Take It Like A Vamp

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Take It Like A Vamp Page 8

by Candace Havens

  She grabbed her purse and headed for the door, banana and sunglasses in hand.

  “Casey.” There was something in his voice that caused her to stop her mad dash.

  “Yes.” She didn’t turn around.

  “Are you free tonight? I’d like to take you out.”

  What the hell? He said out. Not on a date. There was a big difference. While they usually hung at her place, they had on occasion gone out for sushi or to see a movie. She couldn’t read too much into it, even though he’d sounded…different when he’d asked. Almost like he’d thought she’d say no.

  “Let me check my schedule when I get to work. Text me later and I’ll let you know.” She rushed out the door.

  What in the hell had happened last night? The harder she tried to think about it, the more the memories floated away.

  He probably wanted to thank her for helping him beat the old gray-haired women off with a stick. Had she? Why couldn’t she remember anything?

  Alcohol really was from the devil. It always made you feel so good—until it didn’t.

  An image of Nick sliding off her clothes staring down at her like she was a cherished box of chocolates flashed in her mind and disappeared as quickly as it had arrived.

  Fact or fiction?

  She snorted. Definitely fiction.

  That’s it. No more liquor. Ever.

  Chapter Nine

  Nick had to woo Casey and he had to do it fast. The longer he waited to claim her, the better the chance someone would kill her. He had to convince her to marry him. As his spouse, she would be protected and off limits to everyone, including Alvinia. After what happened the night before, he’d ordered twenty-four hour security for her, but it wouldn’t be enough. He’d asked his men to be discreet, but she was intelligent. Eventually, she’d figure it out, and he wanted to be married to her before that happened.

  Plastering a smile on his face, he knocked. When she opened the door she motioned she was on the phone. She had changed into a red T-shirt that said “Duck!” and had an abstract line drawing of a Mallard. While he’d never quite understood her choice of clothing, what she wore was often entertaining. The tight shirt accentuated her breasts and paired with the jeans showed her curves in a way that forced him to stick his hands in his pockets to keep from touching her.

  “Yes,” she said as she gave him a brief nod. “See if you can book me on a flight that leaves by about ten in the morning.” She paused. “No, he doesn’t get up until after one, and with the two-hour time difference it gives me plenty of—yes, that’s when he wakes up. Yeah, I wouldn’t mind that schedule myself. I hate mornings. We should be rockstars. Yes, we’d be great, except for the singing part. Remember that night at the karaoke bar when that guy paid us fifty bucks to stop singing?” She laughed. “Okay, thanks.”

  She placed her cell on the counter.

  “Hey, Nick. What’s up?” She eyed him carefully.

  What’s going on in that head?

  “Did you forget?” he asked casually. “We have a date tonight?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You said we were going out.”

  “Yes. That’s what you usually do on a date, unless you want to stay home and watch videos.”

  “I didn’t—Why are you asking me on a date?”

  “I enjoyed our time together last night,” he said. “I feel like it didn’t end on the most positive of notes, what with you getting ill and all.”

  “You don’t owe me anything. Last night was a favor. I don’t expect any kind of repayment. I don’t need some pity date.”

  He sighed. “Casey, I want to go out with you. It’s not repayment. If anything, you’d be doing me another favor. Any time I can hang out with you is treasured.”

  She screwed up her face. “I’m so confused,” she said. “Today at work I had a memory flash. It was you telling someone that I was nothing. I know it was real because the emotions that came with it were very real. It’s the only way I’ve been able to figure out anything today. Do you deny saying that last night?” she challenged.


  Her face fell. “Of all the people in the world Nick, I didn’t think I’d ever have to worry about you playing games. We’ve always been honest with each other. So I’m going to tell you the truth. Last night hurt my feelings. I realize that I have no claim on you and that we aren’t dating. But I thought, at the very least, we were friends. I can’t believe you said that.”

  She grabbed a bottle of water off the table, pivoted on her heel, and left him by the door.

  “Casey, it isn’t at all what you think.” He followed her into the kitchen. “What I said was to protect you.”

  Her eyebrow rose. “Nick, I’m not in the mood. I’m tired and I’ve been fighting a headache all day.”

  “All I ask is that you listen. Give me five minutes and if you don’t feel differently, then I’ll leave.”

  She walked past him to sit on one of the barstools, her heavenly scent filling his senses. He waited until he had her full attention.

  “There are certain people who would harm someone if they knew I cared for that person,” he said carefully. “In my world, I have to think ahead. Last night, I was caught up in the moment when we danced. Someone called me out on the way I’d been looking at you, and I had to cover. What you heard was out of context and only done to keep anyone from thinking I might—”

  “You might what?” She still didn’t believe him. Her brow furrowed.

  “Care about you,” he said honestly, “which I do. More than you know. And I will do anything to protect you. Anything,” he stressed. That was true. If she had any idea just how far he was willing to go, he might scare the hell out of her. “I’m sorry you heard what you did, I never wanted to hurt you.” He stopped. The more he said, the deeper her frown.

  She shook her head. “Again, I don’t get it. We’ve been hanging out for months and suddenly you find me attractive?”

  “It wasn’t sudden,” he said. “From the moment I met you, I thought you were beautiful.”

  She snorted. “Nick, I’m not a gorgon, but I’m not like your Barbies.”

  “Which is exactly what makes you so gorgeous. You don’t even realize how beautiful you are, whether you’re in a duck T-shirt or a designer red dress. And as for the sudden part—I’ve been trying to keep my distance. I didn’t want to pull you into my world and last night is a good example of why. There are always people out there who will want to hurt those closest to me. That’s why I serial date, as you like to say. Never the same woman twice.”

  Her brow was still furrowed. “But you didn’t answer—why now?”

  He shrugged. “A very wise man told me that I should give you the opportunity to at least make a choice if you wanted to be with me or not. Last night, when I realized I might have put your life in danger by taking you to that party—I don’t know. I have a need to protect and care for you. And I realized that my world without you wasn’t one I wanted.”

  He shoved a hand through his hair. Everything he said was true.

  “Put my life in danger? What the hell does that mean? Are you in the mob or something?”

  “No. It’s…it’s complicated.”

  “It’s weird, is what it is. Hell, you’re being weird. Up until last night you were the best friend I ever had,” she said. She stared down at her fingers. “This is all too damned weird. And if I did date you and things didn’t work out, what would happen to our friendship?”

  “We will always be friends, Casey. I’m just asking you to consider maybe being a little more than friends. Let’s go out and see what happens. Throw it against the wall and see if it sticks, as you like to say.”

  “So if I date you and these people who are after you find out, they would try to kidnap me?”

  “Or worse.” He cringed inwardly when he thought about what Alvinia might do to her. “That’s why I want you to consider this carefully. You’ve seen the security I have around me at all times. I’m not paranoid. T
he threats are very real.”

  “Huh. It’s not every day that a girl’s life is threatened for just dating a guy. That is unless he’s a serial killer. If you think about it, that’s kind of cool in a dangerous way. I mean, usually the most exciting thing about my dates is if I get to pick the pizza toppings.”

  “I always let you pick,” Nick said.

  “One of the many reasons I tolerate your presence.” Her eyebrow rose.

  “Tolerate?” Only Casey would say something like that.

  “Do I need to change?” she asked.

  Now it was Nick who was confused.


  “Our date,” she said.

  Nick let out a breath. She was willing to try. It was all he could ask for right now, and it was a hell of a lot more than he expected from her after last night. “You don’t have to change.”

  “It might help if you told me where we are going.”

  Nick smiled, suddenly relieved that she’d give him a chance. “Not far.”

  She groaned. “I don’t want to show up some place under dressed.”

  “You won’t. Besides, I’m quite fond of those jeans.”

  “Don’t make me punch you,” she said, but she had that wicked gleam in her eyes. The one she used when she teased him. “I’m going to put on a different shirt. I have chocolate chunk on this one.”

  He didn’t see a spot, but he let it go.

  “Hey Nick?” she called from her bedroom. That reminded him of the other morning when she’d come out in her towel. One of the most stunning sights he’d ever witnessed.


  “Two things. First, there’s some stuff in that Nordstrom’s bag for you. And second, I can’t stay out too late. I have to pack for a business trip tomorrow.”

  He’d been so distracted that he’d forgotten about her call earlier. Getting her out of town wasn’t such a bad idea, though Alvinia could easily follow.

  “Where are you going?” he asked as he peeked into the bag. He found the boxes with the jewelry he’d given her the night before. She wanted to give it back to him. Well, that just wasn’t going to happen. Once she discovered how horribly he’d screwed up her life by taking her to that damn party, she’d probably want the jewels and his head on stick. He wouldn’t blame her.

  “Los Angeles. I’m working on an album cover for an old friend. I’ll be gone for a couple of days. And I was wondering if you could make sure that Carmen waters the plants. Sometimes she forgets. And Aunt Teddie is worried about what will happen to her feng shui if her plants aren’t placed in the optimal—wait or was that one about her auras. Anyhoo—I need you to water the plants.”

  Casey walked out with her hair down and swinging about her shoulders. She’d put on a lacey white shirt with a deep V on the neckline.

  Gorgeous. There was no other word for her.

  Wait. Old friend?

  “This album isn’t by that guy you used to date? The one you found with two of your friends when he didn’t show up for something?”

  She nodded as she slid on her high-heeled boots. Those were new. In fact, her shirt looked familiar.

  Then it hit him. Linc had sent her clothes and shoes. What was his friend up to now? It wasn’t his job to shower Casey with gifts. That was his job.

  Well it would be, if he could convince her to—what? Marry him in name only? Marriage with benefits? Oh, he was sure that would go over big with her. She wasn’t exactly the white-picket fence type, but she was a romantic. She’d want hearts and flowers and—no. She would never go for what he wanted to propose.


  “Yes, but we’ve been friends for a long time. I don’t hold grudges—well, at least for very long. He and the band did pretty well a few years ago, but they had a big break up. Now they’re back for a reunion album, and he wants me to do his cover. I did the first one and it went platinum. He calls me his lucky charm.”

  I just bet he does. Nick had to get control of his—protectiveness? Yes, that was it. She needed a full-time guardian to keep her away from these assholes that just used her. Maybe he couldn’t give her the life she deserved, but he’d do his damndest to keep her from being tied to some rock star idiot who cared about his dick more than a woman as special as Casey.

  “Well, that works out well. I have business in L.A. the next few days. We can go together.” Mason would have to move around several of his meetings, but he wasn’t about to let Casey go out there alone. She wouldn’t be safe from Alvinia or that rock star. Only Casey could forgive some guy who’d ripped her up so bad she didn’t date for two years after their relationship ended.

  Her head popped up.

  “Uh. Well. Huh.” She made a funny face. “The thing is, you know. It’s work. And even if he’s a friend, I like to keep things professional.”

  Hmmm. She didn’t want Nick to meet the guy.

  Of course he had to go, only she wasn’t aware of that. “Oh, don’t worry. I’ll have meetings, but perhaps we can meet for dinner. And we’ll take my plane in the morning. It’s silly for you to take a commercial flight when I’m going that way.”

  Her mouth opened and closed, but she didn’t say anything.

  “Is there a problem?” he asked nonchalantly.

  “That’s nice of you, I guess. If you don’t mind.”

  “Of course I don’t. We’ll make a trip of it. Oh, and Casey?”


  He handed her the Nordstrom’s bag. “If you ever try to give me these jewels back again, I’ll take you over my knee and spank you.”

  If he wasn’t mistaken, her eyes took on a mischievous glint.


  She was in a coma. That was the only explanation for what was going on. Her mind had erected a fantasy wherein Nick treated like he cared for her in that way. He’d always been kind, except for the harsh words the night before. But in this fantasy he’d explained that away.

  For their date, he’d taken her to a private gallery showing of works by Gustav Klimt. And by private, she meant she and Nick were the only ones there. The owner had left Nick the keys to lock up after they were done. That he’d done this for her was a sign that perhaps he told the truth. She couldn’t imagine some guy who was just playing head games having paintings from all over the world flown to a gallery so that she could view the works of one of her favorite artists.

  Shock and awe were the only words that could explain what she felt when she figured out what was going on. The Kiss, which Klimt painted in 1908, was two feet away. She could see every brushstroke.

  “I can’t believe you did this,” she said for the thirtieth time that night. “It’s—there aren’t words.”

  And the strangest part? Nick watched her as if she were a priceless piece of art. She saw it in his eyes, but none of this made sense.

  A man like him could not possibly be interested in someone like her. She was so boring compared to the kind of people he usually hung out with, but then, they’d always managed to have a good time together. He’d been so stiff and serious when she first met him, but around her he’d loosened up.

  Could she believe that he genuinely wanted to date her?

  Not in a million years. The man was rich beyond belief and he was quite possibly the sexiest man alive. Screw Famous Faces magazine. They’d said he was the second sexiest man alive.

  And he was thoughtful. “This is one of the most amazing nights in my life,” she said softly. “I can’t believe you arranged this. It’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

  He held her hand, and she squeezed his. He hadn’t let go of her since they’d left the condo.

  More than anything, she wished she wasn’t so cotton-brained. Lack of sleep and too much alcohol the night before made all of this surreal. Hence, her decision that she was really in coma.

  They’d spent nearly two hours in the gallery, when her stomach growled rather inappropriately.

  “Are you ready for dinner?” he asked.

>   She sighed. “I don’t want to leave. It’s so magical to be surrounded by his work. I want to sleep here.”

  “That can be arranged, if you want.”

  She shook her head. “I have no doubt you can make that happen, but I think you’ve done enough. I’m never going to forget this, Nick. Ever.” She stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek, but he turned and she made contact with his lips.

  “Oh,” her lips said against his. The kiss was meant to be sweet and fast. But a wire snapped and a stream of heat soared through her body at the contact. He hesitated for just a moment, and she was about to step back. But he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her tight against him. His tongue plundered her lips and mouth. He tasted like mint and cinnamon. She couldn’t get enough of him.

  Then suddenly she was kissing air, and when she opened her eyes, he was standing by the door facing out toward the street.

  How had he moved so fast?

  “We should probably get going,” he said continuing to face away from her.

  What the hell? Sure, she was still feeling the effects of last night, but she couldn’t have imagined that, could she have?

  “Okay.” Taking one last glance around the room, she bid goodbye to Gustav and walked through the door Nick opened for her. After helping her into the back of the limo, they sat in silence for a few minutes.

  Finally, she let loose the question that had been bouncing around in her mind since she tongued air. “So, did I kiss you and you kiss me back? Or did I just have another hallucination?”

  Nick grinned. “Another hallucination?”

  “This whole night has been surreal, and I’m not sure what is my imagination and what’s reality anymore.”

  He grabbed her hand again. “Trust me, that was very real,” he said huskily.

  The sound of his voice was enough to dampen her panties. “So why did you run away?”


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