Descend- Seeing Stars

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Descend- Seeing Stars Page 2

by Sean Oswald

  “I want to get the people from the other clusters out of our way. It will be hard enough to focus on improving ourselves. We simply don’t have time to start from scratch with building them up,” Jay said.

  “So we are going to lock them up?” Jessie asked.

  “No, well I have a better solution, I think. If I can make a reverse tempus fugit field then time will pass much slower for them and it will seem like only a short time has passed but they will stay out of our hair,” Jay replied.

  They all looked at him until he finally asked, “Do I have something on my face?”

  He knew better but it was still fun to make them verbalize the shock he was feeling from them. “I guess, I just never expected the Boy Scout to propose something like that,” Amelia said.

  “We all have to grow up someday. No room for Peter Pan. This will allow us to deal with more pressing issues before we have to deal with the politics of all these groups, especially Li Wei’s group. I don’t really have time to find out who in that group can be trusted after their leader tried to kill one of ours,” Jay said.

  “We will support your decision but do remember you can delegate these responsibilities to us. You don’t have to do everything alone,” Huong said.

  “Oh, this isn’t me being stupid or thinking I have to do it all myself. I need you all to have time to train. Think about what you can do with a skill level of one hundred in some of your abilities. Now imagine what you might be able to do with a skill level of 1,000 or even 2,000. We may find that the Forlorn and A’snkarnt have no idea what is gonna hit them. Worst-case scenario we will end up a lot more skilled,” Jay argued.

  “You’re the boss, so just tell us how you want to do this,” Trina said.

  Jay could feel their reservations but through it all he sensed their trust in him. “I just want to focus on Team Jay. I want to give all of my time to the team and feel like we would be better off with a solid core than having that core spend their time helping everyone else.”

  “It might be worth mentioning what you discovered, Huong,” Mia said suddenly.

  “Um, okay. I had wanted to do some more testing, but I guess now is as good a time as any,” the petite Vietnamese girl said. Jay was surprised that she had kept something from him, but it made sense if she was still testing.

  “Based upon the limited data that I have gathered so far, the rate at which we are aging is significantly slowing,” she pronounced.

  Jay was struck again by how odd these conversations were. People said things and it was like you already knew it because the fusion made you feel that way yet were definitely hearing it for the first time. Then they began opening themselves up to sense what the others were feeling and so it became this hodge podge of words and emotions as people spoke, but answers were already known before questions were asked. Jay couldn’t help but wonder if they might get to a point someday where the fusion connection was so great that verbal communication simply didn’t happen.

  “Is that a side effect of the time distortions or what? Gonna have to break it down for us non-geniuses,” Jay said.

  “You give yourself too little credit, Master,” Ava said softly.

  Huong continued then, “No I don’t mean that we are experiencing the passage of time differently. Rather, what is aging, but the process of our bodies breaking down. No one would care if you were twenty or one hundred and twenty except that the older we get the less efficient our bodies are, the more tired, and susceptible to disease we become.”

  “So our bodies aren’t breaking down anymore?” Amelia asked.

  Jay was glad to see that he wasn’t the only one who hadn’t been in on this research of Huong’s. In fact, he could tell now that Mia, Ava, and Jessie all knew about it. But that made sense because they all worked in the lab from time to time, whereas Meikiyo, Amelia, and Trina all had been busy with him trying to organize the ship.

  “They are still breaking down, but at a slower and slower rate. Please keep in mind that this is just preliminary data at this point, but it would appear that each time we pass a threshold the rate at which our bodies break down is reduced,” Huong answered.

  “Can you give us some idea of the time frame?” Trina asked.

  Jay looked over at Meikiyo. She was the only one that didn’t seem overly interested. But she had been this way for days now, ever since Higen had been taken. That ate away at Jay too. He hadn’t known his son for very long but somehow, he ached for what might happen to him. He realized he had many children now and likely would have many more, but just like too much sex, it didn’t seem like having more kids made him love each one any less.

  It baffled him how he could love the little bundle of humanity so much when he couldn’t even have a conversation with his son. Call it instinct, call it genetic preservation, it didn’t really matter, Jay simply knew that he would burn the heavens if he had to in order to get his son back. Fortunately, though he was able to compartmentalize it. The pain of the loss would have kept him from being productive just like it was for Meikiyo. Not that he didn’t feel it, just that he only allowed it to be at the top of his mind part of the time.

  Huong answered and continued her explanation, “So if eighty years was the average life expectancy before we came here, then initial data suggests that after the first threshold it will be more like one hundred and twenty. Then after the second threshold there is a massive jump, which I think has something to do with regeneration and the average life expectancy should probably be more like six hundred years.”

  “So what does that mean for Jay at his level?” Amelia asked.

  “As near as I can guess by the sixth threshold we are going to live for thousands of years and by Jay’s level likely tens of thousands. The cell sample that he gave me the other day displays signs of almost perpetual vibrancy. More important though than how long we will live seems to be the idea that we are mostly going to stop changing after we reach our full growth.

  “So, assuming that the Forlorn or whatever other threat is out here doesn’t kill us, we will likely keep looking and feeling like we do now for ninety-nine percent or more of our life span and will only break down at the very end.”

  “This changes everything,” Mia said.

  “How? Does it bring my son back?” Meikiyo demanded.

  The tall girl with her model-like figure looked over at her much more petite sister wife. Sorrow was written across her face but more powerfully sympathy filled the fused bond between them. “That isn’t what I meant at all. I’m not Higen’s mother, but I hurt for you. And I want him back. You will have any help I can give you.”

  “I think what she means is that we have to keep pushing the leveling up so that we expand the entire team’s life span but also that given tens of thousands of years we can take a slower approach to dealing with the Forlorn and A’snkarnt,” Jessie said.

  Jay coughed. “I hate to disagree, but actually, I don’t think it changes anything about the priority. In fact, the idea that we may have eternity to live means that we only have more to lose. I intend to put an end to these threats or at least find a place for us to be safe.

  “The plan as I see it is to gather information on where Higen is and rescue him. At the same time, we have to keep planning how to truly be free from these enemies. During that time, we need to take advantage of every opportunity to increase our power and skills. Once we have a secure home, an Earth Two so to speak, then we can slow down and take our time.”

  “Does that mean that you are going to fuse the rest of the team?” Trina asked.

  “No, err… not right away. First, we are going to consolidate what we have. That is the goal for now. Then we will look at adding more to our fusion. The broader our fusion becomes the more I realize that it isn’t just about who I am adding. Yes, I still gain the most, but you all are growing in power each time that I fuse with someone too. So, I will want input from you about who we should add next,” Jay said.

  “Okay, well then let’s s
et up a schedule and put the plan into place,” Amelia said. Jay could feel the synchronicity that existed between them. They were all on board and it felt good to be part of a larger whole.

  Chapter 2-Organizing

  That was essentially the easy meeting. His wives were all getting along remarkably well since Trina had been fully brought on board. Jay felt like the other shoe was gonna have to fall on that front at some point, but he wasn’t gonna borrow trouble if he could help it. Now though, he needed to handle some of the less agreeable meetings.

  He had assigned Amelia, Trina, and Mia to help organize some of the others. If Meikiyo felt left out she didn’t say anything but instead had gone back to her room to mope. Even from here he could feel it. Jay had hugged and kissed her and renewed his promise that they would find Higen. He also told her that he expected her to train with them, so that when they did find their son, she would be in top fighting shape. That was the only moment he had seen any of the normal fire in her eyes. Jay simply realized he was going to have to be patient with her.

  He then went to the section of the ship which was designated as the science lab. It was actually a series of rooms honeycombed together with various projects set up throughout it. Right now, it was cleared of everyone except for Team Jay members. Although even with that limit there were more girls here than he had expected.

  When he walked in, Huong must have perceived the question in his mind because she said, “Many of the non-fused girls are trying their hands at different projects here.”

  “That’s probably good,” Jay said back.

  “Yeah, everyone wants to feel useful. Half of them want to know that they have a place even if they don’t want to enter into a lifetime commitment with you and half of them are hoping to catch your eye so that they can be the next to get fused. This is all before people find out that leveling up enough makes you almost immortal. You are gonna have a line of girls demanding to fuse with you then,” Huong said.

  “Fuse with us, you mean. You and all the others are as much a part of this group consciousness as I am,” Jay replied.

  Huong laughed and got that wicked grin on her face. “Whatever you say. I just know I’m not the one sticking my boy part into their girl part.”

  Jay rolled his eyes and shrugged. “So is there anything I need to know about here before I go and deal with the other groups. Oh, and who all is here?”

  “Right now the main science people are me, Ava, Mia, Veronica, Nalani, Sofia, Felicia, Daphne, Skylar, Clara, Alexis, and Cadence. But we also are seeing Jessie here most days and then Rachelle, Lilly, Angel, Destiny, Victoria, Makayla, Tiana, Trinity, Aliyah, Gabriella, Sheila, Tara, Felicia, Serenity, Molly, Isabelle, and Sophia,” Huong rattled off.

  “Whoa, that is quite a mouthful. What is that, twenty-nine girls even if we assume that Jessie’s primary duty is combat?” Jay asked.

  “Well from what most of the girls say, it is you that is quite a mouthful, but yeah I get your point. Counting Jessie, nine of them are fused and of the other twenty-one it is a fairly even split between those interested in fusing and those not. Although I’m quite sure that didn’t keep any of them from sleeping with you when we were still all under the influence of the aphrodisiac.”

  Jay shook his head. Trust Huong to twist anything. “Yeah, yeah. It will be interesting to see where the dust settles after everyone is honestly thinking on their own now.”

  “Don’t doubt yourself, I’m thrilled to be married to you. More girls than not here are going to want some piece of you. There is one issue though,” Huong said far more hesitantly than normal.

  Jay sighed. “What now?”

  “Nothing new, but you remember we talked about Ava. She is becoming more and more irritable. Honestly, it is affecting her work and the atmosphere here in the lab,” Huong said.

  “I haven’t forgotten but it’s only been a week and my son has been kidnapped and we are headed into unknown danger and well it just isn’t rational to start having more kids now,” Jay protested.

  “You don’t have to make your case with me, husband. But then again, I get to go to the nursery and hold Hau every night after I get done working. The heart wants what the heart wants. And Ava is fragile. Despite her genius, or maybe because of it, she has always felt alone and never good enough. It makes her needy,” Huong said while reaching out and running her hand along his face.

  A shiver ran down his spine and he said, “Don’t do that or I won’t be able to focus.”

  “Maybe that was my goal. You know some of us never needed chemicals in the water to think that you were hot,” Huong said, smiling up at him.

  Jay started to make an excuse and push her off as he had most of the week they had been traveling. His son had been kidnapped. Meikiyo needed to be comforted. There were too many pressures. The fact was that the absence of the chemical influence had removed the overwhelming urge, but it hadn’t removed the desire.

  Jay was still surrounded 24/7 by gorgeous girls, seven of whom were his wives, eleven others who he was mentally and emotionally fused with, and an even larger circle that he had been intimate with. That wasn’t even to mention all the newcomers from the two clusters that didn’t have any guys in them. And of course, he was still only a twenty-two-year-old, even if he did have some amazing powers. All of that was to say, he was still perpetually horny.

  “Well, I guess I can manipulate time. So…” Jay began.

  Huong jumped on it. “Well can I bring a friend?”

  Before Jay had even finished nodding his head, Ava came walking over. She looked first at Jay and then at Huong. “Did you call me, Mistress.”

  Jay had to remember that telepathic communication made things so much simpler. Huong said, “We’re ready, are you gonna take us to your room?”

  “No, people might come looking for me there. How about one of your rooms?” Jay asked.

  With all the space they had it was easy enough to assign a separate sleeping quarter to everyone. So, this would work. They quickly agreed that Ava was the one least likely to have someone come bugging her for anything, so he used his teleportation ability and instantly the three of them were in her room. It was definitely a nice ability to have gained.

  Jay instantly created a tempus fugit field around Ava’s quarters and then they had all the time that they needed. The hyper-active brunette dropped to her knees. “How may this one serve you, Master.”

  Huong said, “Well don’t you wanna serve me too. Remember, I’m the Mistress responsible for making sure that your Master stays busy.”

  Jay looked over at Huong. “No, I think I’ve got this.” Then he looked at Ava. “Undress, pet.”

  Jay looked on as she stripped off her loose-fitting pants and shirt to reveal rather sexy and quite lacy undergarments. The bra did a great job of pushing up her breasts and drawing attention to them. But the pink thong was what drew his eyes more than anything. He continued to watch as she peeled off first the bra and then the panties.

  Then Ava looked up at him expectantly, waiting for him to act. He looked over at Huong. “My little flower, I want to watch you two making out first.”

  Of course, she didn’t hesitate but dropped down on to the floor next to Ava. The kissing began warm and wet and became quite forceful and Jay was surprised to see Ava undressing Huong without him instructing her to. She just must know what he liked but then again with the fusion that wasn’t hard. They were both practically reading his mind as they kept touching each other.

  Before long, Huong was on her back and Ava was lapping between her legs. The moans the petite Vietnamese girl was making drove Jay crazy. He quickly undressed and then moved to fill her open mouth. She was still more talented than any of the other girls although Ava definitely tried. As soon as his cock pushed into her mouth, she began relaxing her throat to take more and more of it.

  “Mmmhhmm, oohh mm gogddddd.” The moaning sounds Huong made with her mouth stuffed complemented the sensation of her throat massaging the h
ead of his cock.

  Fortunately for Jay, Ava had Huong too worked up and she started orgasming before he lost it. Her body shuddered and her back arched up off the floor. Still neither of them let up their assaults on her. Ava’s tongue and Jay’s cock continued to work her, till one orgasm bled into another.

  Finally, Jay backed up and told Ava to stop licking. Huong pouted and said, “I wanted to taste you.”

  Jay shook his head and said, “No I have other plans for my seed.” Then he looked at Ava. “Pet, I want to do something to you, but you need to know it will just be practice at this stage. Not until we get to a place where it would be appropriate.”

  She looked up at him from her knees, her brown eyes wide with wonder. “Master, I’m your property. You don’t have to ask permission.”


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