In Love with a Stranger

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In Love with a Stranger Page 10

by Rose von Barnsley

  "It's okay. Remember, I can be quiet," I taunted mischievously. He let me push him back on the bed and kiss him slowly. "We have something important to discuss."

  "We do?" he leaned up on his elbow, concerned.

  "It's seems we've let history repeat itself." He looked at me confused, waiting for me to elaborate. "William, I'm not on birth control. I guess things get out of hand when I'm with you, and I forget about talking to you."

  He let out a sigh of relief. He kissed me softly, and I snuggled into his side. "We'll do whatever you want, beautiful. If you want to take something, use rubbers or nothing at all, I'm fine with it."

  I looked up at him, wondering if I’d misheard him. "Nothing at all?"

  He kissed me, grinning silly. "You’re everything to me, Hannah. You'll be my wife, you're already the mother of my daughter, and I wouldn't mind if you were the mother of my son or another little girl. Whatever comes to our home is welcome and so wanted.”

  My heart jumped out of my chest. He wanted to have a family with me. Hell, we might’ve made a baby already. I wanted to be pregnant with his baby. I didn't know why it felt so important to me, but I wanted it with him. I wanted to give him those years he'd missed. I wanted him to see and feel how exciting it was to be called da-da for the first time and watch those little feet stumble toward you. He deserved that. I wanted to give it to him.

  I took off my shirt and bra, working up his body.

  "Hannah?" I hadn’t really answered him.

  "Get me pregnant, William. Knock me up with your baby." The idea of having sex for the purpose of making a baby had me panting and horny.

  "Are you sure?" He looked excited, but was holding back for me.

  "Yes, it's our family. The one we've always wanted. We finally get to be together. I want to have it all."

  It didn't take much to send me over the edge. William pumped frantically, and when he finally came, he forced himself deeper.

  I could never get enough of him. I wanted to have everything with him.

  The next morning, William and I stumbled out of our room, dressed and ready to make breakfast for Brody and Penelope.

  "So, trying for another kid so soon…" Brody said, just leaving it hang out there. I was three shades of red, and William was looking at the couch Brody had slept on confounded. "The walls are pretty thin," Brody explained.

  "So, breakfast," I cut in, doing my best not to be completely mortified.

  "You're getting her a ring, right?" Brody glared at William.

  "Yes, that was the plan last time, too. I’d been hoping to get her something in England. They have a better selection of historical jewelry."

  "Historical, why the hell would you need something historical?" Brody sounded distrustful.

  William glanced back and forth between us. "It's my job, what I do for work. I consign precious gems and jewelry. I wanted to get her something special, fit for a queen, literally."

  "Hannah said you were here on work. That doesn't make sense."

  "Jackson Enterprises likes to invest in solid assets. The stock we carry has a minimum price, but the maximum in a good market is much higher. You invest in the low end, and when the pieces sell, we split the difference with investors. We were hoping to branch out and have a stronger presence here in the states. It’d expand our client base and push bidding prices higher. She deserves the best, something special. I had returned for work, but I’d also planned to buy her ring while I was there. I didn't get to."

  William sank down on the dining room chair. I quickly climbed into his lap, kissing him softly. "I'll be happy with whatever you give me."

  "Yeah, as long as you give her something," Brody cut in with a glare.

  "I'll see what I can find. There are a few antique dealers here that Duncan and I were looking to partner with. They might have something good enough for you."

  "You can give me a plastic ring from a gumball machine and it'd be good enough."

  "No, you deserve the best. Tell her, Brody, she deserves the best."

  "How about you let her pick it out? That's not unheard of," he nodded at me, looking for me to weigh in.

  I worried that William would think my taste was simple and uneducated. I didn't realize I was frowning, until William kissed my lips. "What's wrong, beautiful?"

  "I'm afraid I wouldn't be very good at picking a ring that’d meet your standards," I confessed.

  He chuckled at me. "Beautiful, the only important thing about the ring is that it meets your standards. If you'd like to look at rings today, I know of a dealer here in New York."

  "Great, I'll watch Penny, while you two go make it official." Brody grabbed a box a cereal. "I'll even make her breakfast."

  "So, there's a place here in town?" I tried not to sound too hopeful or desperate.

  "Yes, Erica Weiner looked to be very promising." He kissed my hand. "I'm just as anxious to get a ring on you as well. I don't want anyone to take you from me again. Our fathers have no bearing on our choices, and I want to prove that to them. You're all mine, Hannah, and I'm never giving you up."

  I tried to act casual, but I was losing the battle. I did my best not to bounce in the cab seat, but it wasn't working. When the cabby pulled up outside the shop, he gave me a knowing grin. "Now I get it." He gave me a wink and took William's money.

  "Look around, see if anything catches your eye. If you don't like anything here, I'll find another shop. I don't want to wait any longer. We’re getting your ring today, even if we have to travel out of state." He was so determined, and it made me love him even more.

  Thankfully, we didn't have to travel out of state. The selection was wide, and when my eyes landed on the ring, I knew it had to be mine. I pointed it out, and by the size of the grin on William's face, I had to assume I’d made a good choice.

  He launched right into an assessment of it. "It's a c1925 platinum ring. It looks to be a hybrid of Edwardian and Art Deco styles. Am I right?" he asked the sales lady. She perked up and started talking to him about things I didn't fully understand. They lost me at Spartan Deco lines and curving filigree.

  "The airy touch to the setting makes it slightly unusual for the era. It's a very good pick," the sales lady finally addressed me.

  I just smiled and nodded. I didn't think she’d appreciate my reply of, "It's very pretty."

  "You know your stuff. I think I have something else you might appreciate." She led William down to a different case and pulled out another ring. I wondered if I should’ve picked it by the way William's eyes lit up. The woman started to tell him about the ring, and he quickly took a picture of it.

  "Do you mind if I make a few calls?" he asked her excitedly and ran out of the building. I walked over and looked at the rough-hewn ring. I could only guess it looked like that because it was so old.

  The sales lady decided to tell me about it. "It's from c1780, the Georgian era. It's very difficult to find intact pieces, since it was common for people to take apart and reassemble their jewelry to keep up on the latest trends."

  "I wonder if he'd rather I pick this piece."

  "Oh no, honey, this is a very difficult piece to care for. You can't get it wet. Daily wear like a wedding ring would most likely ruin it. You did very well with your pick, beautiful and sturdy, with a bit of history of its own."

  William came rushing in, holding up a credit card. "My boss would like the ring. Please have it wrapped up. It's wonderful that I can reaffirm my push for our expanding to the states. I'm William Greyson, by the way. My associate has been looking into your shop. We like what we see. I hope to be in touch with you again soon."

  The 1780's ring was readied for shipment back to London, and my ring was passed over to William. He had a giddy grin, as he examined it closer. "It's magnificent, beautiful. You did very well." He pulled me in for a kiss and then dropped down on one knee. "Beautiful, will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

  His sweet, hopeful smile made my insides jump. I nodded yes fervently, and
the sales lady took a couple of pictures of us together.

  We came home, just as Shawna was signing for an overnight envelope. It was addressed to me, and when I saw it was from the lab, I waved it happily. "We got the results. We can get Penny’s birth certificate in order now."

  Brody actually snatched it out of my hand and opened it. I punched his shoulder, but it didn't faze him. "Congrats, man, it’s official, you’re Penelope's dad."

  "Give me that," I took it back.

  Brody patted William's shoulder. "I was just making sure. You understand, don't you, William?"

  William pulled me into his arms and kissed me. "Yes, I do."

  Penelope stood with her hands on her hips and kicked Brody’s shin. "I told you he was my daddy."

  "Penelope!" I scolded, and she pouted. Brody picked her up, giving her a noogie and called it even.

  "It's Marvin’s morning," Shawna grimaced. "I’d stay, but I have errands I didn't get done the other day." She glanced at Brody and William. "You'll be fine with them here, right?"

  She knew I didn't like being alone with Marvin. He was an excellent regular customer, but we did our best not to be alone with him in the store. He gave her the creeps, too.

  "Yeah, I'll be fine, Shawna. Have a good day."

  Penelope had carted William upstairs, I was sure to play, and Brody followed, ever watchful. I ended up alone in the store, when Marvin made his visit. "Good day, Ms. Hannah." I’d never told him my name, but I assumed he’d picked it up from the others around me.

  "Mr. Marvin, it's so good to see you. Do you have something in mind today?"

  He gave me a wide grin. "No, not today. I thought I’d just browse. You get your new graphic novels in on Thursday. I'll be back then to get myself a fresh copy."

  "Of course, we appreciate your patronage."

  He gave me another creepy smile and nodded at me, before disappearing down the aisle. I heard the guys laughing upstairs and felt a little relieved. If I could hear them, I was sure they could hear me if something happened.

  Marvin came to the register and glared at the ceiling. "It sounds like you have company."

  "I have family visiting from out of town."

  He gave me a tight smile and a nod.

  I was in the process of bagging Marvin's book on "intimate massages," doing my best not to cringe in disgust, when William came tromping down the stairs with a big grin.

  "Brody suggested we order some American pizza for dinner. Is that alright with you, then?" He walked over, kissed my cheek and wrapped his arm around me. Marvin's eyes narrowed, and I quickly passed him his book. "Thank you again, Mr. Marvin, for coming in. Will I still see you on Thursday?" I asked politely. I really didn't want to be on this guy's bad side.

  He nodded yes at me. "Of course, Ms. Hannah."

  I let out a relieved breath, when the door shut behind him.

  I looked up at William to see his eyes were following Marvin, as he moved across the street and down the sidewalk. "Who was that wanker?"

  "That's Marvin, he’s a regular customer. He buys something every week. He comes in every few days."

  "I don't like him. He seems familiar, and not in a good way."

  "He gives Shawna the creeps, too. We try not to be in the store alone when he shows up. He has a couple of set days, but other times, he just pops in unexpectedly."

  "I don't think you should serve him anymore, Hannah."

  "He's never done anything untoward, other than give us the creeps. He doesn't harass us, so there's no reason to kick him out of the store. He's a good customer."

  William stepped out the door and walked a few block in the direction Marvin had left in. I really hoped he wouldn't start any trouble.

  I picked up the phone and ordered pizza like William had suggested. I watched the door, worried that William would be the one to disappear on me. I went as far as to step out on the sidewalk and look down the block. I smiled when I saw his auburn head bopping back in my direction. That was until his face came into focus, and I saw the scowl. He looked furious, and I couldn’t understand why he’d be so mad at me. I realized it was not me he was glaring at, but the person behind me.

  "Hannah, I think it's time for you to finally come home," I heard my father demand sternly.

  Chapter 14 – Goin’ to the…Castle?


  My father stepped into the store, completely oblivious to William’s charging form. He didn’t get two words out, before William yoked him up, slamming him against the end of a bookshelf. If he’d hit the front of it, I was sure the entire shelving system in the store would’ve been tipped over like dominos. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case.

  “You selfish bastard!” William shouted at the top of his lungs. “You stole my child, my wife. I’m going to kill you!”

  Brody rushed down the stairs and pulled William off of my dad, and we both stepped between the two.

  I was barely holding William back as he yelled, “You’re completely delusional! You’ll never come near my family again!”

  “As long as you stay away from my family…” My father wasn’t able to finish. William lunged at him, but I held him back. “I won’t let my daughter fraternize with people who think she’s a cheap whore!”

  William got passed me at that and decked my father, knocking him to the ground.

  “Do you see what he’s capable of?” my dad pointed, acting the victim. “His family did this. He got you pregnant, and they did everything they could to brush it under the carpet!”

  It took Brody and me both holding William back to keep him off of my father. “I’d never do that!” William was livid at the suggestion, and so was I.

  “It was his family who put you in the hospital, Hannah. His father all but admitted it. He said you were fine, well off and would surface when you were ready.”

  “Get out!” I ordered. “I told you I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want you here. You need to get out, before I have you arrested for trespassing!”

  “You’re being ridiculous and immature…” he retorted. I was already sick of his voice. I grabbed his arm, dragging him to the door. I gave him a shove out of it and locked the door behind him. From Brody’s strong grip, William’s furious eyes stayed on my father, watching him through the window. I had no doubt that if he got away from Brody, he’d go after my dad and do some real damage.

  Once my dad was out of sight, Brody still hadn’t released William. I rushed over and tried to pry his arms away. “Hannah, what the hell are you doing with this guy? He totally flew off the handle with Scott. I thought I was here to keep the peace and get Scott to leave.”

  “It’s not that simple, Brody. I’m not sorry for what happened to him. He deserved everything William gave him and more.”

  Brody finally let go of William, stepping back cautiously. William scooped me up in his arms, squeezing me tight. I wiggled my arms free, so I could wrap them around him as well. He cried into my neck, and Brody just stood there dumbfounded.

  “I don’t know if I feel safe leaving you with this guy.”

  “Lisa’s pregnant, right?” His eyes looked over at William, and he nodded silently, like he was afraid to admit it in front of William. “Now imagine that your father-in-law didn’t like you, so much so that he took Lisa away from you, baby and all, not letting her contact you in any way. Then you hear that she’s dead. Your child and your wife are dead, Brody. How are you going to handle it? William had to deal with that for seven years!” I snapped. It was William’s turn to comfort me. Once I was settled down, I continued.

  “You’ve missed the birth of your child, all of their milestones, like first steps, first words, first day of kindergarten, and then you find out, after seven years, that your wife and baby have been alive the whole time. They had no idea who you were, because they had been hurt and didn’t remember you. What if there was no way in hell your father-in-law would ever help her remember you ever existed. He didn’t want her to remember, or for you to
ever be a part of their lives, and not for any good reason.

  “You’d never hurt her. He just didn’t like that you lived far away. He wasn’t going to give her up, because you lived somewhere he considered to be out of his reach. Lisa’s from Georgia, isn’t she? That’s not so farfetched. What if her dad decided he didn’t want his grandchild to be raised in Nevada amongst those ‘gambling heathens’ out there? What if he decided you weren’t good enough for her, because you’re from someplace he doesn’t approve of. HE decides you’re not good enough for her, Brody. He doesn’t believe that you deserve to keep Lisa and your baby, so he does everything in his power to keep them from you.”

  “That’s not…”

  “That’s exactly what happened to us. My dad didn’t like William because of where he lived. He heard we were moving and seized the opportunity to keep me here, when I couldn’t remember who William was. He’d rather Penelope grow up without a father, than let us know who William was. He didn’t care that I didn’t date or want anyone else for seven years, Brody. I might not have remembered him, but my heart did. I never got over him. My dad didn’t care that I’d be alone for the rest of my life. He knew I didn’t want anyone else, because of William, and he didn’t care!” I shouted. William held me closer, trying to calm me.

  “He knew William loved me and was looking for me, but he did everything in his power to keep me from him, and he let him believe I was dead. William’s missed the first six years of his daughter’s life, Brody. If he didn’t hit my father, then I would’ve.

  “He’s not welcome in my home anymore, especially since he still holds the belief that William shouldn’t be in mine and Penelope’s lives. He knows we love him, but still he doesn’t care how much it’d hurt us. No, the only reason I held William back was so he didn’t end up in jail for murder, because I don’t want him taken from me again.”

  “It was grandpa?” we heard little Penelope’s voice say from the stairs.


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