if Helen or another deputy agreed to take her, they would seek Nick’s approval first. Ultimately, he would decide if she met with the woman or not. The realization paralyzed her with fear. What if he refused?

  Cali ran a hand through her hair, and then covered her eyes with her palms as her frustration grew. Lord, I’m backed into a corner here. I have an opportunity to find out something about Serena, but I’m not in a position to decide whether to go or not. Please help me know what to do. After a moment, she dropped her hands. Nick stood silently in the doorway, watching her with concern.

  She had no choice but to give up control and trust someone. Someone God had put in her life for a reason. “I trust you to make the right decision, Nick.”

  Confusion crossed his features but he remained motionless.

  “I need you.” She stood and crossed the room, stopping a few feet from him.

  He stepped into the office and shut the door. “I’m here for you, Cali.”

  “You know it’s hard for me to rely on someone else. But I’m learning a little at a time that God wants me to rely on Him, and on…you.” She looked away from his probing gaze, feeling much as she had when she’d walked into his office the first time.

  Fearful. Anxious. At his mercy.

  “What is it?” Nick cupped her face, turning it.

  “The stalker’s first victim called earlier looking for me.” She covered his hand with hers. “I called her back. She wants to talk. She told me the place where she’s going to be in an hour. Nick, I need you to take me to her.”

  He stiffened and dropped his hand. “How do you know it was really her?”

  “She said her name was Nancy.”

  “Nancy Chandler,” he paused. “I’ve already obtained detailed statements from her. What else could she have to say to you that she didn’t already tell me?” He crossed his arms and studied her as if she had all the answers.

  “I don’t know. Maybe she’s remembered something since she talked to you. I think it’s worth checking out.”

  He rubbed his hand across his jaw and blew out a deep breath.

  “Please, Nick.” Cali cringed at the desperation in her voice. Her heart drummed hard against her chest as she waited for his reply.

  “I’ve been telling you to stay out of the investigation since we met. What makes you think I’d willingly take you right into the middle of it now?”

  She shrugged and dropped her voice into a whisper. “Because I’m not a stranger anymore.”

  He shook his head and rested his hands on his hips. “That’s even more reason for me to want to keep you out of it. I care about you Cali. I don’t want anything happening to you.”

  “You’ll be right there. What can happen?”

  When Nick remained silent, she added, “I want to help. I need to do something. I cannot stand on the sidelines and watch. I need to be a part of this. Serena means so much to me.”

  His features softened as his gaze swept over her. “Cali…”

  She took a hesitant step closer and sucked in a shaky breath. “You’ve been telling me I’m not in control…that I try to carry too much load on my shoulders. I’m willing to give up that load, and I’m willing to trust you. It’s your choice, Nick, and I trust you to make the right one.”

  Nick looked into the clear-blue depths of Cali’s eyes and saw the truth. She meant what she said. A sense of satisfaction swept over him, knowing he had gotten through to her. But the pressure of the decision lay heavily on his shoulders. He wanted to keep Cali as safe as possible, and allowing her deeper into the investigation could be dangerous. However, Nancy Chandler must have called for a reason.

  The intercom crackled. “Sheriff. Deputy Owen is calling for you.”

  Glancing at the intercom, Nick stepped to it and pressed the button. “Put him through, Helen,” he said, glad for the temporary interruption.

  “I’ll wait outside.” Cali started to leave.

  “No. Stay here. It’ll only take a minute.” The call came through and he answered it, not bothering to sit. “Justice.”

  “It’s a dead end.”

  “Are you sure?”


  He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Come on back in.” He hung up. Another possible lead had ended up nowhere, leaving very few options. Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to let Cali talk to the victim after all.

  Decision made, he looked at her and said, “All right. I’ll take you. But…”

  Before he finished his sentence, she surprised him by springing into his arms. “Thank you, Nick.”

  There she was with her arms wrapped around his waist, pressing against him again, and he knew within a split second he was going to kiss her.

  He should keep her at a distance to protect her, and to keep her from becoming a distraction. But, at this point, no amount of common sense could change his mind. He set his reservations aside and wrapped an arm around her, keeping her from drawing away. He cupped a hand on the nape of her neck, and tilted her head, bringing her lips close. Surprise registered on her face, and she gasped right before he brought his mouth to hers and felt the soft dampness of her lips pressed against his. He teased her lips apart, taking more of what he’d wanted since he first met her. He took his time, caressing her mouth. She leaned into him, and her skin heated beneath his touch.

  He released her lips and placed feathery kisses on her forehead, her temple, and her cheek. He dipped his head, catching the light fragrance of roses in her hair, on her skin.

  He didn’t want to let her go, but knew he had to.

  When he drew away, her eyes had turned a shade darker, reminding him of the storm-tossed sea. He took a full step back, enjoying the fresh blush spreading across her features.

  “I didn’t see that coming,” her voice wavered as she looked away and smoothed her hair.

  “I’ll be sure to warn you next time.”

  Her blush deepened and her gaze darted around the office. Nick grinned, satisfied he had stirred her as much as she had stirred him.

  A knock sounded at his door, making Cali jump. She stepped back as a guilty expression crossed her face. Nick sobered instantly. Guilt was the last thing he wanted her to feel as a result of his kiss.

  Nick reminded himself where he was, and what he should be doing. “Come in.” His voice sounded raspy, and he wished he had cleared his throat before speaking. He straightened and watched the door.

  Helen peeked through. “Here’s a copy of the report you asked for.” She walked in and handed the folder to him, assessing him first, and then Cali with her gaze. “It is a little warm in here, Sheriff. I’ll set the air-conditioner lower.” The hint of a knowing smile tugged at the corner of her lips, and her eyes sparkled. Nick assumed Helen had noticed the blush on both of their faces.

  “Good idea,” he agreed.

  Helen stepped out, closing the door as she walked away. Apparently, Mrs. Mayes wasn’t the only one who had decided he should have a woman in his life. Nick’s thoughts strayed to Cali, along with his gaze. He swallowed as his heart continued to race. The more time he spent with Cali, the more he began to think Mrs. Mayes and Helen could be right.

  Focusing back on the office, Nick stepped to the desk and placed the report on top of a neatly stacked pile, then picked up the note Cali had left beside the telep
hone. “Half Shell Road. We’d better get going or we’ll be late.” He started for the door, but at the last second stopped to pick up the pictures Helen had snapped at the press conference.

  Cali looked at him with a question in her eyes, and the glimmer of hope she always carried with her.

  He shook his head. “Don’t get your hopes up. We didn’t find anything unusual in the pictures.”

  “I’d still like to see them.”

  “Later. We have to get to the beach. Nancy Chandler isn’t the type of woman who likes to be kept waiting.”

  Night Waves

  Night Waves

  Chapter Fifteen

  Cali found Nancy Chandler before Nick had a chance to point her out. She held a long, thin cigarette in her mouth as she sat alone at the edge of a sand dune with her knees drawn, and her chin held high. She peered out over the ocean, and appeared to be lost in thought.

  Her lips formed a thin line, which parted to take a drag on the cigarette. Slivers of gray streaked her mousy brown hair, which she had pulled back into a severe bun at the base of her neck. Her long, beak-like nose jutted out farther than her sunken chin. Hostility manifested in her narrow, jade-colored eyes, as she glanced over and spotted Nick.

  “I didn’t say anything about bringing the law with you,” her raspy voice grated as she turned her focus on Cali.

  “Nick only wants to help.”

  “Nick is it?” Nancy’s eyebrows lifted.

  Cali straightened her spine. “Yes. Nick.”

  “Well, I didn’t call Nick, did I?”

  Cali looked at Nick, about to defend him, but he held his hands up in surrender. “I’ll be down at the water.” He met Cali’s eyes briefly before turning and walking away.

  Her focus returned to the woman, and she couldn’t help but wonder why the stalker had picked such a rude, unattractive person as a target.

  “Not what you thought I’d look like, huh?” Nancy asked as if she read Cali’s thoughts.

  “You’re not what I expected.”

  “Who knows why the guy picked me.” She took a long puff on her cigarette and shifted her gaze to Cali, letting out a low humorless laugh. “I know I’m not the most attractive woman on the island, but I don’t think that’s what matters to him.”

  Cali’s interest peaked. “What do you mean?” She positioned herself in the sand a few feet away.

  Nancy shook her head. “I…” her voice trailed off. She stared at the sea for a few moments. Her cigarette burned to the filter and she snuffed it out in the sand. She immediately lit another. “Care for a cancer stick?” Nancy held up her pack of cigarettes.

  “No.” Cali’s patience had already worn thin. “What makes you say attraction doesn’t matter to him?”

  Nancy blew out a deep, smoke-filled breath. “The way he looked at me.”

  “You saw what he looked like?”

  “Not his face. But I did see his eyes through his mask. Dark, evil eyes.” A deep shiver passed through the hardened woman.

  Cali felt a pang of sympathy break through. “I’m sorry this happened to you.”

  Nancy shook her head. “You don’t even know what happened. How can you be sorry?”

  “Then tell me.”

  “I have memories. Fuzzy flashbacks. I don’t know which are dreams and which are reality. He kept me drugged. At least that’s what the sheriff believes happened. I don’t know exactly. All I know is two weeks of my life are now mostly a horrifying blur.”

  Nick stood at the shoreline as Cali waited for more details from Nancy. He occasionally glanced at them, before returning his focus to the crashing surf. Cali slid her feet deeper into the sand, completely covering them, as questions tumbled through her mind.

  “I shouldn’t have called you.” Nancy started to rise.

  “No wait!” Confusion reeled through her. “You wanted me to know something. What was it?”

  Nancy hesitated. “I told the sheriff everything I can remember.” She stood, crossing her arms.

  “You’re shivering. Is there something you don’t want to tell him? Something personal?” She rose to stand beside Nancy. “Then tell me. Maybe I can help.”

  “You think you know it all? You think you can waltz right in and solve my problems?”

  “You called me. Remember?” A rush of anger surfaced. “If you want to tell me something, do it. Otherwise, stop wasting my time.”

  A smile spread across the woman’s lips. “Yes, I did call you. And now, I’m not disappointed. I watched the press conference. I saw your determination.”


  “And I wanted to see you in person. I wanted to know if you have what it takes to do something.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This island needs someone like you.”


  “You. You’re a reporter aren’t you? Write some articles.” Nancy waved her hand, her cigarette sending spirals of smoke into the air. “Start a program. I don’t know.” Tears welled in her eyes, before she quickly swiped them away. “People need to know such evil exists, even in paradise. The man who took me. He’s strong. He’s obsessive. And, he could be anyone.” She fanned her hands out. “Absolutely anyone.”

  Cali recognized fear in Nancy’s eyes and her defenses softened.

  “I can understand you wanting to find your friend. But just remember, when Serena is released, he’ll still be out there. Waiting. Watching for more victims.”

  “Nick’s going to catch him,” Cali said with confidence.

  “Eventually. But what happens until then? What if that monster stays on the streets long enough to kidnap another woman? What about the other criminals out there preying on innocent people? You can help, Cali. Use your determination and your skills as a reporter to make people aware of the dangers.”

  “This isn’t what I expected.”

  “I know what you expected. I told you I know what kind of man has Serena. And I will tell you. But, promise me you’ll consider helping to raise awareness.”

  Desperation entered Nancy’s gaze, something Cali would not have thought possible a few minutes ago. Her voice softened as she saw through the woman’s tough exterior. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “I suppose that’s all I can ask.” Nancy ground out her cigarette before stuffing the remnants into her pocket. “Now, about the guy who took me. I have a hunch about him.”

  “A hunch?”

  “Yeah. But, you won’t find it in the official reports.” She sighed. “The sheriff wants evidence, not intuition.”

  “You can tell Nick anything. He would listen.”

  A glimmer appeared in Nancy’s eyes. “You’ve got a thing for him?”

  Cali didn’t respond verbally, but she knew the blush on her face gave her away.

  “It’s only natural. He is hot.” Nancy stated easily, as if revealing a simple fact about the weather.

  “About the stalker?” Cali prodded, somewhat irritated and afraid Nancy would stray from the subject again.

  “He’s organized. Smart. He wants to have authority. He seemed to thrive by controlling me.”

  “You didn’t tell the sheriff this?”

  “Yeah, I did. But I didn’t tell him I think the stalker’s from the island.”

  “What makes you think he lives here? A hunch?”

  “Something like that.”

  “If there’s something you’re not saying…”

  “I recall smelling alcohol on him a time or two. I didn’t mention it because I’m not positive about it.”

  “Is there anything else?”

  Nancy blew out a breath. “No.”

  “You should’ve told Nick about the alcohol. He may be hanging around bars. Looking for more victims.”

  “Yeah, well, smelling Piña Coladas and Margaritas in a vacation community isn’t that rare, you know.”

  “He should know,” Cali insisted.

  Nancy stepped back. “You tell him. I’m outta here.” She tu
rned and headed toward the pathway leading to the parking lot.

  Cali discovered the reason for Nancy’s abrupt departure. Nick was approaching.

  “I gather she’s done talking,” he said as he walked to Cali. “I get the feeling she doesn’t like me.”

  “She might not like you, but at least she thinks you’re cute.” Cali couldn’t bring herself to say the word hot, because that’s exactly what she was thinking as he stood beside her with his broad shoulders outlined by his snug fitting T-shirt, and his deep-blue eyes drawing her in. She had to be careful, or she might get caught staring again.


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