Klingon Hearts 09 Hidden - What Lurks in the Darkness

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Klingon Hearts 09 Hidden - What Lurks in the Darkness Page 3

by Tracy Sobieski

  "You know," Mike began darkly. "We've been friends for a -long- time, Lucas. I'm starting to get a little angry with the fact that you seem more than ready to believe the absolute worst in me tonight. I am -not- afraid of her. Or of being assimilated. I've met Captain Kim and his wife. If you ask me, he's one hell of a lucky man." He paused and raked a hand through his hair before continuing, "What I didn't like about what happened tonight was that she came with me so easily. The damn woman is going to get herself killed being so trusting."

  "I don't know why, but tonight was different. This was not something Tessa would normally do...not something she's ever done."

  "Yes, I am -very- much aware of that fact." Unfortunately he became aware of that fact a moment too late.

  "Damn...did you hurt her?"

  Mike looked up, taken aback for a moment. Lucas didn't usually listen in on his thoughts unless a mission depended on it, he sometimes forgot that the man could hear them whenever he wanted. He gritted his teeth, Lucas was treading on thin ice with him tonight.

  "What the hell do you think?" he snapped. "Did you hurt K'Leena the night we rescued her from the Breen? Did she scream when you took her virginity?"

  "That's enough, Mike."

  "Yes, it damn well is. This is none of your business, Lucas. Don't push me anymore. You've trusted me with your life on more than one occasion. Don't you think I can be trusted with Tessa?"


  Tessa put down her coffee cup and smiled when K'Leena came into the kitchen.

  "I hope you don't mind, I can't deal with morning without at least two cups of coffee."

  K'Leena laughed. "You sound like Aunt Kathryn."

  Tessa grinned. "Momma never did learn to like it. I think it still drives Aunt Kathryn crazy that the closest thing she has to a daughter can't stand coffee."

  "I think you might be right."

  K'Leena got herself a glass of orange juice and sat down with Tessa.

  "How you doin', kiddo?" she asked Tessa.

  She shrugged. "I'm fine. It's not like the experience was life altering...it was just sex."

  "Uh huh."

  Tessa put on her most uninterested facade and continued, "How long have you known Mike?"

  K'Leena hid a grin. "A couple of years now. He and Lucas work together."

  "He's a pretty nice guy, huh?"

  K'Leena almost snorted, then became serious. Mike was a decent guy. He and Lucas relied on each other in some pretty dangerous situations and Mike had never let him down. They were close friends. She remembered the night they rescued her from the Breen. Mike had come to Lucas' quarters very late with something for Lucas to see. They had thought she was sleeping....

  "Sorry, Lucas," Mike apologized for disturbing his captain.

  "Don't worry about it, I wanted to see this," Lucas said.

  Mike glanced over at K'Leena, curled up in Lucas' bed. It didn't take a genius to figure out what had happened, especially since Lucas was sporting a rather nice bite mark on his cheek. He was happy for them. This was the second time in a few short months that he'd almost lost her. He didn't envy his friend, however. He had the feeling keeping K'Leena out of trouble was going to be a lifetime commitment for Lucas. He shook his head at the thought, he knew full well Lucas was more than happy to be her keeper.

  "How is she?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

  "As well as can be expected, all things considered."

  "They really did a number on her, didn't they?" Mike asked grimly. He'd been horrified when Lucas showed him the Doctor's report. K'Leena had been beaten severely. Mike had been almost surprised to discover she hadn't been raped as well with as brutal as they had been.

  "Yeah, they sure as hell did," Lucas replied with barely repressed fury.

  "Hey...you all right?" he asked, seeing how shaken Lucas really was.

  Lucas hauled in a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just regretting the fact that I didn't kill them when I was there," he said with a rueful grin.

  Mike smiled without humor. "You're a better man than me, Lucas. I'd have done it in a heartbeat."

  "Trust me," Lucas said darkly. "The only thing that stopped me was the fact that she needed medical attention desperately."

  Mike was silent for a long moment then said, "Go back to bed, I've got the bridge. You aren't much use up there anyway, when your mind is here with her."


  Mike had stayed a few more minutes while Lucas gave him some miscellaneous orders before he left.

  Lucas shrugged his robe off, turned the lights down again and slid back into the bed with her. K'Leena turned to him instantly, her clear blue eyes meeting his. She reached up and traced the bite mark on his face, as if she still couldn't believe what had happened. He turned his head and captured her fingertip with his teeth, drawing it into his mouth to suck on it lightly. Warmth radiated from him and seemed to sink right into her. Deftly he pulled her under him and kissed her gently. His large hands positioned her hips and she felt him hot and hard, probing her damp softness. She sighed into the kiss. His lips trailed along her neck, nipping her along the way.

  "Are you too sore?" he asked softly, his hand covering her breast.

  "No...," she was, but it didn't matter. She urged him closer, her eyes closing in rapture when he slowly pressed in....

  K'Leena shook herself back to the present and met Tessa questioning gaze.

  "Mike's a good man, Tessa."


  ...and hovers....

  The darkness swirled around her. She couldn't move. It almost had her, it was so close. And it was familiar. She'd been in it's grasp before. Where? When?

  It was taunting them now. It could take her anytime, it was just waiting for the right moment. He was gone now, she was vulnerable, but it wasn't time yet. It would have to wait....

  K'Leena woke with a silent scream, blindly reaching for Lucas before she remembered he was gone.

  She drew in a shuddering breath and turned on the light. He'd been gone four days now. She wasn't sleeping well because of it. Getting up, she walked over to his dresser and picked up the sweatshirt he'd left laying on top of it. He'd worn it for a couple of hours after work one night last week. She pulled it on over her nightgown and was comforted immediately by his scent. Crawling back into the bed on his side, she buried her face into his pillow and tried to go back to sleep, leaving the light on. She lay trembling for a long time.

  Then she felt him.

  I'll be home soon.


  "I missed you," she told him, pulling him close.

  "I missed you too," Lucas replied and looked down on her with a concerned expression. She looked exhausted, more tired than he could ever remember seeing her. "Are you all right?"

  "I'm just a little tired.... I didn't sleep well while you were gone and I haven't been feeling that good either."

  "Nightmares?" he asked almost distractedly while his gaze raked over her face, taking in everything.

  She nodded, laying her head against his chest. "I'm glad you're home."

  "So am I."

  Lucas tighten his arms for a moment then bent down and swept her up. She squeaked in surprise.

  "What are you doing?!"

  "Taking you to bed, you need sleep."

  K'Leena pouted. "Just sleep?"

  "For now," he told her with a devilish grin.

  A short time later Lucas watched as she slept, concern etching his features. She really didn't look well. With a sigh he brushed his lips across her temple and settled down next to her, his hand coming to rest on the slight swell of her stomach....

  Very slight swell. One that wasn't there two months ago. His hand flattened and pressed gently. Firm. Not once since they'd been together had she had her period. He thought it was stress after all she'd been through. Propping his head up on the other hand he looked at his mate in stunned disbelief. She had no idea, he would have sensed it if she did.

  "Only you, Blaze, only you...."r />

  Mike waited outside the door of Admiral Gellis' offices. Tessa, he had learned, was his aide. It was late but she hadn't left the building yet. Something else he had learned, she was very dedicated.

  "What are you doing here?" she asked when she came out of the suite.

  "Waiting for you."


  "Because I think it's time you and I talked." He'd been able to wait a full week before coming to her, if only because five days of it was spent on the last mission.

  "About what?" she feigned indifference.

  Mike's eyes narrowed. "Nice try...you know damn well 'about what'?"

  "I'm sorry I didn't tell you who I was...I thought you knew. Everybody knows...."

  "I don't care about that," Mike told her.

  "You don't?"

  "No, it doesn't matter to me. What I want to know is why you came with me that night? You didn't have any idea who I was and you still left with me...why?"

  "Because you wanted me."

  "You would go with any man who wanted you?!" Definitely not what he wanted to hear. She was testing his temper to the limit.

  "I don't know. No one ever has before," came the quiet reply.

  This brought him up short. "No one? Ever?"

  She shook her head. "Not anybody I wanted as well. I know I shouldn't have left the bar with you, but you were so...gentle and kind. I just wanted to be normal for one night."

  "Gods, Tessa, I'm sorry. Lucas is right, I deserve to be thrashed thoroughly."

  "Why? You didn't do anything wrong."

  "I took advantage of you."

  "How? I chose to leave with you. I wanted to have sex with you. You gave me plenty of opportunities to change my mind, if I remember correctly. You even came right out and asked me if this was what I wanted before we ever got into bed. And I'm willing to bet if at -any- time I told you to stop, you would have."

  "It doesn't make it right. I'm older than you, I should have -known-! Hell, I did know! I -knew- something wasn't right, but I kept ignoring it--I wanted you so bad."

  "And I wanted you...so what's the problem?"

  Mike looked at her a little stunned. What was the problem? It's not like it was the Middle Ages, women didn't become tarnished when they lost their virginity.

  "I still want you...that's the problem."

  Wide-eyed astonishment stared back at him for a moment then a slow wicked smile spread across her face.

  She stepped closer to him, laid both hands flat on his chest, tilted her head up to say, "I still don't see what the problem is...."

  Mike groaned and his lips met hers. Desire was like a flash point between them. She melted in his arms and the flare of possessiveness he felt was startling. She was -his- and only his. His arms tightened around her while his kiss deepened. Rational thought was fast leaving him. Her hands slid up to entwine in his hair. Reluctantly he broke off the kiss after a few moments. A well traveled hallway at Command was not the place for this.

  "Have you had dinner?" he asked her.

  Tessa's head was spinning. She didn't even register the query at first. "Huh?...Oh, ummm, yeah, a while ago."

  "Do you want to go back to your place, or come home to mine?"

  "I share an apartment...let's go to your place," she told him breathlessly.

  Mike smiled and led her down the hall.


  Tessa woke to Mike's insistent hands stroking her to a fevered pitch...again. He was behind her, his hands roaming freely over her body. Pulling her close against his chest, she gasped in surprise when he effortlessly slid into her.

  "Again?!" she asked on a breathless whisper.

  "And again...and again...if you'll let me," he rumbled.

  Tessa's eyes closed in ecstasy as she moved with him. She couldn't be sure, but she had the feeling that four times in one night was not the norm. And from the sounds of it...he was planning on making it more. A shiver of pleasure went through her at the prospect.

  They moved slowly, languidly, savoring each stroke. Mike's hands caressed her with equal deliberation. Across the flat of her stomach, down the length of her thigh, along her rib cage to the undersides of her breasts. But he wasn't touching her where she -needed- to be touched now. As each minute passed she grew more frustrated.

  "Damn you!" she hissed at him, grabbing his wrist.

  Mike covered her hand with his and kissed the back of her neck. He'd forgotten she was so new to all this. It was easy to do, she responded to him so naturally. His lips moved to her ear and his tongue traced the little hollow under it. With deliberation he moved her hand lower until she was touching the place that so desperately needed attention.

  "Take yourself there, Tessa," he said huskily. His fingers knowingly pressed hers into the damp softness. "Reach for it, honey, find it yourself."

  The idea was stunning, it never occurred to her, but her fingers began moving under his almost immediately. She was so close, it didn't take long. He followed right behind her, grasping her hips harshly as he quickened the pace and intensity of his thrusts.

  After they returned to the living they didn't move, not wanting to lose their connection. Tessa played with the hair on the forearm he had wrapped tightly around her waist.

  "Do you mind?" she asked him timidly.

  "Mind what?" Mike was confused.

  "Having to teach me...about sex. Do you mind?"

  "No, Tessa," he told her tenderly, kissing the top of her head and pulling her closer still. "I don't mind...I'm honored."

  She didn't know why, but his declaration touched her deeply. With a contented smile she sank back into his embrace and drifted off to sleep.


  "I'd like to see you again," Mike told her as she zipped up the jacket of her uniform. She had her back to him and he couldn't see her expression, but he could almost feel the stiffening of her spine across the room.

  "Sure, we can go out for a drink every once in a while, if you like."

  "That's not what I had in mind, Tessa. I'd like to get to know you better." That was a surprising thing to him. He always had casual affairs, with women who expected nothing more than what he was willing to give. The fact that he wanted Tessa -more- now that he'd had her was staggering to him. And it wasn't just the physical, he wanted to -know- her. Completely.

  "I'm not really looking for anything like that now, Mike," she tried to keep her voice steady. It was a tempting thought, but somehow she knew it would be difficult with him. And the last thing she needed in her life was more problems.

  He came up behind her and put his arms around her middle.

  "Neither was I, but things have changed. I'd like to see what we could have here. I think it could work."

  She turned in his arms to face him. "I wouldn't mind seeing you occasionally, like last night...but I'm not interested in a relationship, Mike. I'm sorry," she said with determined regret.

  Somewhere in the universe the gods were laughing at him, he just knew it. Talk about cosmic justice.


  Lucas stood outside the bathroom door when she emerged. It was the third morning in a row she woke up sick. He led her back to bed and laid down next to her.

  "Ugh...this is awful. I must have picked up some kind of virus. I think I'll go over to Medical later. Three days is enough of this nonsense." Thankfully the nausea was subsiding, for now.

  Lucas chuckled into the back of her neck as his hand moved in soothing circles over her stomach.

  "I don't see what's so funny. I hope you catch this." K'Leena grumped, which brought even more laughter from him.

  "I don't think that's possible!"

  The jerk was laughing so hard now he shook from it.

  "Lucas," she growled in warning, trying to decide -how- she wanted to kill him.

  "K'Leena," he gasped in a struggle to contain the amusement. "You're not sick! You're pregnant!" Leave it to his mate to have to be told.

  "Don't be ridiculous," she scoff
ed. "You just updated your booster a month ago."

  "They've been known to fail before," he reminded her gently. "It's rare, but it happens."

  K'Leena went completely still in his arms. He waited, breathless, for the information to sink in. Slowly, she turned around to look at him, more than a little shocked.

  Things had been so crazy over the last couple months. The wedding plans, moving in with Lucas, her dad's promotion and the counseling--it all kept her so distracted she hadn't noticed. She counted back the weeks, all the way past their first night together. More than two months ago.


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