Just One Bite: Dances With Werewolves Book One

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Just One Bite: Dances With Werewolves Book One Page 1

by Nora Snowdon


  By Nora Snowdon

  Genre: Paranormal Romantic Comedy

  This playful take on modern werewolves is perfect for fans of Dakota Cassidy's Wolf Mates series. Sexy, hilarious, and emotionally satisfying, Just One Bite is a book you can really sink your teeth into.


  Rosie has an amazing one-night-stand with the most perfect man. Ever. He's gorgeous, funny and really seems to like her. Then she overhears that his ex-girlfriend is pregnant and he's being forced into a shotgun wedding. Hell, the only good thing that came out of that night she met Lucas, was the mangy dog who now jogs with her. He may be an odd looking mutt, but at least he's a good listener.

  Lucas adores Rosie but she hates him because she thinks he's a lying sleaze who cheated on his fiancée. Nothing could be further from the truth. Not to mention, Rosie would freak out if she found out he's a werewolf.

  The other problem is, she only likes her jogging partner the wolf, and not the man. But damn, how do you woo a woman if all you can do is bark?

  Just One Bite is the first book in the Dances With Werewolves series. It is a paranormal romantic comedy with adult situations and is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

  Please note, this book, originally published in 2012 with a small e-press, has been revised and was originally titled Love At First Sniff.

  For FREE bonus content and info on new releases, sign up for Nora Snowden's newsletter.




  "Just One Bite is a fun romantic comedy that will have you howling with laughter." ~ Helen Frost and Don Macleod, Screenwriters of Hallmark's Just In Time For Christmas ★★★★★


  "Nora Snowdon knows how to spin a great story." ~ Award-winning author of Between Home and Heartbreak, Jacqui Nelson ★★★★★


  ~ Paranormal Romance author, Holley Trent ★★★★★


  "Leaves you wanting your own werewolf after meeting Lucas." ~ Bestselling author of Fate's Fables, T. Rae Mitchell ★★★★★


  "Ms. Snowdon has a fun sense of humour and can write sizzling scenes. It was a pleasure to read this book." ~ Night Owl Reviews ★★★★★

  Just One Bite: A Paranormal Romantic Comedy

  By Nora Snowdon

  First Editon published 2012

  Second Edition published October 2016

  Copyright © 2012, 2016 Nora Snowdon

  Cover design © 2016 by Terry Mitchell

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the website below.















  “You know, at least half of the couples on the dance floor wouldn’t even like each other if they were sober.” Eva took a slug of her beer and turned her cynical gaze on Rosie. “And they say one in every ten people is gay, so you can knock out about four more of those couples as fakes.”

  “Well I don’t think…”

  “Plus, over seventy-five percent of marriages end up in divorce,” Eva barreled on. “So the few actual real couples out there are headed for Splitsville.” She sat back against the chair with a satisfied smirk on her face.

  Rosie looked at her friend. “What’s your point?”

  “My point is, we’re lucky we’re sitting here and not on the dance floor about to be dumped,” Eva proclaimed loudly.

  “Right.” Rosie smothered a laugh. She loved the way Eva could turn not getting asked to dance into a positive thing. “And I’m so glad I didn’t end up marrying Johnny Depp only to have to go through all the heartache when I had to leave him for Ryan Reynolds.”

  “No. I’m serious. Love is just a big lie used to prop up the greeting card industry.”

  “Yeah, and the diamond industry, roses, restaurants… But what if there’s one guy destined to be the love of your life? One person you connect with almost spiritually?” God that sounded childish, but Rosie couldn’t help it. She knew that he was out there somewhere. Hopefully not so far away that she never ran into him…

  “Hell, I’d be happy just to get a guy that’s skilled in the sack.” Eva paused, reconsidering. “No. I’ll tell you what I really want. I want a super-rich guy who’ll spend all his money on me. Preferably one with a short shelf life.”

  “A what?”

  “You know, old… about to expire. Then after, I can use his money to buy boy toys.”

  “If you really wanted that, you’d be hanging out at golf courses or yacht clubs, not trendy bars.”

  “I hate golf. And if you were really looking for your one true love…” Eva drew exaggerated quote marks in the air. “You’d be trying to meet someone instead of shutting guys down the second they say hi.”

  “I don’t do that.” Rosie grimaced. “Much.”

  “You do, too. Just because Mark was a shit and cheated on you, doesn’t mean every other guy will, too. It’s been way too long. Get over the jerk.” Eva stood up on her four-inch spikes with barely a wobble. They were cute shoes, but knowing Eva they must’ve cost half her paycheck. “I’m going to pee and then I’m gonna get me a sugar-daddy. Wasn’t that the secret? Say what you want and then you’ll get it?”

  Rosie chuckled as she watched her friend slowly strut away. Eva knew how to work a room. And despite her hard talk, Eva would probably meet “the perfect guy” before the night was out. Rosie tried to remember the last time she was out with Eva and the girl didn’t end up going off with some new man. She admired Eva’s guts to go after what she wanted.

  She relaxed back into her chair and let the music wash over her. At least she was out having fun and not sitting at home lamenting her lack of love life.

  A strange scent tickled her nose and Rosie sat up straight. What is that? She glanced around the bar to see if someone new had sat down. The guy to her left reeked of garlic sweat and there was a strong boozy coffee drinker on the other side. Yet one faint scent called to her.

  She tried to discreetly sniff the air without looking like a rabid bunny. What the hell is that? It wasn’t a cloying perfume or an over-enthusiastic deodorant, although God knew too many fragrances competed in the air. It was a soothing scent, but incredibly erotic. She was concentrating on the aroma so hard she didn’t notice the man until he tapped her on the shoulder.

  “Would you like to dance?”

  Rosie glanced up to see a tall, ebony-haired man standing beside her. His smile shot through her like a warm sip of brandy. Tearing her eyes from his sensuous lips, she found the re
st of his face equally entrancing. Beautiful warm eyes, a regal nose, high cheekbones, and that smile again. Rosie swallowed, trying to get her voice to work.

  “Sure.” Luckily, the nightclub was dark. She knew she was blushing like a teenager. How long had she been staring at the man? She stood and turned toward the dance floor trying to get a grip. Hell, she worked at a talent agency and saw gorgeous men all day. Why would this one affect her so strongly?

  His hand moved to the small of her back, directing her through the crowd and a bolt of energy surged through her. The song ended as they neared the dance floor and the band started a ballad. He took her right hand and placed his other hand around her waist.

  Rosie was about to apologize for her inability to slow dance when she found she was following his steps quite easily. It was as if they’d taken ballroom dancing classes together for years. She relaxed into his arms and that’s when she noticed it again. That scent. But now it was much more powerful. Rosie closed the small gap between them and inhaled deeply. My God, this man smells like heaven. Could it be one of those pheromone colognes she’d read about? But then wouldn’t there be a crowd of women sniffing him lustily and not just her?

  She leaned in closer, much more and she’d be fused to his body, and tucked her face into the crook of his neck. She didn’t want the song to end or for this stranger to ever let her go. A breath tickled her hair as he kissed her temple, making her bones melt into liquid honey. His heartbeat and the rhythm of the music melded into one pulsing demand. Rosie pressed her lips against the side of his neck, her tongue flicking out to taste the warm sweet flavor of his skin. Only when she felt him stiffen in surprise, did she fully realize what she’d done.

  “Oh! I’m s—” Rosie self-consciously pulled back.

  “Shh.” His hand stroked her hair and she allowed herself to be lulled back into his sensuous embrace. Her breasts felt raw and sensitized as if no material separated their swaying bodies. And his jeans couldn’t hide the erection pressing urgently against her belly. Rosie closed her eyes, allowing his warmth, scent, and rhythm to fully consume her.

  She didn’t notice the song had ended until he released her. When she looked up, his eyes hungrily devoured her, as if memorizing every feature of her face.

  “Thank you for the dance.” His voice was low and sensuous.

  Rosie reluctantly let him walk her back to the table. Could she say something to make him stay for a while? Her mind was in overdrive, but her lips were stuck in park. One more fleeting smile and he disappeared into the crowd.

  “I met this really great guy,” Eva gushed moments later, throwing herself onto her chair. The table tilted and Rosie caught Eva’s beer glass before it slid off the edge. “He’s a pilot and he’s just in town for a few days, but we really hit it off.”

  “Oh?” Rosie tried to shake the loneliness that consumed her as soon as her mystery man had left.

  “Yeah.” Eva picked at a little piece of fluff on her tank top. “So I was wondering if you’d mind… well I mean since you’re driving, it’s not like you’re stranded, but um, I’m going home with Dave. If you don’t mind me leaving you here alone?”

  “Sure, I guess. But shouldn’t you get to know him a bit first? I mean, he might be a whacko.”

  “Oh no. He’s really nice. You’ll see. He’s coming over now.” Eva pointed under the table at a tall preppy looking guy heading their way. “Thanks so much. I’ll return the favor someday.”

  “Hey, babe. You ready?” With his faux-hawk and over-whitened teeth, Eva’s date seemed kind of pretentious to Rosie, but Eva looked thrilled with her catch.

  “Yeah, definitely. Dave, this is Rosie. She’s my best friend.”

  “Great.” His smile didn’t reach his eyes as he scanned Rosie to determine if she’d be a help or hindrance to his conquest. “Let’s go, Emma.”

  “Okay, see you tomorrow, Rosie.” Eva latched onto Dave’s arm and they left.

  Rosie drilled her fingers on the table, the clicks of her longer nails alternating with the thumps of her fingertips. Should she have asked Eva’s date for ID or something in case he was a murderer? But then Eva would’ve killed her. And really, why would she worry more about the pilot than any of the other guys? Eva had picked him up faster, but probably with no less probing questions. “So what do you do? Do you like bulldogs? Oh my god! Me too!” For a professed cynic, Eva was incredibly gullible when she wanted to be.

  Taking a sip of her now warm beer, Rosie felt suddenly conspicuous, alone in the nightclub. Then again, maybe she could pretend Eva was out on the dance floor. The band was hot and that amazing guy might ask her to dance again. Why hadn’t she at least asked his name?

  The waitress came by and deposited a glass of wine in front of her. “From the gentleman at the bar,” she said, nodding to her right.

  Rosie looked hopefully to the bar, but it was a stocky man with blond spiky hair, smiling and raising his glass to her. What is it with men? It’s either feast or famine. She nodded her thanks at the guy, hoping he wouldn’t take it as a hint to join her. No such luck. He wandered over with a broad smile.

  “Hi. I couldn’t help noticing your friend ran out on you and thought maybe I could keep you company.” His smarmy grin was a definite turn off. “I’m Elliott.”

  “Well thank you, Elliott, but I’m not staying long. Just ’til the end of the set.” Rosie felt like crying in frustration. Now her intoxicating sex god wouldn’t come back.

  “Can I give you a lift home?” He leaned in too close and Rosie shifted away. If she moved any further she’d fall off the damn chair.

  “No thanks. I drove.” Rosie didn’t want to be rude, but this guy wasn’t getting the hint. She put her purse on her lap and contemplated her choices. “Excuse me. I need to use the ladies’ room.”

  She got up, quickly made her way to the front of the club, and flew out the door.

  Walking down the steep stairway to the street, Rosie decided she was better off going home. Even if her fantasy man had come back, other than the strong physical attraction, she didn’t know anything about him. There she was worrying about Eva while she practically drooled over a man she hadn’t exchanged more than five words with.

  The sound of heavy footsteps behind her made her turn around.

  “Hey, that’s not polite, leaving without saying good-bye.” Elliott caught up with her, looking pissed off.

  “Well… I realized… I’d promised a friend I’d feed her cat.”

  “You shouldn’t be walking out alone in this neighborhood. It’s not safe.” He grabbed her wrist and Rosie snatched it back.

  “I’m fine.” God, what was wrong with this guy?

  “You could be beaten and raped and no one would even blink an eye.” It sounded like a threat and the half-smile on his face didn’t reassure her. “I’ll walk you to your car.”

  “No. I’m fine. Please go away.” Rosie raised her voice, hoping someone from one of the nearby buildings would come out. Just as Elliott went to grab her arm again, she heard a growling sound and sprang back. A huge dog barreled out of the alley and landed with all four paws on Elliott’s back sending him sprawling on the sidewalk.

  “What the fuck?” Elliott scrambled backward on the cement.

  The dog stalked him, snapping his jaws, just missing his target. Elliott finally lurched to his feet and fled with the dog growling and loping behind him.

  Rosie didn’t know whether to call the cops or the pound as she sprinted to her car. Damn these heels. She turned the corner and there, sitting by her car, was the dog. When he saw her, he lay down and put his head between his paws. The thick, bushy coat resembled an unmarked German shepherd, but his face was less defined and eyes more wary.

  “Hey there, buddy,” she called out softly. He wagged his tail. Was this the same vicious beast? Maybe the animal had just reacted to the fear in her voice earlier. She squatted beside him and cautiously offered her hand. “Please don’t eat me.” The dog edged closer and rub
bed his head against her hand. His fur was rough, but the dog was appreciative as she scratched behind his ears.

  “Thanks for saving me.” Rosie patted him one more time before she stood and reached in her pocket for her keys. “I wish I had a dog treat or something for you.”

  Bemused, she watched as the dog stood up and gracefully trotted away.


  Friday mornings were the worst. Rosie stared at the clump of messages that had piled up in front of her. It never failed. Just before the weekend her boss Peter always came up with a new slew of things to do. Sometimes it was crap that had been sitting around for weeks. Like that designer, should she even bother to call him back? She knew her boss wasn’t going to meet with him. Rosie would spend hours hashing out dates and times then when the appointment time came, both men would claim to be too busy. A stupid male dissing contest. Rosie casually slid that memo into her recycling bin as footsteps echoed beside her cubicle.

  She looked up guiltily then relaxed. Thank God it was only Eva.

  “So did you have a good time last night with your pilot?” Rosie watched her friend dump a new stack of photos and resumes in front of her.

  As junior receptionist, Eva was the first line of defense aspiring actors had to get past at the Peter Mann Agency. Eva was supposed to pass along all the headshots and resumes, but if she didn’t like the look of an actor, he was instantly shredded. And if the guy was too good looking, he’d often end up on Eva’s bedroom wall instead of going to the casting director.

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “You don’t sound very enthusiastic.”

  “Well he doesn’t actually fly much. He’s still getting his license.” Eva thumbed through Rosie’s outbox.

  “What does he do if he doesn’t fly?”


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