A Student In Need

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A Student In Need Page 17

by Nicolas Schrammeck

  Alex bit his lip but nodded whimpering as Leo’s hands left his body and began to pull off his costume, first exposing his shoulder and chest then his legs before……Alex groaned as he wiggled in closer, he wanted to do this last part. Leo chuckled as Alex’s hands pushing his own away from his underwear. Alex bit his lip as he began to pull tugging Leo’s underwear down past his hips, exposing the large bulge that mimicked Alex's. He looked up, seeing Leo smile at him made his heart flip. He moved in closer, their skin finally touching sending gentle shivers through his body. “I love you so much.”

  Leo leaned in resuming his nuzzling of Alex’s neck while his hands returned to Alex’s pouch, making the young turtle’s face contort in pleasure again. He changed his touch, using just a finger instead of his whole palm, making Alex quiver and churr as he gently traced the slit waiting for Alex to reach the threshold of what he could stand. He wanted as Alex quivered, his arms again wrapping around Leo’s neck, while he buried his head against Leo’s ear. “Leo…….”

  But Leo silenced him with a kiss, he knew Alex was reaching his limit, applying a little more pleasure Leo grinned as Alex’s body shuddered his skin seeming to crawl as his pouch retracted allowing his throbbing organ to spring free directly into Leo’s waiting hand. Alex broke the kiss his head snapping back as a loud moan erupted from his throat. His whole body shuddered and trembled as Leo’s hand gently closed around his organ, slowly pumping it making his world feel like it was spinning. “Oh god…..oh god…….oh GOD.”

  His grip around Leo’s neck tightened, “Leo……I’m…..”

  Leo nuzzled in closer, “I know…..”

  Alex bit his lip, as Leo sped up his ministrations. His toes curled and uncurled, his breathing was labored as he struggled to draw enough breath to keep his head from spinning. He clung to Leo, half terrified that if he let go of Leo he’s fall away into the abyss of pleasure that was racking his body. His muscles tensed and relax, his skin felt like it was on fire, and every nerve in his body screamed in pleasure as Leo continued pumping his organ, coaxing more and more of Alex’s seed out of him. “Oh god…..oh god…….OH GOD!”

  He struggled to draw breath now, his whole world spun as he pulled Leo into a desperate kiss, crushing their lips together. Leo’s tongue invaded his mouth making him shudder and moan as his body sped towards its limit. He broke the kiss his head snapping back as he let out a ragged moan that made his whole body shake. He felt his flesh swell for a split second before his orgasm slammed into him like a ton of bricks. He could not stop the churr that rippled through his body making his sides quiver and heave. He forced his head down burying his face against Leo’s shoulder, inhaling lungfuls of the musky scent Leo was letting off as the older turtle continued to pump him, making his body jerk each and every time Leo’s hand reached the tip of his cock.

  Every muscle in his body was tight, so tight he was worried he might cramp up. his body felt like it was exploding as his’ hips jerked forward grinding against Leo’s hand as he continued to pump him riding out his orgasm, extending it to a truly mind numbing length of time. He felt Leo shift wiping his hand on a patch of blankets before wrapping around Alex’s shoulders pulling him in closer. “Are you ok?”

  Alex nodded; his heart felt like it was going to explode in his chest as he gasped for air. He clung to Leo’s body, feeling their chests rubbing together making him let out a low churr. Leo’s skin felt hot amazing against his own. He panted, forcing himself to take deep breaths. In front of him Leo leaned in, gently nuzzling his neck; allowing Alex the time to relax and bask in the afterglow of his climax. As Alex drew breath Leo’s hand shifted, gently moving back to pull Alex in closer while at the same time running along Alex’s tail, making his ‘churr’ softly. Alex was grateful for the time to relax. Slowly he felt his heart rate return to normal and his breathing became regular again; but at the same time he became more and more away of Leo’s hand against his tail. He shuddered as Leo gently ran his fingers the length of the small limb before taking the tail into his hand and squeezing the base. A small echo of pleasure rippled through Alex’s body making him moan. “Leo……”

  Again Leo squeezed his tail making Alex moan again. He shifted leaning forward to capture Alex's lips as he squeezed the tail again, making Alex shudder. As they kissed Alex’s hands roamed his body; tracing his chest, shoulders, arms and hips before dipping down to run along Leo’s pouch. Leo broke the kiss a small groan leaving him as Alex mimicked his movements from before, running his palm against Leo’s slit. A second later Alex flinched slightly as Leo’s pouch retracted, allowing his organ free. Leo watched the young turtle’s face closely, noting the subtle red blush that had sprung up as he looked at Leo’s needful flesh. “It’s…………big.”

  Alex’s voice quivered slightly. He really did feel like a virgin again. He knew Leo’s wasn't the biggest he’d seen; but something about the sight of the organ made him nervous at the thought of it going…….inside him. Leo moved nuzzling just under his chin. “We don't have to go any further Alex. I won’t push you.”

  But Alex shook his head. “No…….no I want this…….I just……..would you be gentle?”

  Leo nodded, planting a tender kiss on Alex’s lips. “You never have to ask me that. But……. I think we should prep you a little first. Ok?”

  Alex bit his lip. What did Leo mean, ‘prep’ him? As though Leo knew what he was thinking, he spoke; continuing to nuzzle Alex’s neck as he did. “I don't want to hurt you Alex. I just wanna make sure you’re……..ready to handle me. Ok?”

  Alex bit his lip again but nodded. He watched as Leo turned away from him for a minute; pulling open a drawer in his nightstand before pulling something out. “Roll onto your stomach. Ok?”

  Doing as he was instructed Alex shifted so he was laying on his stomach. He turned, looking back at Leo as he popped the cap on the small bottle he’d pulled out of his nightstand. He watched as Leo poured a small dollop of clear jell onto his fingers before moving to Alex’s legs. “W….wait……”

  Instantly Leo backed off, watching as Alex shifted, crawling forward on the bed so he could lean against the headboard. “O…..ok.”

  Leo bit his lip. “Alex?”

  Alex’s eyes were closed his arms shaking slightly. Leo moved coming in behind Alex, wrapping his arms around the young turtle’s waist. “What wrong? Please…….speak to me.”

  Alex’s sides shook as he forced himself to speak, his eyes never opening. “They……they were always on top of me……..I don't……”

  Alex broke off as he forced himself to take a deep breath, willing himself to calm down. “Not on top of me……..please.”

  Leo leaned in kissing the back of his neck. “Ok Alex. Is like this ok?”

  As he spoke he gave Alex’s shoulders a small squeeze. Alex nodded, biting his lip. He wanted this, he really did. He wanted Leo to take him, to wipe away the memories of the last man who’s done this to him; yet he could not stop himself from quivering as Leo’s hands ran slowly down his shell. Would Leo be gentle? Despite how nervous he felt he groaned as Leo’s slip fingers touched his tail. “Alex…….if you want to stop……”

  But Alex shook his head, “no…….don’t stop……..just……not all at once.”

  He felt Leo shift, nuzzling the back of his neck. “I’m not going to put it in yet Alex. I said I was going to prep you.”

  Alex bit his lip. “What…….what does that mean?”

  He groaned as Leo’s hand squeezed his tail again. “Do you trust me?”

  Alex nodded; he did, he did trust Leo; trusted him more then he’d trusted anyone else in his life. “Tell me to stop and I will. Ok?”

  Alex nodded, shuddering slightly as Leo’s fingers began to trail down the underside of his tail. He whimpered slightly as Leo’s fingers brushed against his entrance. “Alex?”

  But he shook his head, “be gentle.”

  He felt Leo move in close, gently pinning him against the headboard, not in a
dominating or rough way but in a way that was oddly reassuring to him. Leo’s weight against his body seemed to calm him; making him feel as though Leo was hugging him while in reality…… “AHHHHH!”

  Alex’s head rolled back coming to rest against Leo’s shoulder as he felt Leo’s fingers begin to circle his entrance. Behind him Leo nuzzled his neck. “Shhhhh, just breath.”

  Alex nodded, another moan escaping from his lips as Leo began to gently apply pressure, until….. Alex hissed as he felt the tip of Leo’s fingers penetrate his body. At the sound of his hiss Leo froze his finger barely inside Alex. “Are you-?”

  But Alex cut him off, letting out a whimper. “More…..”

  He blushed at the sound he made, it was so unlike him. Behind him Leo smiled. “Oh…..did you like that?”

  Alex nodded panting slightly as he did so; letting out a gentle whimper as he felt Leo’s finger move, slowly building pressure until it slipped a little deeper into his body. He forced himself to breath, to take deep breaths in and out as he felt Leo’s finger slowly, gently working his way deeper and deeper into Alex’s body. Unconsciously he squirmed, on one hand the feeling of Leo’s slimy finger inside him was almost repulsive; it made him want to squirm away; on the other hand he wanted more. He groaned as Leo nuzzled his neck, making him lean his head sideways to give Leo access to more of his skin. “Are you ok?”

  Alex nodded, inhaling Leo’s musky scent. “I love you.”

  He felt Leo move, using his free hand to turn Alex’s head until they were looking at each other. The kiss was gentle, tender; Alex felt small tears well up in his eyes as Leo pulled away. Almost at once he felt Leo’s finger withdrawing from his body. “Alex, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Did I-”

  But Alex cut him off, leaning in to seize his lips into another kiss, this one more passionate then the one before it. Their tongue danced together making Leo groan and lean back in. he began to move gently working his finger inside of Alex, spreading the lube he’d coated the digit in. in response Alex let out a shuddering churr, breaking the kiss as he panted. Leo felt the fire in his gut grow in intensity. He wanted Alex, NOW. Slowly he withdrew his fingers, moving his hands to grip Alex’s hips. “Ready?”

  Alex nodded taking several deep breaths, as he readied himself. He groaned as he felt Leo ready himself, pressing in against him making Alex gasp slightly. The feeling was indescribable; nothing in the world compared to the feeling of being filled, that he was feeling at that exact moment. Alex felt Leo growl and hiss as his body responded, clamping down on Leo’s member as he slowly pressed his way deeper and deeper until he was completely buried inside Alex’s body. They stayed like this for a few moments; Alex panting trying to get accustomed to the feeling of being filled, while Leo tried to comfort him, kissing and nuzzling his neck; whispering gentle words into his ear. Alex’s knuckles had gone white as he gripped the headboard as tightly as he could. He knew Leo was big; but now that he was inside, Leo felt HUGE. Every few seconds Leo’s flesh would pulse seeming to grow for a split second making Alex groan and whimper in response.

  It started out slowly; Leo withdrew a little bit only to gently push himself back inside. Alex moaned his head rolling back to once against rest on Leo’s shoulder. Leo leaned in capturing the young turtle’s lips as he moved again, pulling out a little further before pushing himself back inside. They quickly fell into a rhythm soon filling the air with the sound of their flesh slapping together which mixed with the chorus of churrs, moans, and growls that the two turtles were letting off. Leo’s grip on Alex’s hips tightened as he pumped harder and harder. His eyes were closed; with his face buried against Alex’s neck, inhaling nothing but Alex’s smell.

  He was in heaven. Alex’s body was gripping him so tightly that he felt like he could burst at any moment; at the same time every sound Alex let out egged him on, making him pound into the young turtle harder and harder just to make Alex make more noise. Every nerve in his body was screaming in pleasure desperate for his release, making him pound into Alex harder. He leaned in capturing Alex’s lips again, kissing the young turtle roughly, their tongue dancing together before being broken as Alex’s head snapped back as a loud gasp erupted from his mouth. “Oh god…..oh god…….OH GO-AAAAAAAH!”

  Alex’s back arched against Leo’s chest, as a string of moans and whimpers escaped his mouth. He could feel it; the white hot knot in his chest that had been tightening the entire time Leo had been inside him, was about to burst. “F…f…fuck! LEO!”

  Alex’s entire body spasmed as he felt Leo shift, reaching around to grip his throbbing member and gently pump it. The effect was instant Alex’s whole body jerked, his back arching down forcing him to bury his forehead against the wall as he felt the knot in his stomach explode. He let out the loudest moan of the night as he felt his second orgasm slam into his body making his arms and legs quiver. His mind was incapable of thinking as Leo’s hand moved, pumping his organ turning the already amazing climax into something that was almost earth shattering. His cock throbbed and pulsed as wave after wave of pleasure washed over him. He could his seed coating Leo’s fingers as the older turtle pounded into him a few more times before grunting. “Alex……I’m…….gunna…..”

  But Alex moved, bending his legs upwards making sure Leo stayed inside him. A second later a new feeling mixed with the feelings of his already overwhelming orgasm; the feeling of Leo’s cock pulsing for a second before a gentle warmth began to spread through him. Alex groaned his voice quivering as he felt Leo’s arms wrap around his shoulder, holding him in close as Leo released load after load into Alex’s body. Behind him Leo moaned, burying his face against Alex’s neck; panting as his the pleasure he’d denied himself for months rippled through his body. It was truly mind numbing; every nerve in his body was in fire, every muscle ached and burned, every inch of skin itched as he climaxed inside Alex making the young turtle moan and whimper as their two bodies pressed against each other, riding out their orgasms until every ounce of pleasure had left their bodies. Alex whimpered as he suddenly felt very drained, his muscles going limp. He groaned as he felt Leo slowly withdraw from his body before pulling him back. Alex groaned as Leo moved, gently laying him down on the mattress, before cuddling up next to him. “Are……you ok?”

  Alex nodded. It took all of his strength to roll over so he was looking at Leo, who was looking at him a little nervous.

  “That was……..” Alex smiled, as he finished Leo’s sentence, “incredible.”

  Leo nodded slowly, a faint blush spreading across his face. After a moment he spoke, his hands moving, winding his fingers through Alex’s. “I love you Alex.”

  Alex smiled, leaning in a little closer. “I love you too Leo.”

  Leo watched as Alex’s eyes fluttered, as the young turtle struggled to stay awake. “It’s ok Alex. Go ahead and sleep.”

  Alex smiled his eyes drifting closed. “Thank you, Leo. Thank you so much.”

  Leo squeezed Alex’s hand. “I love you Alex.”

  Alex's response was to gently squeeze his hand as the young turtle finally gave into sleep. Shifting a little closer, Leo kissed Alex's forehead before closing his own eyes, allowing sleep to take him.



  Coach Larry sighed as he leaned back in his chair. In front of him papers and files on his players were fanned out. He’d been at this for hours. He’d combed through every player’s files searching for it; the source of Jason’s mysterious aggression. On his desk his player’s darkest secrets and most intimate details were written for him to peruse like a library. Groaning again Larry closed his eyes. What was going on? In the past 3 weeks Jason had gone from being a star player to a liability that the team could not afford to have. It wasn't like this had never happened before; they were college students after all. Drama was bound to crop up and put them in a bad mood. But all it normally took was a tough practice or a good smack down to straighten them out again. He suspected he’d alrea
dy given Jason a minor concussion, and he’d made the angry turtle run over 50 laps around the track in the last week alone; yet the turtle’s bad attitude remained. Worst of all, his attitude was starting to effect the team. Some of his players had begun snapping at each other; a few of them had gotten into fights that he’d had to break up. Sighing again Larry spoke. “Anna……”

  A moment later the door to his office opened and his daughter poked her head in. “yes father?” Larry sighed again. “You know who Jason is right?”

  Anna thought for a moment. “The turtle with the big muscles and the attitude problem?”

  Larry chuckled but nodded. “Yes, him. I want you to get close to him. Find out what is causing him to have such a bad attitude; and if you can end it.”

  Anna grinned. “He probably just needs a good fuck.”

  Larry remained silent, glaring at his daughter who rolled her eyes. “Fine….I won’t sleep with him.”

  Larry nodded. “Good.”

  As she closed the door to her father’s office Anna rolled her eyes and grinned. “…if I don't want to.”


  Their heaven was interrupted as the phone began to ring. Leo growled as Alex’s eyes flicked in the direction of the ringer. Alex shifted, adopting a more submissive pose while letting out a gentle whimper. “Professor Leo. I think my grades are slipping is there anything I can do to bring them up? Anything at all?”

  Leo nodded and leaned back in, capturing Alex’s lips again; while pressing his body against Alex’s. In the distance the answer machine beeped and a female voice spoke through the house.

  “Hello Leo. My name is Doctor Malory; I work at ST. Luke’s hospital. I’m calling to inform you that your father was rushed to the emergency room after he suffered what appears to be a massive stroke.”


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