Etched in Stone (Six Degrees Series Book 2)

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Etched in Stone (Six Degrees Series Book 2) Page 6

by Statham, Mayra

  “We can get out of here…”



  “Have my driver take us to the beach...sit on the sand. Talk.” I suggest without thinking twice about taking her to the one place I didn’t share with anyone. Surprising me she nods, I stand and immediately take care of the bill and tip.

  In the enclosed space of the town car, the scent of her perfume fills the air, making me want to pull her in close, and without a second thought, I do. Sitting her across my lap, she looks at me. Eyes completely surprised. Not scared or upset, just surprised.

  “I’m usually not the type to sit on a guy’s lap the first night I meet them.” She says softly, clearly not moving away, I can’t help but smile.

  “I didn’t think you were.” I answer, bringing my hand to cup her face and she leans into it, making something tighten in my chest. She had a tough exterior, but she was softer with me. Liz was not the type to sit on men’s laps nor was she the kind to lean into a man’s touch, but here she was with me, trusting me enough to do both and it was humbling. It brings out something primal and primitive in me, some need to protect her. Which is crazy since I don’t know her...right?

  “I want to kiss you.” I admit and her eyes slowly meet mine beneath her dark full lashes.

  “How old are you, Parker Stone?” she asks biting her lower lip, but even then a sneaky smile falls over her beautiful face.


  “I’m twenty-eight.”

  “Really?” I ask surprised, I’d thought she was younger.

  “Yeah, why? Oh no, do I look older?” She asks squishing her nose making her look adorable.

  “No...I thought you were twenty-five tops.” I say smiling at her and she rolls her eyes at me shaking her head.

  “My point is we’re old enough to know about kissing.”

  “True.” God I like this girl, “But sometimes cautious girls have rules about kissing.” I tell her and her laughter fills the back of the town car. I can't help but enjoy our banter.

  “True… I guess you might have to play it by instinct. Private investors do that, right?”

  “What do you mean?” I ask not wanting to even blink in fear of missing some expression or moment. She isn’t only beautiful but captivating..

  “You go with your gut instinct, whether business deals sound like a good idea or not…” I nod and she smiles leaning closer, moving her head towards my neck. My body tightens, feeling her body so close to me sitting on my lap, she whispers into my ear, “When it comes to kissing me, go with your gut instinct, Parker. Always go with your gut.”


  I felt like I was in a parallel universe. I had no idea who the flirty girl in the town car was with Parker, but I liked her. I felt free. Even if I never see Parker again, I want these stolen hours where most of the world around us is sleeping to be ours. A memory I could look back on and remember with a smile on my face.

  His driver stops and opens the door for us, when I get out he brings his warm suit jacket that smells like him and wraps me in it.

  “It’s cold. I don’t want you to get sick.”

  “That’s very sweet of you. Thanks.”

  He hadn’t kissed me in the car, and even though I was dying to feel his mouth on mine, there was something deliriously sexy about the sweet way he wasn't rushing things.

  Holding hands, we walk together. When we reach the sand, we stop and take our shoes off. Glancing at him, I notice that in the moonlight barefoot, wearing a dress shirt and slacks makes him even sexier, as if he has walked off the pages of a GQ magazine. He is breathtaking, and he is mine even, if for just this small moment.

  Reaching the shore, he stands behind me. His strong arms wrapping me close to him. Standing in peaceful silence, we watch the waves and I let my body lean into him. His warm breath is on the top of my head, I close my eyes just enjoying and relishing in the moment. The salt in the air, the crispness of the cold night biting at my nose, the sound of the waves crashing near us, and the feel of the sand in between my toes. It was perfect, a perfect stolen moment.

  After a bit, he suggests we sit down, making me sit on his lap so that my dress doesn't get dirty. The lame excuse makes me laugh but I couldn't help throwing caution to the wind with him and giving into his suggestion.

  My head is at the crook of his neck, sitting on his lap, he makes me feel tiny, feminine and completely protected. There is a quiet familiarity that buzzes between us, even though we’re basically strangers.

  We talk about ourselves. He tells me about growing up in San Diego. He tells me about how his parents are still together after so many years together. He has three sisters and a brother, I notice how his voice softens when he talks about them, in a way that shows how much he loves them.

  I tell him about the girls, how they are my family. I tell him about different trips the girls and I have taken in the past. Mostly though, I tell him about my business and how much I love it. The way he listens to me talk, as if I am the only one around makes me feel happy.

  We sit on the sand till the sun is about to rise. In a comfortable silence, we watch the gray of night melt away into pretty blues that dissolves into purples and pinks until finally the sun is rising chasing away the night. The entire time I am in his arms. His warm body strong and powerful, I didn’t want it to end.

  Watching the sun bring a new day is bittersweet.

  I’ve never had a connection to anyone as quickly and strongly as with Parker. We talked all night never running out of things to say. But as the sun comes up and the sky turns a little brighter it reminds me that it is time for Parker and me to go our separate ways. I wonder if our paths will cross again.

  It’s officially my birthday, and I hate this day. Knowing what I had to do today, but at the same time trying to avoid thinking about it. Parker had helped me deal with that gnawing dread.

  Hand in hand we walk silently, lost deep in our own thoughts as we go towards the parking lot. We are still barefoot in the sand when I notice that we are at Huntington Beach.

  “I love this beach.” I say and he stops, bringing me into his arms.


  “Nothing, I just hadn’t noticed we were at Huntington Beach. My parents used to bring me here,” I say letting it slip without thinking. In a sad way, it made today go full circle.


  “Yeah…” I look back at the water standing on the edge of where the cement begins and sand ends, for one last glance at the ocean and its splendor.

  "My mom used to say this place had magic …” My voice is soft almost a whisper. I hadn’t talked about my parents in such a long time, not even to Jake when we had been together. Parker’s hands on my cheeks feel nice. Large and slightly calloused… it felt good. Right…Real.

  I look at him in the sunlight of the new day, taking in more of him. His grey eyes are warm, inviting, his dark hair is disheveled with a slight curl to it that makes me want to run my fingers through it. He’s so freaking beautiful it’s hard to look away from him.

  “She was right,” he says, his eyes never waver from mine. His voice is filled with such conviction it forms a knot at the base of my throat and all I can do is smile at him.

  As crazy as the night had been with Jake showing up out of the blue, Parker made what could have been a bad night, one of the most beautiful ones of my life. This was the first birthday in eighteen years, that I didn’t dread having the sun rise on.

  Chapter Four

  Unlocking the back door of the shop and turning off the alarm. After preheating the ovens and the deep fryer I head to the small office in the back. Sitting at my computer, I stare at the desktop. The screensaver is a picture of the day Tess and I opened the doors for the first time and I couldn’t help the school girl smile that forms on my lips.

  Parker’s driver took me to my place, and when we arrived Parker had walked me to my door. He had held me close, his forehead on mine and then he leaned in and kiss
ed my cheek.


  Shaking my head I walk to the kitchen throwing my hair up into a bun, I turn the small boom box in the kitchen to Pharrell Williams new album and let it blast. Even though the shop was closed I knew there was no way that I would be able to rest, nor did I want to sit at home in my small apartment.

  Not today. Not on my birthday. Not on the eighteenth year anniversary of my parent’s death.

  Reading the Sophie Samuels novel that Lucy had made me one-click, I wait as the ovens heat up. I sit in the back of the shop, with my diet coke and the small square gift box that Matt gave me on the table in front of me. The book was interesting, but the rust orange of the ribbon on the box called my attention. Putting my Kindle down, I pick up the box, tracing the edges as I undo the ribbon. A small folded note lying on top of an orange hand braided thin leather with a gold feather in the center; the bracelet that is pretty and casual and completely my style. Unfolding the note I read:

  Saw this and thought of you. You once said that we were birds of a feather, cut from the same cloth. Happy Birthday, Babe! -Matt

  I smile and look at the bracelet. My fingertips trace the delicate gold feather charm. I let my thoughts go back to a couple of months before Matt and I messed around. We talked about our experiences in foster care. After my parents died, I was ten years old, with no family around me and no family that wanted me. I became a ward of the system until I turned eighteen. My experience of being in foster care wasn’t great, but I know it could have been a lot worse. I’d been placed in a really bad home, but luckily I was moved to a different one after the first time my foster dad beat the crap out of me.

  Matt had a similar experience, but his time in the system was uglier than mine. Sharing our past bonded us, making us real friends. Shaking my head I stood, deciding that I would whip up a batch of cannolis for him and the girls. I would take them to our Monday morning breakfast at a small diner close to the school that Carrie worked at.

  The phone rang as I finished rolling the shells, having me run into the small enclosed space that Tess and I shared to answer it.

  “Izzy Tizzy’s how can I help you.”

  “Liz?” the familiar voice said and I frowned.

  “Who is this?” I ask, and the male voice laughed and I scowled.

  “Come on you know exactly who it is. Go to lunch with me,” Jake says and I feel a throbbing begin at my temple.

  “I can’t. I’m busy working on something.” I snap and he laughs.

  “Fine, I’ll pick us up some food…” the phone beeps alerting me that I have another call.

  “Hold on, I have another call,” I say, clicking over.

  “Izzy Tizzy’s, how can I help you?”

  “Liz?” A deep baritone voice says and everything in my body stands still. My eyes go wide as the beating of my heart picks up.

  “Parker.” His name falls from my smiling lips. He called. He called!

  “Hey, angel.” Angel. Did he call all of his girls, angel? Shaking my head to get rid of the negative thought.


  “Thought the shop was closed?” he says, sounding amused.

  “It is. I just had a few things to take care of.”

  “Any chance you want to see me again tonight?” He asks and my heart warms over.

  “Not tired of my yet?” I ask, biting my lip.

  “Not even close, babe,” he responds quickly and honestly, without any hesitation in his voice and I like that. I like it a lot.

  “You stayed out pretty late, Mr. Stone… You’re not tired?”

  “Can I be honest with you?”

  “I’d prefer it.”

  “I’ve been stopping by your shop since October in the hopes that I would get a chance to bump into you. I was too much of a chicken shit to call, worried you wouldn’t remember me. Last night, shit this morning… I didn’t want to drop you off, Liz. Since the first time I laid eyes on you, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.”

  “First time?”

  “I was at my friend’s wedding, you delivered a cake.”


  “You were in and out of there so quickly that by the time I got up enough courage to talk to you, you had already left.”


  “I get your cautious. I’m glad actually. I promise I’m not a serial killer.”

  If you were you would be the hottest serial killer in history. I thought to myself and he started to laugh a deep throaty laugh. My cheeks heated at the fact that I had just thought that out loud.

  “Oh my God, did I just say that out loud?” I ask feeling completely mortified.

  “Yeah” he laughed, “But it’s okay, best compliment I’ve ever had.”

  “Somehow I doubt that.” What was wrong with me? It was as if I had diarrhea of the mouth.


  I stay quiet, thinking. I’m twenty-eight years old, other than my girls and my business. I am completely alone in the world. I’ve lived safe. The only semi-reckless thing I have ever done was almost leave and go to London with Jake….and work at Shine. Not even the thing with Matt had been reckless. I had known what it was at the time, I had just let myself hope for more. Or maybe, it was the fact that it was my birthday and birthdays to me always had a way of putting fear into me, always leaving me feeling unsteady somehow.

  “Have you had lunch, Mr. Stone?” I ask, biting my lip when his end of the line went silent.

  “Not yet.” He answers. His voice is husky and deep, making me shiver. I really like his voice.

  “I’ll be here a little longer, if you want to meet here. There’s a deli three shops down that is open on Sunday’s and they make the best pastrami sandwiches in LA County and a park across the street with great picnic tables.” I suggest.

  “Sounds good, give me thirty?”

  “Sounds good, see you then.”

  “See you then,” his deep voice vibrates, the call ends and I smile so hard my face hurts.

  I quickly fried up the shells, mixed the cream for the cannoli and stored it all. Then ran into my small office and quickly changed into a spare change of clothes that I was accustomed to keeping in the office. It was only a pair of old light faded blue jeans and a rich black tank top that fell right below the low waistline of the jeans. I pulled my hair up in a simple ponytail, and silently thanked Tess for keeping a makeup bag in the office, from which I stole a bit of lip gloss from.

  A loud knock came from the front door and I looked at the small mirror in the office. I looked… bland. Sighing shaking my head I grab my purse and walk to the front but stop in my tracks.

  It wasn’t Parker at the front of the store. It was Jake.

  Jake Thompson

  I see her coming towards me, but the moment she sees me, her smile vanishes from her face.

  Standing in front of the door she puts her hands on her hips, head tilted and her face in a scowl.

  “What do you want?” she yells out, and I smile. Raising the brown bag in front of me, I take in how she takes a deep breath, her fingers pinching the bridge of her nose.

  She opens the door and I step in.

  “Why are you here?”

  “Well hello to you too, honey,” I cheerfully say to her.


  “I called you. Told you I was coming over you put me on hold…. I made an executive decision.”

  She closes her eyes, taking a visible deep breathe, “I’m sorry. I got a call and forgot you were on the other line.” Forgot I was on the line...ouch!

  “Make it up to me by having lunch with me.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You can… its Pad Thai from that little place you used to crave.”

  “Mr. Wong’s?” She asked looking at the bag, and I smile.

  “The one and only.”

  “That place is still open?”

  “I was surprised as well. Want to sit outside?”

  “I can’t Jake. I’m having lunch with
…,” she didn’t finish her sentence because a knock came from the glass door behind us, we both look, and there she stood.

  Lucy Mack.

  Looking like a fucking Kennedy in Cape Cod wearing a Peter Pan collared white shirt under a melon toned sweater that highlighted the soft tempting curves beneath her body. Her legs looked a mile long in white wide leg dress pants and her feet in sexy heels. God why was she so damn pretty? Shaking the thoughts from my head, I look at Liz as she walks over opening the door.

  “Lucy, how did you know that I was here?” Liz asked and I heard Lucy’s fairy like sweet laugh.

  “Where else are you on a Sunday? Even on your birthday. Anyhow, I was thinking about Carrie’s fundraiser, you know for the kids she tutors? Anyway, I think I have the perfect idea!” she continues. Lucy Mack has an energy that rivals that of a cartoon character, and I like that about her.


  “I know Tess is being a stick in the mud, but it’s only because of everything with her mom...Oh hello.” she says her caramel eyes landing on me, going a little wide.

  “Mr. Thompson. Hi.” She says extending her hand and I extend mine. Her small petal soft hand in mine is cold, and all I want to do is wrap myself around her to warm her up. What the hell is my problem?

  “How do you know, Jake?” Liz asks, raising an eyebrow.

  “Belle sent me to Mr. Thompson’s office to pick up some paperwork, shit I mean...”

  “What?” Liz is frowning now.

  “What she means is Belle invests where I work, I handle her account.” I try to clarify.

  “Crap, if that is supposed to be confidential Liz won’t say anything,” Lucy nervously rambles.

  “It’s okay, Lucy,” I say and she looks at me. Her pale skin turns slightly pink as she blushes. She always blushes around me and it makes my body stir. Why do I like her? She is not my type.

  “Wait how do you two know one another?” Lucy asks and Liz answers before I can even blink.

  “Jake’s my ex.” Liz announces and I feel Lucy’s eyes on me and I look at her.

  “The cheater?” Lucy asks slightly loud her eyes surprised and slightly disappointed and I flinch. Truth hurts buddy, an old familiar voice chimes in my head.


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