Day Zed - Box Set: Volumes I and II

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Day Zed - Box Set: Volumes I and II Page 39

by Charles Smith

  For Jackson the whole experience was exhilarating, and after they had both climaxed and dressed, he went on to tell Penny that he now realised what was meant by the older experienced woman saying. He really did mean what he said; he found that previous partners of his own paled in significance to Penny. He had just experienced the most passionate and fulfilling sexual encounter of his life and was already longing for the next one.

  The pair returned to their task of gathering supplies, which they placed on the small table that they had just made love on. On their way back up the platform slope, Jackson placed his hand on Penny’s back and puller her close for a kiss. Both of them couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear, until the shock of seeing two new faces standing on the platform wiped them off.

  Shanice’s Journal, Romford, Essex, 1st August, 20:27 GMT

  What a day we have had, it has been non-stop and I had to take just ten minutes out, to record this crazy day. Oh where do I start, it’s been so busy and for a change it’s all mostly good. I think the best thing to do is start from this morning, so that I don’t get confused and tell our story all mixed up. This morning began with our group down to seven people after we lost Jin-Lee a few days ago. Why do adults call it lost? It’s not like we can put a missing poster up in the sweet shop, offering a reward is it? The simple truth is Jin-Lee is dead; she died saving us and considering that she was so depressed it was a very brave thing to do. Even though we all miss her, it is a comfort to us that she is now in a better place; every day after Heather’s death poor Jin-Lee got worse and worse, at least now she is no longer suffering.

  We were stuck in the big station for ages, because of those pesky helicopters that the general sent after us. Finally the adults got fed up of waiting, and we left along the train tracks. I don’t think Morgan and Kathy have an exact place for us to go; they just want to get out and away from the city, as far away from General Harper as possible. We did quite well and got a good way away from the station before those helicopters came back. If it wasn’t for Jordan’s help we would have been in big trouble. Anyway Jordan saved us, not once but twice and then he came to join up with us. I don’t know what to think of him yet, it is too soon to decide, I am still mad at him for making me scared, back at the dog’s home. I can tell you that he is very good looking, and when I’m a bit older and have a boyfriend, it would be great if he looked like Jordan. He looks just like a big movie star; with all the muscles in the right place. I hope Daddy doesn’t read this he will really tell me off for looking at a man’s muscles. The surprising thing about Jordan is that even though he does have lots of muscles, he also has a brain and also has the poshest voice I have ever heard.

  After waking the rest of the way to this station, Morgan and Jordan disappeared for a short while, and when they re-appeared they brought two survivors with them. We now have another two people in our group, which takes us back up to ten. The two new arrivals are brother and sister, not that they look much alike. Lindsey is nineteen years old, and has spiky blonde hair. I think she could be quite pretty, underneath all of that thick black make up she wears. Maybe they haven’t had the luxury of a mirror to use, and she hasn’t been able to see how rough she looks. Already I can tell that Lindsey must have been a bit of a rebel, before the outbreak; little two word answers and secret looks that are aimed at the adults show she is at the wrong age to respect them. Maybe once she gets to know all of us and learns to trust us she might soften up.

  Little Cole is totally different to his big sister. First of all I have to say just how happy I am, now that I am no longer the only child in the camp. The two of us have already played together, for a little while and I can’t explain how good it was to act like a normal child again for a short while. I don’t mind at all that Cole is a year older than me, and although I am still the youngest person in the group it’s far better than thinking there are no other children left out in the open. Who knows we might even find some younger ones alive now?

  Cole is very friendly and he said that he enjoyed playing with me today; he also that that it made a nice change from his sister bossing him about all the time. He explained to me that Lindsey has looked after him, ever since the zombies came, so maybe her behaviour is just one big act. I do feel sad for both of them, on the day things went bad their mother phoned them from her workplace, she told them that she was on her way home to protect them, and that they were to stay indoors until she arrived, but she never did. Shortly after that phone call the Government men who were safely locked up inside the bunker decided to cut all of the power and phone lines, and Lindsey and Cole never got a chance to hear from their mother again.

  Every day since the pair ran out of food Lindsey has gone out on her own to find them supplies. At first she only had to go to neighbours houses, but as supplies in the area began to run out she had to go further and further away. When the adults in charge decided to turn the water off, they had to go to the toilet outside in the trees; Cole said it was horrible as after only a few days it began to stink, which meant he only ever went out there when he was completely desperate. According to Cole his sister has had to fight zombies, and she is very good at killing them; he did say that with the mood she is in at the moment that she seems to enjoy killing them, how gross is that? I did explain to him that if she is nineteen years old that she is probably at the end of her cycle for turning into an adult, and I more than most can understand what a struggle that must be.

  On a much more serious note for my journal I can announce that Jackson and Penny are finally together. When they came back from their job of finding us supplies, everyone noticed that they were holding hands. Only one person seemed to mind and that was Jordan. He tried to hide the look on his face, from us when they walked up the slope. I think Jordan thought that Penny would date him because of all of his muscles? What a silly man, he was up against Jackson and even Kathy fancied him at one time. I will chat with Jackson later, I have to tell him about the new nickname that the others have given him; from now on I think they are all going to call him “The Love God.” I don’t think Jordan will see the funny side of that, but then if he waits a few years I’ll be happy to go out with him.

  Love Shanice


  Rayleigh Downs, Essex, 4th August, 06:11 GMT

  It had taken the group of survivors three days to travel to their current location, camped by the ruins of Hadleigh Castle in Essex. The searing heat of the summer meant that each day they were restricted to travel on average, around eight miles by foot. Any more than that was impossible with the two children amongst them. When they had left London they had hoped that the carnage out in the country and smaller towns, wouldn’t match that of the city; how wrong that hope had been. As with the city, all of the major roads were clogged with traffic, and with the roads jammed they had become the perfect breeding grounds for the virus to spread throughout the stranded passengers. Unlike the city there wasn’t a major river to gather up and thin down the ranks of the undead, entombing them in mud for the rest of time and they stumbled around freely. The only problem the group had faced since leaving Romford was finding a safe route from the Liverpool Street line that crossed over to the Fenchurch Street line. Finally after a long search, some farm fields and a quiet stretch of the arterial that was somehow free of zombies gave them a chance to cross and make their way to Jackson’s original choice of destination, just a few weeks ago.

  After arriving at the castle late last night it was the group’s first chance to see the area in daylight. With the castle protected by the National Heritage, a fence had been erected around the castle perimeter years before. As with most castles built at the time, it was built upon a steep incline that would prevent a zombie attack from below it, and with the castle’s sides and front protected by dense gorse bushes the survivors would be able to hear any zombie approaching them, well before they reached the perimeter. The foliage and series of small creeks stretched for acres, either side of the ruins and below them, some distance
away they were protected by the estuary. Every aspect of the castle seemed exactly what they had been looking for; except for the lack of supplies. Each of their packs were already light, and with no immediate local source to resupply them, it meant the castle couldn’t be used indefinitely.

  The group had enough food to last them for two more days, meaning today would be the only day that they could afford themselves some rest. No one in the group wanted to take the chance of going west to the more populated area of Southend, but they had no choice with food so scarce they had to check every possible location. Morgan suggested to them that the group split into three, initially some of the group were sceptical about dividing up, but what Morgan suggested made sense. With the area around them safe, most of them would be able to stay at the castle and let the smaller scouting parties move ahead and choose the best destination. Morgan and Kathy elected to go towards Southend, whilst Jordan and Lindsey would travel towards Canvey Island. Everyone including Lindsey’s own brother had been surprised when she had volunteered, but were left without any other real option; Gerard wanted to stay with Shanice and Letitia, and if Jackson and Penny had gone to Canvey, it would have meant leaving Jordan in the camp alone; it would still take a little more time to totally trust him.

  Morgan and Kathy chose to cross the train tracks and join the public footpath that ran between Benfleet and Leigh on Sea. As they reached the top of the incline from the filed below they stood gazing, taking a minute to take in their surroundings. Standing on the footpath that was listed on their map, it was completely empty, with no sign of anything moving for as far as the eye could see. There were a multitude of bicycle tyre prints embedded into the sun baked mud and Morgan wondered just how busy this path would have got during a normal summer’s day in the past. If this area that linked two towns was known to all of the locals, why hadn’t they used it as a means of escape, once the roads became too congested? Kathy hadn’t taken her eyes away from the estuary and Morgan wondered what she found so fascinating. “What’s out there babe?” Morgan asked. “Absolutely nothing Jay, I just can’t understand the point of that.” She replied whilst pointing over to the far side of the estuary bed. Morgan peered in the direction she pointed at, all he could see was the clay like mud. “It’s not that, look the other side.” Morgan looked again, “All I can see is that giant concrete wall.” Realisation kicked in after he had finished his last word, and the soldier began to look up and down the length of the giant flood defence which seemed to stretch around the whole island. “According to the map, on the other side of that wall is Canvey Island.” Kathy stated whilst prodding the tip of her right index finger into the map. “What are you saying Kath? We are meant to be going to Leigh first. Jordan and Lindsey will check Canvey out.” Kathy was reluctant to move on, “It’s just a wall that size should be able to keep anything out.” Morgan frowned at his partner, “It could also be keeping everything trapped inside too. That’s why we need to go to Leigh.” He noticed the concerned expression that was spread across her brow, Morgan took her hand and squeezed it gently to gain her attention. When she turned to face him, he offered her a smile and said, “Come on, we have a job to do? Don’t worry about Jordan he will be just fine.

  Jordan smirked as he watched the petulant teenager lash out with her foot, at every dandelion head that dared grow above the grass. Nothing else could describe the teenager’s personality better than the word stroppy. So far every attempt he had made at striking up a conversation with Lindsey, had fallen on deaf ears. The first sign that the teenager was actually alive caught Jordan totally off guard; Lindsey ran into the gorse bushed ahead of them with her small axe raised aloft. “Lindsey, get back here?” Jordan shouted as he ran after her. As she disappeared deeper into the gorse, Jordan accelerated; he didn’t know what she had seen or heard to make her run off, but he intended to find out.

  The sniper ran around the corner in time to see Lindsey burying her hatchet into the skull of a zombie, he was dumbfounded that this was the fourth she had slayed in just a matter of seconds. She placed her foot on the last of her victim’s shoulders to tug her weapon free of its split skull, Jordan saw something that stirred at his stomach; Lindsey now faced him with a big smile spread across her face. What troubled the sniper was that he hadn’t yet seen the girl smile, until now. After dispatching four zombies her demeanour changed instantly, with the usually angst girl now happy Jordan saw underneath the many layers of mascara. “You took your time?” Jordan was shocked, she had spoken and more surprisingly there was a warmth to her voice. “Don’t ever do that again.” Jordan replied, trying to chastise her. “What are you going to threaten to put me over your knee and spank me?” Lindsey asked the sniper and then began to laugh as she bent over and began mockingly twerking her bottom in Jordan’s direction. Trying to hide his amusement of her act Jordan remained straight faced, “You could have got hurt.” The smile stayed on the girls lips, “Yeah, but shit happens.” All Jordan could do was shake his head, “I’m only looking out for you Lindsey.” Fed up of being told off Lindsey decided to retaliate, “I can look after myself, you old pervert.”

  Lindsey’s accusation made Jordan laugh out loud, he was neither old, nor a pervert. “Don’t’ flatter yourself, you’re not my type.” He told her, which earned him an instant reply. “Oh I can be any type you want, and don’t ever forget that.” Lindsey replied, adamant that she would have the last word in the battle of words between the two. The pair both gave up and walked off together in silence. Jordan still felt disturbed by the smile still etched across the young girl’s face. “Don’t we need to cross?” Lindsey turned to ask him, and pointed out at the expanse of fields that bordered the train tracks. “Yeah we do.” Jordan replied, still shocked that finally Lindsey was able to string a sentence of conversation together. “Well come on then? Let’s get going.” The usually stroppy teenager said to the older man, with both hands comically placed to her sides. Jordan shook his head at the stance she had taken, after just an hour spent alone with the girl, she had already tested his patience. “What are you shaking your head at?” Lindsey enquired. “Nothing Lindsey. Let’s just move on shall we?” Although Jordan went to move off, Lindsey remained stood in the same position, “I’m going nowhere until you spit it out.” Jordan decided it was easier to submit to her on this occasion, “If you must know, I was shaking my head whilst I was thinking to myself that I preferred you more, when you was quiet.” For some reason the teenager found Jordan’s statement amusing, “Jordan you’re just warming up to me. By the end of the day you’ll know I’m all that, so much better than that skinny nurse. You won’t be able to get me out of your head.” All Jordan could do was smile at her confidence, he was already looking at the girl in a different light, not that he was going to tell her that. “I’ll guess I will just have to take your word for that.” He told her as they moved off together.

  It had taken the two soldiers nearly two hours to reach the old fishing town of Leigh On Sea. They could have walked at a much faster pace, but a combination of the blistering heat, and that fact that they both seemed to be enjoying the solitude of walking in the countryside had prevented it. Having no one else to worry about, except themselves, provided a welcome relief for the pair. After they had passed the local golf driving range the ambience of their walk had begun to change. As they had walked along the footpath that led from the entrance to the range the tranquil silence instantly disappeared. All of a sudden the silence was replaced by the monotonous moan of the undead. Swathes of decaying fragrances began to fill their nostrils, and although there was no sign of the cadavers yet it warned the pair that they were close by. Now as they hid by a discarded rowing boat they could see the true extent of the desolation spread out in front of them. Along the rows of neatly painted green seafood shacks the area was teaming with zombies. To their right the tide was just about deep enough to launch one of the small fishing boats that were moored up to the jetty; it was give them the opportunity to scout ahead safely
, out of the cadaver’s reach.

  The only problem with pushing the boat down the small jetty, was that it meant dealing with several zombies that were lingering around in front of them. When they made their move these few would have to be dispatched quickly and quietly, as the last thing either of the soldiers wanted to do was alert the larger horde off to their left. After both of them had un-holstered their side arms, they began to fire. The zombies turned to investigate the low audible popping sound that the supressed weapons made on each shot, before they were able to locate a source of the sound they were mown down, one by one. Dragging the boat into the water was no easy feat and it took both of them to do so. Morgan wondered how the small wooden boat floated when it weighed so much. Gasping for their breaths as they climbed into the white washed vessel, they took only a few seconds and then began to row away from the edge of the water. The pair made sure to keep the bat far enough away from the banks so that the zombies couldn’t see them. What they saw saddened them; although there were a few houses at the end of the road, there were nowhere near enough for the occupants to lend themselves to the numbers of undead on the shore. A few hundred may have come from the traffic stuck on the roads in either direction, but ultimately most of them must have been visiting the tourist area; famous for its cockle sheds and potted shrimp. How could an area just a couple of miles away from the serenity of the castle be lost so easy?


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