Darkeen Dynasty 1: Raeder's Woman

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Darkeen Dynasty 1: Raeder's Woman Page 10

by Angelina Evans

  She stepped back, her heart thumping in her chest. Before she could make a sound, the grand entrance and the inside of the palace passed by in a dizzying kaleidoscope of corridors, rooms and stairs. She felt breathless and she hadn’t moved.

  The images slowed at the base of a stairway that descended through stone. A huge cavern opened before her. A single ray of light shone down through a perfectly round hole cut through the ceiling at the very center of the room. Instead of being dark, the room was almost blindingly bright.

  Crystals, some clear, others varying shades of white, gold, green, and pink, made up the walls of the cavern. Each surface, flat or jagged, reflected or refracted the light creating a rainbow of hues throughout the room.

  “It’s beautiful.” She stepped forward, reached out to touch a rose-hued crystal. Her hand passed through the image. Sighing, she turned in a circle until she’d seen the entire cavern. Allouria. Even the name was magical.

  “One of my ancestors, Aviar, discovered Allouria. He was a pirate and the one man Emperor Sularen wanted dead more than any other.”

  “Aviar. I didn’t think he was real.”

  A half-smile lifted the corners of Raeder’s hard mouth. He looked happy, something she’d never seen before.

  “He was an outlaw. He took what he wanted, created an empire and did everything he could to ensure it survived. The crystal cavern was the heart of his plan.” An image of a tall, heavily muscled man with rugged good looks replaced the crystal cavern for a moment. There was little resemblance between him and Raeder except startlingly vivid crystal green eyes.

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  Raeder caught her hand in his and drew her to him. He positioned her in front of him, her back to his front. He twined his fingers with hers, wrapped his arms around her and just held her. She was warm and real, alive in his arms. He liked having her against him.

  “I want you to understand why I won’t let you go.” He pressed his lips to her head. She was so small and perfect and so fragile.

  The crystal cavern once again filled the room.

  “Aviar discovered the cavern while searching the planet. He brought his bride, the emperor’s only daughter, to the cavern to consummate their union.”

  Aviar appeared at the center of the cavern, a small redheaded woman with him. They lay naked on the sandy floor. His hips were lodged between her spread thighs, his mouth at her breast.

  “I see your interest in sex is a family trait.”

  Raeder grinned at her acerbic tone. “It’s a good thing I found someone whose interest matches my own.”

  A blush mantled Aleea’s cheeks. She smiled but didn’t reply.

  Raeder continued his story. “The emperor wasn’t happy about his daughter being with a man he wanted dead. His men caught up with them in the cavern.”

  Men dressed in royal blue flight suits surrounded the naked couple. In their palms were the forerunners of the lasers that were now implanted in the palms of law enforcement such as the emperor’s guard.

  “In defending Princess Riliria, Aviar found out the full extent of the cavern’s power when coupled with his psychic ability.”

  A guardsman fired at Aviar. The energy bolt hit an invisible wall, bounded back and hit the man who had fired it.

  The cavern disappeared and the planet took its place. A flotilla of Striders, identifiable as the emperor’s by the double nova insignia on their hulls, ringed the planet. The lead vessel fired on the planet but the bolt of energy rebounded, struck and crippled the ship.

  “The Rilirian Field.” Aleea’s words were a whisper. All the stories she’d grown up listening to and not believing were true.

  “Aviar found he could extend the field through space by placing crystal deposits on other planets. He also found that his royal bride was his perfect genetic complement. When they were bound, the field was stronger. The resonance of their psychic energy together was nearly one hundred times that of either of them alone.”

  “He created Illusions to find genetic matches for his heirs.” She repeated what he’d told her before. Everything he was doing made sense. It wasn’t flattering, but it made sense.


  “But there are several Darkeen Princes. You don’t need me.”

  “Incom, current Rilirian Field projection.”

  The universe shrank to fit in the sleeping chambers. Suns spun in place. Planets circled them and moons circled the planets. It was like being a god, looking down on space. Gold lines crisscrossed a small section.

  “Each Darkeen generation has added to the family’s holdings. Some planets have come to us by requests to be part of the Alliance, and we gain others through war. One couple on one planet cannot power the whole field.”

  As she watched golden lines began to wink out of existence.

  “A genetic mate has not been found for an Allourian Prince or lord in two generations. Until you.” He untangled their hands and turned her to face him.

  He cupped her face in his hands. “The Field is failing. The House of Allouria is vulnerable and like any powerful family, mine has enemies. If you had succeeded in activating the translocator, you would have destroyed your life and you would have put the lives of billions in jeopardy.”

  “Nothing like a little pressure.” Her heart stuttered in her chest. Her hands grew cold. She accepted responsibility as well as the next person but this was beyond what anyone should have to deal with.

  Raeder released her face and caught her hands in his. He raised them to his mouth and blew warm air over them, his gaze still tangled with hers. One day she would come to realize what she meant to him and to his people.

  The sexual heat in his eyes, his breath on her skin warmed her inside and out. It took a moment for her mind to re-engage. Just looking at him made her spacey.

  “I realize your family must have enemies, but is the Rilirian Field really necessary? There are no pirates or solar wars anymore. Hasn’t the Field outlived its usefulness?”

  His eyes grew cold and his lips thinned. The muscle in his jaw jumped. “I wish that were true. Incom. Show a scanning image of Callen Minor’s surface.” He gave a date as he released Aleea’s hands and walked away.

  She watched as a golden planet appeared. The view telescoped in at a dizzying pace. She almost fell over, found herself standing in a teeming city square.

  She watched antigravity floaters speed by over head. People hurried about their business. Twin suns filled the sky. White garments and head coverings were standard wear.

  Amidst the bustling people, a group of children, hemmed in by a mobile safety fence raced past her. A harried-looking older woman scurried close behind.

  Two little girls, one with long golden curls, the other with short dark hair had their heads together, giggling at the back of the group. Their headscarves were pushed down around their shoulders.

  She couldn’t help but smile. They looked happy.

  “Incom. Show scanning image of Callen Minor’s surface.” He gave another date. His arm slid around her waist as the image changed.

  She gasped. Her hands flew to her mouth. Buildings, busy people, laughing children. All were gone.

  Tears stung her eyes. All that was left was rubble. Black craters surrounded by starburst burn marks, evidence of where power bolts had struck.

  “What happened?” Her chest was tight. The image of the two little girls filled her mind. They were gone. Who would destroy a whole city? Who could knowingly kill such beautiful children?

  Raeder’s arms tightened around her. “Sharakan Striders.” His voice was harsh.

  “Why?” She wrapped her arms around herself. Why would anyone destroy a planet? How could they live with what they had done?

  “We don’t know.”

  Tears slowly trailed down her cheeks. She leaned back and looked up at him. “How long will it take us to get to Allouria?” She wouldn’t allow innocent people to die if she could help it. She would do what she could to he
lp and then she would return to Centera.

  Raeder leaned down and kissed one tear bright eye then the other. “One jump.”

  “Then let’s jump.” Chin lifted, eyes bright with tears, she looked sad but determined.

  “I think we’ll wait until tomorrow. I’ve got other things in mind for tonight.”

  Aleea shivered at the open lust in his eyes. It dulled the image of the two little girls in her mind and she needed that.

  “Shouldn’t we make the jump now?” If he kept making love to her, she was never going to want to leave. And the look in his eyes said he wanted sex.

  “No.” Raeder grasped the neckline of the peacock blue dress and ripped it from neck to hem.

  She gasped as the material fell to the floor.

  “I would have taken it off.” Making love against walls, ripping her clothes off. What other strange habits did he have?

  She looked up, surprised by the rueful grin lighting up Raeder’s hard-edged features. She would never have guessed he could look so boyish.

  “I’ve always wanted to do that. It could become a habit with you.” He tugged at the neckline of his own suit and it fell away. He swung her into his arms and strode to the bed. He tossed her onto it, stood looking down at her, fists braced on his hips.

  She opened her mouth to protest, gasped as he came down on top of her.

  He caught his cock in one hand, guided the helmeted head to the opening of her vagina and forged inside. “Every time. So tight. Hot. Embracing me.”

  She winced, sore but receptive. Blast but she was going to have to learn to say no. It was something she could work on later.

  Raeder wrapped his arms around her. He rolled them over so she was on top, still impaled on his hard, thick rod. He needed her to be a part of him now as he shared his pain.

  She tried to lift up.

  His arms tightened around her. “Go to sleep, Aleea.”

  “I thought you had plans?” Blast him, she was ready for a full course of sex and he told her to sleep? She was going to kill him.

  “I do. Sleep.”

  Frowning, she rubbed her head into his chest. He’d gotten her all excited about nothing.

  “Next time, tell me that’s your plan,” she grumbled. It was like being all dressed up with nowhere to go.

  His arms tightened around her. “That’s my plan for now. Not my only plan.” He lowered his hands to her buttocks and squeezed.

  She squirmed, moaning as the motion moved her on his hard shaft.

  “Incom. The shoe.” His voice was low and rough. He didn’t want to look at it, it hurt every time he did. But he wanted Aleea to have it.

  Frowning, Aleea lifted her head from his chest. “The shoe?”

  A tiny pink shoe, the toe scuffed, materialized on the bed beside them.

  Raeder picked it up, cradled it in his hand for a moment before handing it to Aleea. “A reminder from Callen Minor.” His voice was thick with emotion.

  Aleea’s breath caught as she took the shoe from him. She clutched it in her fist and let the tears fall. She wouldn’t go home until she knew that nothing would ever happen to an innocent child again.

  Raeder pulled her head down to his chest and brushed her hair back from her face. She didn’t know it but she was crying for both of them.

  “Go to sleep, Aleea,” he whispered. He held her close, savored the feel of her sheath holding his erection tight. She was where she was meant to be, safe in his arms.

  Slowly she relaxed against him and snuggled her head against his chest. His heart was a reassuring beat under her ear.



  “I’ll go with you and do what I can to help. Then I’ll go home.”

  Unseen by her, a smile lifted his lips. His arms tightening around her body was his only response.

  She sighed and shifted to get more comfortable, bit her lip at the tugging sensation of his flesh deep inside her. Under her, his breathing slowed and his heart rate did the same.

  Tears stung her eyes and a sad smile tilted her lips. She wasn’t going to cry any more. He needed her even if he would never love her. That was more than she had ever dreamed.

  An ache grew in her chest, made it hard to breathe. She closed her eyes. What she needed was sleep. Everything would be better when she was rested. As sleep pulled her into its black arms, she whispered her thoughts aloud.

  “I don’t want to love you.”

  Not by a single breath or tensed muscle did Raeder give away that he’d heard her soft-spoken words. He held her as her breathing deepened, a catch in it belying her attempt to hide her unshed tears.

  The protective, possessive feelings he had for her grew inside him. She was his and she would love him. He would accept nothing less.

  Sheathed in her hot depths, her slight weight over him, he let himself sleep. She was his and he would never let her go.

  Chapter 7

  Aleea woke to the feel of Raeder’s mouth on her left nipple. He must have pulled out of her at some point. She felt empty without him inside her. She lifted her hands to cradle his head and arched into him. He seemed to be fascinated by her breasts and she wasn’t about to protest.

  She loved having his mouth on her, sucking her breast, the pull, the tug and squeeze on her nipple. The sharp nip of his teeth that always surprised her and made her inner muscles clench. Stars, had she been missing out!

  He released the long, rosy tip. He licked it, playing with her, before his mouth closed over her other breast.

  She closed her eyes, arched into his hot, wet mouth. Every sensation went right to her womb. Electricity jolted through her. She writhed against him. Stars, she was going to come out of her skin. She couldn’t hold still. She was wet, felt empty without him stretching her channel.

  “I want you inside me.” Her voice was hushed and pleading.

  He sucked harder, pulled her nipple taut in the vacuum of his mouth. He wanted to be inside her too, but he wanted her hotter first.

  “Please. Fuck me,” she begged. She couldn’t hold still, and spread her legs. Would he take her invitation? “I need you inside me. Now.”

  Raeder released her breast, nipping at the tip as he did. He didn’t want to leave the enticing fullness of her breasts. Each small mound filled his mouth perfectly. And she was extraordinarily sensitive.

  He pulled back, watched her hips moving on the bed, her legs splayed wide. He stroked one finger across her pussy. She was wet, shivered under even that light touch.

  “Raeder. Please.”

  He smiled. Her words should have been a plea but they weren’t. They were a demand.

  He looked into her eyes, passion-hazed and dark. Her lips were parted, the tip of her tongue peeking out. He nearly groaned at the sight of that pink tip. He wanted her mouth on him, to feel her sucking his cock. Thinking about it made him burn.

  He dropped his head, slanted his mouth over hers and devoured. He settled over her, careful to keep his weight from settling on her as he pushed his tongue into her mouth. He stroked and circled her tongue with his, nipped at it as it followed his into his mouth. Her hips lifted against him, her legs spread wide, her pussy wet.

  He lifted his head and stared at her mouth. He swooped down and nipped her full lower lip.

  “Raeder!” She lifted toward him. “Fuck me.” Her eyes were bright, her tone demanding.

  “No.” Raeder smiled. “I don’t think you’re ready yet.”

  Her lips thinned. She lifted her hands and pushed at his chest. If she could get him on his back, she’d impale herself on him. She’d like to see him stop then.

  His brows rose but he didn’t budge. She was so small, did she really think she could move him if he didn’t want to move?

  She lifted her legs to wrap around his waist. Blast him, if he wouldn’t take her, she would take him.

  Raeder used his legs to pin hers to the bed and brought his weight down on her. His expression was amused.

  No d
oubt he knew how mad that made her, too. Teeth gritted, she shoved her hand between their torsos, wriggled it between their melded abdomens. When she got a hold of him, she’d teach him what teasing was.

  He caught one wrist, pulled her arm over her head and manacled it in his other hand. He did the same with the other. He liked the way it arched her up to him, her nipples pointing at him, begging for his mouth.

  Her breasts heaved with each breath she took. She was his to do anything he wanted with and he loved knowing that.

  “We’ve got until the first hour. Before then you’ll have my cock shoved so deep and tight inside your channel, you’ll think it will never come out.

  “But first I’m going to taste you. I’m going to tease that jewel at the top of your sex with my tongue and then I’m going to suck it into my mouth and listen to you scream. And when I put my tongue in you and feast on your pussy you’ll come for me.”

  His fingers circled the opening to her vagina. She was hot and wet for him.

  Her stomach clenched at his words. Her channel tightened. “You can’t put your mouth… You can’t suck…” She couldn’t complete the thought. Thinking about it seemed naughty, wicked even. Having him talk about it, talking about it herself, was more than exciting. She was likely to come just from him talking. “I couldn’t stand that again. It was too much.” Heat rushed up her neck and into her face.

  Pure possession made his expression even fiercer. He pressed one finger against her clit and rubbed. “You’re mine, Aleea.” His tone brooked no argument.

  Aleea squirmed. Did he really think she was going to argue when her insides were quivering and her heart pounding? She couldn’t even catch her breath. She wanted everything he talked about. Everything and more.

  “Do I get to taste you, too?” That was an exciting thought. What would he feel like in her mouth? What would he taste like? Sucking and biting his nipples had been one of the most carnal experiences of her life. Would sucking his cock be like that?

  His eyes, heavy-lidded, glowed. “Yes.” One finger pushed into her channel.

  She licked her lips. Her hips rocked. His finger wasn’t enough, she wanted his cock. “Are you all talk or is there going to be some action to go along with it?”


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