Corps Security: The Series

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Corps Security: The Series Page 52

by Harper Sloan

  “I want to feel you,” I plead, trying to pull his shirt over his shoulders without losing his mouth on my skin. “Please . . .”

  He pushes himself off of my body, and in seconds, his shirt is ripped off and thrown over his shoulder. He reaches forward, and in a swift move that would make a magician proud, takes mine and tosses it away, both shirt and bra flying across the room. I look down at my tits, wondering when in the hell he managed to get my bra off but the second his hard body moves back between my spread legs, and his warm mouth closes around one of my painfully hard nipples, all rational thoughts fly out the window.

  The next few minutes are a flurry of limbs, wet mouths, and flying clothes. I vaguely register the sting of his hardwood floor when we roll off the kitchen table and crash to the floor. I hear, almost as if I’m standing in a tunnel, the splinter of wood and a crash in the distance, but with his mouth and tongue dancing against my body, I’m happy to ignore everything but this man.

  “Are you ready for me, Dee?”

  I look down my body and see him up on his knees, stroking with lazy movements, the largest cock that I have ever had the pleasure of seeing.

  “Holy shit,” I whisper. I have no doubt in my mind that even when Beck isn’t ready for some fun, this man looks just as impressive then as he does now. Rock hard, thick shaft, and mouthwatering, smooth skin makes me lick my lips in anticipation, and just nod my head.

  “I’m not sure you are. I can smell how much you want me, and let me tell you, it is taking all my strength to stop from taking you hard and fast. I bet your pussy tastes as sweet as the rest of you. I’m going to get you good and ready for me, and enjoy every damn second of it.” He removes his hand and I whimper when he stops touching himself. “Don’t worry, you’ll have me soon enough.”

  And then, he bends forward and licks from end to end with one agonizingly slow stroke before closing his mouth around my clit and sucking. Hard. Just like that, I slap my hands against the floor, arch my back, and come. I can feel his growl of approval against my oversensitive skin, which does nothing more than intensify my orgasm when I feel the vibrations.

  “More.” His demand has me shaking my head and mumbling incoherent words. “Yes, more.” He slows down his assault, licking and nibbling, paying attention to every inch of my drenched pussy. Every inch, but the one spot I want his lips back on. He leans up, and I take in his glistening lips and chin. With one brow arched, and his smirk in place, he brings his hands up, and with two long, thick fingers, enters me with one firm push. Curling his fingers slightly, and finding that bundle of nerves guaranteed to drive me over the edge, again he whispers, “More.” Then his lips, his full and perfect lips, are right back against my clit. He sucks, licks, bites, and in seconds, he hits my spot again, and I fly. I don’t just fly, I freaking soar.

  I’m pretty sure I blacked out. Hell, I might’ve died and gone to Heaven, had tea with Jesus, and then fallen back to earth. He is that good. When I’m finally able to focus, I can feel his lips kissing a path back up my body. When his face is level with mine again, I notice the smirk I’ve started craving is long gone. He is looking at me as if I’m the last scrap of food left on the planet. He looks at me like he can see right through me, and if I was smart, that look would terrify me.

  “Delicious.” One word, spoken with so much hunger, he actually makes me believe it. When his lips press against mine and start feasting again, my toes curl, and another whore-like moan slips up my throat.

  “Please, Beck, I need you inside of me.” I’m not past begging at this point. I would probably sign my soul over to the devil for just a taste of him pounding into my body. “Please, take me.”

  “My pleasure,” he rumbles before reaching between us. I feel the head of his cock rub against my clit, and my eyes roll back. He rubs against me a few more times before I feel the solid length at my entrance, pressing against the resistance my body seems to be giving him.

  “Condom . . .” I squeeze out between gasps of pleasure.

  “Already on,” he pants. “When you were passed out from pleasure.” My eyes fly open at his smug tone. I meet his hypnotizing stare before his lip turns up and he pushes forward. In one swift thrust, he settles himself balls deep. My nails bite into the skin on his sides, my toes curl, and I throw my head back, screaming his name so loudly, I’m sure the windows will explode. His forehead is resting against my shoulder, his warm breath bathing my skin in rapid bursts as he struggles for control.

  I squirm, trying to get him to move, and his head pops up. His eyes, so dark and full of promise, narrow slightly. “Do. Not. Move.” He pants. I grip him, tightening not only my legs, but also my walls, as they close around his thick cock. He groans and drops his head against my shoulder again. “Please. I want this to last, not be over in two seconds.” If there hadn’t been so much desperation in that almost begging request, I might have tormented him a little longer.

  When he finally starts moving, I have a brief thought that he has ruined me for any other man. Fireworks are going off, my ears are ringing, and my throat is raw from screaming out in the pure, raw pleasure he has me drowning in. Every single nerve ending seems to be firing at once; my skin is slick with sweat and on fire as my orgasm builds strength. All sense of time and reality fly out the window as he takes me hard against the kitchen floor. When my climax hits, I lift my hips off the floor and grab his firm ass tight, grinding my clit against his pelvis, and screaming out his name.

  “BECK! Oh God! Beck!”

  “More.” His voice sounds almost animalistic. His eyes drink me in. They look completely black to the point that you can’t tell where his pupils are. All traces of the chocolate color are gone, and in their place is the hunger he feels for me. It completely takes over, and with it, the control he’s held in check all night snaps.

  We move together as if our bodies have been made just for each other. We switch positions, and when I drop my weight onto his lap, and feel him hit deep inside me, I almost lose it. Our dance for dominance continues when he flips me onto my back again, driving his pelvis in deep. Minutes, hours, days . . . I’m completely lost as this man takes me. The smell of our arousal is as intoxicating as the man driving himself into my body. There isn’t an inch of our bodies that isn’t touching.

  “Ouch!” When my head hits something solid, he flips us again, and his hands, so large they almost touch, grab my hips, lift me off his lap, and then ram me back down. And just like that, my core clenches tight, and I feel the ribbons of pleasure starting to uncoil. Knowing I’m seconds away from yet another climax, I bring my hands down against his rock hard pecs and look into his eyes. His handsome face is drawn tight, his brows furrowed, his nostrils flaring, and his plump bottom lip between his teeth. I know, without a doubt, that he’s just as close, if not closer, than I am to reaching his relief. I can feel it building, our pleasure reaching its peak together.

  I’ve never thought it was possible to lose consciousness, but still be aware of your surroundings. He seems to have gained some third wind, and in a speed I can’t quite understand, we are rolling again. Furniture crashing, glass breaking, and through it all, his hips keep a steady rhythm against my body. I bring my hands up and grab ahold of his ass once again, enjoying the feel of his firm muscles flexing under my hands.

  His balls slap painfully against my ass, and his grunts pick up speed. In a tangle of limbs, slick skin, and grunts of pleasure, we both come undone. Completely spent and connected, he crashes his big body down against my chest. Neither one of us is ready to break the spell.

  I’ve never felt as vulnerable as I do in this moment. Not even my brief past relationships have ever made me feel like all my walls have crumbled so instantaneously. My mind is telling me to run, and my body is telling me to never let go.

  It scares the ever-loving shit out of me.

  I know in this moment, trapped between a rock hard body, and an even harder floor, that this man has all the power in the world to completely crush

  When he seems to come back to earth, he leans up on his elbows, gives me a sweet kiss, and just looks at me. It feels as if he is looking right into my soul, and seeing everything I have never wanted anyone to see. He sees me.

  “Come on, let’s take this upstairs. I’m nowhere near done with you.” He kisses me again, offering a few, small, barely there presses against my lips before pulling out of my body with a groan. He looks around, shakes his head a few times, and softly chuckles under his breath. “Looks like I need to call a housekeeper and a furniture shop. And what is that smell?”

  I must look as confused as I feel over that comment, because he throws his head back and laughs. “Look around you. You could level a house with that powerful pussy.”

  My jaw drops at his crass comment, but when I look around at the destruction of his once perfectly organized kitchen, I can feel my cheeks fire.

  “Oh my God! Did we do this?” He pulls me off the floor and before answering, he pulls off the condom. Turning to look where I assume the trash can used to be, he lets out another laugh. I forget, for a second, the mess around us when he bends forward, and picks up the can and small amount of trash that spilled when it toppled over. My palms itch to take his firm globes in my hand and squeeze. He is head-to-toe tan, hard, and full of deliciously bulging muscles.

  Shaking my head a few times before he catches me mentally molesting him, I take the room in again. The kitchen table is toppled over with at least one broken leg. Three of his four chairs are broken and in pieces around the table. There are a few pieces of what looks like a broken plate scattered around. Two bar stools are on their side. A house phone ripped out of the wall, mail on the floor, a hole in the wall near the floor, and peanut butter covers most of the floor around us.

  What the hell?

  “I had a feeling that you would be a wildcat.” He laughs softly, taking my hand in his and pulling me towards the stairs. And me? I just follow him, even with my mind still screaming to run, trapped completely under his spell and not ready to find the cure.



  It’s been two months since I first took Dee home with me. Two months of the best sex I’ve ever had in my life. Two months, and I still don’t feel like she’s opened up once. I can see the war behind her eyes. She wants to want me, to want us, but it’s almost as if she’s afraid to let go of whatever fear I still see dancing behind her eyes. It’s not as strong as it was when I first met her, but it’s still there, and I don’t know what to do about it.

  I’ve given into her whole ‘this will only be sex’ bullshit, because honestly, I never thought she would be so bullheaded about it. I think I’m an okay guy. I still call my mom every Sunday to check in, and my little sisters say I would make the best boyfriend. Some crap about how being raised by women means that there is no way I can screw a relationship up.

  Never, not once, in my thirty-two years have I craved a woman the way I crave Denise Roberts. She gets under my skin like no other. She walks into the room, and I want to be near her. If one of the guys talks to her, I want to gut them, skin them, and maybe even behead them. She laughs, not one of those fake as hell ones she always gives Izzy and Greg, but the soul expressing belly laugh that she only gives me when we are alone. I’m near her, and the only thing I want is to claim her, make her mine, and let everyone around us know.

  It’s not for lack of trying that I haven’t been able to break down her walls. I can see past it all. The happiness that doesn’t touch her eyes. Those moments when we’re out as a group and she looks like her world has crashed. The times that she sees a happy couple strolling down the street, and immediately, her face is full of deep longing. I just don’t understand why. I can tell, deep down, that she wants someone to hold her hand through life, but damn if she’ll let anyone do it.

  There isn’t even any doubt in my mind. She’s worth sticking this out for and finding the diamond hidden beneath all the dirt.

  Now, here we are after two months of constant companionship, almost nightly sex, and just about everything else a ‘couple’ does without the label. I’ve tried. She knows where I stand, but she is firm. She wants all the exclusiveness without the title. To her, there will never be an ‘us,’ and if I’m not happy sharing her bed, then I can take a hike.

  It’s those moments when I want to wring her fucking neck.

  “Still chasing after the uncatchable, huh?” I look away from where Dee is standing with Izzy, her head thrown back in laughter, and her rich brown hair falling in curls down her back. Her jeans tightly hug her ass, begging for my hands, and her tits are about to burst through the thin material of her tee. Jesus, how pathetic am I?

  “I’m not chasing.”

  Maddox raises his brow. Yeah, I’m pretty sure he knows I’m full of shit. Even to my own ears, it sounds like a lie, because chasing is exactly what I’m doing.

  “Right. And how’s that working out for you?” He takes a pull of his beer, glancing around the room before his dark eyes return to me.

  I don’t say anything because really, what is there to say? I look around the room, trying to find a distraction. “What do you think about that?” I point my beer towards where Axel is sitting on the couch.

  “Don’t know. Shit doesn’t make sense, though.” And with that, he gets up and moves over to the couch, turning his attention back to the game.

  At least I’m not the only one in relationship limbo. Fuck, I sound like a damn chick. Relationship limbo? My sisters would have a field day with that one. Dee saunters back into the room and drops her fine ass right in my lap. It takes everything in me not to throw her down on the floor and claim what’s mine. Rip her clothes off and ram my dick so far into her warm, wet body that she won’t be able to walk for weeks. I grunt and try to adjust my erection, only to get a giggle from Dee when she realizes what she’s done to me.

  “Need some help there, Big Boy?”

  Her warm breath against my ear only causes me to get even harder. Painfully hard.

  “Don’t tease me unless you want an audience when I fuck you.” My words come out harsher than I meant, and her eyes widen before filling with the same desire that’s coursing through my veins.

  “Later, I promise.” She leans in and whispers, her lips against mine before laying her head against my shoulder, and turning her attention to the football game.

  It’s moments like this that remind me why I’m fighting so hard to make this girl mine. She’s close; I can see it in her eyes when she looks at me. She looks at me like I’m sure I look at her. As if just being around each other makes the world a little easier. I sigh and pull her tighter against my arms, just enjoying the moment.

  I’m not sure how much time has passed when the doorbell chimes. Dee and I have been so wrapped in our bubble with the lust turned up high that we’ve been pretty much ignoring everyone. Dee goes to get off my lap and answer the door but Izzy waves her off.

  The events that follow will forever replay in my mind. Izzy had been gone for a few minutes before all hell breaks loose and complete chaos erupts around us. When we all make it to the porch, and see the state that Izzy is in it is like living a nightmare. Having someone attack her right under our noses doesn’t sit well with any of us, but amidst the insanity that follows, I can’t do anything but watch as my girl slips a little further away. By the time the ambulance arrives she has crawled so far into herself that I doubt I’ll ever get her to turn it back around.

  I hold her while she tries her hardest to keep it together for Izzy, and it breaks a little piece of me. I would give anything to take this from her, but I know she won’t let me.

  “It’s okay, Dee. We’ll leave now and meet them at the hospital. Axel won’t let anything happen to her.” She doesn’t move for the longest time, so I repeat myself. Once my words finally filter through her haze, she jumps.

  “I need to be with her, Beck. She needs me.” Her eyes are frantic, but her tone is deadly calm. It’s almost
as if she’s trained herself how to act. I narrow my eyes at her, watching her take in everything. Her eyes keep sweeping around the room as if waiting for another threat. What the hell is going on here?

  “All right, Wildcat. Let’s get the truck, and we can drive them.” She doesn’t seem to hear me so I try again. “Come on, Dee. Axel has Izzy, see? He told the EMT that he was taking her, so let’s go get in the truck, and we can drive them. Okay?” She nods but continues to look around in her manic way. I keep my arm tight around her, and call out to Axel to follow us to the truck, and just like that, Dee seems to relax. Not much, but it’s something.

  * * *

  We make it to the hospital in record time. Axel still refuses to leave Izzy’s side, and Dee is in no shape to take over care, so after telling the staff he’s her fiancé they don’t give us any issues about him staying with her. Coop and Maddox sit silently in the waiting room while Greg paces in tight rotations around the room. Doesn’t take a leap to see how upset he is.

  I’m more worried about Dee. She hasn’t stopped shaking since we left her house. Her hands are literally vibrating with nervous energy. Her eyes are still crazy, and every few minutes, she lifts her head up from where she’s been staring at her lap and takes in every single square inch of the room. She then drops her chin back to her chest and watches her hands fidget once again. She’s shutting down, and I have no clue how to stop it from happening.

  “Let’s go get something to eat, all right?” I speak softly, but she practically jumps out of her seat. Her hands fly up to her mouth, and her eyes do another sweep of the room. “I’ve got you, Dee. I’m right here. I won’t let anything happen to you.” She still won’t stop her worried gaze around the room. I try to calm her down by whispering reassuring words, but she can’t calm herself down. I’m about to open my mouth to try again when Maddox steps in front of where she’s sitting. I raise my head and give him a questioning look, waiting to see what he’s up to.


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