Etched in Stone (Six Degrees Series Book 2)

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Etched in Stone (Six Degrees Series Book 2) Page 27

by Statham, Mayra

  “Have you met John? In the past I mean?” He asks.

  “No. I’ve seen him at the club, he’s a regular when he’s in town, but he prefers...he prefers the company of girls who go the extra mile.”

  I know the line hadn’t dropped, I could hear him breathing.

  “I was never one of those girls, Park,” I whisper, not sure why I feel the need to let him know this, I just do. “I didn’t tell you about having worked at Shine because I was… I was worried about how you would take the news. That you wouldn’t look at me the way you did before.” My heart is beating hard, a knot in my throat I breathe in deep and keep talking. “When we were in Miami and I found out you were related… I got scared. I talked to the girls that Monday and decided I was going to tell you. I swear Park, I was going to tell you everything that night, but then you left for New York and then... everything happened.” Taking another deep breathe, staring at the semi empty parking lot I keep talking. ”I’m not anything special and from the way you were with me from the beginning… I didn’t want to see the disappointment that I saw in your eyes once you did find out, but I promise you I was going to tell you.”

  “Angel…,” he starts to say, his voice gruff. But before he can say anything, I see Matt, walking towards me.

  “I’m being summoned.” I sniffle trying hard not to cry, “I have to go.”

  “I’ll see you tonight.” His voice is deep and instills confidence over the phone.

  “You shouldn’t.” I quickly respond. Even though saying the words hurt deep in my chest, “Stay away, Parker. Trust me. I’m not your angel or Ellie… I’m nothing. I’m just Liz, a college dropout who became a stripper, nothing important or worth the trouble, baby.” Flipping the phone shut before he can say anything, I immediately silence it and throw it into my purse.

  Opening my door, purse in hand I shut it and walk to the trunk of my car, I wave at Matt.

  “Hey,” I say once he gets over to me. I open the trunk and he immediately takes my duffel bag from me. Matt is Matt to me now, just a friend. But the first time I’d laid eyes on him, I thought he was so handsome.

  Now because he guards Lucy, I only see him as a friend. He’s over six feet, lean with steel like muscles lining his zero percent body fat form. Bright ocean blue eyes, blonde hair that over the years he would grow out and one day to another he’d cut short. His facial hair went from a beard to a goatee to clean shaven without rhyme or reason. Right now, his hair is still shaggy, long enough that he has it tied at the base of his neck. His face is shaven, with only a slight hint of stubble almost as if he hadn't shaved this morning.

  He’s like a tall glass of water in the desert.

  He isn’t a man that you would try to mess with, because as bright as his eyes are, there was something dark in them. Something that told you he’d seen more than his fair share of the way life could shit on you.

  I think that’s why we got along so well. We had that in common.

  Even when I’d worked at Shine or the shifts I picked up, we’d shoot the shit, catch up, sometimes I even let him buy me a drink, and no matter what he always walked me to my car.

  “Hey babe.” He says, wrapping his arm over my shoulder, bringing me close into him.

  “How are you?” I ask him and he stops walking and looks at me. His lips twitch slightly. He’s in a white t-shirt, baggy jeans and his usual white sneakers.

  “What’s funny?” I ask him scowling.

  “Only you, babe,” he says shaking his head and I keep looking up at him, knowing that he’d give in and tell me more.

  “Shit is flying around, you’re forced back here and you ask me how I am?” He says and I take a step back.

  “Matt.” His hand goes to my face.

  “I shouldn’t have been waiting on my ass for a chance.” He tells me and I tilt my head back and to the side to really look at him.

  “What?” I ask, knowing my eyes are wide with surprise.

  “I should have just jumped in there when I first laid eyes on you. Women who look like you don’t stay single long. I saw it would take time to thaw you out, and instead of waiting on my ass, I should have jumped into it and done the work to thaw you out.”

  “What?” My eyes wide, heart is picking up speed. Shit. Is Matt saying what I think he’s saying?

  “That one night together was great… I don’t know what made you gun shy after…?”

  “Are you kidding me right now, Matt? Seriously?” I ask incredulously.

  “What? You went from melting butter hot to ice cold. I just thought if I gave you time…,”he starts to explain and I laugh. I can’t help it. I laugh at how stupid and ridiculousness of this conversation.

  My one night with Matt had been great, but I’d convinced myself he hadn’t wanted more than that when I saw him with Vikki.

  “What’s funny?” He asks his hand at my temples. His thumbs at my hairline. He’d done this our one night too. Something about it was...comforting.

  “I thought you only wanted one night. You were kind of known for umm….”

  “Being a dog?” He asks smirking.

  “Kind of yeah and then….”


  “Vikki? I thought you two… I saw you right after our night and I assumed you two...then a while later you guys….

  “Vikki…,” he sighs. “Fucking pain in my ass Vikki,” he says, stroking my hair and I let his warmth comfort me. “You and this Stone guy, are you serious?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know.” He nods, his thumb moving from my hairline to my jaw, his eyes sparkling with something I can’t read.

  “I’m at your back this weekend. Belle hired extra hands, all the girls on staff are covered and your little group has eyes on them.”

  “What about Lucy?” I ask, taking a step back. Shit! “Matt, you know she needs…,” I start to say and he backs up, his hands off my face.

  “I know. Fuck babe, trust me I know Lucy needs someone at her back and she’s covered. I promise. Girl is like my sister, I wouldn’t leave if she didn’t have someone at her back, even though she did try to send me over and leave herself unguarded.”

  “Sounds like her.” I mutter, looking at my shoes, I look up at him, my face worried. “Who’s watching her? Gus? Mickey? Ethan?” I ask.

  “Your ex-hired her two guys. Ex-military, I checked them out. They’re okay. She’s safe.” I smile knowing that Jake’s watching over Lucy. He so likes her. “Fuck me. I thought you might start girl drama when I told you, I could have bet cash on it.”

  “Why? He likes her and I think she likes him. As long as he’s good to her, why should I get in the way of that?” He stares at me, blue eyes twinkling, his mouth doing that sexy half grin thing again.

  “Waited too long,” he says softly, almost to himself. Before I can say anything he pulls me in close and I go with it. His big strong body is holding me close and my head is resting on his shoulder. As we walk, I feel his head move, his lips are on my hair and he whispers exactly what I need to head, “It’s going to be okay.”

  I nod, trying to believe it, even though I’m not sure he’s right.

  Letting go of me, his face soft on mine, he rolls his eyes dramatically and smiles. “Okay, enough of this girl talk shit, let’s go.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Sitting close to the stage that Belle had told me Liz would be dancing at, Tony and Robert both sitting with me. I don’t like that they’re here with me for this. I don’t want them to see my girl, but I needed a couple of friends with me. Plus, I know Robert only has eyes for his wife Holly and Tony has been basically asexual since his divorce.

  “Have to say Parker, the favors you ask, are not hardships,” Robert says as he smiles at the pretty brunette waitress that brings over our drinks.

  “As long as you keep your eyes off my girl,” I mumble and he laughs. If anyone was watching us, which I’m sure they are, we look like a group of friends hanging out.

  Jake walks in, immediately joining us at our table and I scowl at him.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing here?” I hiss at him.

  “What?” He asks, as if it was no big deal he was here tonight and my blood starts to heat up.

  “Thompson!” I warn and he laughs rolling his eyes, as he starts to look for a waitress to take his drink order.

  “Cool it, Stone. It’s not anything I’ve never seen before. Plus they’re here,” he says pointing at Robert and Tony.

  “They’re going to keep their eyes off of her and I trust them.” I growl. The idea of Jake looking at Liz’s body makes my blood hot.

  “Calm down, Lucy made me come. She’s pissed she isn’t allowed to be here tonight.” He says then adds, “When they announce her, I’ll head to the bathroom, relax.” His voice is suddenly tired. I look at him and notice the dark circles under his eyes. He hadn’t been sleeping well either.

  “You and Lucy, huh?” I ask raising an eyebrow.

  “It’s not….”

  Robert, Tony and I start to laugh, rolling our eyes at Jake.

  “It never is brother.” Robert Montgomery says laughing and Jake looks irritated.

  “You’re Sabrina’s brother right?” Tony says smiling.

  “And you’re my nephew’s future father in law, right?” Jake retorts back and Tony scowls. Tony has a five year old daughter, Sophia. Robert and I have been teasing him about his daughter’s new best friend being a boy. I look at Jake and wonder if he finally reached out to his sister. I hope he has.

  “So how is that deal going with Edwards Automotive?” Robert asks Jake, and Jake scowls even more.

  “It’s done.” He mumbles, taking a drink of his beer.

  “Crown still…,” Robert starts but Tony shakes his head.

  “Rob...,” Tony warms, smiling and shaking his head.

  “Wait, Mike Crown? What’s he doing?” I ask and Robert starts to laugh. I’d met Mike Crown a couple of years ago through a deal that Davenport had brokered.

  “Thompson’s sister,” Robert says looking incredibly amused and I laugh.

  “What? Crown and your sister?” I ask incredulously, but enjoying how pissed its getting Jake.

  “He’s engaged to his sister!” Tony says chuckling taking a drink of his beer.

  “No shit?” I ask, laughing.

  “Knocked her up!” Robert says and I cough away a laugh.

  “This is…,” I start to say but Jake cuts me off.

  “Shut up, Stone.” Jake says, and I let it go. Robert and Tony drop the subject and start talking about some swim classes that Robert’s twins and Tony’s daughter are going to be in together this summer and I silently listen to them.

  Here they were at a “social club”, half dressed women all around and they were more interested in their family life. Their happiness is clear as day, even if Tony was managing it by himself and I wonder if the moment came, would I have the chance at a family? The only thing is that I can’t see a future without my angel.

  The DJ announces something about a sexy, sweet thing, Jake stands to walk away, Robert leaves with him, but I don’t pay much attention to him. Hell no. I hear the hard beats as the song starts. My eyes glued on the gold stage. My heart is beating hard, I remind myself of the words I’d told her. It’s only the two of us, no one else! .The stage turns black, and I swallow hard.


  Matt follows a step behind me as I walk to the private room where Belle told me I had a customer waiting. My heart is beating hard, my stomach is rolling. I hate this feeling. I open the door to the gently lit private room and the soft beats of an R&B song playing in the background. I glance at Matt, and he looks at me. His eyes are soft and he nods at me as I walk in, before closing the door I take one last look at Matt’s strong body standing in front of the door. Breathing deep, I turn and swallow hard.


  My heart calms instantly, as my knees almost buckled beneath me in relief. The sight of him never ceases to amaze me.

  “Come here,” Parker says in his gentle yet demanding voice. He sits on the black plush couch that’s in the room. His suit jacket is open, two top buttons are undone on his hunter green dress shirt, and his hands are draped over the couch. The way he sits there, as if he is in complete control somehow, makes him so damn sexy. I watch as he leans forward, something grey in his hands.

  His hoodie, the one I’d worn when we’d gone to the beach together after our first night and right before the girls had been at my apartment. The same hoodie he’d let me borrow the night we spent together in the pergola in Miami.

  I walk to him, until my legs hit the couch. Completely uncertain about what he wants me to do. His hands go to the back of my knees, and I close my eyes.

  “Sit on my lap, angel and let me put this on you.” Letting out a breath I didn’t know that I was holding, I sit on his lap as he slips the comfortable oversized hoodie over my head, careful not to mess my hair up. His hands don’t touch my body.

  He’s careful, almost reverent as he brings the hoodie down till it covers me completely. He sits back bringing my body close to his.

  “I don’t understand.” I know I sound like an idiot, but at that moment I don’t care. I want him to explain.

  “I told you I messed up….”

  “You reacted like anyone else would. Duke will know you’re here… he’ll…!”

  “Don’t worry. Right now the eyes that are on this room think that Jake is the one getting a lap dance. Later it’ll look like its Robert and then Tony and then me. No chance for anyone else.” My eyes widen as I look at him.

  He’d done this for me.

  “I don’t want anyone else’s hands on you. On stage you only look at me. You dance like you are only dancing for me. Ignore everyone else around us. Just like you did a little bit ago,” he tells me his voice slightly on edge and I nod. I can’t talk because if I did, I’d cry.

  “I’m going to hold you close in here. If you want to talk, we’ll talk, if you want me to shut up, I’ll shut up.” Looking at my hands in my lap as he speaks, I look up at him.

  “Thank you….” My voice cracks and I immediately clear it. “I wasn’t ready to do the whole private lap dance thing today. I’ll be ready….”

  “No you won’t.” He said and even if I want to let myself believe in his words, I’m afraid.


  “I have it under control. You don't have to worry about….”

  “But he’ll know!” Panic starts to creep in. I hate feeling panicky and scared.

  “He won’t.” Parker says his voice as calm and confident as ever. So much so I lean my head in the crook of his neck, I feel his hands in my hair. I’ve missed him. The last couple of days without him have been horrible. We sit silently. The warmth of his body making me feel safe in an unstable situation. His hands move down to the base of my neck, I breathe in deep. “I’ve missed you, El…,” his voice is hoarse and honest but I cut him off, shaking my head, my nose still in his neck.

  “Not here. Don’t call me that here...I won’t be able to go back out there…,” I say softly my lips against the skin at his neck. I lick my lips, knowing that the tip of my tongue grazes his skin and I taste him.

  “Liz….” He growls, “Baby…!”

  He doesn’t finish his thought, because I kiss the skin there. My mouth open and wet and his breath hitches. It hitches as if he’s missed my touch as much I’ve missed him. I miss his taste. I miss him. I miss everything about him, too much.

  “Jake’s here?” I ask, still tasting him while Peppering chaste kisses along his jaw.

  “Baby, don’t talk about him when….”

  “Okay. Sorry.” I say smiling shyly, I pull away cupping his face with my hands.

  “Matt’s going to follow you home.” He tells me, his grey eyes hesitant almost as if he thinks I’m going to argue, but I nod.

  “I’ll be at your place before you’re there.”

nbsp; “Okay. Do you need a key?” He shakes his head.

  “Lucy gave Jake her copy.”

  “Do you know what’s going on with Belle?” I ask and he frowns.

  “Don’t worry about that.”

  “But if Belle’s in trouble, Lucy might…,” I start to say but he puts his fingers on my lips.

  “The girls are all taken care, but Lucy especially.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes. They are important to you. You are important to me, and I take care of what’s mine.”

  I take care of what’s mine. I frown at his words.

  “Parker…?” A hard knock hits the door and my body goes solid in his lap. I take in how his jaw tightens.

  “Okay, baby...I have to go...I’ll be up front for the next dance just like I was before.” I nod looking down. I don’t want to go back out. I want to stay here, in his arms where I am safe.

  He cups my face.

  “Who’s out there when you are dancing?” He asks me, my lip trembles. I can’t cry.

  “Babe, look at me. Tell me, who is out there when you go on stage?” He asks me, his grey stare strong and searching. He’s being strong and taking care of things. I need to do the same and step up to the plate.

  “You and me,” I tell him.

  “Only you and me,” he repeats and I nod.

  “Stand in front of me,” he says and like always I do as I’m told by him.

  He stands too, his hands going to the hem of the sweater, pulling it over my head carefully. Tossing the hoodie onto the red plush couch, his eyes look me over. I’m wearing deep purple lace boy shorts, a teeny tiny G-string in the same shade beneath it, and a matching purple halter like top that ends right above my belly button. Lingerie, wild hair and dramatic makeup all paired up with shiny gold sky high heels. I love it. It looks great against the tone of my skin. I just wish I didn’t have to walk across the club to the dressing rooms. I wish that instead of being here, I was at Parkers place or mine and we were alone.


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