A Student In Need

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A Student In Need Page 12

by Nicolas Schrammeck

  As he spoke he shrugged at Anthony who smiled pleasantly. “But I don't know who you are.”

  Jason gestured to Leo who opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Alex. “He’s my boyfriend, his name is Leo.”

  Again Jason shifted obviously a little uncomfortable with the use of the term ‘boyfriend’. “So…..so……you two are together?”

  Leo could see the strained look on Jason’s face as he spoke. Squeezing Alex’s hand gently Leo spoke. “Yes….although it’s not been without its problems, just like any relationship.”

  Out of the corner of his eye he saw Anthony smile weakly. After another moment Jason spoke. “So…..how long have you two been together?”

  Alex shrugged. “About 3 months now.”

  Again Jason shifted obviously uncomfortable. “I……I…….”

  But Jason broke off as Alex spoke over him. “I want to know why you walked out on me.”

  Jason’s face flushed red and he looked down at the table, nervously rubbing his hands together. Alex glared at Jason for several seconds before repeating his question. “Jason, why did you walk out on me?”

  Again Jason shifted obviously becoming more and more uncomfortable. “I……I…….I’m sorry, ale-”

  But Alex lashed out, slamming his hand down on the table making all of them jump; when he spoke Alex’s voice was hard. “Sorry isn’t good enough Jason. I want to know why.”

  Jason’s head had snapped up to look at his brother when he slammed his hand down on table. “I…….I……I was scared.”

  Leo felt Alex shift obviously not happy with Jason’s response. He watched as Alex leaned in narrowing his eyes. “You were scared? YOU WERE SCARED?”

  Leo could hear the anger in Alex’s voice. “You had no reason to be scared Jason. I was the one who was scared. I was the one who came out, and what did you do? You stood up and walked away, you left me there scared and alone. I barely had enough money with me to cover the food that we had ordered. I was the one that had to sit there and listen to everyone whispering about me. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THAT WAS LIKE?”

  Across the table Jason squirmed uncomfortable under Alex’s glare. “Alex I’m…..I’m sorry. Ok? I don't know what else….”

  But Alex cut him off again. “I WANT A REAL REASON JASON. WHY DID YOU WALK OUT ON ME?”

  Alex wasn't shouting but his voice left no room for debate of questions. Leo squeezed Alex’s hand gently. Despite his own feelings towards Jason, Leo could not help but feel a little bad for Alex’s brother as he squirmed in his seat under the force of Alex’s glare. After a moment of silence Anthony spoke. “Jason……tell Alex what you told me in my office.”

  Jason looked at Anthony but shook his head. “I…….I can't……..I……”

  Anthony nodded slowly and touched Jason's shoulder. “Why can't you tell us?”

  Jason took a shuddering breath. “Because I’m ashamed.”

  Anthony nodded. “Would it be ok if I told them?”

  Jason nodded but looked down at the floor as Anthony turned to them. “Jason was scared that by you, admitting you were gay it would somehow imply that he was gay too.”

  A rather stunned silence followed this statement broken only when Alex spoke. “What on earth would make you think that Jason?”

  Anthony opened his mouth, most likely to answer for Jason only to Alex silence him. “No….no I want Jason to tell me.”

  Jason looked up at him. “Seriously?”

  Alex nodded and leaned forward. “If I had the guts to tell you I was gay you can have the balls to tell me why it scared you. I can sit here all night if I have to.”

  As he spoke Alex leaned back and folded his arms. Silence lapsed between the brothers as Alex continued to glare at Jason who fidgeted but remained silent. The minutes ticked by, in the back of his mind Leo wanted to help Jason in some way. “Alex…..”

  his voice was gentle as he spoke. Alex shook his head. “No. I want a real reason from him. If he can't give me that after all I’ve done for him…….then maybe I don't want anything to do with him.”

  Jason’s eyes jerked up to stare at Alex. Leo could tell that Alex’s words had hurt Jason. He watched as across from them the athletic turtle closed his eyes and began to speak. “Alex…..you know I’m not good with words. I’m an athlete I’m at my best when I can hit something. So just……bare with me ok?”

  Alex nodded but continued to glare at Jason as he spoke. “I………when you…….came out to me…….I got scared. You and I……..we’ve been together for a long time. I…….”

  Jason's body shook slightly as he spoke. “I thought……maybe……..maybe you were telling me all that…….because………because you wanted me as……..MORE than just a brother.”

  A look of shock flashed across Alex’s face. From his spot on the other side of the table Anthony could not help but smile slightly at the look of shock on Alex’s face. It was obvious that had not been the answer Alex had been expecting. He watched as Alex blinked several times before speaking in a slightly confused tone. “You thought…….I……. liked you?”

  Alex put emphasis on the word ‘liked’. Without speaking Jason nodded, keeping his eyes looking down at the table as he did so. Again Alex blinked for a moment. “Why……..would you…….think that?”

  Jason groaned and leaned back in his seat. “Come on Alex…….you’re not making this easy for me.”

  Alex growled. “Cry me a fucking river Jason. I’ve had to deal with my own shit for the past 3 months. So forgive me if I don't give much a shit about your problems.”

  Again Jason groaned. “Look…….I………it’s hard to explain ok?”

  Again Alex growled. “TRY.”

  Jason remained silent for several minutes before speaking. “Remember when we were younger? You used to be scared of thunderstorms.”

  Alex nodded; he still was a little scared of them. “You used to crawl in bed with he and I hold you and say I’d always protect you. And you’d say you loved me, and I’d say I loved you.”

  Again Alex nodded. Jason shifted in his seat before continuing. “Well………I liked those moments. And I guess you did too cause they kept happening. Then……when we got older things changed. I had to explain to you about puberty and…….sex……and stuff.”

  Jason mumbled the last few words before looking up at Alex who held his gaze. “I just………when you came out to me I…….wondered if maybe………if maybe your feelings for me were……..not brotherly. I mean……..we’re not really related……so………..I guess I thought………maybe………….”

  Leo watched as Alex leaned forward his gaze softening slightly as Jason continued to look uncomfortable. “I did like those moments Jason. They made me feel safe. I loved huddling up with you while it was storming or when I was scared. But not once, did I ever think of you as anything other than my brother and friend.”

  Jason looked up at Alex and smiled weakly. “Ok.”

  Jason smiled and spoke. “So…….since we’re here and we’re getting stuff off our chests is there anything else you’d like to tell me?”

  Unseen by Jason or Anthony Alex’s grip on Leo’s hand became vise like, making Leo wince slightly. Looking at Alex’s face Leo wondered if Jason could see the barely hidden panic in Alex’s eyes as they flicked from Jason and then to Anthony. “I…..um…..yes…..”

  Anthony felt his eyes widen. Was Alex really going to tell Jason? Was he really going to tell his older brother about the years of abuse and pain he’d gone through so Jason wouldn’t have to? He watched as Alex shifted uncomfortably for a moment before speaking. “Remember when we were 7 and you got that new skateboard from Santa?”

  Jason nodded. Behind Alex Leo swallowed the rock that had formed in his mouth. Was making really going to do this? He groaned slightly as Alex’s grip on his hand relaxed. “I got it for you.”

  Jason smiled warmly. “I know Alex.”

  Alex stared at him confused. “You knew?�

  Jason nodded. “I found the receipt in the trashcan a few days before.”

  For a moment they were silent before both brothers started laughing. Leo sighed as he felt his heart rate return to normal. He watched as Alex took a deep breath before speaking again. “Well…..other then that I don't think there is anything else that I’ve hidden from you.”

  Jason eyes Alex for a moment before smiling. “Ok then. No more secrets between us. Deal? Alex nodded. “Deal.”

  After a moment Jason spoke, looking from Alex to Leo. “So…..how did this…..”

  He gestured between Alex and Leo, “happen?”

  Alex looked to Leo and smiled sheepishly before speaking. “We…..meet on the first day of school. We’re in the same class.”

  Leo rolled his eyes at the small snicker that escaped Anthony’s mouth. “We got to talking and……we just kind of liked each other. And then after……..after……after I came out…..I went to his place and he let me stay with him.”

  Jason looked to Leo before smiling weakly. “Thank you for looking after my brother.”

  Leo shrugged. “He’s a handful at times.”

  Jason chuckled. “You don't know the half of it. I can't imagine how hard it was for you to get all his stuff to fit.”

  Leo’s face darkened slightly. “He didn’t have anything to bring.”

  Jason's face changed, a look of confusion passing over him. “What? He has tons of stuff; clothes, books, music…..”

  But his voice trailed off as Leo let out a low growl. “Your frat brothers burned all his stuff right before they beat the shit out of him and kicked him out.”

  Jason's eyes widened slightly as he looked to Alex who shifted a little, squeezing Leo’s hand to try and calm him down. “Alex? Is….is that true?”

  After another moment of silence Alex nodded. Jason growled in response. “I’ll kill them.”

  A moment later Alex was shaking his head. “No….no Jason don't. You’ll get into trouble for fighting again.”

  But Jason shook his head and moved to stand up, a move that was blocked by Anthony who gripped Jason's shoulder and held him in place. In the back of his mind Leo smiled; he’d been on the receiving end of Anthony’s strength before; despite Anthony’s slender appearance he could be amazingly strong. Jason growled at Anthony. “Let me go. They need to pay for what they did.”

  But Anthony shook his head. “That won’t help the situation Jason. It’ll only get you into trouble, and if that happens the school might revoke your football scholarship and if that happens…..”

  Anthony’s voice trailed off as he saw comprehension dawn in Jason's eyes. “Then Alex won’t be able to continue attending school either.”

  Anthony nodded as Jason spoke. A moment later Jason's face was again filled with anger. “BUT…..BUT….but you can't expect me to stay on that team? Most of them are Alpha Cal members; I don't want to be on the same team as a bunch of guys who beat up my brother!”

  He spoke the last words a bit louder. It wasn't like they had to worry about being overhead; the noise from the various arcade games drowned out anything they said. Anthony nodded. “I know Jason but it’s not that simple. Look…….just……just stay on the team until the football season is over. Then you can look into being transferred to another school. Ok?”

  Jason groaned but nodded. “Fine.”

  Slowly Alex leaned forward and put his hand over Jason's. “I know…..I know it’s tough…..but thank you.”

  Jason smiled at Alex who smiled back at him. “I’m sorry I acted the way I did.”

  Alex nodded. “I accept your apology Jason.”

  They stayed at the arcade for only a few hours more. They chatted for a little bit but for the most part they got up and started playing the various games; all 4 of them grateful to be able to do something vaguely normal. Leo watched as Alex giggled manically as he played hammered away of the buttons that controlled his character; shouting with joy as he KO’d Jason's fighter. Only to have Jason make fun of Alex’s bad driving on another game. Slowly their supply of quarters diminished until they had only 2 left.

  Moving through the arcade Leo watched as Alex scanned for a game they could play with just 2 quarters; his face lighting up as he grabbed Leo’s hand and led him through the maze of games until they came to a stop. In front of them an old style photo booth sat the pain slightly dimmed but still obvious. A moment later Leo felt Alex push him inside the booth before depositing the quarters into the machine. “Smile!”

  Rolling his eyes Leo flinched as a blinding flash of light filled his vision. “DUDE YOU BLINKED.”

  Leo rolled his eyes as the machine whirred up to take another shot.

  “Hey Leo……”

  Turning towards Alex Leo barely hard to time to react as the young turtle leaned in and captured his lips just as the booth flashed again, capturing the moment. He pulled back slightly surprised as Alex giggled shifting so they were looking at each other. “Now you kiss me!”

  Leo felt his face heat up; but he never the less leaned in and tried to give Alex just a gentle kiss on the forehead. Alex seemed to have anticipated this though; shifting at the last second so again their lips met.

  A moment later the booth flashed again. He inhaled, his nostrils flaring as they took in Alex’s sweet smell. He groaned gently leaning into the kiss. He pushed forward gently pinning Alex’s head to the side of the booth as the machine whirred up for the final shot. Leo groaned as Alex parted his lips, allowing him access to his mouth. Leo felt Alex’s hands slowly move up his arms pulling him just a little deeper into the kiss.


  A second later Leo groaned as a hand gripped his shell and pushed him away from Alex’s lips. Jason had stepped into the booth and was now glaring at Leo who smiled sheepishly back at him. “So-ARG!”

  Leo yelped as the booth took its last photo capture the scene in front of them with Alex blushing and still leaning against the wall of the booth, Leo smiling sheepishly at Jason, while Jason glared daggers at him. As the blinding flash of light died down Alex spoke. “Awww Jason…..you ruined the last picture.”

  Jason rolled his eyes and withdrew from the booth leave Alex and Leo alone again. Leo smiled sheepishly at Alex who smiled back. “S…sorry.”

  Alex giggled before pulling Leo from the booth. As they stepped back into the arcade they were greeted by the sight of Anthony smiling at them, while next to him Jason had his arms folded in front of his chest and was glaring at Leo. “Just because you’re my brother’s boyfriend doesn’t mean I’ll let you suck his face off whenever you want.”

  Leo felt a faint blush cover his face; but Alex gave Jason a forceful stare. “I’m 19 Jason. If Leo and I want to make out we can.”

  He spoke in a defiant tone that just begged for Jason to challenge him on it. Leo shifted nervously as rah continued to glare at him before being cut off by his cellphone which began blaring in his pocket. Digging out the devise Jason's face darkened. “I have to go to practice.”

  Moving to put the phone back in his pocket Jason felt Leo grab for him phone and begin to push buttons. “Hey! What are you doing?”

  After a moment Leo handed him his phone back. “Putting in my home phone number so you can call and talk to Alex.”

  Jason shifted slightly embarrassed by his outburst. “Umm…….thank.”

  A second later Alex was hugging him. “Do your best Jason.”

  Jason grinned down at Alex. “I will Alex.”

  “We should get going to Alex. Tomorrow is a school day. And If I recall you have a test in one of your classes.”

  Alex groaned and put on another pouty face. Leo raised an eyebrow and folded his arms. “I don't have any more quarters so we can't keep playing the games.”

  Alex sighed. “Fine.”

  Following Leo and Alex from the arcade Jason watched as they got into Leo’s car and moved to drive away. “Hey Alex….?”

  Alex looked at him
. “Yes Jason?”

  “Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I’ve really missed you.”

  He watched as Alex got out of the car and gave him another hug. “I’ve missed you too Jason. Now go kick some football ass.”

  Jason nodded and watched his brother got into Leo’s car and drove off, waving at him until they turned the corner and vanished from sight. Smiling to himself Jason had been about to go to his Jeep when Anthony spoke behind him. “You’re a bad liar.”

  Jason turned to him. “What do you mean? I didn’t lie to him.”

  Anthony rolled his eyes. “We both know the moment you see your teammates you’re gunna pound them into the dust.”

  Jason shifted from one leg the other; a ragged snarl escaping his mouth. “Damn right. They fucked with my little brother. No one does that and gets away with it.”

  Anthony rolled his eyes. “Fine. Just wait until you guys get out on the practice field. Then you can wail on them as much as you want and say it’s for training. Ok?”

  Jason grinned and nodded before fixing Anthony with his own stare. “I may not be any good at lying, but neither is my brother. He’s not telling me something. When I asked him if he had any other secrets, I could see the panic in his eyes for a moment. Care to tell me what that’s all about?”

  Anthony sighed and shook his head. “I can't. I’m his doctor, and he’s my patient. You’d need a court order to make me tell you anything.”

  Jason growled and took a step towards Anthony. “Don’t fuck with me. I may not be a genius like you but I bet I can come up with some new ways to cause you pain.”

  Anthony shrugged and began to walk away. As he did so he spoke over his shoulder. “I’m sure you could Jason. But for now just be happy with the fact that you and Alex are talking again. Don’t blow this second chance you got.”

  Jason growled and had been about to respond when again his phone went off. Biting his lip Jason turned and made his way to his Jeep before turning it on and pulling out of the parking lot. As he came to a stop at the red light he found that Anthony was in the lane next to him with his window down. “Hey!”


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