Beauty and the Billionaire Boss: A Bad Boy Romance

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Beauty and the Billionaire Boss: A Bad Boy Romance Page 6

by Elliot, Nicole

"You did check the weather forecast, didn´t you, Ms. Matthews?"

  "Of course I did,” Kaylee responded, while he stood at the car, opening the door for Kaylee to enter.

  "I mean, you’re dressed like you’re going to the Bahamas, not London."

  He slammed the door shut, and walked around to the other side of the car. Kaylee sat there looking at her white pencil skirt and slightly heeled sandals. She had checked the forecast several times and it all said that it would be slighty warm. Kaylee thought she could get away with skirts and blouses but accourding to Jackson she apparently couldn’t.

  Kaylee had asked Beth what she should pack, but her roommate had been no help. Kaylee was too busy trying to look decent on her limited closet now, and now she just feel like a fool.

  "You really need to do some shopping, before we even get on that plane."

  Then, he continued to do what he was so good at doing: shifting and messing around with his iPad, like his life depended on it. Kaylee just sat and sulked, hoping that Jackson would not be sitting next to her on the plane. She couldn’t think of anything worse.



  “I’m sorry.” Jackson said sheepishly.

  “What?” Kaylee asked when we arrived at the store and the driver opened the car door for her to exit the car.

  As he stood by her side, he went on further. “You only found out this morning that we were going to London and it was insensitive of me to make such comments. I’m sorry,” he said as he guided Kaylee into the store. Did I get an apology from Jackson? Wow, that was a first. Olivia had said that he was like a closed door, like Grayson. The thing was, Kaylee has seen Grayson open and she liked what she saw. She couldn’t say the same about Jackson, until now.

  “It´s okay, you’re right. I should have checked the forecast,” Kaylee said as she looked around the shop and saw that he had brought her to Gucci. Kaylee wanted to jump up and down with girlish excitement until it dawned on her to wonder who was going to pay for her shopping.

  As though he had read her mind, Jackson whispered in her ear, “by way of an apology. This is on me.”

  Kaylee wanted to ask if it was for real, but she couldn’t speak, and he nodded his head as he could see how excited she was about our little stopover before the airport. Hey, maybe the trip wasn’t going to be so bad after all.

  As Jackson and Kaylee left Gucci, Jackson a few thousand dollars lighter and Kaylee with a couple of winter coats, pants, and blouses, she felt like the world had been lifted off her shoulders. All the anxiety about the trip had been put aside. The funny thing was she revealed a secret to Jackson—that she’d never been shopping with a man. The guy had taste; he knew what to pick up before she did. He had no problem picking up clothes and deciding if they were a good fit. Kaylee laughed at thought of being with her father or even Adam in the same position and she could see both their faces squirming with the idea of doing such a thing.

  As they headed back to the limo, Kaylee and Jackson talked and really got along. She was seeing a whole new side of Jackson that she never thought she would like or even knew existed. Olivia knew someone in a nearby office that had been on a couple of dates with him and she was always telling her to lighten up on him because he was a nice guy, but then Olivia said that about everyone in the office, so Kaylee never believed her. But she had been right, Jackson was a bit of a comedian. He talked about all the different characters in the office and especially the men who drooled over her and felt the need to cast their eyes more on the bottom half of me while talking to me than on the top half.

  While Kaylee had thought that they had a flight to catch, she should have known that they would be taking a private jet. That explained why they were not making their way to JFK, but to a private hanger. When they took off, she found herself not only sitting next to Jackson, but alone with Jackson. Kaylee tried to hide her disappointment, but she could feel that it was all over her face.

  As a typical lightweight, after one hour in the air and Kaylee was sleeping like a baby in the leather lounge seats. They were comfortable beyond belief, and she couldn’t help but let her body completely relax into them. She woke up to Jackson lightly nudging her to get up. He had stayed up the whole time and was repeating all the noises and sounds she’d made while sleeping. It was a good thing that he didn’t ask what she was dreaming about, although she sensed that he had guessed that she was dreaming about Grayson. Damn, she could never get that man off her mind.



  As they drove down the busy streets, Jackson drove on the left-hand side with ease. They would not go into the office in London until Friday. Then, Monday night they were flying back home again. Kaylee looked at the narrow streets and the antique buildings with sleepy eyes. Part of her wanted to learn as much as she could about the place, but Jackson was back to being business like and briefing her on all the meetings and the agenda for their trip.

  Kaylee listened partially to Jackson ramble on and on. She had already gone through the schedule several times and knew it like the back of her hand. On Wednesday, she would have to do a presentation for the London office—the same one she had done back in New York on the reporting tool that she had developed. It made Kaylee feel proud. Beth was right, she was valued as an employee. She was going to be training the key staff in the company. The rest of the week would be filled with meetings until we were free to do as they pleased on the weekend. Grayson, would be stuck in meetings the whole time they were there, even over the weekend, but Kaylee was excited to go around and see London. Even if it was by herself.

  After Jackson and Kaylee arrived at the Dorchester Hotel, Kaylee wondered when Grayson was going to arrive, and if he was already there. Kaylee was instructed to go to her room, shower, and refresh because they had a luncheon at twelve. She had twenty minutes.

  From the outside, the hotel didn’t look as impressive as she thought it would, but as she entered her suite and saw the views, her whole mood changed. Everything was amazing, the silk sheets, to the window seating which overlooked Hyde Park. All she could do was run around the room taking in every inch of it. It was all breathtaking.

  Kaylee had never stayed in anything so exclusive and lush. It just felt divine, and the three days whizzed by as she went around town with Jackson. He decided to show her the real London at night. They hung around Camden gardens, shopping. Kaylee bought a few little souvenirs, as she was under strict instructions to bring them back by Olivia and Beth. Kaylee tried not to think about the fact that Grayson still hadn’t shown until they ended up at the Jazz Café and Jackson said quietly.

  “He’s not going to turn up here.”

  “What?” She could barely hear herself think let alone hear what he was saying.

  “Grayson, he’s not here.”

  “Okay.” It was clearly not the place to have that conversation, so she thought she would save it for the walk back to the hotel.

  * * *

  “Jackson, why did you tell me that Grayson wasn’t here?”

  “Because you were looking around… I thought you would be looking for him.”

  Kaylee stopped and looked at him. She dropped her arm out of his and looked up into his brown eyes. She was exhausted from the time difference. Jet lagged, horny, and tipsy is not the best combination to have any type of conversation.

  “You´re on edge whenever he is around and when he’s not around, you’re constantly looking for him. Can I ask you a personal question?” Kaylee nodded, unsure of where this was heading.

  “Did you dress for Grayson?” Kaylee couldn’t answer because she truly did not know how. Jackson luckily took the hint and dropped the subject. He took Kaylee’s arm and continued to walk, aware of how embarrassed she was about the whole situation. The mood changed and they walked in silence. Kaylee didn’t feel like talking, especially in this state. As she entered her suite, he said, “Grayson would notice you if you had a black bag over your head. The only problem is, he’s your boss
and he knows it, and you need to too.”



  That evening, after Jackson and Kaylee had finished prepping for Grayson to arrive, Kaylee walked back into her hotel room with a slight sense of regret. What had I gotten myself into? Jackson was right. Grayson was her boss, and we both needed to realize what it meant if they actually continued the relationship as it was.

  Kaylee walked up to her large king bed and fell backwards onto it. She turned to look out the window and took in the London skyline. I could get used to this life. But was she getting used to the benefits of the job like the new clothes and this trip? Or was it all about Grayson?

  Kaylee’s phone beeped loudly, and she felt her heart flitter slightly when she saw Grayson’s name on her screen.

  I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

  She wanted to respond but she quickly stopped herself. She placed her phone back on the nightstand and let her body melt back into the pillows around her. Ever since she had met Grayson Owens, she had felt something inside of her change. That shy girl that always kept her nose in a book was starting to break out her shell, and she realized she actually liked it. Kaylee couldn’t tell at this moment if the confidence she had gained was from being with Grayson, or if it was her finally starting to be free from all the expectations of her small town. Either way she had changed from what she was before she arrived in New York, and she knew that she did not want those changes to stop.

  Kaylee’s phone beeped again and she knew it was Grayson. A pit started to form in her stomach. Above all else, she had to keep her job. If she lost it, her mother would force her on next bus back to Louisiana. It wouldn’t matter that she could probably find another job fairly quickly. Her mother would do anything to bring her back home. Jackson seemed to think that keeping my job meant ending thing with Grayson even if he didn’t state it directly. From his point of view, especially with the whole Emma situation, Kaylee could see why he would think that. But did it really have to be that way? Couldn’t she have Grayson and also the job?

  Kaylee let out a long sigh. Who was she kidding? She didn’t even know if Grayson wanted her as more than just someone to hook up with. They hadn’t gotten to that point of discussing where they actually stood in that regard. For all she knew, she was just another disposable conquest. Did Grayson mean something more to her though? Kaylee thought back to the times she spent with him and it all seemed so physical. Being with Grayson like that was amazing, but did she want it to develop into something more?

  Kaylee’s thoughts drifted from Grayson to Adam. Adam was her first love, even if things did end badly. She knew deep down that she did truly love Adam at one point, but she also knew that finding out what she wanted out of life was more important. As much as Kaylee hated to admit it, a small miniscule part of her missed what Adam and she had once had. Kaylee missed those longing glances that they would give one another. She missed the butterflies she got in her stomach when Adam took her out on her first date.

  Now that Kaylee thought more about it, it became clear that she wasn’t actually missing Adam himself, but how being in love made had made her feel. Kaylee wanted that feeling with someone she truly loved. Could that someone be Grayson?

  The loud beep of her phone pulled Kaylee from her thoughts. She reached back over to the nightstand and swiped the lock screen to see the message. She had two messages. One was from Grayson and the other made her stomach drop. The other message was from Adam.

  Why the hell was Adam messaging her? It had been almost 2 months since she had moved to New York and well over three since she ended things with him.

  I need to see you again. Things just haven’t been right since you have been gone.

  Kaylee quickly shut off her phone. There was no way that she would go down that rabbit hole with Adam right now. She just didn’t have the energy to fight with him again. Since she had ended things, Adam had randomly tried to reach out. For days after their breakup he would call and try to talk sense into her.

  “Kaylee you are just going through a phase,” he would say. Or, “Kaylee, think about what you’re really loosing.”

  Kaylee would always tell him that she knew exactly what she was doing and it never was a phase. That Kaylee was sure of because the moment she ended things with him this impending sense of dread was finally lifted from her shoulders. Adam was meant to be her first love, but not her last. He was great for what he was in high school, but once Kaylee saw how controlling he was and that there was a whole world outside of her small town, she realized that she just wasn’t the one for him.

  Grayson was exactly what Kaylee wanted. Not only was he unbelievably hot, he provided the adventure that she was craving. As much as she wanted to deny it due to the fear of losing her job, there was an unmistakable connection that Kaylee felt between her and Grayson when they were together. If he felt the same way, then he might be worth losing her job for.

  Kaylee reached over to her phone with butterflies erupting in her stomach. She opened up her messages, and deleted Adam’s and opened Grayson’s.

  I can’t wait to see you either.

  Kaylee put down her phone with a smile on her face, and let her body slowly fall asleep to dreams of Grayson’s body on top of her own.

  * * *

  Kaylee woke up in a daze. She was lying on a bed, but she wasn’t sure where.

  Am I still in my hotel room? Are we still in London? Kaylee wondered.

  Kaylee raised her head. Her hands were stretched over Grayson’s body. Did he come in late last night? Grayson was sleeping soundly next to her so she let her head fall back into the pillow and she searched her thoughts on what happened last night. It all felt like such a dream.

  “Kaylee… if I don’t stop now, I won’t be able to stop myself from…” Grayson looked at Kaylee intently with eyes full of lust.

  “Who asked you to stop?” Kaylee found herself saying it with an almost commanding voice. She felt like there was another person inside of her waiting to break out and ride Grayson right on the balcony of the hotel suite. Grayson took her dress straps in his hands completely ripped it down the front, baring her breasts and hard nipples. Kaylee gasped sharply and backed up, catching herself against the balcony railing. Grayson promptly tore off his shirt in a similar manner. His face was filled with determination and raw desire.

  Kaylee noticed that she was trembling. Not because she was scared or shocked, but because she had become so aroused. Kaylee put her arms down and let her ripped dress fall through the cracks of the railing down into the street. When she looked back up, Grayson locked his lips with hers while pressing his body against her breasts. The support from her own legs fluttered away, much like the blouse in the dark night. Grayson was in total control of Kaylee, and she gave in to her desires.

  He picked Kaylee up and tucked her legs around his waist. Turning her around, Grayson pushed her up against the exterior walls of the balcony. He moved his lips down to her neck and consumed it with firm kisses. Grayson moaned in delight, which made her panties soaked through. Using his right hand, he grabbed her left breast hard, and pinched her nipple. It was exactly what Kaylee wanted. Heat rippled through her body as she became more turned on.

  Grayson lifted Kaylee down from the wall effortlessly over onto the balcony recliner. He kissed down her breasts and caressed and sucked on her eager nipples. Kaylee let out a lengthy moan as the pleasure traversed her body. He noticed her trembling and yanked her thong off. He pushed her legs apart and moved his head downward. With a moan, Grayson stuck his tongue out and began to tend to her wet core.

  He knew what he was doing. Kaylee got goosebumps as he slowly moved his tongue upwards towards her clit. When he reached it, he closed his mouth and sucked generously, letting out slight growls. The animalistic noises vibrated through her and up her body.

  “Grayson!” Kaylee shrieked. She stared down at him and he looked up with a devilish smile before he continued to devour her. With every lick, she became
wetter. With ever suckle, she became weaker. Then he slipped his finger into her. One finger. Two fingers. She melted into the recliner and moaned. He curved his fingers up and pressed on the interior of her walls. She arched my back upwards and breathed sharply to get him closer to her g-spot.

  “Stand up,” Grayson demanded. She needed him inside of her. Kaylee unbuckled his large belt and pulled down his pants to reveal his throbbing cock. She took it with her hands, looked up at his focused gaze and licked the pre-cum off the head. His body pulsed. Running her right hand down his abdomen, she took the cock in her mouth, methodically sucking and licking to get it extra hard. Pushing it deep in her throat, he grabbed her head in pleasure and she could see him tilt his head up. Kaylee sucked hard on the head of his cock.

  As she began to caress his balls with her tongue, he pulled Kaylee up and placed her against the railing facing the city. She looked over to the next building to see lights in apartments, anyone could see them, but she didn’t care.

  Grayson grunted as he prepared her by spreading her legs with his knee. He slipped his cock against my clit and Kaylee would have almost keeled over, if it weren’t for his strong arms supporting her body. After teasing her a few times, he finally pushed his hard cock inside her and euphoria flowed through her body. He pumped rhythmically in and out, getting faster and harder with every thrust. Kaylee closed her eyes and she could feel every inch of his cock touching every millimeter on the inside of her. He started pumping faster and faster and Kaylee took it all in.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Kaylee screamed out to the city lights.

  She never been this vocal before, but for some reason the pleasure penetrated her that much stronger when she screamed. Even more when she screamed his name “Grayson. Yes. Grayson!”


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