Etched in Stone (Six Degrees Series Book 2)

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Etched in Stone (Six Degrees Series Book 2) Page 2

by Statham, Mayra

  My siblings are scattered across multiple states, my parents are on another coast, so family wise I am the only one that lives in California. We try to all fly in once a month to my parent’s house in Miami for a weekend, but sometimes schedules don’t mix. Especially not when you are dealing with five siblings.

  I had friends. But the older we got, one by one they bit the dust and settled down. Slowly and surely most were getting married and starting families. With being the single guy, you quickly are left behind or forced into situations to get you fixed up. But that is what happy, committed people do for their poor, lonely, single friends. I have business associates, but well that is business. Sighing as I wipe the sweat from my forehead, I stretch trying to get the kinks out of my back.

  That’s when it happened. The moment my life as I knew it changed.

  As my mind silently fills with contemplations of what life has in store, mixed with thoughts of which bridesmaid to try to take back to the hotel I am staying at, only to have the older me realize how pathetic and lonely I really am. I heard it, a feminine laugh. Not just feminine, but beautiful. So fucking beautiful I had to turn my body to see where it was coming from. Searching I look over towards Betsy.

  Betsy who only minutes ago was stressed beyond belief, is now smiling brightly. Stress seemingly having vanished from her face as she talks to a brunette in an orange and pink sundress. From where I am, I can only see her back. Curvy in exactly the right places, a promise of the sweetest ass I’ve ever laid eyes on, I watch the brunette nod. That distinct laugh filling the air again and something in my chest warms. Something I don’t recognize, something I’ve never felt. It’s not a bad feeling either.

  I watch as they both walk towards the table that was empty a little while ago but is now holding a beautiful, elaborate five tier wedding cake that looks like it came off the pages of a wedding magazine. The brunette turns so that I can see her face and suddenly it’s like I have no control over my body.

  My body is frozen in place, my heart beats furiously against my chest, as the skin at the back of my neck tingles and my hands clench tightly. I have never felt this way before.

  Her naturally tanned skin looks like it glows, slightly bronzed, so fucking flawless that I want to touch her to see if it’s as silky as it promises to be. Her dark brown eyes are big and so damn sexy. Her mouth, fuck her mouth! Her lips can only be described as beautiful perfection. They are full pillows of soft pink flesh, with a perfect bow on her upper lip. Her long dark hair falls in smooth cascading waves, touching her shoulders as she shrugs it away, to speak to Becky.

  Watching her, my heart races and my stomach tightens as if it’s filled with butterflies. Nerves and a fucking racing heart? What the hell is wrong with me? Am I having a heart attack?

  A slight breeze picks up, she looks behind her and then around the room, her eyes don’t touch mine, but fuck me I want them to. Getting a full look at her face, she isn't beautiful, she’s fucking gorgeous. High cheekbones, dark eyes, full luscious lips, any one of those would make a woman beautiful, but the combination of all three, makes her look like a fucking angel.

  My angel!

  Shit! Fuck. Shit!

  My Dad always told my brother and me that when we met the one, we would know. He used to say that when he first saw our Mom, he knew. It was like everything in the damn universe seemed to point to her, and everything about him gravitated to her. Fuck me, I always thought he was full of shit, shrugging or laughing him off. Yet standing here, watching her, feeling like I never have, I’m reminded not to ever doubt my Dad again.

  I take a deep breath as it hits me. He was right. Everything in my life has brought me to this one moment.

  To her!

  Running my fingers through my hair, I wipe the sweat on my jeans, take a deep cleansing breath and try to calm myself down. I need to go talk to her. Maybe have Becky introduce me to her. I look at the green t-shirt I’m in and the faded blue jeans. Not too bad. A little sweaty, but it’ll have to do.

  I start to walk towards the cake table to try and charm my angel, but she’s no longer there.

  She’s gone. Vanished into thin air.

  Chapter One: Two Months Later

  Edwards Automotive Charity Breast Cancer Gala


  Every part of my body aches.

  My shoulders are burning from hand rolling the various types of dough for different pastries. My feet are aching from being on them since three this morning. It doesn’t help that I stuffed them into incredibly sexy peep-toe pink sling backs that Lucy let me borrow because they went perfect with my dress.

  My hands feel heavy and are probably swollen, but as I gaze at the table in front of me, all I can do is let the feeling of accomplishment flow freely through me. All the aches and pains are completely worth it as I look at the extravagant dessert table in front of me.

  It’s incredibly satisfying to see the fruits of your labor. Being able to mix simple ingredients, like flour and sugar with your own hands and somehow magically they become beautiful pieces of edible art.

  The table is beautiful, exquisite really. Better than I dreamed possible.

  I admire the long beautiful table draped in expensive cream tablecloths that probably cost more than what I’m wearing, excluding Lucy’s shoes. It made my beauties even more beautiful, they were definitely worth the investment. Tess, my business partner and friend, thought I was nuts spending that much on tablecloths.

  Sweet sophistication!

  My edible art is sitting and waiting on beautifully colored cake stands arranged at different heights with accent trays in shades of pink and cream. The cream puffs sit in the center of the table, gorgeous and fresh. While some have powdered sugar sifted on top, others are drizzled with chocolate to add a little more sweetness. Some have a dollop of cream and a piece of a locally grown strawberry sitting on top. The cupcakes, I agree with Tess, she had been right to add the iridescent powder that made them sparkle under the soft lighting in the elegant Beverly Hills Hotel’s Crystal Room. Rectangular trays hold a variety of cannoli. Mini strawberry cheesecakes float at different elevations on the expensive pink tinted crystal cake stands. The two employees that will be manning the table are already standing by, dressed in pastry chef uniforms, white and pristine. They are the perfect finishing touch.

  I watch Tess chat with Laney, the owner of Ritz Events. Who also happens to be the Gala’s event coordinator and they are both smiling. A huge wave of relief sweeps through me, it is obvious that Laney is extremely happy with the dessert table. Our bakery, Izzy Tizzy’s, is making a name for itself in Southern California.

  I love that, at our bakery, we cater to everyone. We appeal to the stay at home mom seeking a moment of refuge, Hollywood celebrities, even to the workers from the industrial side of town picking up their morning breakfast and coffee. However, the obscene price we are paid by the rich and famous makes me nervous. Even after a full year of being in business, I constantly worry that my creations aren’t good enough for the clientele we serve.

  Tess and I have Sabrina Miller to thank for a large portion of our higher end clientele. Sabrina, one of Laney’s event planners, referred business to us from the moment she found our shop. There isn’t a week that by that she doesn’t send a new customer to us by. Some come in; others call to place an order, always telling us that Sabrina sent them. We even hired two new bakers, allowing Tess and I an actual day off. There are times when we joke about Sabrina being our business fairy Godmother and one day, we will figure out a way to thank her for everything she has done, not only for us, but our shop as well.

  Lost in my own thoughts, I don’t realize someone has approached me until a warm finger taps my shoulder. Even the fabric doesn’t stop me from feeling the heat flowing into my body. The warmth lingers on my shoulder as I turn around with a smile on my face. Ready to answer questions, as early guests had already started coming up to me, asking for my business card. I was, however, not prepared to face the m
ost incredibly handsome man I’d ever seen in my life! My smile wobbled at the same time my breath caught in the middle of my throat, as I took him in completely.

  He’s tall. From where I stand, even in heels, he has at least eight inches over me. Well over six feet, and I only really noticed because of the way I had to arch my neck to look up at him.

  He has light, creamy skin that contrasts attractively against his jet black hair. Slightly overgrown and wavy you would think it was naturally curly. My fingers itch to touch his hair.

  His face is a masterpiece. Squared jaw with a cleft in the center, a clean shaven face highlights the flawlessness of his skin and makes me want to feel it, bare against my own flesh. His strong nose is completely masculine, with a slight bump on the ridge that makes me wonder if at some time in his life he’d broken it in a fight or by accident. Either way, it added a sense of ruggedness and of the bad boy hiding beneath the obviously expensive tuxedo he was wearing.

  Every single thing about this man makes him stunning, but it is his eyes that make my heart stutter. The outside of his irises are dark, like rich, thick, black ink. His eyes are light pools of grey mixed with a slight hint of sage green, making them unusual. All I can think about is how I want to memorize his eyes, so that I can duplicate them in paint, they are that striking. But it wasn’t only the color of his eyes; it's what is behind them, a light that shines through. A brightness children have when they are about to make a wish right before they blow out the candles on their birthday cake.

  At the bittersweet thought, I can’t help the smile that washes over me. In an instant, a smile replaces his serious expression as he looks me in the eyes. The way he looks at me with that genuine smile on his face, makes me breathless. Like some nitwit heroine from one of the romance novels Lucy tries to push on me. I don’t have words to describe how handsome he really is, with just a smile, he literally makes my knees weak.

  “Hi.” I say soundly slightly breathy in a bad Marilyn Monroe kind of way. I immediately want to run away. I’m such a nerd!

  “Hey.” His deep voice rumbles. I feel a quiver go down my spine and out my toes.

  Down my spine and out my toes? What the hell is wrong with me?

  We stare at one another. I wouldn’t have been able to look away if my life depended on it. He is more than the stereotypical pretty-boy that L.A. offers. God knows this place has more than enough of those running all over Hollywood. No. He’s the perfect example of masculine beauty. To put it simply, he really is THAT beautiful!

  “Are you from Izzy Tizzy’s?” He asks, his voice deeper than I would have thought possible. I nod since my mind decides at this particular moment, to stop functioning.

  “Any chance that I can ask you a couple of questions about having a birthday cake made?” He asks looking completely amused. I silently curse and remind myself, that there was no way that a guy like this would be interested in a girl like me.

  “Of course,” I croak out and clear my throat, trying to smile.

  “How much time in advance do you need for a birthday cake order?” He asks, a single dark eyebrow going up slightly.

  He wants to order a birthday cake. I want to sigh. Of course, Hottie McMysterious would want to order a cake, probably for his … glancing at his bare ring finger… for his girlfriend.

  “We usually require at least forty-eight hours in advance for preparation, but we can rush one in twenty-four. Unless you were looking for something elaborate, then I’d stick to forty-eight.” I answer as if I’m on autopilot. At least I can try to sell him something.

  “What do you consider elaborate?” He asks, one side of his mouth slightly tipping up gives him a cocky look.

  “Six tiered fondant with hand piping or life-size creations.” I answer quickly and his eyes go wide, his lips go from a smirk to a smile.

  “Okay. Any chance I can have your card?”

  “Sure.” I walk to the table and grab a business card, not noticing as he steps closer.

  As I turn around, his chest is now an inch or two from my face. I try to step back but of course I don’t lift my leg high enough, my heel catches on the carpet and I begin to stumble. My mind running with horrible images of falling dead center into the table that holds all the sweets that took forever to create and making a complete fool of myself in front of not only the sexy stranger but some of the rich and powerful of southern California. But instead of falling, his strong hands quickly go to my shoulders, bringing my body back close to his. Keeping his hands on me, as I make sure my feet are now solidly on the floor, saving me from falling on the table.

  “Sorry.” “Thank you” We both mumble, his hands holding on to my forearms, bringing my body a step closer to his as he steadies us. Everything happened in mere seconds, so quickly no one probably even noticed. Not that I am going to look around to see if someone had. But as quickly as it had happened, I felt every second in slow motion.

  His grey eyes are melting into my eyes. He is a snake charmer, and I’ve been charmed.

  All this without even knowing his name!

  Straightening my back at the thought, making my face serious, I extend my arms handing him the card.

  “Here’s my card.” I blurt nervously.

  “Liz!” Tess calls and I look behind me to see Tess waving me over as she stands next to Laney. I raise a finger, asking her for a moment.

  “Did you have any other questions?” I ask, part of me hoping he had an hours’ worth of questions, the embarrassed side of me hoping he was ready to walk away.

  He stands in front of me, one of his hands still touching my elbow softly. Fingertips lightly grazing my elbow, heat is radiating all through me, as my brain quickly turns to mush from looking at him.

  My snake charmer.

  “Your name is Liz?” He asks in a tone that means something, I don’t know, and I smile. Not that I’m going to let myself think a man like the one in front of me would want to know my name for any other reason than to know who to refer to when he orders his very lucky girlfriend, her birthday cake.

  “Yeah,” I mumble smiling, trying to ignore the sad feeling of not having a chance with the guy in front of me. He nods, his hand leaves my elbow, and I immediately miss his touch. He looks down at the card in his hand and smiles at me.

  “I’ll call about that cake,” He says and walks away leaving me completely intrigued over a guy for the first time in I don’t know how long.

  Parker Stone

  She is so damn beautiful.

  Her olive skin hints at her Hispanic background, the skin that I want to touch and kiss. Her eyes, fuck her eyes are round, and dark, almost black as night. They are framed by thick, natural, black lashes. She renders me stupid. I grin at the thought, amazed that I have found her again.

  What are the chances?

  I saw her two months ago at my friend’s wedding, delivering a cake, and I had acted like a gawky, nerdy teenage boy staring at the homecoming queen. I’ve never had that happen. Not in high school or college. Talking to women has always come easy to me like it was second nature, but with her, my mind blanks. She’d been a vision then, and by the time I had worked up the courage to talk to her, she’d left, vanishing into thin air so quickly, I almost thought I’d somehow imagined her.

  Like an angel.

  Seeing her, standing in front of the huge dessert bar tonight, I didn’t hesitate to go and talk to her. I probably made a complete idiot of myself, asking lame questions about a freaking birthday cake, but I don’t care. I had to talk to her. I will order ten fake birthday cakes if I have to. I finally heard her voice. I even held her close, the softness of her body and the sweet scent that surrounded her, made me feel alive more than I ever had before.

  My angel finally has a name, Liz.

  Chapter Two

  Two months later


  Looking at the mirror I take in how I look at my reflection in the semi-short red lace, long-sleeved dress. It falls midway down my thighs and the
thin red fringe below it gives the dress a flapper feel. My dark hair is styled in a messy bun at the nape of my neck and my back is completely exposed by the design of the dress. Sky high black leather pumps made my legs look deceivingly long. My makeup is subtle, in nudes and browns, all except for the bright red lipstick that miraculously makes my lips look lush.


  It’s nice to feel like this after almost two years of nothing but sweet, conservative summer dresses, tees and jeans. Instantly, I’m glad that Lucy suggested this tonight.

  My girls and I are going out to celebrate my twenty-eighth birthday, a day early. The bakery is closed until Monday and even then with the new employees we hired, Tess and I won’t need to be back at work until late Monday afternoon.

  The doorbell chimes and with one last glance at myself and a deep breath, I leave the safety of my room. Opening the front door, I try to give a genuine smile to my girls. It isn’t their fault that I hate my birthday.

  “HAPPY BIRTHDAY,” They yell, giving me hugs!

  They all look incredible and ready to party. Tess is in an off the shoulder, dangerously low V-neck that’s tight all the way down her body, highlighting every curve, her hair is curly and wild, make-up dramatic and it makes her even hotter than she normally is. Lucy dress is in more subdued it is a peachy pink strapless dress that shows off her porcelain skin and brings out the red tones in her hair without clashing. Her face is almost bare of make-up, and her hair is a cascade of soft curls. Carrie is in a royal blue tank style dress that is short, showing off her long legs and her Barbie-esque body, her short blonde hair is in waves that barely touch her shoulders. Her makeup is not as dramatic as Tess’s, but dramatic none the less with smoky eyes and bright red lipstick. They all look ready for a night out on the town.

  As they trickle into my apartment, I see Matt, Lucy’s bodyguard, walk in. He comes over to me, his eyes clearly appreciating what he sees and I smile at him. I hear the girls in my kitchen clearly getting the pre-party drinks ready.


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