The Billionaire and the Bartender: Aidan's story (The Billionaires Book 2)

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The Billionaire and the Bartender: Aidan's story (The Billionaires Book 2) Page 8

by Gisele St. Claire

  “Come with me.” I said, and I pulled her in the direction of the stock room. As the girlfriend of the boss no one blinked an eye when they saw tears in my own, about us going in there.

  In there I told Amelia everything.

  “Oh my God. What a mess. Why don’t you just tell him?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “I just want to leave quietly and go and do my course. I’ve given up so much for relationships before. So, I can’t put myself out there again. I just can’t. Amelia, I’m emotionally battered. I need time out from men.”

  She sighed. “Please stay in touch with me, Lori, I think we could be good friends.”

  “I will, I promise.” I told her. “Please don’t tell Henry, or if you do, don’t let Eli find out. Aidan wants him to ask his assistant out. He says he knows it would be good for him.”

  “He’s just a softie at heart, isn’t he?” She smiled. “You know, he helped get me and Henry together? Made him jealous.”

  “He’s a great guy.” I admitted.

  “So why not try?” Amelia pleaded. “What have you got to lose?”

  We walked back out to the bar area, and I looked over at Aidan. We’d both done some ridiculous things, but could we actually try? Would he be willing to take things slow while I did my college course?

  “I’ll give it a shot.” I told her and she emitted a shriek.

  With a hand squeeze from Amelia and a “Go get your man,” I walked over to him.

  He turned to me, those eyes filled with confusion. “Do you have a minute?” I asked him.


  “I think this is how I want to deliver my message,” I told him and I leaned up, my heels having made me almost as tall as he was and I kissed him on the mouth.

  “This is a very peculiar boy’s night, unless she’s hiding a dick down there and I don’t think that’s the case with that tight dress.” I spun around to see Ember standing beside us.

  “Mr. Hall. The movie got stuck.” A panic-stricken employee yelled, surprising us all.

  “So put another one on and in future ask Ashley about anything like that.” Aidan rolled his eyes as the young guy left. “Jesus. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing anymore.” He looked at me. “Lori. Could you just give me a minute while I speak with Ember?”

  I nodded and walked back over to Amelia. I brought her up to date and then we watched for almost fifteen minutes while Aidan and Ember talked. At times it became heated but eventually she left. I noticed the upset in her eyes as she gave me a glance on her way out.

  Aidan came walking back over towards me.

  “I don’t understand what you were getting at before.” He said. “Shall we sit down somewhere?”

  “It’s her. I told you it’s her.” A voice yelled and people started to stare.

  “It’s Lorenza LaBelle.”

  What the hell?

  “God, I love your movies.” The middle-aged guy in front of me said. “The one I just saw in the theater with you taking that massive dick in your mouth. God, that’s hot. Any chance I could pay to get mine in your mouth?”

  The numbers all added up. My movie was playing in the theater. I had no idea how the fuck that had happened. All I knew was that Aidan was looking at me in horror and Amelia was looking stunned. So I did the only thing I could think of. I threw the stupid high heels off and ran out of the club, pushing people away from me. I slipped inside a staff bathroom until I could be sure that Aidan was convinced I’d left, and then I left through the back entrance, the ones the celebrities used and I went home.

  Chapter 11


  I was desperate to get to Lori, who was clearly upset about her identity being revealed in front of Amelia, but I was stuck at the club and would be for a few hours yet. There’d been a punch up between a jealous husband and a lover that I needed to deal with directly. I was desperate to see her and yet stuck with these two idiots who couldn’t handle their alcohol.

  Finally, I returned to the bar. Amelia and H were about to leave. Elias had gone some time ago, supposedly to get an early night so he could get up the nerve to ask his assistant out tomorrow. He’d told me that if it went to shit I’d to give him Ashley as a replacement assistant, so I hoped to God it went well.

  “You need to go to see Lori, straight away.” Said Amelia. “You keep fucking this up.”

  “Amelia. It’s complicated.” I told her.

  “Only because you’re both making it that way. Just a moment,” she said to H, “I need a quiet word with your friend.”

  She pulled me to the side. “Amelia told me all about the bet. Now, I can’t promise I won’t tell Henry but I see no harm in waiting until Eli has his date.”

  I looked at the floor. “I’m sorry for lying, Amelia. The truth is she was a bartender here, but she was also a movie actress at GoDown and I hired her to be my girlfriend.”

  “Well, she didn’t tell me about her other career but she told me about you hiring her and why it was so important to you that you won. Eli is lucky to have a friend like you.”

  “I screwed up though. Lori is a lovely woman, and I devalued her. I lost a friend.”

  “You’ve lost more than a friend right now. That’s why you need to go after her. She came to you to confess everything but then that stupid other woman turned up. Who was she?”

  “Ember is someone I have really been dating, albeit platonically. But I’ve messed that up by falling in love with a lesbian.”

  Amelia looked at me strangely. “She didn’t get a chance to tell you?”

  It was my turn to get a furrowed brow. “Tell me what?”

  Amelia sighed. “Lori isn’t gay, Aidan. She told you that as she didn’t want a relationship. She wanted to focus on her career after what happened with her last one. I’d persuaded her that you were worth taking a chance on. That’s why she came over to you.”

  My jaw dropped. “She’s not…”


  I kissed her cheek. “Amelia, I need to go. I need to leave right now. Tell Ashley to close up the club.”

  “Henry and I will take care of it all. He used to own this, remember?”

  “Whatever you think. Right, I’m going.” I said, and I ran out of the club.

  I arrived at Lori’s apartment and I knocked quietly on the door. There was no answer, so I quickly typed into my cell.

  BBBF: I’m outside and if you don’t let me in I will bang loudly and wake up all your neighbors.

  There was a minutes wait and then.

  GBBF: God, you billionaires are impossible.

  The door opened, and I raced in scooping her up in my arms and heading straight for the bedroom. I threw her down on the bed. “Answer me.” I stood with my arms folded looking down on her. “Are you gay?”

  “No.” She shook her head.

  “So when we had sex last time, that really was as fantastic as I thought it was?”

  She sighed. “It was amazing.”

  “Do you want to be my girlfriend, Lori? I don’t need a woman who sits at home but do you understand my business keeps me out at all hours and there’s lots of sex around?”

  “Yes, I do want to be your girlfriend.” She replied. “And I’m a retired porn star. Do you accept that sex has been part of my career?”

  “I do.” I said.

  She hitched her dress up from the bottom, showing me that she’d been sans panties all night.

  “Don’t expect to see daylight tomorrow.” I told her and I moved towards the bed.

  My head was spinning - she was mine, mine, mine. I shrugged off my clothes and moved alongside her on the bed. I pulled her onto her side facing me and I moved my mouth on hers. My dick hardened as we kissed the fuck out of each other. No holds barred, this was fierce, intense.

  I moved my hand between her thighs and trailed my fingers through her wet heat. She was soaked, her pussy juices drenching my fingers. I slipped a finger inside her and she moaned against me, lifting her pelvis to me
et my hand.

  I pushed my tongue inside her mouth and tangled it with her own. My fingers moved from inside her pussy to her clit and I teased her bud until she was gasping into my mouth.

  “Oh God, yes, Oh God, don’t stop.”

  She didn’t need to worry; I had no intention of stopping. I fully intended to fuck this woman until she was incapable of walking.

  I continued to flick her clit, the little moans from her mouth making my dick hard as a rock. If I wasn’t careful, she would have me coming from her moans alone.

  “I’m close, so, so close.” She told me and I finger-fucked her with three digits until she exploded all over my fingers, her pussy contracting around them.

  She panted like she was out of breath and laid her head back against the pillow. “Oh my God. It’s never been like that for me ever. I don’t know what you do to me, Aidan, but it’s intense.

  I grabbed her hand and placed it on my cock. “Feel what you do to me. I want to be inside you so damn bad.”

  She stroked my length up and down, “Do it, please fuck me. I can’t wait any longer.”

  After removing her clothes I slid my body over the top of her naked form. She was exquisite. My body taking satisfaction in being against her silky smooth skin. I buried my face in her neck: biting, nibbling and kissing, feeling her skin goose bump. Then I lined myself between her thighs and pushed into her pussy. I groaned, and she gasped. It just felt perfect. There was no other word for it. I’d fucked many women but all I could think was how different this was. This was the second time I’d been inside her and it felt like I was coming home. We fit together perfectly, our bodies synchronized. I took my time, withdrawing from her and then enjoying her welcoming heat as I sunk back inside her. She wrapped her legs around me and used her thigh strength to encourage me to move faster. She wanted more? Then I’d give it to her. I increased my thrusts, feeling her moving back against me and once again hearing the noises from her mouth. But these were no longer little moans. Lori was begging me to fuck her, to make her come. My girl liked to talk dirty.

  “What do you want me to do to you, Lori?” I asked her.

  “I want you to fuck me. To make me come so hard.” She said.

  Maybe a lesser man would have questioned if this was the porn star in action, but I knew my Lori and I was getting to know her body and this was all for me. As I felt myself approach orgasm, and anticipated hers as she tightened, I stuck a digit into her puckered hole as her first tremors started.

  “Oh my fucking God. Yes, yes, yes.” She screamed as she convulsed around me, her pussy juices running down. She was so goddamn wet. I carried on thrusting inside her, increasing to a frantic speed and being rougher. Before long she was ready to explode around me again. This time she took me with her. My balls tightened and then my spunk spurted inside her again and again. I came so hard at one point my vision went black. I collapsed against the mattress, pulling her into my arms.

  “That was phenomenal.” I told her.

  “It was amazing.” She said. “I can’t wait to do it again.”

  “Oh we will,” I told her. And we did.


  My God. I’d had plenty of sex in my time but sex with Aidan was incredible. We’d been like rabbits, on and off all night long until eventually exhaustion overtook us both and we’d fallen into slumber.

  I stared at the alarm clock - 8:17 am. There was nowhere I needed to be, but I presumed that Aidan did. I nudged him awake.


  “It’s almost 8:20 am. Do you need to get to work?”

  He sighed and pulled me towards him. “Don’t look at the clock. It’s going to spoil our fun.”

  “So you do need to be at work?”

  “Not yet,” he told me with a suggestive look in his eye.

  I lowered myself down the sheets and met his morning glory. “Hmmm, someone’s awake.” I said. Then I wrapped my hand around his girth and took him into my mouth. Aidan came awake pretty quickly after that. He ran a hand through my hair then wrapped it around his fist and guided me up and down his cock. I didn’t mind him directing me. I was enjoying the satisfaction of hearing his groans as I relaxed my throat and took him to the very back of my mouth.

  When he came, I swallowed every last drop.

  After another bout of ‘take my breath away’ sex, I relaxed back into Aidan’s arms.

  “I know it might sound stupid to you, but I never swallowed before. That was a first for me.” I told him.

  He caressed my hair and trailed his fingers down my neck.

  “Well, Lori, I love you, and that’s a first for me.” He said.


  “I know. It’s too soon.” He said quickly. “Well, I’m going to leave you here in this bed for a while if that’s okay while I just pop to the office and to Abandon to sort a few things that can’t wait, but then I will come right back here and maybe pick up where we left off?”

  “That sounds like a plan.” I told him.

  Because I thought he’d be a while, I got out of bed, showered and dressed. It wouldn’t take me long to shed my clothes again when he came back. I caught myself smiling. He loved me! Oh my God, could that really be the case, or was he just that impressed at me swallowing? I burst out laughing at that thought. We still had so much to talk about because I was still moving to New Jersey. I owed it to myself to get the college education I hankered for and become the person I’d always wanted to be.

  I realized my cell had run out of charge and plugged it in at the wall. Then I did some general tidying up. I decided to change the sheets on the bed so that they were nice and fresh, ready to get dirtied all over again.

  Then my cell went crazy as it got enough power. Beep after beep. I picked it up puzzled and saw a text from Aidan.

  BBBF:Call me.

  I dialed his cell.

  “Thank God. Listen I’m on my way back over. I have your shoes here that you left last night. I know the place is called Abandon, but it doesn’t mean leave your shoes behind.”

  “Oh, is that all? With all the missed calls I thought it was something more urgent.” There was a pause.

  “Yeah, about that. Ember put her exclusive interview with me out on Modern Woman’s website instead of in the magazine, and she added a few extra paragraphs that weren’t part of the interview.”

  “What did she say?”

  “It’s best that you open it up and read it for yourself. But the headline is the Billionaire and the Porn Star.”

  I felt my shoulders tense. Surely not…surely she wasn’t that bitter about what had happened with Aidan that she’d try to crucify him, and me alongside him?

  “Don’t worry too much about it, babe. I might be a billionaire but I’m no one special. It might hold some interest today but by tomorrow Taylor Swift will have a new boyfriend and no one is going to be thinking about us.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Anyway, read it and I’ll be with you shortly.”

  We ended the call.

  I pulled the article up on screen.

  The Billionaire and the Porn Star

  Some of you may already be away of HOT billionaire businessman, Aidan Hall, one of the most eligible bachelors in all of Manhattan. If you haven’t, then prepare to, as this week I was given an exclusive interview with the man himself in his office at Abandon, a members only club. Abandon, formerly the secretive Club S, is Aidan’s new business venture, bringing people’s secret fantasies out in the mainstream. What he didn’t tell me during our interview was that he was dating one of the porn stars from his other business, GoDown films, more on that later…

  Abandon’s sleek wood and brown leather theme means the bar area looks like any normal bar in NYC, but when you’ve had to pass the reception area with its security checks beforehand, you know that is not what you’re about to enter.

  The staff were smartly dressed and attentive to the drink needs of their members to the point where there is a relaxati
on area where drinks can be ordered to your table, a nice touch, when members may need a refreshment break from their fantasy role-playing.

  I was informed by Aidan that staff were strictly off-limits both to members and himself as a professional businessman.

  A tour of the premises revealed that behind the doors at the outside areas of the bar, manned by security staff, were playrooms - both public and private; a stage where people could act their fantasies out in view of other members and have the performance recorded to play again at home; a movie theater playing GoDown movies (obviously); and a BDSM room complete with the usual equipment if anyone wants to enact a Fifty Shades fantasy.

  The piece went on to explore Aidan’s thoughts on bringing the club mainstream and then ended with the ‘exclusive’ on him and me.

  A subsequent impromptu revisit during Aidan Hall’s thirtieth birthday celebrations, made me question everything I’d been told in the interview when it became clear that Aidan actually WAS dating a member of his staff, Lori Jenkins, 28, who had not only worked as a bartender at Abandon until recently but was also a well known face to the adult movie world where she is better known as Lorenza LaBelle. Indeed that evening one of her movies was played in the movie theater, something I have later discovered was an error made by a new member of staff, as Lori/Lorenza had wished to keep her identity secret. Watching the movie you’d be hard pushed to see it was Lori due to the wigs, heavy make up and different color contact lenses she uses, but having met her up close I can confirm that they are one and the same.

  She then finished the piece by saying that she felt that Aidan was a hypocrite saying he was bringing his club mainstream and yet hiding secrets from his clientele. The piece came off as bitter and although I knew, just as Aidan said, it would be forgotten by the majority of people by tomorrow, the fact was that in order to get revenge on Aidan for stringing her along, she’d outed my identity.


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