Revolution of the Gods: The Battle for Sol Book Two

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Revolution of the Gods: The Battle for Sol Book Two Page 4

by W. R. Hobbs

  Akilan unzipped the back and slowly removed the case which he had designed so long ago. If his protective container performed to expectation, the interior frequency field had protected the contents during its transport to the Zealieon.

  “Mykah, only you can open this case. It was designed only to be accessible through the use of your unique genetic code to unlock it. Originally its protection and activation were Qion’s duty but the forces that seek to destroy us, tracked him down and killed your father and mother in an effort to recover its contents.

  “We retrieved the case before they were able to determine its location, but we could not risk having it here in the event that our base became compromised. Cadan transferred this device to our old friend Kele. We hoped that it would be safe from the Ansharians until the time arrived for it to be activated. That time is now Mykah,” Akilan declared.

  Mykah, understanding that Akilan wanted her to open the case, reached down and placed both of her hands on the lid. The same bright light flashed around it just like before in Kele’s chamber. Then the old man nodded and Mykah lifted the lid that was only responsive to her touch.

  Inside the case, a resplendent purplish crystal in the shape of a decahedron and about the size of a human fist levitated in the middle of a dense high frequency matrix. Akilan carefully reached in the case and removed the crystal, placing it on a base cut out of diamond and designed to hold it perfectly. Another bright light flashed, indicating its successful connection to the base. Finally, the old man activated a localized cylindrical force field around the crystal and looked back at Mykah.

  “Our efforts will be more productive after allowing everyone some time to rest. We will convene back here on the bridge in a bit. If you follow me, I will show you to your quarters.”


  Greek No. 9

  Simeon had established a secure channel to Greek No. 9 after he entered his old quarters. After dispensing with the conveyances of relief from his group about his apparent well-being, Simeon reported on the status of their current mission.

  “The anti-matter core and resonator are both here at the facility. Taon has also arrived safely but it will take some time for him to rehabilitate. Once Akilan has him prepared, we will proceed with the next step. Of course, the Ansharian fleet is scheduled to arrive before we can achieve our next directive but the reports from Gideon at the Dugway Facility indicate that the majority of the NAU military are preparing a coup against the command and the C7 facilities in North America. This additional assistance will increase our ability to dismantle the New Earth Union but our greatest chance for success still lies with the activation of the vortex,” Simeon concluded.

  “You have done a fine job Simeon. It is now in Taon’s hands where we will find our success or our failure. You must now do whatever is necessary to assist him with the activation of the vortex. If we can enable the arrival of Commander Uzal’s fleet, we have a good chance to stop the emperor. Otherwise we face the reality of losing this planet to the Ansharians for the foreseeable future,” Turner remarked and nodded toward Conrad.

  “Inform Akilan that our operative should be in attendance at the Assembly of World Religions conference tomorrow,” Conrad paused and cleared his throat. “Son, be careful. Check in regularly with us when possible. And again, it is good to see you doing well,” he added, happy to know that his son had made it out of the Oakland ROC.

  “I will,” Simeon reassured the Antients before ending the transmission.

  Old Cairo Base – Central Italy

  The seven prime delegates were all busy analyzing and reviewing situation reports from their respective regions when the main viewer flashed an incoming message alert.

  Incoming Message

  NAU Command

  Director Lindherst

  This was the director’s second report to the C7 since arriving at Dulce. After reporting his stunning failure to commandeer the Dugway facility, the prime delegates had decided to release Lindherst from his post. But they were keeping the director ignorant of his forthcoming demotion until they agreed on his replacement.

  When the channel was secured, Lindherst began delivering his status:

  “I have received confirmation that both Agent Valik and Commander Reyes are dead. Our scout teams report that Valik was shot down by another V33 in San Bernardino. The V33 which attacked him is equipped with some type of sensory cloak but we have our teams dispersed in a 400 square mile search radius from that location.

  “The Dulce facility is completely locked down and prepared for any potential assault that Bracken may have planned. As we discussed, it is obvious that such a large number of forces is not indicative of an initial defensive posture. My earlier skirmish almost breached all the way to the entrance of the facility due to their lack of an established perimeter,” Lindherst explained, defending his performance and even attempting to bestow his own accolade.

  A dead silence followed his tout. He cleared his throat and continued, “With respect to your order to retrieve the GEO Project data we were able to successfully hack Dugway’s mainframe with the entry protocols you provided but have been subsequently locked back out. While we had access, Osborne’s database was secured but so far we have been unable to recover any actual data on GEO-0131. Hauer encrypted his personal files beyond the capability of our most advanced systems. The technicians are still working on accessing it.”

  Prime Delegate Rothstein walked toward the main viewer. “Director Lindherst, cease all activity with the database and forward it to us immediately. You were not ordered to attempt the retrieval of its contents.”

  “Control of the NAU public communications systems has been regained. Bracken’s message was terminated 28 minutes ago,” Lindherst affirmed.

  For almost two hours the US forces had taken over control of NAU public communications. This channel was broadcast to all the televisions and billboard screens in the North American Union. ROC residents, PCZ workers, and RZ residents were all reliant on this channel as their sole source of regional and world information. Despite the general consensus among all the groups that the ‘state’ channel offered a significantly skewed presentation, most of America’s remaining inhabitants clung onto the familiar element of their former existences where an image was always talking on their screens.

  With a small spot of blood seeping through the bandage on his right bicep, General Bracken repeatedly disseminated a two minute message that provided a detailed warning about half way through:

  “Ansharian control over the C7 has been exposed and there are more of them coming. The US military has been reconstituted and is ready to defend our country and the planet.

  “To the millions of ROC residents imprisoned in your own personal hells, I offer a most passionate apology to America’s sons and daughters. I announce now the immediate disbandment of the Residential Occupation Centers. Your former guards are now ordered to begin your evacuations to the few large cities where power can still be safely restored. Your existence may not be much better than where you are now but at least you will be free – you will have a chance to survive.”

  “Bracken, beyond any humanitarian sentiment, is using the ROC evacuations as a distraction for his overall plan. Tell me director, how are your efforts progressing in regaining control over the nuclear missile arsenal of the military you are supposed to be commanding?” Rothstein sliced through the Director’s remaining confidence.

  “We have been unable to regain control of the ballistic missile systems based in the NAU. The TSU and IAU commands have also reported temporary loss of control, but the EU and UMC are secure. And it is our assessment that Bracken will not utilize this arsenal, at least not before we regain control,” Lindherst declared, attempting again to cover his ass.

  “Director Lindherst, at this point, we are not interested in your other assessments. You were not ordered to ascertain the status of any regional command other than the NAU. Specifically, you were ordered to regain control of the n
uclear arsenal. I suggest director that you make that your number one priority if you have not thought to do so already,” Rothstein condescendingly rebuked.

  “Yes sir. We are making every effort as we speak. It is worth noting that the encryption keys were changed only a few hours ago and they are almost identical to the ones applied to Hauer’s files in Osborne’s database,” the director countered.

  “Lindherst, you are ordered to prepare the troops at Dulce and Groom Lake to take physical control of the largest concentrations of land base missiles in the RMC-West and Central Sectors. If we are unable to regain control of the systems remotely, you will have to physically take possession of as many of them as possible. Is that clear?” Rothstein barked.

  “Yes sir...Lindherst out.”

  Lindherst turned off his desk viewer and reclined the black leather chair in his newly acquired office at Dulce. He had just gotten his ass chewed out and deservedly so. Frustrated and contemplating his current circumstance, Lindherst began to slowly grow disillusioned.

  Leonid Nikonov, prime delegate for the Slavic-Turko Union, shot to his feet after Lindherst terminated communication. Nikonov was a bear of a man in his early 60s. He stood 6 foot 4 inches and still carried his 310 pounds relatively well. In his loud Russian accent, the prime delegate vented.

  “We should have never let Bracken retain control of Dugway for this long with only S1 supervision. Furthermore, Lindherst has proven beyond any doubt to be another disappointing liability.

  “Russia has successfully counterbalanced America’s nuclear arsenals for decades, until we were certain our infiltration of its government and intelligence apparatus was complete.

  “And now after all of the meticulous readjustments to neutralize this nuclear variable and ensure that this planet did not become unusable like several others, we find the risk still present with only hours left before our fleet is due to arrive. This is very frustrating to me and I worry what the emperor will think of our inability to manage complete control over Earth’s most powerful weapons.”

  “Your concerns are most valid, what is your suggestion?” SAU Prime Cortés queried.

  “We have agreed to replace Lindherst with a new NAU director but we must now determine that choice. I recommend a direct descendant from the house of Enki; I recommend we solicit Mar Sarrim Ningishzida. We can be assured our directives will be carried out and such a selection will give us the added benefit of pleasing our coming leader,” Nikonov suggested.

  Mar Sarrim Ningishzida was in fact a direct Ansharian descendant of the mythic Sumerian deity Ningishzida. His bloodline had maintained the highest echelons of societal control throughout the millennia. Most recently, Mar Sarrim’s family was the guiding force behind the formation of the Committee of 300 and the C7 itself. The primary question in Nikonov’s proposal was whether or not Mar Sarrim would choose to participate ‘directly’ in the Ansharian end game seemingly as a subordinate.

  NAU Prime Pike felt the need to respond Nikonov’s apparent insult.

  “Leonid, regarding General Bracken, I am sure you have not forgotten that he was next in line after we disposed of General Walker. At the time we needed to maintain cohesion in the transfer of the US military to NAU Command. And indeed his provisional assignment enabled that cohesive shift. It does us little good to second guess our past decisions,” Pike retorted.

  “Moving forward we must contend with the irony that the man who unknowingly assisted in our overall takeover of the US military has apparently decided to take it back. However, this turn of events can be manipulated to our advantage,” Rothstein interjected. “Despite the fact that within the last three years we have finally culled nearly eighty percent of this planet’s indigenous population, we still have over a billion inhabitants which we must control.

  “If manipulated properly, Bracken’s behavior can be of assistance in that endeavor. With the upcoming Assembly of World Religions meeting, we will paint the general and his dissident force as terrorists that threaten our new world harmony. He will provide an effective catalyst for the acceptance of the emperor’s ‘divine intervention.’

  “Currently Bracken’s treachery is isolated primarily to the NAU. With the careful management of public perception we can minimize his impact and any potential spread of similar sentiments.”

  “Why are we concerned with impact? We control this planet now. We can simply put the rest of the population out of its misery,” Prime Nikonov asserted.

  “As we have learned many times on other worlds, it is better to have the inhabitants socially managed rather than beaten into submission. We will maintain a defensive stance at the Restricted Zones and C7 bases in the NAU. If he attacks it will simply reinforce our portrayal of the general’s evil intent.

  “When the emperor arrives, Bracken’s actions will serve to bolster the necessity for Ansharian assistance and its superior force to help destroy the dissidents and protect Earth. We will then crush Bracken.

  “Now, regarding Lindherst. Leonid, I believe we all can concur with your recommendation for his replacement” Rothstein paused, looking at the other prime delegates nodding in agreement and then back at Nikonov.

  “I doubt the residents of the ROCs will view Bracken as evil after he disbanded the centers,” Nikonov flippantly replied.

  “Nikonov, there is no need to worry. When our fleet arrives we will eradicate Bracken and any others that stand against us. The ROC residents were already designated as non-compliant with our new structure, so they are no big loss anyway,” said Xu Guan Xiang, the young and impetuous prime delegate for the Indo-Asian Union.

  “There remains ample reason to worry Xiang,” Rothstein snapped. “You surprise me. You should understand that the history of this planet is replete with one Ansharian leader after another falling victim to hubris and consequently Torahnossian subversion. This time is no exception. Regardless of how far we have come and how close we are to the completion of Earth’s transformation into our new base of operations, the Torahnossians still present a formidable threat. In fact, the escaped GEO in combination with an anti-matter core and a resonator possibly represent the single largest threat to our plans for Earth since the destruction of Atala,” the EU Prime warned.

  “Why not send more S2s to track and terminate the GEO? Even though Agent Valik was unsuccessful, his opponent possessed abilities that far surpassed our knowledge at the time. With an increased number of agents and a more accurate target profile, it is likely they can dispose of him with another attempt,” proposed Salah al-Din Tahir al-Amiri, the prime delegate for the UMC.

  “Sending more S2s is exactly what I had in mind as well, but not necessarily for the GEO. I submit that we prepare an infiltration team of ten S2s and have them standing by to enter the Dugway facility to capture Dr. Hauer upon the emperor’s order. It is apparent from the abilities exhibited in his confrontation with Valik that this GEO was created for the purpose of vortex manipulation - a creation that is certainly beyond the current capabilities of the NAU military. Thus it is a valid deduction that Dr. Hauer is a Torahnossian and in my assessment, his capture is just as vital as the GEO’s termination.”

  All of the Primes nodded in agreement to Dr. Hauer’s abduction.

  Rothstein turned to face Prime Delegate Pike. “As you know, the Vegas RZ is one of the primary locations designated for repopulation for our troops when they arrive. There are over 20,000 Ansharians scheduled to transport there. I suggest we get it cleaned up quickly as possible.”

  “I have already appointed a new head of security and clean up began two hours ago. The Helios debris should be cleared within 24 hours,” Pike dutifully replied as a technician entered the command room and whispered something in Rothstein’s ear.

  “We have determined Hauer’s files are secured with a quantum encryption code. There are only two groups on Earth that have that capability. It is now a certainty -Hauer is unequivocally a Torahnossian,” Rothstein surmised.


  Dugway Facility

  General Straka’s image remained on the main viewer after the other sector leaders signed off. The group had just finished their last briefing before Operation Goliath was scheduled to launch. They had spent almost an hour reviewing their final strategies and were prepared to launch their offensive phase against 14 designated targets. These locations were facilities, bases, and installations directly controlled by C7 personnel within the NAU.

  “I suspect General Vaughn will have little trouble neutralizing Wright-Patterson and Raven Rock. Even though the C7 has their own men in command, it has not yet vetted the lower command hierarchies. All of the colonels have indicated their support for Vaughn. The Martins base and Aberdeen Proving Ground will be his key confrontation. Although Lindherst depleted a significant number of the C7 assets from New York, the Maryland location will still be strongly reinforced by the armaments from D.C.,” Straka cautioned.

  “With General Alexander already gaining full control of the Southern RMC-HQ at Dobbins, we have a huge head start in that sector. He will be able to redirect his forces to Fort Hood and help shore up our efforts here in the central sector,” Bracken calculated.

  “Our campaign here in the western sector is not going to be as easy with Mt. Rainer, Mt. Shasta and the Tehachapi facility. I must admit that I am concerned with our ability to neutralize those locations.”

  “I understand how you feel. Despite the fact that our forces far outnumber the C7 personnel at Groom Lake and Dulce, I am certain their defensive capabilities will give us great difficulty. And I fear that a battle of attrition may decide the outcome.

  “We still have a chance at Groom Lake to prevent a major confrontation but Dulce will most definitely be pure hell. We have certainly lost our element of surprise and Lindherst will be prepared now. The task to takeover Dulce was already difficult enough even when we had that tactical advantage. Cheyenne Mountain is not gonna be a cake walk either but General Sheppard has indicated that he will be able to assist us from the inside.


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