Darkeen Dynasty 1: Raeder's Woman

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Darkeen Dynasty 1: Raeder's Woman Page 7

by Angelina Evans

  She stretched to fit him, cried out as he sank deeper, groaned as he plunged in, deeper and deeper until he touched her womb. The pressure, almost painful, quickly turned to building pleasure.

  His hands gripped her hips, his fingers bit into her, holding her steady as he pulled back only to stab forward, knifing into her.

  The friction as his shaft pumped in and out of her sheath was almost unbearable. She bit her lip, tried to lift into his thrusts. He was hard and hot. Deep.

  Her inner muscles clenched trying to keep him inside.

  He slid almost free of her clinging heat, pounded back in.

  She cried out as he pushed her higher, sobbed as she melted around him, tremor after tremor shaking her, draining her. She would never get enough of him.

  She screamed as every muscle in her body convulsed, her orgasm racking her body.

  And he didn’t let her come down. He continued to piston in and out of her, low grunts accompanying each thrust. He would never let her go.

  He held her captive as he hammered into her. It felt like she was trying to clamp his cock inside her, she was so tight. He arched against her, expanded inside her. His pelvis rocked against her ass as he ejaculated in her. He spurted again and again, filling her with his hot fluid. Her body was a vise around him, squeezing every drop of cum from him.

  For a long moment he knelt behind her, bowed over her. Finally he rocked back on his haunches and lifted her back against him. He pulled free of her clinging sheath before rising to his feet. He lifted her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom. As he laid her on the bed he breathed deep. How did he make her see that they were made for each other? Sex with her was the best he’d ever had. She was his other half and she didn’t understand that.

  He lowered himself on top of her and forced her legs wider. He held his cock with one hand, teased her entrance with the blunt head. With one smooth thrust, he buried himself in her. Sex was a powerful tool and he would use it to bind her to him.

  She moaned, stared up at him and shook her head. Unbelievably he was still hard. But her inner tissues were swollen and tender from so much use.

  “I can’t,” she whispered.

  He brushed his lips over hers, the caress gentle and loving. “Just close your eyes and sleep.”

  “How can I sleep with you inside me?”

  “You’ve done it before,” he pointed out. He smiled and brushed her hair from her blushing face. “I can’t sleep unless I’m inside you. And when we’re like this you can’t run away from me without waking me.” His words were a warning. He shifted so all his weight wasn’t on her yet she was still pinned under him, impaled by his hard length. “Go to sleep, baby.”

  Chapter 5

  Three hours later, sitting on the bed, Raeder couldn’t take his eyes off her. Aleea. Her nipples were soft, their color a dark rose he couldn’t resist. Reaching out he stroked one with the tip of his finger. It firmed and hardened at his touch.

  Aleea hummed in her sleep and rubbed her legs together in a languid motion.

  Blast. He wanted her again. His cock hadn’t softened yet and just looking at her made him harder. When she responded immediately, he was ready to ejaculate right then. He’d known the mating ritual, when initiated, was intense but he hadn’t realized it would leave him unable to think of anything but her.

  He touched her other nipple and gritted his teeth when she moaned and rubbed her legs together again. He wanted her again, right now. She’d tried to run away while he slept and he didn’t want her doing that again. He didn’t want to chase her, but he would if she left him. She was too important to the safety of his people and she was becoming increasingly important to him.

  If he had to stay inside her for the next year, ride her until she was exhausted, he would. She wouldn’t get away from him.

  A smile lighted his dark face. He liked the idea of her being too exhausted to leave his bed. There were a lot of ways he wanted to touch her and taste her. Spending the rest of the day learning what made her groan and sigh, what made her writhe and scream, sounded good. But there were other things he had to do.

  Trailing his hand down the center of her body, he stopped low on her pelvis, just above the golden-brown curls covering her mound and pressed down, massaging her silky skin.

  “Wake up, Aleea.”

  She tried to roll away.

  He held her in place. “Open your eyes.” He combed his fingers through her curls and her eyes flew open.


  Her wide-eyed wonder and disbelieving tone made him smile.

  “Not yet,” he assured her, cupping her mound but making no other sexual advance. He wanted her aware of him, aware of her own need. His hand at her sex was something she couldn’t ignore. He burrowed one finger between her nether lips and rested the tip against her clit.

  She froze under him, tried not to breathe.

  Wicked satisfaction darkened his face. “I need to eat something.” Slowly, he looked up from the juncture of her thighs to meet her gaze. His eyes were heavy-lidded and dark with lust. “I need to eat something other than you.” He laughed when she blushed. “You’ve got to be hungry, too.”

  Her lips thinned and her small pointy chin rose. He might make her thighs quiver but he didn’t need to know it. “I need to go home.”

  “No.” He stroked the swollen knot between her legs.

  She drew in a sharp breath. There was no way she couldn’t respond.

  He watched her hips rock and her eyelids droop. Her nipples jutted tall and proud. Her lips turned pouty, her eyes dreamy.

  He saw the moment thought returned. Her lips thinned, she stiffened, clamped her legs together and glared up at him.

  “I’ll eat when I get home.”

  “Afraid you won’t be able to resist me long enough to eat?” He raised one brow, taunting her.

  She opened her mouth, closed it without saying anything. A bewildered frown flitted across her face.

  He had to fight not to smile. “Use the sonishower. I’ll call for something to eat.” He flexed his fingers against her one last time. Her thighs tightened around him as he pulled his hand from between her clenched thighs. Her hips lifted, following him. He smiled with dark satisfaction.

  “There’s a robe by the privacy chamber for you. Ask and the Strider’s com-controller will direct you to the Morning room. A meal will be waiting for you.”

  He laughed at her outraged expression as he left the room. Something hit the door with a soft thud.

  Aleea sat up, pulled her knees to her chest and buried her face against them. Stars, what had she done? Sex with Raeder had been better than good. Any other man would pale in comparison. He’d pulled responses from her she’d never realized were in her to give. She’d screamed and not just once.

  She unfolded herself, wincing as muscles inside and out protested. This was definitely real. Her nipples throbbed, ached at the brush of air over them.

  Sliding off the bed she padded across the room, walking gingerly, her feet sinking into the plush jade rug that reminded her of holo-images she had seen of Allourian braeshaer fields. A sonishower had never looked so good.

  Hot pink color stained the face staring back at her from the reflection glass. Memories of Raeder flashed through her mind with startling clarity. His hands dark against her breasts. His thumbs hard against her nipples.

  Closing her eyes she tried to push the memories away. What she had to do now was get cleaned up, dressed, say goodbye and go home. Raeder had been furious when she’d tried to run away earlier and she couldn’t blame him. If she’d been the one to wake up with him gone from her bed, she would have been hurt and furious, too. But this was reality and what she’d wanted was a fantasy. Someone should have told her the truth.

  She wouldn’t run away, but she would say goodbye and walk away.

  She opened her eyes and froze. She would walk away but she would never forget because the woman staring out of the reflection glass was herself
and yet not. She was the same but different. It was nothing that anyone would be able to see on the outside, but inside she was more confident. She could satisfy a man and be satisfied by him. But the only man she could ever imagine wanting was one she could never have a future with.

  Slowly she turned to face the reflection glass that made up the inside of the privacy chamber door. Her eyes looked too big for her face. Her hair was wild, the curls tangled.

  With fingers shaking, she touched her lips. They looked bruised and swollen, almost pouty. Her nipples reminded her of her lips, full and darker pink than they’d ever been before. She refused to look lower but didn’t have to. The flesh between her thighs felt swollen and tender, too.

  This was beyond anything she’d ever imagined. Yes, she’d thought about sex but had never imagined it with someone like Raeder. He was big, handsome, and virile. She’d expected kisses and petting and intercourse. She could never have imagined the power of his thrusts, the full, impossibly stretched feeling of him inside her. Or his fascination with her breasts. He overwhelmed her.

  She thought longingly of the pool, the huge sunken green marble pool, the center of the black and jade room. If she got in that, she’d never get out and she had to go home. Life was a one-room singlet and working at the Port Authority. It wasn’t a Star-Strider with pools she could swim in.

  She stepped into the sonishower and turned, brushed her hair back so every inch was cleaned. She groaned and slumped where she stood. Her muscles melted and her bones went weak. What she wanted to do was lie down and let the sonishower massage her. She was one big ache.

  Finally she managed to move again. She winced when the massaging sensation passed over her nipples and between her legs. She found tender spots at her neck and hips and buttocks. Raeder was a very physical lover.

  She touched her nipples and started at the brush of her fingers on the overly sensitive nubs.

  Wanting to stay where she was, but knowing she couldn’t, she stepped out. The silence after the low hum of the shower was almost deafening. Pushing her hair away from her face, she looked up and froze.

  Raeder stood a foot away, his face dark, his eyes heavy-lidded.

  “I thought you were gone.” She tingled under the hot sweep of his eyes. Had he seen her touch herself?

  He hadn’t been able to leave without seeing her again. His gaze settled on her breasts. “Are they as tender as they appeared to be when you touched them? You flinched.”

  Oh, Stars, he had watched her shower, seen her jump when she touched herself. Hot tingles arced from her nipples to her womb. She’d never thought being watched would turn her on, but it did.

  “Yes. They’re tender.” Saying it made her shiver.

  “Between your thighs?” His eyes dropped to the curls covering her mound. He wanted to watch her touch herself again.

  “Yes.” His question, the power of his eyes on her, stole her voice. She grew wet, her vagina clenched. How did he make her feel so much with just a look? Her coworkers would never believe she could be like this. Naked breasts jutted at the man who had taken her over and over again.

  “What would happen if I sucked your nipples?” His gaze rose to her breasts.

  Her insides quivered. “I’d come.”

  Raeder stepped forward. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was flushed pink. Her nipples were red and puckered. Her hand had jerked away when she’d run it over her nipple and he had almost come. He’d wanted to get in with her when she’d flinched. He’d wanted to be the one touching her nipples, stroking between her legs. The thought of making her come just by sucking her nipples made him hurt.

  “No.” She raised her hands and stepped back. Her chin went up and her lips thinned. “I have to go home.”

  “You’ll eat. We’ll talk. Then we’ll go home. And on the way we’ll find out if I can make you come with just my mouth on your nipples.”

  Aleea opened her mouth, but he was gone before she could say anything.

  When he said they would go home he wasn’t talking about Centera, she was sure.

  She tried to ignore his words about sucking her nipples as she slipped into the crimson robe he’d set out for her. She didn’t want to think about going home and being alone in her singlet. But alone and home was where she needed to be. This reality wasn’t hers. It wasn’t where she belonged. He was a prince, for Stars sake.

  When she got home she was going to drop in and have a little talk with Gabria at Illusions. She’d taken the logo a bit too seriously. Fantasy better than reality. Their idea of fantasy was reality.

  Nipples hard and burning as the Silar-Silk robe rubbed over them, she shuffled through the bedroom and into the hall as fast as her aching muscles would allow. She would eat because she was starving, but after that she was going home.

  * * * * *

  Several minutes later, Aleea was ready to thump on more than a wall.

  “Blast it, how many doors does one sleeping chamber need?” Her jaw tight, she yanked her robe straight as she stomped out of Raeder’s chamber and into the corridor. Four doors she’d had to try and those weren’t counting the closet and privacy chamber doors she’d tried before.

  An amorphous, globular gray being oozed around a bend in the corridor. She held back a shudder, moved across the hall, smiled and kept walking. How did you greet something without a face?

  “Nice garment. It shows your nipples to advantage.”

  The words were spoken in her mind. She gasped, jumped, looked at the blob then down. Her nipples were hard points against the thin material of the robe. Heat rushed into her cheeks. A snicker sounded in her mind as the blob disappeared through a door further down the corridor.

  She glared after the disgusting little being. “Pervert.”

  She pulled the robe away from her breasts. When she let the material drop, it fell back into place clearly outlining her nipples. She lifted her chin and marched down the hall. It was definitely time to go home.

  Her steps slowed until she was standing still. She looked back the way she had come, looked forward again. Wonderful, now she was lost. She didn’t know where the dining deck was and she wouldn’t be able to find Raeder’s chambers either. Coming or going, the corridor looked the same, dark silvery-brown doors recessed in a lighter brown wall.

  “Where in Solar’s Hell is the dining deck?” she growled to herself.

  “Take the third door to your left. The dining deck is the second door on the right.”

  She jumped. The voice came from all around her, was distinctly feminine and had a very sultry quality to it. “Who are you?” she demanded.

  “I am Incom, the voice of The Summit.”

  “Men.” Only a man would have a Strider with a voice like that.

  Tight-lipped she marched down the hall to the third door on the left, then walked down the hall heading towards the second door on her right. The door slid open as she approached and she walked through it. The room she walked into was packed.

  She froze. Every eye in the room was trained on her. Blast it, she was naked except for the robe and it outlined every detail of her body. It probably showed more than if she were standing naked and here she was standing in front of a crowd. Wonderful.

  Teeth gritted, she lifted her chin and took a step forward. Everyone could look at her if they wanted but she was going to ignore them. All she had to do was brazen it out and get home. Home was good. Nice and boring and things like being naked in front of strange people never happened there.

  A tall, skinny male approached her.

  What did he think he was doing? Didn’t he realize she was trying to ignore people?

  His head was covered with downy brown feathers, his eyes slightly bulbous. He wasn’t quite as bad as the blob.

  She curled her fingers into her palms to keep from reaching out. She really wanted to know if those feathers were as soft as they looked. Probably not a good idea.

  “Your Highness.” He bowed elegantly before straightening to
face her. “If you will come with me, His Highness awaits you in the Morning room.”

  Highness? What did he mean by that? And his high-pitched, chirpy voice was annoying, too.

  He didn’t wait for her to reply but turned and led the way across the dining deck.

  She focused on his narrow back. She really wanted to study the strange gathering of people in the room but how did she do that if she didn’t want to see them staring at her? Blast it, she couldn’t. What she should do was head right back to Raeder’s quarters and not leave them until she was taken home.

  Images of Raeder over her, his mouth on her, the feel of his cock in her, filled her mind. Her pussy moistened and her nipples hardened. Wonderful, just wonderful. Even thinking about the man made her hot and wet.

  A door slid open in front of the bird-man. He walked through and she followed.

  She breathed a sigh of relief. Except for Raeder and one other man, the room was empty. Her eyes touched on Raeder but were snagged by the man seated across from him. Wow! Where did they find males like this? Raeder was male perfection but this man was more. He was beautiful.

  * * * * *

  Nostrils flared, lips thinned, Raeder watched as Aleea’s eyes settled unerringly on Kael. The relief he’d felt when she entered the room changed to slow, smoldering anger. If she kept looking at Kael like she wanted to eat him, he was going to shake her.

  His gaze lowered to her hard-tipped breasts. Anger edged toward fury. He would make it very clear to her when they were alone that she wasn’t to look at or want anyone but him. No male was to touch her but him no matter if she was attracted to them or not.

  “You didn’t feel it necessary to dress?” His voice was harsh and he didn’t try to soften it. He wanted her to know how angry he was.

  Aleea almost jumped out of her skin. She was getting really tired of people scaring her.

  She turned a glare on Raeder, swallowed hard when she saw his expression. He looked more than angry. His eyes, narrowed and cold, made her insides feel as gelatinous as the blob she’d passed in the hall. Blast it, she wasn’t going to let Raeder intimidate her. He already had too much control.


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