The Vampire Will See You Now (Psy-Vamp Book 4)

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The Vampire Will See You Now (Psy-Vamp Book 4) Page 10

by Cassandra Lawson

  Justin groaned and his head fell forward. His fists were clenched tightly. When he stood and walked toward the bed, he looked like he wanted to devour her. He climbed up in between her legs and placed one hand on the vibrating egg in the panties, pressing it closer and moving it in circles. With his other hand he moved the strip of the thong aside and slid his tongue inside of her, fucking her with his tongue while he brought her closer and closer to orgasm. Her mind was too far gone to worry about him stopping this time, and his obviously was too.

  Caitlin screamed and climaxed around Justin’s tongue. He waited until the spasms stopped to move up her body and untie her arms.

  “I don’t want your arms to cramp,” he said and massaged each one. Then he kissed her. The kiss started out slow and lingering but quickly built in passion.

  When Justin finally tore his mouth from hers, Caitlin’s sex crazed mind could only think of one thing to say. “You lost the bet.”

  “I didn’t beg,” he said and then rolled onto his back and slipped his shorts off. “I probably could have made you beg, but I want you way too much to be patient. Are you going to make me beg?”

  “I really should,” she said thoughtfully, “but you’d probably make me regret it later.”

  When Justin leaned over her again, Caitlin pushed him onto his back. “I don’t think so.”

  Justin merely raised an eyebrow.

  “Get on your back,” she ordered. “It’s my turn to be in charge.”

  Justin did as he was told. “Whatever you say. My body is at your disposal.”

  Caitlin sat on the edge of the bed and removed her sandals. She wanted to leave them on, but it would be easier to get the panties off without the shoes in the way.

  “I love those shoes,” Justin said as he watched her toss them onto the floor.

  After she was naked, Caitlin straddled Justin’s hips and leaned forward to kiss him. This time she took complete control of the kiss. Justin moaned into her mouth and placed a hand on each of her ass cheeks.

  Reaching between their bodies, she guided the tip of his cock to her entrance and then broke the kiss as she slid down the length of his shaft. She tossed her head back and placed one hand on each of his thighs, posing with her breasts jutting forward. If Justin’s panting was any indication, he was thoroughly enjoying the view. His hands gripped her hips, and he struggled to let her maintain control.

  Caitlin leaned forward until her hair brushed his chest. “It’s not easy letting me be in charge in bed, is it?” she asked with a seductive smile.

  Justin caught her hair in his hand and pulled her mouth down to his before speaking against her lips. “Don’t get too cocky or I’ll make you pay later,” he warned playfully before kissing her.

  Caitlin would be lying if she said Justin’s sexy threat didn’t get her hot. She broke the kiss and rocked back and forth with her hands braced on his muscular chest. Justin moved his hips against hers, increasing the delicious pressure building inside of her again. When she quickened the pace Justin’s hold on her hips tightened.

  “You’re so sexy when you ride me,” Justin ground out as he thrust up toward her.

  Caitlin came so hard she screamed and barely heard Justin’s muffled cries of completion. His cock jerked inside of her as he came. Caitlin collapsed against Justin’s chest, and he wrapped his arms around her.

  “I love you,” he said softly as he stroked her hair. “I know I don’t say it as much as I should. It’s one of the reasons I’m glad you can sense my emotions.”

  “I love you too,” she said in a sleepy voice. “I probably won’t say it often because I’m just not good at expressing emotions.”

  With a contented sigh she dosed off in Justin’s arms.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Caitlin was so caught up in the book she was reading that she didn’t even hear Justin walk into the room. He stood and watched her read like the stalker he was. Sneaking looks at Caitlin when she wasn’t paying attention had become a way of life since he’d met her. To be honest, it still amazed him that she was his after all this time. Sure, he’d planned to wait much longer to make his move, but thankfully plans had changed.

  He’d slept late that morning and been disappointed to wake up without Caitlin. They’d fallen asleep early, so she’d probably been up for hours. He hadn’t slept that long in years. Then again, he hadn’t been this happy in years. Maybe happiness was the key to a good night’s sleep.

  Caitlin’s cheeks flushed and her sexy tongue darted out to moisten her bottom lip as she turned the page on the tablet. If he had to guess, he’d say she was reading a really good sex scene.

  Her amber eyes widened, and she looked a little shocked.

  “That good?” he asked.

  “You have no idea,” she said as she finished the page and then set the tablet on the table.

  “What kind of book is it?” he asked and lifted her legs so he could sit under them. This intimacy with Caitlin was one of the things he loved most.

  “It’s Drew’s book,” she said.

  Justin couldn’t hide his shock. “Why are you reading that little psycho’s book?”

  “He asked me to critique it and give him suggestions.”

  “Why you?” he asked.

  “Are you insinuating that my literary opinions aren’t good enough?”

  He ran a finger along the arch of one of her bare feet and chuckled when she jumped. “You aren’t friends with Drew, so I’m surprised he asked for your help.”

  “Does Drew have friends?” she asked.

  “Good point,” Justin said. “Still, why would you agree to read his book?”

  “Curiosity,” she said. “I wanted to know what he’d write about. I know he’s been working a lot on it. Turns out, he’s pretty good. The sex is crazy freaky! I had no idea Drew had that much creativity in the bedroom. If he ever gets over the psycho thing, he’ll make some woman very happy. I was tempted to wake you up and act out one of the chapters.”

  Justin was having a hard time believing Drew was capable of anything creative. “Is the sex the only reason the book is good?”

  “No, it’s more than that. The story’s really gripping. The book has vampires, but they’re not like you. These vampires have to consume blood and can only go out at night. The story has kind of a Romeo and Juliet thing going on. Hopefully the main characters don’t die because that would seriously piss me off.”

  “Star‑crossed vampire lovers?” he asked.

  “The guy is a vampire, but the girl is a different kind of species who are born to hunt vampires,” she explained.

  “Hunters?” Justin asked, annoyed at Drew for using that bit of reality. Mentioning hunters wasn’t a good idea. The truce they had with the hunters was tenuous at best.

  “That’s what he calls them,” she said. “Anyway, they fall in love and go on the run to be together. Both sides are trying to kill them right now. I’ve read things with the idea of vampire hunters before, like Buffy. Still, the way he wrote it is kind of unique. You know it’s like they’re born into families of hunters, but not all of them end up being hunters.”

  “There really are hunters, and Drew is an idiot for mentioning them in a book,” Justin said.

  “People hunt you?” Caitlin gasped and sat up.

  “They used to,” Justin said. “There’s an unspoken truce, but I’m sure they won’t appreciate being included in a book written by a psycho vampire. Hunters aren’t human either so they have just as much to lose by having people find out they exist.”

  “How would the hunters even know about Drew’s book?” Caitlin asked. “There are a lot of books like this on the market. Besides, Drew is writing under a pen name and won’t do any public appearances or photos. There’s also a good chance the book won’t get published.”

  “You’re right,” Justin said. “I just don’t get why he chose to write a story with the hunters in it.”

  “I’m sure they aren’t anything like reality. I
n the book, they’re a lot like the vampires and even have the same weaknesses. They also consume blood, but they survive on animal blood.”

  Justin relaxed. “That’s a lot different. I guess I’m worrying over nothing. You really like his book? You aren’t kidding me about this, right?”

  “He still has some areas that need work, but Drew has a lot of talent. When he asked me to read it, I figured I’d have nothing nice to say. Turns out I was wrong.”

  Justin just shook his head.

  “The sex is getting me pretty turned on,” she admitted.

  Justin’s lips curled up into a sexy smile. “Is it now?”

  She reclined back on the sofa. “I’m all hot and wet, just waiting for some big strong vampire to come take care of me. Too bad you don’t have fangs,” she said forlornly.

  Justin opened his mouth and let his fangs slide out of his gum line. Caitlin’s shocked expression was so amusing he almost laughed.

  “Where the hell did those come from?” she asked.

  It had been so long since he’d had his fangs out that he almost nicked his lip when he laughed. “You saw where they came from,” he reminded her.

  “I thought you guys had your fangs removed.” she said and continued to stare at his mouth.

  “Hard to do surgery on myself,” he said with a shrug. “It’s voluntary, so there are quite a few of us with fangs. Since I don’t need them, they don’t come out of my gum line very often.”

  “Is that why you sound kind of funny talking with them out?” she asked in a very clinical voice.

  Damn he loved this woman!

  He nodded. “Even back when we still used them, they stayed in the gum line most of the time. You stand out a lot more with long fangs.”

  “It’s kind of sexy,” Caitlin admitted. “Will you bite me with them?”

  “Hell no!” he said without hesitation. “Despite what those romance books want you to believe, it hurts. We can make most humans think they enjoy it using mind control, but that’s not an option with you.”

  “Isn’t taking blood supposed to be some big erotic experience for you guys?”

  When he laughed again he nicked his lip. “Ouch! See? It hurts. As to your other question, no it’s not erotic. When I was younger, sex was sometimes involved, but that was just because I was hanging out with Noah and we were young and stupid.” He let his fangs slide back into his gum line to avoid further injury.

  “Don’t you and Noah hate each other?”

  “We had a falling out,” he said and then thought about his recent conversation with Noah. “Maybe it was more of a misunderstanding. Probably a good thing we stopped hanging out together because Roman was ready to send us both to opposite ends of the world. We were going through a wild phase and got into even more trouble when we were together.”

  “I just can’t imagine either of you acting wild and crazy. You’ve always struck me as too uptight to rebel, and Noah seems like too much of the boy next door type to get into trouble.”

  “Yeah, well that wasn’t always the case,” he said. “When we were really young we got into the most trouble. The trouble we were getting into right before our falling out was mostly out of boredom. Now about that arousal we need to deal with. Let’s go upstairs and see how you look in handcuffs.”

  Caitlin nodded, and Justin’s cock jerked to attention at the image of the handcuffs on her wrists.

  That’s when someone started hitting the intercom button at the front gate over and over again. Justin made a sound similar to a growl. “I really want to ignore that.”

  “Then ignore it,” she said and sat up to cup his erection through his pants.

  “Let me just see who it is first,” he said. “Nathaniel’s not home to answer the intercom, and it might be an emergency.” Much as he’d like to pretend he hadn’t heard the intercom, whoever was there thought it was urgent that they get inside the gates. Most of the family had the code, but not all of them.

  The room they were in didn’t have a computer, so he walked down the hall to one that did and pressed the keys to get the feed from the camera at the front gate. Sitting in the front seat of the red convertible was a familiar looking woman. Her straight black hair was cut in a short bob, and her eyes were covered with sunglasses so he couldn’t tell the color. The annoyed expression and pressed line of her thin lips was one Justin knew well. He turned to Caitlin with a startled expression on his face. “You have an older sister?”

  “I have a younger brother,” she said and then all the color bled from her face as she rushed over to look at the screen. “Oh shit!”

  “Yeah, she looks so much like you I thought she was your sister.”

  “That’s my mother,” Caitlin said. “I’ve been avoiding her calls most of the time over the last couple of months.”

  “Wow!” was all Justin could think to say as he stared at Caitlin’s mother.

  “Are you done ogling my mom?” Caitlin asked with no real irritation.

  He gave her a sexy smile. “Glad you inherited that hot gene from your mom. I guess we’d better let her in. She’s got a right to be worried after your abduction.”

  “I didn’t tell her about that,” Caitlin admitted.

  “How did you explain dropping your classes last semester?”

  “I didn’t,” she said. “My mom would’ve been here taking care of me, and I just wasn’t ready for that. I have to warn you, my mom can be a little pushy.”

  Justin laughed. “I wouldn’t have expected anything less from the woman who raised you.”

  Caitlin wasn’t sure why she was nervous as they headed out the front door to meet her mom. She also wasn’t sure who had told her mom where to find her. It was probably Trish because she wouldn’t want Caitlin’s mom to worry. She’d likely tried to warn Caitlin, but Caitlin had left her phone in the kitchen when she’d gone in to make coffee that morning.

  Gabriella Mendoza parked her car with the same precision she used for everything in life. Her mom was a successful corporate law attorney who had made a big name for herself in the San Diego area. She’d also excelled as a mother and wife. There had never been a time when Caitlin could accuse her mother of neglecting her. She’d never missed a school event or been too busy to help with a project. When Caitlin had been struggling to control her empath abilities, her mom had been with her for every therapy session. All in all, she was a great mom, and Caitlin suddenly felt like a real bitch for shutting her out over the last couple of months.

  As her mom approached, it was obvious she was expecting a fight from Caitlin, and she looked shocked when Caitlin burst into tears and wrapped her arms around her.

  “I’m so sorry, Mom,” she said.

  Her mom just hugged her back and stroked her hair. “It’s okay. Let’s go inside and talk about what’s going on. I’m going to take care of you.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Justin led them to the kitchen and looked a little uncomfortable, like he wasn’t sure if he should stay or go. Caitlin was just getting her emotions back under control while her mom assured her everything would be okay. Caitlin was well aware of how awkward this had to be for Justin. Not too long ago she would have been mortified at having Justin witness her outburst, and he knew that.

  “I’ll leave you two alone to talk,” Justin finally said.

  Caitlin reached out and caught his arm. “Don’t go; I want you here.”

  Her mother looked shocked, and Caitlin couldn’t blame her. While Caitlin had dated, she’d never gotten attached to any guy and certainly never wanted them around her family, but Justin wasn’t just any guy. Justin was the guy.

  “Mom, this is Justin. We go to school together, and he helped save my life a few months ago. Justin, this is my mom.”

  Her mom stared at Justin, eyes wide, mouth slightly open.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Mendoza,” he said. “Unfortunately I didn’t do much to save Caitlin. My cousins did most of the work.”

�Saved your life from what?” her mom asked in what Caitlin had always considered her mom’s interrogation voice.

  “You saved Lydia and sent your cousins after me,” she said without answering her mom. Butterflies on meth were fluttering around in her stomach.

  “Lydia was in trouble too?” her mom asked.

  “I was kidnapped and so was Lydia,” Caitlin said and felt the panic build as she talked about it. Telling her mom made it seem so much more real. Justin’s arms wrapped around her from behind, and she leaned into him, drawing strength from his mere presence. “There was this lunatic who was obsessed with Lyd. He kidnapped me to get Justin to help him, and you wouldn’t believe me even if I told you what he wanted Justin to do. Yes, I should have told you, but I had a hard time talking about it at first. Don’t worry; I wasn’t alone after it happened.”

  “Most days she wouldn’t even leave the house,” Justin said and held her close. “I probably should have called you, but as Caitlin can tell you, I’m not good with social stuff.”

  “He’s kind of a prick most of the time,” Caitlin explained. “I’ve been seeing a therapist and doing group therapy to help me with the kidnapping and the other stuff. God, I’m really sorry, Mom.”

  After swallowing several times her mom spoke. “The important thing is that you’re okay. Has the trial date been set? I want to be here for the trial to support you. Naturally, your father can take time off too. Your brother has classes coming up so he may not be able to be here for the whole thing, but he’ll be here as much as possible. It’s only a short flight for him, and he’ll worry himself sick if you have to go through this without him.”

  As always, Caitlin was awed by her family. She had friends with parents who were nothing short of awful. Her parents were always there for her, no matter how distant and bitchy she acted. The limits of their love and patience had been tested on more than one occasion. Even her little brother would do anything for her.


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