Descend- Seeing Stars

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Descend- Seeing Stars Page 28

by Sean Oswald

  “Thank you, so, let me tell you that the crystal that Mia showed off with the elders held one hundred thousand PSI and now since the further fusions she can make a crystal with half a million PSI. If her skills fully develop, she may be able to get closer to a million and that is without any further fusions.”

  “If only we had more of those, my lord husband. We could have ten thousand starfighters attacking at the same time. Well assuming we could build that many of them,” Eesa said.

  “We can make you hundreds of crystals. It would be demanding work, but Mia and all the other fuses can now make crystals thanks to a new skill we have, called Assimilate. Each of us could make between six and twelve crystals per hour and of course with time dilation we could create enough to power all the fighters you can build,” Jay replied.

  “It is too much to even imagine,” Eesa said with a sigh.

  “Thinking about that, how much PSI do you think that my body is holding now?”

  She stared at him for a second as though she could see through his poker face. “From what you have shown me you are tremendously powerful, lord husband. I know that some of it is your physical strength, but I have to guess that another part of it is your PSI powers. Although, I concede that I don’t know much at all about how such things work. Even what little I know about our mystics is dwarfed by what you humans can do. If I had to guess though, maybe twenty-thousand PSI.”

  Jay smiled, “Oh, I have so much more to show you. Right now, my body is holding almost four point seven million PSI and I can produce that much every five minutes.”

  “How is such a thing possible? You must truly be a god.”

  “Sadly, every time I think I have become strong enough to protect all of my family, I learn that the dangers are even more deadly than before. There are hundreds of thousands of Forlorn ships now. I am baffled as to how we will defeat them all. Even if we were able to upgrade your starfighters to the point that they were each a match for one of the larger Forlorn battleships, you have what, a thousand ships and ten thousand capable pilots? It isn’t enough,” Jay said.

  “Won’t you join in the fight?”

  “Of course, but I have yet to figure out how I will fight in the void of space, and I’m still only one man,” Jay said.

  “I have trouble deciphering your facial expressions, lord husband, but it looks as though you are truly worried. You care deeply for your people, don’t you?” Eesa asked.

  “I love my wives and have strong feelings for all those that I’m fused with. We and the others with us are the last of our race. It somehow falls to my shoulders to save them all,” Jay said and then he stood up from where they had been laying together in the grass. He shook his head. “I was a history student and if you don’t count the time dilation, I’m not even twenty-five years old yet.”

  “So young, I had no idea. And you were a scholar before the A’snkarnt took you?”

  “Yes, maybe I should ask you how old you are. Although it is a joke amongst humans that it is rude to ask a woman her age.”

  “Oh we have no such convention. I have lived one hundred and five years.”

  Jay was startled for a second and laughed, “So you really are a cougar.”

  She stared at him obviously not understanding the meaning of his words, but Jay just laughed and said, “Never mind it is just a juvenile joke. How long do your people normally live?”

  “Many have died in war between the clans, until the A’snkarnt came to my world. But makers and breeders often live to be four hundred. What about humans, how long do you live.”

  “Normally, only around eighty years,” Jay replied.

  “That makes me sad. We have only known each other a short time, but you seem like a good man.”

  “You have nothing to worry about. The evolutions that my people have undergone due to the A’snkarnt, have changed all that. As far as we can determine we will live thousands of years, perhaps far longer. Oh, and now that I have made those changes to you, it is likely that you will also live longer. I have probably doubled your life span. Depending on what further changes I can make to you, I may be able to extend that further,” Jay said.

  “Well, what will be, will be. Now, I’m hungry. This area you chose for us is good. There are fish in the river, antelopes on the savannah and that bit of forest over there will have an assortment of small game,” Eesa said.

  Jay said, “We also have access to a terminal here. It can produce whatever type of meal you would like.”

  She scoffed, “I am not prey to eat my food where it grows or have it served to me. Yes, there are times that we must eat rations, but my people always prefer to hunt or share in the kill of another.”

  Jay stared at her, not quite sure if she was serious. He thought that just maybe she was. Then pondered if it mattered. The Tamoori customs might be quite different. She was clearly an alpha predator and even more so after the improvements that he had made for her.

  “You strike me as being more like a Leon than a Lepar. Leon males are great fighters but tend to leave the hunting to their females. All you need to do is take your leisure and I will hunt with you,” Eesa said.

  “And what do Lepar males do?” He asked.

  “It is common but not required for mated pairs to hunt in tandem,” she replied.

  “Then teach me, I would learn your ways.”

  The next four hours were spent with her teaching him how to hunt with her. At first, he would often spoil the surprise, but she simply said that he was like a cub with paws too big for his body. Eventually they brought down an antelope and Jay watched as she pounced upon it.

  Her new strength crushed it and its head was flattened before it even hit the ground. She was a wonder to behold. Her beauty and majesty stood out as he watched her skill. That made her next action all that much more shocking to him. She leaned in and buried her sharp teeth in the meaty portion of her prey’s shoulder. Her powerful body rippled as she jerked back with a mouth full of raw meat and blood running down her chin.

  Jay watched in shock as this trained fighter pilot, well spoken, woman who was essentially a princess to her people feasted upon raw flesh. It was almost like there was a disconnect between this advanced of a people and what he was seeing now.

  After she finished chewing, she looked over at him without bothering to wipe the viscera and gore from her savagely beautiful face. “You wanted to learn our ways. This is what it means to be Tamoori. We hunt and then the blood of our prey makes us stronger. Come partake with me.”

  Jay didn’t want to refuse her, and he admitted there was a certain primal draw to what she was saying, but everything that generations of human society had drilled into him rebelled. “I tend to prefer my food cooked.”

  “So, do I, but this is the ritual of the hunt. There is another ritual that follows after this amongst the Lepar. One which I am now looking forward to. There is a saying amongst my people about what the size of a male’s paws means, and you my lord husband have exceptionally large paws.”

  Somehow this savage woman with her blood smeared face became the singular object of his desire. It wasn’t love like with his other wives, this was raw primal desire. She was his mate. They had hunted together. He had only to partake of their kill and then he could partake of her.

  Conscious thought gave way to the primal desire, perhaps brought on by the Open Mind skill that he had been using to learn to hunt with her or perhaps brought on by the awakening of something far older in him. Either way, Jay pounced upon the fallen carcass of their kill and pushed her aside as he bit down to tear away a piece of raw flesh. He looked up at her and as the blood of the hunt filled him, so too did a raw desire. He could only grin as he thought, ‘So this was what it was to be Tamoori.’

  Chapter 27- Bonding with Eesa

  Jay pounced upon his wife, his mate, with the same primal desire that he felt when he pounced upon their prey. She didn’t struggle to escape but seemed to relish his strength. Even enhanced he ha
d to be careful not to hurt her, but she seemed to expect it to be rough.

  “Your other wives told me it is common amongst your people for unmated couplings to occur. This is not the case with my people. So, I have no experience, but I will try to please you my lord husband. Do with me as you wish.”

  “You know what I’m going to do to you,” and while still speaking he started quickly pulling her clothes down. Again, she offered no resistance. It occurred to him as her naked glory was revealed that not only was she a virgin, but she came from a people who were not concerned about the females. Probably the only time a female Tamoori could enjoy sex was when she was in heat, and Eesa was not.

  That would never do. Jay didn’t want this to be a poor experience for her. He pushed out with his Sensual Projection skill and his desire for her washed over her. She felt it as though it were her own and a low throaty yowl escaped her lips. Eesa was entirely unprepared for such a feeling. Her culture and expectations left her with no defense and the sensations threatened to drown her till she gave into them.

  Soon her claws were slicing Jay’s shorts off and then she gasped when she saw his erect cock inches from her. “You truly are more than a Leon pridemaster.”

  The words might be alien, spoken in an alien tone, but like every man who ever lived loved hearing that his woman was impressed with is size, intimidated even. She said, “I’m not sure if it will all fit, but I will do my best.”

  Jay smiled as she knelt in front of him. If she had been another of his wives, he would have fed his cock to her mouth, but she was both a virgin and there was the matter of those wickedly sharp teeth of hers. Fortunately, she had little in the way of expectations, so she had dropped to all fours.

  He took the opportunity to gaze upon her naked form now. She truly was hairless over her entire torso from the top half of her thighs to up to her chin. Her breasts were full and firm and cried out to be touched. They hung beneath her and swayed slightly as she moved her hips instinctively to entice her mate to mount her. Her pussy looked no different from any human woman and was completely devoid of even a hint of a hair.

  Jay knew what he wanted to happen now. His exploration of her body while refining her had shown him that she had all the same type of nerve endings that he had come to expect in a human woman. Her nipples and pussy, especially her clit were definitely little bundles of nerves.

  They would be easy to entice, and he had made sure to enhance them when he refined her before. It was just part of what he naturally did when he refined the other girls and so he hadn’t even considered if he should do it with her. She was going to be more sensitive than any Tamoori woman in history and that was before the sensations that he was projecting into her.

  He flipped her over and she looked up at him with wide eyes, but he simply said, “Let me teach you wife. If you don’t enjoy it tell me, but I think you will find that this is more than you expected.” Then Jay leaned in and took her sensitive pink nipple into his mouth.

  The moan the burst forth from her mouth a moment later was all the confirmation that he needed. “Oohh myy lorddd what aree you dooing?”

  He didn’t answer her but kept busy. His mouth was upon one breast stimulating that nipple while a hand attended to the other. He wanted to use his other hand on her sex, but felt she needed to be broken in slowly. Then the desire to feel her swept over him. He had debated if this was a wise idea, but desire outweighed rational thought and he sent psychic hooks into her binding the two of them together.

  Before it was accomplished, he couldn’t have said if it would work, or if it would cause one of them harm, but he forged a permanent bond with her. Her emotions flooded him, raw and primal. There was desire, confusion, fear, and excitement all mixed together. Just the same he could tell that his emotions were rushing into her.

  He whispered in her ear, “Now we are bonded. You will feel what I feel, and I will feel what you do.”

  Before she could respond he returned to his ministrations, touching her all over her sensitive skin. Now though he could feel it rising within her. She wanted more but didn’t know how to express herself. So, Jay handled that for her.

  His free hand moved between her legs and began to pull out her wetness. She gasped as his finger penetrated her, but it wasn’t too much for her and as her juices were spread, he spent more time on her clit. The little bud was the center of all her sexuality and in nothing flat she was shuddering to the first orgasm of her life.

  Eesa wept as she cried out, “Yess, yess, please ddon’t stopp. Donn’t stopp mmy lordd.”

  Jay almost wanted to weep for her too. She had lived in a repressed society that didn’t value the pleasure of women. A partitioned portion of his mind began running the calculations on how long it would be before Huong had turned her into a wanton sex craving slut.

  But most of him was in the here and now. He didn’t need Huong’s help for this. He was going to give her an experience to remember. While she still shivered, he pushed one finger back into her. Her juices were noticeably thicker than that of a human woman, more like KY jelly, but somehow that only made this unique experience extra exciting. After all, he was making it with an alien, and a hot one at that. Maybe it was Earth guys who were easy.

  He thrust his finger in and out of her as one hand continued to work her breasts. His mouth had shifted to kissing her ear. She was profoundly sensitive there and within nothing flat was spasming around his finger as she experienced her second orgasm.

  Jay continued to work her with his finger till she loosened up around him and then slid a second finger in. She was so tight, but as he scanned her was glad to realize that she had no hymen to break, so at least she wouldn’t have to experience that type of pain. Her juices were an extremely good lubricant and before long one of her legs was hooked up over his shoulder while the other one tried to latch around his back.

  She rocked her hips up into his fingers while moaning, “Source yess, more. You’re stretching me. Givve it to me, I wantt more in mee.”

  Her claws kept popping and sheathing as she spasmed. He knew she couldn’t hurt him, but it was still a good reminder of how different she was. But that was nothing compared to the reminder he got when her silky, soft tail wrapped around his cock. The feeling of being grabbed there when her arms and legs were busy shocked him, but soon he was groaning in echo of her moans.

  Eesa might not have any experience but neither did Jay with having a very strong and sinuous while still delightfully silky tail wrapped in loops around his cock and squeezing it in undulating waves. The shock of it had him moaning and he almost lost his game plan. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy letting loose and just being with his wives, but this as Eesa’s first time and he wanted to make sure she couldn’t wait for the next time.

  He had learned by now that not all women were initially open to oral sex either giving or receiving. He never tried to push giving on any of them, but that didn’t keep him from working with all of them to learn to accept it from him. Afterall there is nothing quite so gratifying as feeling his woman lose it completely all over his mouth, knowing that he had done that to her.

  It was also true that every woman on Team Jay that he had talked into accepting oral all universally ended up loving it. Of course, there were also many that jumped at it with the slightest hint that he was willing. Apparently, many of them had experienced boyfriends who were less than eager. Some even preferred it to anything else.

  Eesa appeared to fall into the quite willing category, because as much of a novice as she was, she never hesitated to let him kiss his way down her abdomen till his lips were pressed against her labia. The consistency of her juices was a bit odd at first, but the taste was surprisingly pleasant, and he was soon alternating between sucking on her very engorged clit and flicking it with his tongue.

  Long slow lapping motions seemed to be what hit her just right. The bond removed any guess work about what she enjoyed. While not as powerful as if they had fused it was still an
intense sensation to feel what she felt as he went down on her. It encouraged him but not so much as when she wrapped her tail around his neck and head. Her tail pulled on him insistently while she cried out, “Fck yess. Byy the Source, make me your prey. Eat mee. Don’tt stopp. Eattt mee.”

  Her body shuddered to orgasm after orgasm. She was so strong now that she could handle this for the better part of an hour. Through the bond he felt her almost mindless bliss bound up in a deep gratitude for what he was doing for her. Likewise, he could tell when the desires inside her shifted. She had been pleasured, now she wanted to be taken. It was a primal need.

  Jay pulled back and rolled her over onto her toned tummy. She promptly got up onto all fours, but this time Jay could feel the desires within her. This wasn’t duty. Well, it was, and she was proud to perform it. She was proud that her marriage made a future for her people. She was willing to join with an alien people to create a future for both her people and her new house.


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