The Bear's Arranged Bride: A Steamy Paranormal Romance (Bears With Money Book 8)

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The Bear's Arranged Bride: A Steamy Paranormal Romance (Bears With Money Book 8) Page 8

by Amy Star

  Almost wanting to laugh in spite of the solemnity of his memory, Jaxon squeezed her hand a little again. “Yeah, ‘going fishing.’ We were always careful, never left it up to chance. Except…,” and he paused slightly. “Remember that one time? That one time we had that one scare—when the condom broke?”

  Sherry drew back her hand and looked off, chilled by the memory of how aghast she was then. She was still aghast to recall it. “Oh my God, that time. It felt like our lives were over. Or like we’d started this other life, and everything we thought our lives were going to be were never going to happen. I was so terrified.”

  “I was scared out of my mind for both of us,” Jaxon said. “We totally dodged the bullet with that. So to speak.”

  “We did. And we were so scared out of that, we actually put the brakes on everything for a while. And we actually thought for a while that we never wanted to do it again for as long as we lived!”

  “Yeah. Never again, we said. Never, ever again.” There was a beat of silence. Then, he added, “‘Never’ didn’t work out to be too long, did it?”

  She looked back at him, smiling a wistful smile. “Not too long, no. It wasn’t much of a ‘never.’”

  “Not having you, not getting inside you any more, that drove me almost as crazy as being scared to do it. I felt like I was so hungry I’d never get full again.”

  “I know,” she said. “I just wanted you too much. Wanting you was more important than being afraid.”

  “And there we were again, up in my attic with another pocketful of condoms, and I was humping away to make up for lost time.”

  “I was never as glad for anything as having you back,” she said.

  “Me neither,” he agreed. Then, after another silent pause: “So, back to the question: Would you really go through with it? Really?”

  To her surprise, Sherry replied, “I think… I think I actually could. I mean, not for a year. Maybe just for a few months. Maybe just for the summer. Another summer, like that last one we had. That last summer…”

  “That last summer,” he repeated. “No more high school, everything about to change. Just you and me, that summer.”

  “What if we did, Jaxon?” she asked. “What if it could be our summer again?”

  “Then,” he answered, “there’d be something I’d have to do first.”


  That afternoon, Jaxon returned home and walked upstairs to the master suite. He knocked on the door, opened it, and stepped inside. Humbert was sitting up in bed in his robe as always, a newspaper in his lap. He looked up from his paper and watched Jaxon come to his bedside. “And what can I do for my grandson today?” he asked.

  “Granddad…,” he began.


  “There’s something I need.”

  “Ask. Name it.”

  “I need…Gramma’s ring.”

  And Humbert Michaels broke out into a smile, the biggest, broadest smile that Jaxon had ever seen on anyone in his life.


  The next thing Sherry knew, Jaxon asked her out to dinner at Esposito’s.

  An Italian restaurant in the nicest part of town, not far from the Michaels house, Esposito’s was one of Smithintown’s finest eateries. It had a spacious banquet room in the back where large events were held; in fact, all the high school proms including Sherry and Jaxon’s took place there. In front, it was all soft, warm lighting; white tablecloths (not the stereotypical red-and-white checks); plush furniture with red upholstery; soft carpeting; and candles in glasses on every table. It was cozy and romantic and had just exactly the right touch of elegance without being intimidating. When a lad asked his girl to Esposito’s, it was either her birthday—or something big was up.

  This was not Sherry’s birthday.

  They went semi-formal, or semi-casual as the case may be. Sherry wore her maroon dress. Jaxon wore a suit jacket and Dockers. They looked nice but not overbearing. Jaxon ordered the best house wine with dinner. Something was definitely up. Sherry hoped she wasn’t showing goosebumps all evening, but there was a ticklish feeling down her neck and along her spine the whole time. She was waiting for it. And after the waiter cleared the table, when he brought over the dessert tray, it came.

  Jaxon told the waiter, “Hold on a minute. Before we pick dessert, take this and do like we talked about.” And then, Jaxon reached into the inner pocket of one side of his suit jacket, removed his phone—and handed it to the waiter.

  Sherry’s eyes darted anxiously between Jaxon and the waiter. What was about to happen here? What was this?

  The waiter turned on the camera phone and pointed it at the young people at the table. Jaxon explained to Sherry, “I wanted to get this on camera because I knew Granddad would want to see it.” He reached into the inner pocket on the other side of his suit jacket and removed a little velvet box. Holding up the box to Sherry, he opened it. Inside the box sat a diamond and platinum ring that made her heart stop. First, she looked at the ring, then she gulped, then she looked up at Jaxon. “This was my grandmother’s ring,” he said. “Granddad’s been saving it for me—for when I did…”

  He trailed off and left his seat. He stepped round the table and took one knee next to Sherry. Holding up the ring in the box to her once again, he finished, “…this. Sherry McCabe, will you please marry me?”

  Sherry’s eyes glistened. She almost couldn’t form the words at first. Beaming with a smile that she thought must make her look like a Cheshire Cat, she sputtered out the words, “Yes, I will marry you. Yes.” And she broke into a breathless laugh.

  Grinning in a way that he thought must look absolutely foolish, Jaxon took the ring from the box and thus slipped it onto the appropriate finger of his extended hand. He put the ring box on the table and gave her hand a squeeze, with a little laugh to match her own. He rose, and helped her from her seat, and took her in his arms for a kiss. They were oblivious to the waiter holding up the camera, recording away.

  At first, they were also oblivious to everyone else in Esposito’s until they parted the kiss at the sound of clapping and whistles. Mildly embarrassed, they scanned about the room at the other people seated around them, applauding their new engagement. Off to one side, a couple of handsome young men, holding hands, gave them the thumbs-up.

  Waving at the people and mouthing, Thank you, Jaxon and Sherry sat back down, and Sherry allowed herself a moment to be transfixed at the ring on her finger. Jaxon let this moment go on—Humbert would surely want this moment on camera as well—and then took the phone back, thanked the waiter, slipped him some bills, and pocketed the phone again. Then, the newly engaged couple selected desserts from the tray, and the waiter wheeled the tray elsewhere.

  Over dessert, Jaxon said, “This is gonna make Granddad want to get up from that bed and dance a jig, to hell with his heart condition.”

  Grinning over her Tiramisu as she forked at it, Sherry said, “You’re not going to take that and show it to him tonight, are you?”

  “Nah, it can wait for tomorrow,” replied Jaxon. He reached across the table and took her by the other hand, the one with the ring on it. “Tonight…there are some things I want to do with my new fiancée that I can’t show Granddad.”

  The ticklish feeling down Sherry’s spine became a tingling all over her body.


  Sherry had thoroughly dusted and vacuumed the room over the garage, thinking ahead after her breakfast talk with Jaxon. There was something inevitable to what was about to happen now. Wonderfully inevitable.

  The room had not been used much in the six years since that one summer. Except for the dust, it had not really changed. It still had the one big window in the front that was situated just right to catch the moon, and the same drapes. It still had the same chairs and shelves and lamps and overhead light. And the same end tables on either side of the large fold-out sofa. Sherry, thinking ahead once again, had put candles on the end tables and the shelves and fresh bed li
nens in the closet. Otherwise, everything was the same, except that the couple in the room was six years older, and there was a sparkling ring on Sherry’s finger.

  Together they went from candle to candle and lit each one. Together they blew out each match in turn from one candle to the next. With the room softly lit in a golden glow, they opened the sofa bed together and dressed it with the sheets and spread and pillows. Then, with the bed dressed and ready, Sherry and Jaxon began to undress themselves.

  She was mesmerized at the sight of him quickly stripping off his clothes as she stepped over to one side of the room, slipped off her dress, and draped the dress over a chair. She kicked off her shoes and stood in just her bra and panties, watching Jaxon unwrap himself like an engagement present. Off came the jacket and the shirt, then the shoes and the socks and the belt, until only the Dockers remained. She felt her breath heat up. The years and nature had been good to Jaxon. The young muscles of his chest and arms that had so thrilled her when he wrapped his arms around her and lay upon her when they were teens were even more thrilling now, adorned with the sumptuous hair of his chest and abs and forearms. He was six years more beautiful, six years more perfect, six years sexier.

  Looking at her the same way she did him—as if there were no one else on Earth and they had everything they could ever want in their lives right here in this room—Jaxon stepped over to Sherry and took her by both hands. He smiled the sweetest smile she’d ever seen at her, a smile that she returned. He kissed her hands tenderly. Then, he guided her hands down to the button of his trousers. His eyes told her wordlessly, You know what to do.

  Jaxon went for the hook of her bra and unfastened it, tossing the bra to the chair where she’d put her dress. “Mmmmmm,” he softly intoned, admiring her bosom while sliding his hands down her sides to the waistline of Sherry’s panties.

  Meanwhile, Sherry had the button of his trousers open and the zipper down. She reached into the zipper and found what awaited her behind it—as hot and hard and long and thick as it had ever been. She sighed at the feel of it, and a million sensations from her memory raced back into her mind, telling her what Jaxon would do to her with what she was now holding.

  Jaxon slipped Sherry’s panties down over her thighs and exposed the place where he would put what she had in her hand. He rustled his fingertips through the soft hair down there, then reached beneath the hair to find the softness and the wetness of Sherry’s most intimate place. Sherry sighed again more loudly, tugging at his erection and feeling the fullness of his sac, while Jaxon slipped two fingers past her slippery curtain and into her passage. Jaxon’s penetrating her with his fingers put Sherry almost into a trance, but she was still well focused on the contents of those trousers that she now took down over his hips. With his Dockers lowered, Sherry could once again see the first cock she had ever known. Was it only her imagination, or had it too gotten a bit larger? It descended gloriously at an angle between his legs, promising her the return of all the wondrous ecstasy it had once given her.

  He slipped his fingers out of her sex and let Sherry watch him lick her wetness sensuously from them. “You still taste so good,” he whispered. Then, he pulled her to him, and Sherry released his erection and grasped his deliciously muscular buttocks as he kissed her. It was a kiss of such tender passion as to make them both believe it had been not six years but just six minutes.

  Jaxon kissed her again and yet again, and she squeezed his ass and delighted in the way it tightened with the tightening of her fingers. They were both flames hotter than the candles now. Returning his hands to Sherry’s panties, he breathlessly whispered, “Let’s get these fucking things off and get in that bed.” He dropped to his knees and took her lingerie with him, letting her step out of the silky undergarment when he reached the floor. Then, he quickly stood up and pulled his slacks down and away, letting them lie with her panties. Sherry gave a tiny yelp of surprise when Jaxon next swept her from the floor, carried her the few steps over to the bed, and set her down on it. Laying himself down half on top of her, he captured her mouth in the most blazing kiss yet. She enwrapped the muscles of his back in her arms and slid her hands down to help herself to his firmly packed ass once again. Jaxon kissed her on and on, beginning once more to claim Sherry for his own.

  Sherry opened herself, body and being, to Jaxon, and the dark fire in his eyes as he gazed down at her at the end of one last smoldering kiss told her that he would take everything from her and give her everything of himself tonight. Then, raining kisses on her neck and shoulders, he began a journey down to her breasts to continue his claim.

  He took one breast in each hand and thumbed the nipples that had grown stony hard just from watching him undress. “The first tits I ever felt,” he murmured at them. “So beautiful.”

  The squeezing of his hands and the teasing of his thumbs at her bosom made Sherry slip into a zone of bliss. She closed her eyes in complete surrender and let him have his way with her. Jaxon serviced her nipples, first circling one with his tongue, then giving it a long, sexy sucking, sending her deeper into the zone from which the only way out would be a climax that yet awaited her. She purred at him like a tabby cat in the clutches of a sexy bear and let him travel with his mouth down her stomach and abdomen and opened his legs to receive him when he reached his ultimate destination.

  A new and ecstatic pleasure rose in Sherry when, her eyes still closed, she felt the first wet and sensuous flicking of Jaxon’s tongue at her labia. Arching her back, she called out, “Oh…!” Then, she settled back onto the bed and began to lose herself again in what he was doing to her. Jaxon ate her out as if a day had not gone by since the last time he took his lips and tongue to her wet and vulnerable sex. Every stroke of his tongue and pulling of his mouth along her petals was a return to a long-remembered joy. He held her lady parts open and entered her with his tongue, slipping it in and out, orally screwing her. Sherry’s breaths grew faster and heavier with this penetration. She made sounds of wordless joy at the way he took her. The bear was plundering her honey pot, and Sherry was only too happy to give it up to him.

  Sherry writhed at the last stroke of Jaxon’s tongue taking it out of her passage and up to where it found the tingling bud of her clit. “Oh…! OH…!” she cried again, more loudly, with the heightening bliss of his licking at her most sensitive spot of all. She first hugged herself, then reached down to sift her fingers through his dark hair, telling him with her touch not to stop. His lips followed his tongue, sucking gently at her bud, making her push herself up into his face. He alternated sucking her womanly tenderness, licking it, and swirling the tip of his tongue around it, building up more pleasure in her than she could contain. Sherry’s back arched again. She jerked herself hard up into his face in a way that startled him, but he kept going with his face filled with her sex and the scent of her bush filling his nostrils. He felt the onrushing tingle of orgasm take full possession of Sherry and grasped her thighs to hold on and keep himself in place, sucking deeply at her sex, until she went limp and settled down onto the mattress again.

  Jaxon kissed her lower lips, a long and deep kiss with his tongue probing inside her again. He let the last tingling tremors of her climax go through her before he at last lifted his head up, licked his lips, and said, “Shit, you just came, didn’t you?”

  Barely able to speak, Sherry answered with a post-orgasmic chuckle of total and utter satisfaction. He couldn’t help but give a little chuckle in return.

  Hating to take his face from between Sherry’s legs, but needing something from her now, Jaxon kissed and licked her lady parts one more time, then brought himself up to his knees. Taking his large, stiff root in his hand and shaking it at her, he said, “Help yourself.”

  Smiling and sighing appreciatively, Sherry gathered herself up from the mattress and climbed down to put her face in Jaxon’s lap and let him bring his hard wooden staff to her mouth. He looked down, feeling a throb of need go through his shaft and throughout his body, and watched
his dick disappear between her lips one inch at a time. He stroked and petted her head, groaning at the enclosing wetness of her mouth and her tongue. “Oh, fuck yeah,” he groaned. “Oh, damn, Sherry…oh yeah…”

  She did as he asked and as they both needed, devouring Jaxon’s meat and returning in her mind to all the other times she’d taken him this way. Every oral pleasuring that she’d ever given Jaxon lived again inside her. There were the times he’d spread himself out prone on his back for her and let her dive between his legs, and the times he’d stood up and she had knelt before him and let him tenderly but passionately fuck her mouth. There were the times he had straddled her bosom and fed her his cock and his balls; and the times like this, when he’d sat on his knees and let her feed on him with her head in his lap. Sherry knew full well what oral sex did to him, the way it made him feel as though his hard and beautiful muscles were melting and turning to putty at the stroking of her lips and tongue. She could feel it happening to him even now as he leaned back his head and said in an almost weeping tone: “Oh, fuck, Sherry… Fuck, you suck it so fucking good…”


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