The Body Painter (Master of Trickery Book 1)

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The Body Painter (Master of Trickery Book 1) Page 31

by Pepper Winters

  Olin didn’t have a clue why she was being targeted.

  But I did.

  I was the reason.

  I knew it every time Ms Tallup glanced my way.

  I knew it every time I felt her eyes on me in the cafeteria and school hall.

  I knew it with utmost certainty when I hung back from class on Friday and prepared to fight for Olin’s future.

  Mine might be fucked but Olin’s...I wouldn’t let anything destroy it—let alone a teacher who wanted things she could never have.

  “Gil.” Olin snuggled into my side as our fellow students packed up their school bags. “My parents are away all weekend.” Her voice lowered. “Stay. Sleep over.”

  My eyes shot wide, looking down at her. This wasn’t the first time her parents had stayed away for days, but it was the first time she’d asked me to sleep there. To slip into her bed. To touch her in the dark. To strip her, kiss her, take her.

  I squeezed my eyes against the images, cursing the sudden tightness in my jeans. Why did she have to choose today of all days to break me?

  I had a plan.

  A script to follow.

  Outside of school, it was no secret things were burning between us. She wanted me as much as I wanted her. Her touches were different. Her stares more heated. We could barely be around each other without jumping when we touched and breathing hard for forbidden things.

  Our bodies had been patient.

  Our hearts had swapped and no longer belonged to us but to each other.

  Sex was the natural evolution of our connection.

  And I wanted it.

  Wanted her.

  So fucking much.

  All I wanted to do was nuzzle her nose with mine and whisper yes.

  Yes to taking her.

  Yes to love.

  Yes to making her mine.

  But Ms Tallup watched my every move. Her eyes made me sick. Her concentration made me shake. And right now, her gaze sent poisoned arrows into my flesh.

  I couldn’t let Olin keep paying for my mistakes.

  I had to guard her...forever.

  Swallowing hard, I prepared myself to hurt the one person I adored more than anything, all in the name of protecting her. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, do you?”

  Olin sighed with impatience, but she didn’t click to my betrayal. Her tongue licked her bottom lip, not taking my snark for an answer. “We’ll talk about it. But it’s happening. You’re sleeping over tonight, Gilbert Clark. I can’t wait another day.”

  Ms Tallup couldn’t hear us, but our protection of other students had gone, and her stare was ever more venomous. Pushing Olin away, I withdrew from her, doing my best to seem cold-hearted and annoyed. “Go home, Olin. We’re done here.”

  Her eyes flared with hurt, studying me helplessly. “Wait...what...?”

  “Go on. You know the way.” I raised my voice to ensure a certain teacher heard. “Leave me alone.” I crippled inside for being such a heartless liar.

  I wanted to cuddle her close and whisper that it was all just an act. An act that I hoped Ms Tallup bought. An act that would buy her freedom from the wickedest teacher in this school. My voice glittered with ice as I bled deep inside. “We’re through.”

  One of the girls who Olin hung out with before me slung her bag on and tugged Olin’s hand. “Come on. He’s being a jerk. I’ll walk you home.”

  I forced myself not to shake with gratefulness with how loud she spoke. I’d pre-arranged this pantomime. I’d asked Olin’s friend to call me names, put me down, slam and shame me.

  All for an audience of one.

  Olin’s shock and heartbreak had to be real, but she did too good a job as her eyes watered and she looked at me as if I’d suffocated the love right out of her.

  I crossed my arms and clenched my teeth, wrapping myself in as much frost as I could. “Go away, O.”

  “You don’t mean this. Why are you doing this?” Tears spilled from Olin’s hazel gaze.

  “I do mean it. We’re done.”

  “I don’t understand. This can’t be real. What are you—”

  Olin’s friend dragged her toward the exit. “Come on, O. He’s such a prick. You can do so much better, you know. No one likes him, anyway. Such a loser.”

  I flinched as Olin twisted to keep her eyes on mine, searching for some sign that this was a cruel joke.

  Cruel, absolutely.

  A joke, definitely not.

  I would never hurt her this way if there was another alternative.

  “Gil, please. Talk to me.”

  I hid my trembles as her friend jerked her into the corridor then slammed the classroom door.

  I was the only one left.

  The only student, anyway.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose, doing my best to get my heart rate under control and not bolt after Olin with the biggest apology. My knees burned to slam to the ground and beg for her forgiveness.

  And I would.

  I would apologise all night at her place. I would gather her close and kiss her deep. I would release my fears and make love to the girl I adored with all my heart. And I would tell her the truth about why our teacher—who was in charge of grooming our future—was doing her best to destroy it.

  The soft snick of a door locking ripped my eyes open and head up.

  Ms Tallup stood with her back to the now-locked door, her eyes narrowed on me.

  I braced myself, balling my hands and staring her down.

  We didn’t speak.

  There weren’t words that could be used. Somehow, humans had the ability to hold entire conversations, put forth arguments, plead for help, and understand they were trapped, all without making a sound.

  Ms Tallup gave me a tight smile before pushing from the door and clipping in her heels to the supply closet at the back of the room. “Come along, Mr. Clark.”

  My thighs trembled to run in the opposite direction. To chase after Olin this very second and ease the pain I’d caused in her heart. Tonight was too far away. The tears she’d cry in the meantime. The agony she’d have to endure.

  It killed me.

  But...I’d bought this opportunity. I’d created this hell for a reason.

  Balling my hands until nails sliced into my palms, I turned from the exit and followed Ms Tallup with stiff legs and unwilling steps to the storage area where class paraphernalia grew dusty on shallow shelves.

  In there, no one would see us. No one would hear us.

  I swallowed hard as I stepped into the dark room, and Ms Tallup grinned like a soul-sucking succubus we’d learned about in mythology. “I wondered when you’d break that silly girl’s heart.”

  My teeth ground together.

  The power dynamic between us did its best to keep me in my place as her underling. I was her student. My job was to be subservient, polite, and grateful.

  But in this dark, dangerous place, I was her equal. I was her oppressor.

  Inhaling sharp, my anger overflowed, gushing from my mouth with clipped vowels and harsh consonants. “Let’s get one thing straight. I might be your student, but you aren’t God. You don’t get to play with our lives. You don’t get to make us miserable.” My hand came up, slicing through the air like a guillotine. My head came down, glowering at her under my brows. “If you ever mess with Olin’s future again, I’ll hurt you.”

  She didn’t look ruffled by my outburst. Instead, she chuckled condescendingly. “Quite a display for someone who supposedly just broke up with her.”



  I dropped my hand, deleting all sign of emotion from my voice. I embraced the freezing cold that’d helped me cope so many times in my life. “I’m bored of her. Bored of you. Bored of this school.”

  “Bored is a serious accusation to say to your teacher,” she murmured with a hungry gleam. “Are you saying I’m not teaching you to the best of my ability?” She licked her lips, her gaze dancing down my body to my groin. “Because there are oth
er subjects I can teach you. Lots and lots of subjects.”

  A full body heave tried to take control, but I shoved it back, breaking out in goosebumps. “Your current teaching is fine.”

  “But you just said you were bored.” She moved toward me, hips swaying too much, lips glistening from her tongue. “Perhaps we can discuss extra lessons. Make sure you aren’t held back for the third time.”

  Her threat was obvious.

  Her hint was disgusting.

  I backed up, knocking into a shelf holding markers and glue sticks. They tumbled to the floor, clattering loudly.

  “Jumpy little thing,” she whispered, placing her hand on my chest.

  Sickness oozed from her touch. Horror layered my heart, making it beat thick and wrong.

  Swiping at her hand, I sucked in a breath, looking into the empty classroom. No sounds of students in the corridor. No laughter of teachers leaving for the weekend.

  We were alone.

  Utterly, totally alone.

  There’d been many times in my life when I’d been trapped. Trapped by fists. By walls. By rules. By blood. But this was the first time I’d been trapped by love.

  Ms Tallup wanted me.

  She wanted me enough to destroy Olin in the process.

  If I was selfish, I would step aside and not get involved. I would keep Olin for myself, all while knowing it was because of me that her education and future suffered.

  But when it came to the girl I loved, I couldn’t stand by. I would commit murder for her. I would do whatever it took to protect her.

  “You’re thinking about her.” Ms Tallup touched me again, her fingers tracing my chest.

  Steeling myself against her touch, I looked down into her older face. She was the adult here, and I was the kid, yet my body dwarfed hers. My strength could kill her. My physical power so much more than her emotional one.

  But Olin...fuck, she was my greatest weakness, and I didn’t have a choice. I had to make Tallup believe. Had to make this god-awful child molester buy the story that I was just a guy fucking his way through the girls in his grade.

  Girls who meant nothing.

  Holding my head high, I hissed, “Like I said, I’m bored of Olin. I’m bored of all the girls in this fucking school. I’m focused on graduating, and that’s all. If you’ve got a problem with me, take it out on me. No one else.” I bowed until our noses almost touched. “Unless you’re too afraid.”

  The threat dangled between us.

  I didn’t worry she’d expel me. I didn’t fear she’d hold me back yet again.

  I knew in the depths of my being, I was a challenge to her. A conquest she had to have. She wouldn’t send me away because where was the fun in that?

  For the longest second, she stared at me, assessing my truth and weighing all scenarios. Finally, she ran a hand over my pec and laughed softly. “You know...your first mistake was thinking I’d believe you didn’t love her.” She pinched my nipple, making me jump. “Your second mistake is thinking you can threaten me when I hold your life in my hands.” Reaching up, she captured my stubble covered chin with her sharp fingers, holding me firm. “And your third mistake was stepping into this supply room with me.” Her lips spread over sharp teeth.

  I ripped my face from her hold and shoved her backward. “Get off me.”

  “Want to know why you just made the biggest mistake of your life, Gilbert Clark?”

  I shuddered, unable to stop my fear showing. “Fuck off. Just leave Olin alone and I won’t hurt you.”

  “Hurt me?” She cackled. “You can’t hurt me.”

  My hands curled into fists. “I could hurt you right now.”

  “Physically, yes.” She nodded sombrely all while her fingers went to her breasts and kneaded them through her thin baby blue blouse. “But then you’d be arrested. I’ll say you’ve always been violent, and I fear for society’s safety. You’ll be lost in the system. A criminal with a record for the rest of his godforsaken life.” She licked her lips as she pinched her own nipples, a flush warming her cheeks. “Does that sound like the career path you had planned?”

  I couldn’t speak as rage choked me.

  She nodded as if this was a normal lesson. Her hands left her breasts, trailing to her hips. She stood with her strict educator pose and delivered the worst teaching of my life. “No one will ever believe that you didn’t touch me, fuck me, do unwanted things to me. Want to know why?”

  Again, my silence vibrated with hate.

  She chuckled. “Because you’re a nobody. You come from an alcoholic father who has whores in his house. You’re beaten, so you have the motive to be violent. You live in a sex environment, so you’re more likely to fuck around. And you’ve had no boundaries, so you’re an understandable statistic when it comes to thievery, murder...rape.” She shook her head sadly. “All because you don’t know right from wrong.”

  I grunted, doing my best to untangle my voice from fury.

  But she crept toward me, locking me against the shelving as she pressed her body flush to mine. Every inch of me was repulsed. I shut down. No hint of interest to the warm breasts wedged against me. No shiver at the invitation of blatant sex.

  I wanted nothing to do with this.


  “Get. The. Fuck. Off. Me.” My voice wasn’t human.

  She smiled, pushing away all while her hand shot down my front and squeezed my flaccid cock.

  I jerked, bile scalding my throat.

  Before I could snatch her hand from my body, she fisted me hard, making me wince and eyes water. “How about we make a deal, Gilbert Clark?”

  I choked as she squeezed again, sending confused shockwaves down my legs.

  “Are you a virgin?”

  Blinking, I did my best to focus on her and not the pain she delivered. My jaw worked as I growled. “Get your fucking hands off me.”

  “Not yet. Not until you answer a few questions.” She twisted my cock, dipping down and grabbing my balls in the same hand.

  “Holy—” I bent over, trying to shove her away, but it only added more agony as she pulled and didn’t let go.

  “Are you a virgin? Yes or no?” She pinched my balls vindictively. Fireballs of pain made my gut roil. Sweat broke out on my forehead.

  “Yes or no.” She squeezed again. “I can keep hurting you, or you can answer my question and I’ll let you go.”

  Dark spots danced in my eyes as she drove her hand upward, squishing my balls, making me gasp with nausea. “Yes!” I gasped. “Fuck, yes. Okay.”

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, I’m a virgin.”

  “So you didn’t sleep with sweet little Olin?” Her lips sneered. “Not once?”

  My head shook wildly, my hands grasping her wrist, desperate to free myself from the vise-like torture of her hold. “No. We...never. We’re waiting—”

  Her torment vanished.

  She let me go.

  “Good boy.” Shaking out her hand, she smiled.

  My cock and balls were mine again—on fire and throbbing, but mine. Cupping them, I shook back the light-headedness and fought the urge to drop to the floor.

  Ms Tallup stepped back, giving me some breathing room while she rubbed one hand over the front of her skirt, right over her pussy. Her grey eyes blackened with lust. The entire storeroom fogged with it. Hurting me had turned her on.

  I’m in deeper shit than I thought.

  “Here’s how your future is going to go, Gilbert Clark.” She smiled, rocking her body into her hand as if chasing an orgasm just out of reach. Her lips twisted as she sucked in a gasp, forcing her arm to drop and stop touching herself. “You are never to speak to Olin again.”

  “What?” That hurt worse than any fist on my cock. “That’s not possible—”

  “It is if you want her to continue being one of my best students with a good enough recommendation to get into any university she chooses. I hear dancing is her would be such a shame to kill her wish.”
/>   I bit my lip, holding back a retort.

  She continued, “Second, you are never to speak of anyone.” Her eyes flashed as she pointed a finger in my face. “If you do, let me share how that conversation will go for you. You’ll claim I molested you in the storeroom. You’ll declare sexual abuse, and I’ll be asked for my side of the story.” Her head tilted. “Who do you think they’ll believe? The teacher who’s done charity work at the local reform house for the past six years, who’s dedicated her life to the enrichment of her students, and who lives with her elderly mother? Or the angry, aggressive teen who sleeps with whores and is the offspring of an alcoholic pimp?”

  The darkness of the storeroom swallowed me whole.

  She was right.

  In a war of words, she’d win.

  No one would believe me. Not in a million years.

  I hung my head, raking a shaky hand through my hair.

  She tasted my defeat, laughing with cold-hearted joy. “There is a way out of this, you know.”

  I squeezed my eyes. I didn’t want to look at her. I didn’t want to hear anymore.

  I already knew the way out. I’d known it for years—I’d just been too goddamn afraid to face it.

  With breath trapped in my lungs, I forced myself to stand tall and grunt, “You want to fuck me.”

  She trembled on the spot. “Well, aren’t you a naughty boy.”

  I glowered. “I didn’t say I wanted to fuck you. I want to kill you. I’d rather have sex with a rabies-infected dog than get anywhere near you.”

  She licked her lips, her cheeks a deep red with need. “And that just makes this all the more delicious.”

  My nostrils flared. I looked at the empty classroom.

  My virginity was Olin’s. We hadn’t discussed if she was a virgin or how we would plan our first time. All I knew was sex could be bought, stolen, and dirty, but sex with Olin promised to give me every freedom I sought.

  Sex would give me her body, heart, and soul. She’d belong to me as surely as I belonged to her. It would bind us together. For fucking ever.

  And now...I’d lost that.

  That special hope of a better future had just been torn out of my reach and pissed all over by the one woman who was supposed to have my back.


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