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Mind (Trinity Trilogy Book 2)

Page 26

by Audrey Carlan

  I fall back into a fitful light sleep until the bed shifts and Chase’s woodsy smell enters my senses. Like a leech, I reach out, find his warmth and then pull him down to me. He oomph’s and chuckles. Once I’m covered in a personal Chase blanket, I open my eyes. His, however, are not the sparkling ocean blue they usually are in the morning. No, they’re calculating and a bit hard.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” I worry my lip and slide my fingers through the hair just above his ears, letting my nails scratch along his scalp the way he likes. He closes his eyes then opens them.

  He kisses me. “You know I’m going to protect you, right?” he offers. Words like that are usually followed by bad news or information that’s going to devastate.

  I follow his gaze as his eyes seem to float over my features. “What is it?” I ask.

  “Justin is dead. Hung himself.” He says the words devoid of emotion.

  Images of the four years I stayed with Justin flash across my mind like a strobe light, pictures of our life together in a twisted home video. Some of it was happy, beautiful even, but it doesn’t outweigh the beatings, the degradation, or the loss of the child I carried. But for someone like Justin to hang himself? It doesn’t add up. I shake my head. “Doesn’t make sense, he was far too self-absorbed to end his own life. Are they sure it was self-inflicted?”

  Chase shrugs. “We never know what goes on in a man’s head when he’s facing real jail time.”

  I knew Justin better than anyone. There is absolutely no way he’d commit suicide. “Did they find the connection to the stalker and Justin?”

  Now I know something’s not right. Chase tips his chin down and sighs. “That’s what Jack is worried about. Thomas and the investigators have not been able to find a single link to any of the notes, phone calls, or the explosion and the murder of that innocent girl. He had to be the one. He attacked you, tried to rape you in that bathroom...” He ends on a snarl.

  “Yeah, but as much as you hate hearing this, Justin would have done that to me anyway. He’s always seen me as a plaything to do whatever he wanted. Smacking me around, fucking me in public, those were things that used to get his rocks off.” I can tell Chase is having a hard time hearing this bit of information. He stands, fury a palpable wave rolling off his skin.

  “All I know is the fucker is dead and I’m not sorry he is!” He tugs at his hair with both hands then forces the curtains aside to present the most startling view of the ocean. He opens the window and lets the salt air fill the room.

  Not caring about my nudity, I stand and put my hands around his tense form from behind. The lines of anger and rage are physically showing through his skin as seen by the bulging veins and clenched muscles. Using his abs as an anchor, I nuzzle into his shoulder blades. “I’m sorry for his family and those who cared about him, but I’m not sorry he won’t be hurting another woman ever again. He was a serial offender. If it wasn’t me, it would be another unsuspecting woman. I’m sure the cops will find the connection they need.”

  His shoulders rise and fall as he takes a deep calming breath. I can feel the tension slowly slip from his arms and chest. Chase takes both of my hands, pulls them to his lips and kisses each finger like he’s done a million times before.

  “I have a present for you. I was going to wait until the day of our wedding but I want you to have it now. Wear it now. Then you’ll understand how deeply gone I am for you,” he says as if he’s speaking to the open expanse of ocean not bothering to turn around.

  I smile against his back and giggle. “I like presents,” I say then nip the hard muscle of shoulder. He laughs lightly and spins around capturing me. His eyes take in my naked body from the tip of my red polished toes all the way up to the fiery strands of my hair.

  “There is no woman in this world more beautiful than you. I’m never going to forsake you or take advantage of the gift you bring to my life. You, Gillian, you make me a better man. Happier, stronger, and excited about life. I want to be that for you.”

  Leaning forward, I snuggle into his warm neck. “But you are, Chase. You’re all that and more.” I kiss the pulse point on his neck and appreciate the feeling of his heartbeat against my lips.

  “Hold that thought,” he lets me go then finds his suit coat that I wore last night. He pulls out a long, thin box. I take the cream satin robe that is lying over the end of our bed and pull it on. The fabric feels like butter smoothing across my naked skin. It’s sensual and perfect for the moment. Chase brings me over to the large reading chairs facing the ocean view. The sea breeze blows his hair enticingly. “Open it,” he murmurs as I settle into his lap feet up and tucked into the space between the chair cushion and arm.

  Slipping the white bow off the teal Tiffany’s box I look over at him. “Over spender,” I chastise.

  “Who me? Never,” he mocks being offended.

  I roll my eyes and open the box. Inside is a thin chain. At the very end is platinum infinity symbol pendant. The word “love” intertwined with the symbol in a cursive text. It’s breathtaking and so magically Chase, there aren’t words to describe how much this gift means to me.

  “Do you like it?” he asks, tracing an infinity symbol over the fabric covering my knee. I think he does it subconsciously which makes this gift even more special.

  “More than like it. I adore it and what it means…” I choke back the emotion. “Chase its perfect.”

  The smile he gives me is boyish, uncertain, depicting a young man who wasn’t sure he was going to please his girl. It’s one of the first times I’ve ever seen him unsure of himself and completely unguarded.

  He kisses me softly. “So you’ll wear it on our wedding day?” he asks almost shyly. Shy Chase. An entirely new, yet lovely side I’m seeing for the very first time.

  “I’ll wear it every day if it means you’re mine,” I whisper against his lips. He grins so wide I can feel his teeth.

  “We’re going to be so happy,” he says while he places the chain around my neck. The pendant lands perfectly just above my breasts. Chase turns me, opens the robe, and looks his fill of my bare breasts with his symbol twinkling in the sunlight. With ease, he leans forward and places a warm kiss directly over the symbol.

  “Through infinity, my love,” I say back to him before sealing it with my own kiss, only this time I’ve let the robe fall to my sides and properly thank my soon to be husband for his wedding gift.


  A private brunch has been set up on the sun deck where all the girls are waiting for me to arrive. When I get out of the shower there is a white bikini hanging on the door. It’s a simple suit with a triangle top and strings that tie at each hip. The wow factor was the word “Bride” written across the booty in crystals or cubic zirconia. There was a little note sitting on the vanity in Maria’s handwriting. The note simply said, “Wear this and meet us on the sun deck for brunch.”

  Not being one to ever rain on a parade I put the suit on and it fits like a glove. So much so that the triangles seemed a bit revealing but this is a private party. I also secretly enjoy riling up Chase. When he sees this tiny bikini and how much of me is exposed, he’s going to lose it. Hopefully, in the best possible way ending with the two of us in a tangle of limbs like earlier this morning. I snicker while putting my wild red hair into a messy bun on the top of my head. A little sunscreen moisturizer, a swipe of lip gloss and a layer of mascara and I’m off. As I head out, I grab the shimmery tunic cover up. It’s mostly see-through but it covers the essentials making me feel a little less of an exhibitionist.

  Once I make it to the deck, I hear some calming spa music playing. Maria and Kat are both lying almost completely naked out in the sun, getting a suntan massage, a towel over their bums. Dana jumps up and hugs me when I arrive. “Today’s the private girl part of the bachelorette party!” The men are on the other deck drinking beer, smoking cigars and playing cards. I’ve got the chef making sure they have men type food and the big screen TV is on some live sports game. So i
t’s just us girls,” she practically squeals. This is an entirely different woman than the one I’ve known for the better part of a year. Regular sex must be doing wonders for her because this lady is sweet, fun, and excitable. The old Dana was kind, reserved, and staunchly professional. I decide I like this Dana much better.

  “Is it normal for them to be lying in the sun while doing that?” I ask.

  Dana shakes her head. “No, they wanted to get a tan while getting a massage.”

  Maria lifts her head and pushes her sunglasses up into her black hair. “Double whammy chica. You’re looking nicely fucked cara bonita,” she grins. “I’ll have to pat Chase on the back for giving you that awesome glow,” she chortles then stuffs her head back into the hole in the table.

  “You’re just jealous,” I make a lame come back.

  It’s muffled but her reply can still be heard. “Now you know, I be getting mine, all day, every day, every way.”

  The rest of us laugh and Bree walks over in an awesomely crazy two piece suit. The triangles over her newly inflated pregnancy boobs are covered by twin Buddha heads. The bottom is also a string bikini with a circular sun right on her pelvis. The entire thing has paisley print and henna style swirls in rich yellow, orange and sienna. Her baby bump is out loud and proud. I lean down and kiss the bump and have a little chat with the baby. Bree just stands and allows it. She knows by now that if her sisters want to talk to the baby it’s just easier to comply.

  A server comes up and hands me a mimosa. The entire space looks like a comfortable mini spa. There are the two masseuses but there are also giant deck lounge chairs and quaint bistro tables. The entire ocean is in front of us, and behind, there’s a huge spread of breakfast foods, a variety of juices and a server to fill drinks, clear away dishes, or get us whatever we need. There’s also a person waiting in the corner with a bucket and tote full of stuff. I point over to her. “Dana, who’s she?” I go sit down on one of the cushy lounge chairs in the shade. This white skin of mine turns lobster red under too much sun. I’m going to keep my skin as milky white as possible. New freckles are not my ideal accessory. However, this stunning chain and necklace is my new favorite.

  “She’s here to do manicures and pedicures. How about we get her started on yours?” she offers and I nod.

  “Sounds good to me.” The woman is young, probably just out of cosmetology school but she has kind brown eyes and blonde hair.

  Efficiently, she sets up her tools, the footbath and hand soak, and has me put my feet in the water. Bree sits next to me and Dana stands off to the side. “Dana, you’re participating,” I say firmly. “You can’t just stand on the side. You’ve become one of our friends. And Chloe was invited too, right?” I ask.

  Dana comes over and sits in another lounge chair. “She was, but I’m afraid we won’t be seeing her. Apparently, she needs to sleep off last night,” she clears her throat. “Maxwell, our attorney is also unable to attend the boys gathering preferring to recoup after last night’s partying.”

  “Oh, I hope they feel better,” I sip my champagne and Bree looks over at me like I’m an idiot.

  “Seriously? They’re both sleeping off last night? They were hanging all over one another. I’ll bet you a hundred dollars cash they are in bed together right now.”

  I’m certain my cheeks are reddening as I realize how lame I was for not putting two and two together. “I’m not taking that bet. You’re so right. They were all over each other, like white on rice!” I giggle and she nods vigorously.

  “Speaking of all over each other, I want to talk about sex,” I blurt out needing to discuss last night.

  Maria’s head pops up. Kat takes a bit longer but then leans her head up and pushes her glasses on top of her head. “Now you’re talking,” Maria sits up naked as a jaybird, breasts bouncing all over the place, and I mean all over the place, as our girl is very well endowed. Her body is like Jessica Rabbit only toned to the nth degree from her dancing career. Standing, she shoves her hands into her robe, ties it off and accepts the glass of champagne and orange juice handed to her. Kat is quickly on her heels only she’s far more demure in her approach keeping her essentials covered.

  Once the girls are all sitting in a circle Maria looks pointedly at me. “Spill Hermana. What’s on your mind? I gulp down the rest of my mimosa and gesture for another. The steward brings over the champagne.

  “Just the champagne this time, thanks,” I smile and then turn to the four women waiting patiently. It’s a little awkward talking about this with Dana present, Chase is her boss. “You can’t spill this to Chase,” I tell her honestly.

  She shakes her head and crosses her heart. “I promise,” she whispers and then looks around as if Chase was standing behind her.

  “Okay, so last night, Chase and I had um…you know,” I try to get the words out but they’re stuck.

  “Sex?” Maria offers.

  I nod. “Well yeah, but we had the other type of sex,” I gesture with my eyebrows. All four of them look at me confused. Sighing I suck in a deep breath. “We had anal sex for the first time!” The words tumble out of my lips as if they are rocks falling off the ledge of a cliff.

  “And…?” Kat says completely unfazed.

  Bree clasps her hands behind her neck and leans back into the chair closing her eyes. “Mmm, I love ass sex,” she murmurs happily as if she’s currently remembering a time when she had it.

  Surprisingly, Maria doesn’t say anything but I forge on. “So you’ve all had it?” I ask dumfounded. My three soul sisters nod. Dana looks petrified and shakes her head.

  “Okay, so Kat, do you do it all the time?” I ask shocked that we’ve never ever in all the years we’ve been best friends discussed this. Right now, it seems all the more important. Maybe because it was new to me, I feel like a virgin telling her besties about her very first time with a man.

  Kat plucks a grape off the table between us that’s filled with a bunch of finger foods and noshes and plops it into her mouth. “No, I wouldn’t say regularly. For me it’s kind of kinky and exciting. Plus, you have to be really relaxed in order for it to feel good. Carson and I have only done it a couple times.”

  “You’ve done it with Carson? How did I not know this?” Now I’m feeling like the loser in a group of cool girls.

  Kat laughs. “What did you expect? I’m going to jump for joy and tell you every time I’ve had anal?” she snickers.

  I shake my head rather annoyed. “Bree, what about you? What’s your experience?”

  “Well, I’ve not done it with Phillip yet. He seems to think it’s going to hurt the baby. I’m betting he’s never done it and afraid to try something new. But he was married.” Her eyebrows pinch together prettily. Everything about Bree is pretty. “Don’t all married people do everything?” She shrugs then pouts. “My last boyfriend was a serious ass man. He’d take my ass any time I gave it to him. Once the newness wore off it kind of got boring.”

  “No, I think that was your ex. He was dumb as a rock but hotter than Hades in the dead of summer,” Maria chimes in.

  “True dat!” I joke. Bree grins and nods excitedly.

  Maria still hasn’t contributed. “So Maria, what’s your experience?”

  She clears her throat and slams the entire glass of champagne in one swallow. Not a good sign. The steward immediately pops up out of nowhere and fills her glass to the brim.

  “My experience isn’t pretty.” Maria says flatly. I know that tone. There be monsters hiding under the bed in that tone.

  Just as I’m about to change the subject Bree asks, “Meaning you didn’t like it?”

  Maria shakes her head. Her face turns hard and her eyes lose their warmth. “No honey, it means I didn’t choose it. Antonio took what he wanted, when he wanted, and didn’t take his sweet time preparing for the big event.” She stands, twirls on a toe her robe flapping in the breeze. “I have to tinkle,” she says in passing.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Bree slumps when Maria
is out of earshot.

  “Shit Bree, even I saw the signs!” Kat says and throws a grape at her.

  “I didn’t know. She never talks about Antonio. Gigi told us a lot about what Justin did to her but Maria has always been so tight lipped.” Bree brings her hands up to her temples and rubs. Dana sits watching the verbal lashes back and forth.

  “Honey, it’s fine. Ria’s a big girl and can handle it. Just don’t say anything about it when she comes back or she’ll get all grumpy and pissed. When she wants to talk about her experience, she will. I’m certain it won’t be here while we’re a couple days away from my wedding. Maria has this thing about tainting experiences.”

  The three girls nod and lay back switching the subject. Maria comes back in and sits in her seat looking refreshed and back to normal.

  The elephant hangs heavily around the group when Dana blurts, “Gigi, that necklace is beautiful. Is it new?”

  I narrow my eyes at her. If she had anything to do with picking it out I’m going to be extremely disappointed. “Why, have you seen it before?” There’s a hint of malice coating my tone that I didn’t mean to have.

  Her head juts backward and a hand comes up to her chest. “No, I just thought it was pretty.”

  “So Chase didn’t ask you to order this?” I need to know if this was as special to him as it is to me. She shakes her head. Immediately, the frustration poofs away and I smile wide and hold it out to the girls to get a good look. “It’s my wedding present. Chase is always tracing infinity symbols on my skin when he’s touching me, and he had this made as my wedding present. He’s going to die when he gets his!” I laugh.


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