Solar Eclipse

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Solar Eclipse Page 7

by McKayla Schutt

  “You wanted to become a werewolf?” Amethyst raised her eyebrow.

  “I did. Maria was changed into a wolf to safely deliver her kids. If they shifted during delivery and she stayed in her witch form, the blood loss could kill her. It’s what happened to my aunt.” Walter was glad the topic of children hadn’t come up yet, he wasn’t ready to be a father, even in his mid-thirties.

  “I see.” She didn’t meet his gaze. Devin strutted around while Emily stared at the new wolf.

  “You don’t have to worry; your body heals like a full werewolf. If I cut your hand, it would heal without any delay. Maria’s hand wouldn’t.” Walter shrugged. He had the same problems with healing as Maria but he didn’t have to worry about childbirth.

  “But why? She’s a wolf too.” Amethyst licked her lower lip. Emily glanced their way but kept quiet. Walter wondered if she might start crying.

  “It’s a limitation of a witch-wolf combo. I don’t know for sure why but my guess is because the witch side is more dominant than the wolf side.”

  Devin rubbed his cold nose against his skin. “Ready, little brother?” Walter asked.

  “Picture yourself in your human form. Like how you looked before I-.” Amethyst bit her lower lip and sighed. “I truly am sorry.”

  Devin licked her arm and winked at her. He then closed his eyes and after a few heartbeats, his body shrank into his human form.

  “Damn, that’s fucking bad ass.” Devin smiled. “Hey, don’t worry about it, Amethyst.”

  “What the hell? So, are you some wolf and witch?” Emily finally spoke up, and they all turned to her. Devin snapped his fingers, a gray shirt and jean shorts appeared on his body.

  “Emily, listen.”

  “No, you listen to me. I don’t want to be with a wolf. My town is full of them. It’s why I liked you so much. There’s no dog inside you. Or there wasn’t until that bitch bit you.”

  Walter glanced at Amethyst, her gaze wouldn’t meet his as she focused on the blood-stained grass below. Anger pooled in Walter’s stomach.

  “Look here...” Walter moved to stand but Devin stopped him.

  “She protected me from the hunter trying to killing me. It was an accident,” Devin defended Amethyst and Walter was proud of his brother.

  “Accident or not, I’m not staying here.” Emily turned and moved to walk away.

  “Are you kidding me? You don’t even want to see if we imprint or not? Damn it, Emily I was bringing you home to meet my family.”

  “Your family is a bunch of freaks,” Emily spat out but didn’t stop walking. Walter had a deep need to put Emily on her ass. Devin turned toward Walter.

  “What do I do?”

  “If you want to see if you imprint, it just takes one touch.” Walter shrugged. A selfish part of him didn’t want his brother mated with a bimbo like Emily. Devin ran after Emily and grabbed her arm.

  “Fuck off.” Emily tried to get away but Devin didn’t let her go. The sun had fully filled the sky once more but the extra magic still buzzed in his system.

  “Devin, just let her go,” Amethyst called out. Walter knew as Amethyst did, they had no connection between them. Thank the fucking stars above! Walter sighed with relief as Devin finally let go of Emily. They sat there in silence as she left. Walter’s body ached from all the magic usage. Even with the eclipse boost, exhaustion crept into his bones. A quick nap before the party with Amethyst sounded like a great idea.

  “Let’s go home, we have a party to get to,” Walter whispered into her ear. He liked having her close but another part of him wanted more time alone before his family came over to ‘celebrate’ his birth. Walter hoped it would go off better than the rest of this crazy day.

  Images of taking her again filled his mind but he pushed them down. His cock twitched with thoughts of taking her in the kitchen. Damn it, this is so not the time to be horny. He rolled his shoulders and Amethyst met his gaze.

  “I can’t wait to see the kids again. Every time I see the twins it makes me want to have kids even more.” Amethyst walked away leaving Devin with Walter. His younger brother elbowed him in the side.

  “So, you’re having kids?” Devin chuckled. Walter glared at his brother and ground his teeth together.

  “No,” he hissed.



  “WAIT, DID YOU JUST say the alpha’s house for dinner?” Amethyst looked at Walter while he drove his pickup. Nerves spiked and fear of still being in trouble about changing Devin consumed her. Walter, on the other hand, just chuckled as he turned toward Derrick’s large house.

  “Don’t worry about Collin or Devin.” Walter’s words sounded reassuring, but it didn’t have the designed effect on her, instead, it made her heart race even faster. What if he attacks again?

  “What happened to Collin anyway?” Amethyst hadn’t given him a second thought since Derrick hauled his ass away. She took in a shaky breath, Walter rubbed her hand in soothing circles.

  “Derrick told me he’s being punished for turning you and attacking us.” Walter shrugged like Collin shouldn’t be a problem. Amethyst trusted him about Collin but the idea of Devin’s sudden change filled her mind.

  “Does your brother really forgive me? I mean, I did unintentionally run off his girlfriend.” Amethyst hated the dread in her stomach. She bit the inside of her cheek, waiting for Walter to give her the bad news.

  “While you were in the shower he called and actually wants to thank you.” Walter shoved the handle into park and turned off the engine. Amethyst blinked a few times as she turned to fully face her mate. Her wolf tipped her head from side to side in her mind wondering why they would be thanked.

  “Thank me? For what?” Uncertainty filling her voice, even to her own ears. Walter waved to the house with all the lights on and laughed for a moment.

  “Running Emily off. Can you imagine what might’ve happened tonight if she came and found out we were at the alpha’s house with a wolf-witch birthday boy and a wolf-witch host.” Walter shook his head.

  “I didn’t think of it that way.” Amethyst giggled at the images of her freaking out and trying to go crazy around Derrick. Her alpha was strong and fucking intimidating as hell.

  “Come on, I’m sure my mother and father are excited to see you again.” Walter climbed out of the truck and then helped Amethyst climb down. His arm snaked around her waist and part of her liked having Walter as her mate. Her understanding of what having a mate truly meant was becoming clearer and it wasn’t the skewed version Collin kept telling her. It meant having someone close, who didn’t seem to judge as easily. He made her heart skip around in her chest, it made her feel so good.

  Maria opened the door carrying Vivian on her hip and a large smile on her face. “They are finally here!” Maria yelled over her shoulder. Carmen walked up to them, her little belly barely popped out.

  “Oh good, I’m freaking hungry! Eating for two here.” Carmen patted her belly.

  “You always eat a lot. Sometimes I wonder if you weren’t born a werewolf,” Maria laughed.

  “What happened to family only?” Walter narrowed his eyes on Maria who just shrugged.

  “Pack is family Walter. Since you’re part wolf you better get it through your thick skull right now,” Maria snapped back and Amethyst couldn’t keep the giggle from leaving her lips.

  “Relax, Walter. Plus, it will be nice to really meet everyone this time.” Amethyst hip bumped him and he rolled his eyes. Slowly, everyone made it to the dining room where the table looked too full to be still standing.

  “Holy food.” Amethyst felt her eyes widen as she took in all the pizza, salad, and breadsticks.

  “We have let’s count, one-” Maria pointed as she counted toward all the males. “Six fully grown males who eat a ton and a few kids here too.” Maria pointed toward a kid table where Vivian sat with her twin Owen.

  “Let me guess names here.” Amethyst moved over and took in the little ones ranging from five
to one year in age. “Red hair like your father, they are Alia’s and Olsen’s.”

  “Aura and Oliver,” Maria added. She wondered whose hair her future child might get. Amethyst glanced toward Walter then back at the kids.

  “I already have seen Baven, Vivian, and Owen at the store.” Amethyst smiled as they waved a friendly welcome. Her baby fever kicking into high gear, she wanted the unconditional love other parents gained when having a child.

  “The twin girls are Angie and Hector’s, Phebe and Page.” Maria pointed toward the last two kids. “Trey and Tempy or Temperance.”

  “It’s wonderful to meet you all.” Amethyst smiled, and they returned her smile before digging into their pizza. Their little chatter about their wolves and powers caught her interest but Walter pulled her away.

  “Amethyst I’d like you to-” Walter started but Elene Hunt cut him off with a tap on his chest.

  “Hush Walter, we know who Amethyst is.” Elene’s green eyes brightened as she pulled Amethyst into a tight hug. “How have you been?”

  “It’s been an interesting couple of days.” Amethyst always liked Elene. Even after hearing about the mistakes the momma made with Maria and her other children, Amethyst had a feeling Elene had her own story to share about protecting her kids. The thought reminded Amethyst of her mate and how he protected his family in the same secretive way.

  “Life with Walter will never be boring,” Mark chimed in and nodded toward Amethyst. The older man never showed much affection from what Amethyst recalled when she spent time at Maria’s house as kids. His chair in the living room always held his butt, especially during football season.

  “How about your parents? They moved to Reno, right?” Elene asked with a soft smile on her face.

  “Yes, my dad’s job forced him to move.” Amethyst remembered the fight over the phone when he received the call right after Amethyst’s eighteenth birthday. Amethyst’s heart ached for a moment as the memory filled her mind. Her wolf whimpered inside but she pushed back the thoughts. Tonight, she wouldn’t be sad for Walter’s sake.

  “Well, let’s eat and we’ll talk some more.” Elene pulled Mark over toward the table. Walter and Amethyst followed.

  “Fuck, someone else is about to go into heat.” Aiden lifted his nose and sniffed the air.

  “We already have one in the oven honey.” Carmen patted her tummy again. Alia shook her head, along with Maria. That only left Amethyst and Angie.

  “Happened a week ago, so painful.” Angie shook her head.

  “Wait, me?” Amethyst pointed toward her chest. She moved closer while Aiden lifted his nose again.

  “Yep.” Aiden nodded. Maria clapped her hands.

  “Yes, more babies in the family.” Elene beamed with delight. Devin sat next to his mother with a sigh. “You’ll find your mate like your siblings, sweetheart.” She rubbed Devin’s back.

  “Well, you’re going to wait a little while longer mother. We aren’t having kids yet,” Walter spoke as if the topic wasn’t up for debate making Amethyst’s stomach drop. She wanted kids, so freaking bad. The one person she didn’t want them with was Collin.

  “I wish you luck because for three days starting tomorrow, she will want sex.” Derrick pointed toward Amethyst, all eyes were on Walter or Amethyst. Even the kids were staring at her.



  “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” EVERYONE called out while Walter tried to get all of his things.

  “There is so much love in a place full of wolves.” Amethyst smiled toward the group. She grabbed his hand and one of her nails dug into his palm. The pain reminded him of something else.

  Like a movie, the dots connected in his memory. The one pinch from the paralyzing drug Kerine injected. Then her placing him by the stone. She chanted and pulled the magic from him but something new filled his mind this time. “This world is full of wolves, one day when the planets align my stones will make all the wolves weak and the hunters will be able to take all of them out.” She pulled more magic with her chant, bringing him close to death.

  Walter blinked a few times and walked right up to his sister and pulled her into a room.

  “What’s going on?” Maria asked as he closed the door. He hoped the noise from the other room would drown out his voice and not freak everyone else out. Walter didn’t need the entire pack hearing the news he wanted to share with his sister.

  “I remember what Kerine did to me.” Walter’s stomach turned into knots. So much dread sunk into his soul.

  “What do you mean?” She raised her eyebrow as she shifted her weight. Any day her pregnancy would reach full term for her twins bringing him another niece and nephew.

  “She took my memories, Maria. It’s one of the reasons I stayed so long. I also stayed to protect you and your family.” He shook his head. She rolled her eyes reminding him of when they were children, he knew she didn’t believe him.

  “Kerine is dead so why are you bringing this up?” Maria put her hands on her hips which frustrated the hell out of Walter. He needed her to understand the depth of this freaking problem.

  “She pulled my magic from me and put it into stones.” He rubbed his chest as he remembered how it felt when she pulled the magic from his chest. The burning sensation still stung even from the memories. “These damn stones aren’t good for the werewolf community, I can’t tell you exactly how but I have this gut feeling something bad will happen.”

  “And? She’s dead.” Maria tried to walk away but Walter blocked her. Why won’t she just believe me? Oh, I’m the bad brother still. He ground his teeth together before letting out a shaky breath.

  “What if they can still be activated? She may not have told me her whole plan but she might have told others. Like the hunters.” Walter leaned forward trying to drive home his point.

  “Hunters don’t like witches. What do they have to gain by teaming up with her?” Maria shook her head while confusion filled her gaze.

  “I don’t know.” Walter shrugged but the bad feeling in his gut still didn’t settle.

  “Thank you for telling me but like I said, she’s dead. She can’t hurt anyone.” Maria walked away leaving him alone for a moment before Amethyst popped her head in.

  “Ready to go?” she asked.

  “Yes.” Walter walked out and met Aiden’s gaze. The frustration of his announcement returned.

  Fucking heat? Are you kidding me? Walter shoved his hand through his hair and they walked out to the truck. Even when they strolled into the house, the way Aiden announced Amethyst was about to go into heat soon still grated against his nerves. He didn’t want children so soon and when he said as much Amethyst’s mood shifted completely. Her smile seemed forced when they talked during dinner and dessert.

  “I think I’m going to bed.” Amethyst moved toward the stairs but Walter stopped her.

  “What’s wrong?” Walter didn’t like how disheartened she’d become after his little announcement about not wanting kids.

  “Nothing.” Amethyst shrugged, her gaze never met his. He wanted a better answer, he may not know the cause of her distress but he knew she lied to him.

  “Amethyst.” Walter glared at her until she met his gaze. He resisted the urge to grab her chin.

  “I thought you wanted a family, damn it. But obviously, you don’t as you announced at your birthday party.” Her blue eyes glinted with anger, the fire made his freaking cock harden. Walter tried to push down the urge to mate but his dick had other ideas.

  “I’m not ready for children. I mean really, are you ready for children? You told Collin off the day we met.” Walter threw his hands up in exasperation. Silence fell in the house for a few moments.

  “I actually do want children, Walter. I didn’t want them with Collin.” Amethyst glared back.

  “Well, you never said a thing about them.” Walter tried to put the blame on her but deep down he knew he would have never asked about children.

  “Oh yes I did, when w
e first bonded,” Amethyst reminded him and he felt freaking stupid. “The last few days have been all about getting to know each other to see if we’re a good match.” Amethyst pushed her finger into his chest.

  “Damn it, this is not how I wanted this night to end.” Walter didn’t want to fight with her.

  “Well, I want to go to bed. I gave you your present so I’m going to relax.” Amethyst walked around him. Walter debated on whether he wanted to follow her or not. His raging hard-on did the thinking for him.

  He walked up the stairs and into his room but Amethyst wasn’t in there. Walter took in a deep breath to try to calm himself down. She’s my mate, she will sleep in my fucking bed.

  Walter did his best not to storm down the hallway to the spare room, she rested with her body facing away from him. She held her phone up instead of holding it to her ear. A male’s face looked back to her. He had the same brown hair but way shorter and large black glasses.

  “Dad, I have something to tell you and Mom. Where is she?” Amethyst spoke low. Walter leaned against the doorframe to listen in. She may get pissed at him later but he wanted to hear.

  “I’m here, sweetheart,” a female voice called out, and the screen adjusted to show both of them. Her mom had short blonde hair, and both had Amethyst’s blue eyes.

  “I have two bits of news, the first is I left Collin but the bastard bit me.” Amethyst rubbed her leg where Collin had bit her.

  “He bit you?” her mom asked, her voice raised.

  “I’m a werewolf, Momma,” Amethyst spoke low but obviously, her parents heard.

  “Are you happy with your wolf side?” her dad asked while adjusting his glasses. Walter wondered the same thing as her father.

  “We get along great which brings the second piece of news, I found my mate.” Amethyst sounded happy but Walter wasn’t sure.


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