the Miracle Strain (aka The Messiah Code) (1997)

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the Miracle Strain (aka The Messiah Code) (1997) Page 18

by Cordy, Michael

  When the engine eventually died he was struck by the lack of sound. Apart from the whisper of the dry wind and the occasional exchange among his escorts, there was no noise at all. No traffic. No distant voices. Nothing. Only the sound of his own breathing and the shuffle of his blind footsteps on the sand. He felt very alone, but the hot air, sandy ground, and the hint of light through the thick blindfold encouraged him.

  Almost immediately he felt the sand beneath his feet give way to more solid terrain, and the heat of the sun left his back. He could sense from the new sound of his footsteps that he was entering a building of some kind. Arms pulled him forward, deeper into the coolness. Then, suddenly, they stopped him.

  "Steps. Be careful," commanded Helix's voice to his right.

  Gingerly, taking his weight on his good leg, he extended his right foot into space and then lowered it. The next step was so deep down that for a heart-stopping moment he thought he was at the edge of an abyss. Then just as he began to lose his balance his foot finally came to rest on hard stone. He had never encountered stairs so large before. He descended lower and lower, gripping the rope of the handrail to keep from falling.

  Suddenly the obvious thought intruded on his conscious ness: If you're still alive. Then they must be genuine. They mighthave what you seek.

  Excitement surged through him then, and as he went deeper and deeper down the huge spiral stairwell his fear melted away, replaced by an almost intolerable sense of anticipation.

  When he eventually reached the bottom, his escorts made him stoop and led him briskly along what sounded like a narrow corridor. He banged his head on the low ceiling, and his now hypersensitive ears were almost deafened by the concentrated, reverberating sounds of their feet clicking on the hard floor.

  Then, like the babble of a rushing river dissipating into a great lake, he heard the clattering echoes of their footsteps soften and deepen as the narrow corridor entered a larger space.

  Abruptly he was pulled back, his pace slowed to a gentle walk. To Tom's nose this place smelled like the churches he'd visited in his childhood, all dry dust and old religion. The smell of incense wasn't overpowering but it was in the air with the pungent smoke of candle wax. However, it was the acoustics of the place that were most remarkable. The hollow silence all around him seemed a palpable living thing. And he found himself treading quietly to avoid the echo of any loud noise he might make being thrown back at his sensitive ears.

  Eventually he was pulled to a halt and was beginning to relax when a strong hand suddenly clasped his shoulder. Then he felt the icy caress of steel graze the back of his neck.

  Chapter Sixteen.

  Southern Jordan

  Maria Benariac smiled as she shifted down a gear on the rented Range Rover. The vast desert landscape all around her was silent, uncorrupted by any semblance of life. Cruising this ocean of sand in her air-conditioned cocoon, she felt a deep sense of peace. Far in the distance she could just make out the five pillars of rock, rising up from the desert like the upended prows of sinking ships. Ever since that dark night three days ago when she had decided to visit the Father, she had felt so positive. She wondered now why she hadn't thought of visiting him earlier.

  She had been to the Cave of the Sacred Light a few times before, but never unannounced. However, since today was a scheduled meeting of Ezekiel and his two most senior lieutenants, she knew he would be there. After meeting with him she was sure she could get the decision on Dr. Carter reversed.

  The sun was high in a sky of cobalt blue, and as the car carried her across the roadless plain she allowed her thoughts to wander. In her mind she was the prodigal daughter returning to the bosom of the Father, and she realized how much she looked forward to seeing him again. She hadn't spoken to Father Ezekiel face to face for almost five months, and couldn't wait to see his expression when he learned of her surprise visit. Yes, she felt confident he would be happy to see her and that he would endorse her right to complete her task. Had he not always told her that she was a natural Nemesis?--that no one else had her talent and dedication for the Righteous Cleansing? She smiled as she cast her mind back to that first kill, the one that brought her to his attention.

  The fifteen-year-old Maria Benariac does not take the decisionto kill Father Angelo lightly but it surprises her how soon the idealopportunity presents itself.

  Her decision is triggered by two events. One is the suicide ofSister Delphine, a young novice at the orphanage, and the otheris the third time Father Angelo rapes her.

  After the first rape he insists on giving her "counseling" sessionswhenever he visits the orphanage. The blinkered, sycophanticMother Clemenza makes Maria attend them, of course, telling hershe should be grateful for all the time and trouble the great manis taking with her development.

  Maria tries to hide when he visits the second time, but he seeksher out and during the session rapes her again, only this timeeven more violently than the first. She thinks of showing herbruises to Mother Clemenza afterward but knows it will do nogood.

  The third time he ties her up when she struggles, then makesher perform oral sex on him before sodomizing her. And as hethrusts into her he tells her to never forget she is powerless againsthim--that she is his slave and should accept it. Afterward heboasts that she isn't the only one--that he even uses some of theyounger nuns for his pleasure.

  Ten days later Sister Delphine is found hanging from the beamabove her bed. She is four months pregnant and cannot live withher shame. No one has any idea who the father could be.

  Except Maria.

  She realizes then that unless she wants to end up the same wayshe will have to kill Father Angelo. She has no other place to go. And she will have to do it in a way that brings none of the blame back to her. She has had enough of beingpunished.

  When Father Angelo comes to the orphanage two weeks latershe feigns complete subservience--a child broken to his will. Andwhen he tells her quietly that he is staying in Calvi that night andhas arranged for her to secretly visit his hotel room, she acceptswithout argument.

  He smiles at her new compliance and when he leaves, handsher a key to his hotel and a hundred francs. "If you leave aftermidnight and take a taxi into town no one will be the wiser. Usethe side door to the hotel so you aren't seen. I'll make sure you'reback here by dawn."

  Maria pockets the money but has no intention of taking a taxi. That afternoon she goes to the kitchen to empty the bins as usual,and leaves with the biggest knife she can find hidden under herskirts. Then she goes to the laundry and takes a set of soiledclothes from the large pile of dirty laundry she's responsible forwashing the next morning. Finally she goes to the bicycle shed,takes out Mother Clemenza's bike, and hides it in the thick bushesby the main gates.

  The rest of the day she busies herself in her chores, trying todistract herself from what she has planned to do. She wishes shehad friends to talk to, but the other girls have always regardedher as difficult and she has been branded an outcast. When sheeventually goes to bed she lies there trembling with fear and excitement. There is no danger of her falling asleep before the allottedhour.

  Father Angelo deserves to die, she's sure of that. He must bestopped before he hurts anybody else--or before he kills her. Hewears the clothes of God, but acts like a servant of the devil. Godwants her to kill him. She is God's instrument and will be avenging her Lord as well as herself. What she plans to do is a goodand righteous thing.

  She waits till thirty-five minutes past midnight before makingher move. The whole building is fast asleep when she creeps outof her dormitory wearing the soiled set of clothes, and carryingher clean ones in a plastic bag. It is simple to steal out of thebuilding and take the bike from its hiding place. The clear nightair is cool but she is sweat ing by the time she arrives near the marina. She parks the bikedown the road from the hotel, and covering her face in a scarf,walks into the hotel parking lot. Using the key, she enters the sidedoor.

  His room is on the first floor but she encounters
no other guestson the way. She is surprised at how calm she feels now she is hereand knows there is no going back. At the door to Father Angelo'sroom she knocks quietly. His pockmarked face appears almostimmediately, his eyes bright with lust. He does a quick look leftand right then pulls her into the room and closes the door.

  "I'm glad you came, my child," he says.

  She barely has time to take in the well-appointed room beforehe takes off his robes and stands before her, his penis angry anderect.

  Not bothering to undress her, he forces her to her knees andwith a groan moves her face toward his swollen member. "Payhomage to me," he says.

  Again she is amazed by how calm she feels. The terror she endured during the rapes has gone. Instead she feels in control--powerful. Looking up at him, she opens her mouth andmoves toward him. She watches him smile down at her from hislofty position as her right hand feels inside her waistband andpulls out the knife.

  She has thought about the blood and the noise and wants tominimize both. So when she does it she does it quickly. Even asher right hand severs his penis, her left hand reaches for the pillowon the bed and pushes it into Father Angelo's face to stifle hisscreams. But the screams don't come for many seconds. At firsthis face looks more surprised than pained--as if he can't believeanybody could do this to him.

  But then his legs buckle and as he reaches for his crotch shepushes him back on the bed. His eyes stare at her with uncomprehending horror. He tries to struggle and scream now but she jumpson him, pushing the cotton of the pillowcase deeper into his mouth,gagging him. Then she securely ties his hands together with thebedsheets, which are red with blood. Blood is everywhere but farfrom feeling disgust she feels a rush of heady exhilaration.

  Leaving him rocking on the bed in silent, impotent agony, shefeels around on the blood-slick carpet until she finds what she'slooking for. Then she climbs back on the bed and smiles into hertormentor's eyes. "Tell me," she demands. "Was Sister Delphineone of your slaves too? If you answer me honestly I will call thedoctor." She feels giddy with power as she waves his severed penisin front of his horrified eyes. "You can still save this. Did yourape her too?"

  He stares at the deflated, bloody slug nestling in the palm ofher hand.

  "Tell me! Nod for yes."

  Slowly he nods.

  "Good." She pulls the pillowcase out of his mouth, but as heopens his lips to scream she pushes his severed manhood into hismouth and stuffs the pillowcase back in after it. "Who's the slavenow?" she asks, looking into his protruding eyeballs, hearing himgag and splutter as he fights for breath.

  Calmly she watches his death throes, feeling a rush of satisfaction when his pupils flicker for the last time. Satisfied he's dead,she gets off the bed and using the bloody knife blade writes on thestill-white part of the bedsheets: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Then she takes off her bloody clothes, showers in the bathroom, cleans the knife, and puts on her clean set of clothing. Shebundles the bloody clothes back in the plastic bag. Maria takesone last look at the carnage, satisfied that justice has been done. Then, not bothering to close Father Angelo's staring eyes, sheleaves.

  It is only as she walks down the corridor that she sees the silhouette of a man waiting in the shadows by Father Angelo's room. She pulls the scarf tighter around her face and tries to ignore himas she flees from the hotel. But on the ride home she senses sheis being followed.

  Back at the orphanage she feels safe again. She has replacedthe knife and bike, put the blood-soaked clothes deep in the pileof laundry, and crept back into bed. She even thinks she may haveimagined the man in the shadows. She was only out of her bedfor fifty-five minutes. There is no way anyone can know she killed Father Angelo.

  But a week later, when Mother Clemenza summons her, Mariadiscovers she was wrong.

  The toad has been in a state of shock ever since Sister Delphinecommitted suicide and Father Angelo's body was discovered. Butthat doesn't explain the strange way she acts when Maria entersher study. The toad is warm, almost maternal. Maria can onlyassume it has something to do with the wizened man with blackeyes sitting opposite her in a dark suit. The toad smiles and gestures obsequiously to the small man.

  "Hello, Maria. You have a visitor." She says it as though Mariais so popular she has visitors all the time. "This gentleman wantsto talk to you."

  Maria's heart freezes. She can guess what the man wants totalk to her about. But what clue could she have left at the sceneto lead him to her? How could this man possibly know she killedFather Angelo?

  The toad suddenly stands and walks to the door of the study."Well, I'm sure you have lots to talk about. So I'll leave you."

  The man stands out of courtesy and says, "I would rather notbe disturbed." His voice makes the words sound like an order.

  Mother Clemenza wipes her palms on her robes and smilesnervously. "As you wish."

  Maria is amazed. Mother Clemenza has never vacated her studyfor anyone before--not even Father Angelo.

  When the toad has closed the door behind her the man introduces himself and gestures for her to sit behind the desk.

  "But that's the Mother Superior's chair."

  The black eyes wrinkle mischievously. "I won't tell her if youdon't."

  She smiles at him and begins to relax. Perhaps he's come aboutsomething else? Then just as she sits down he says the words thatmake her knees go weak.

  "Maria, I know you killed Father Angelo. One of my friendssaw you enter and leave his room at the time he was murdered."

  She slumps in the toad's chair and looks down at her feet. There's obviously no point in denying it. "He was evil. God wantedme to avenge him. He raped me three times and made Sister Delphine kill herself." She says the words automatically, knowingthey won't be believed.

  "I know," she hears him say. "Father Angelo was indeed an evilman who deserved to die."

  Stunned, she looks up and sees him smiling at her. It is a smileof affection and understanding--the kind a father might give anerrant daughter. She is surprised to feel a lump in her throat, andthe sting of tears behind her eyes.

  "Do you know why you have suffered, Maria?" he asks as if heknows all about her.

  Not trusting herself to speak, she just shakes her head.

  "Because you are special."



  "I don't understand."

  "God has singled you out to serve him. He has given you greatgifts: intelligence, beauty, and courage. But he also has given yougreat hardship to test you. Now that you have overcome thishardship it is time to prepare you for even greater work. Do youunderstand?"

  Maria looks into his dark eyes and nods slowly. She does understand. Everything suddenly falls into place. She was beingtested for greater things. Her God has marked her out and nowthis man will help guide her to her destiny.

  "You have talent and you have passion," he says, his smilecreasing his parchment skin. "And if you agree, I have arrangedto take you away from this place."

  Maria smiles. It is the easiest decision of her life.

  Just remembering Ezekiel's smile encouraged Maria as the car neared the five pillars of rock. Of course at the time she hadn't known that Sister Delphine was the niece of Brother Culas, a senior member of the Brotherhood. Or that the novice nun had written to her uncle explaining everything about Father Angelo before she had killed herself. It had been Maria's predecessor, the last Nemesis, who had been sent by the Brotherhood to do what she had already done, and it was he watching her leave Father Angelo's room. It was also Nemesis, nearing retirement, who had recommended the precocious fifteen-year-old killer as his successor. Ezekiel had then discovered the secrets of her life before making his approach.

  From that moment her life had changed. Five years in the training school run by Brother Bernard had followed, where she had been tutored in everything from languages, to righteous killing, to the lore and history of the Brotherhood. For the first time in her life she felt she belonged to a family and truly believ
ed in what she was doing. She still remembered the pride when after five years she had been taken to the Cave of the Sacred Light for her blooding ceremony. As Ezekiel had pierced her forearm with the ceremonial dagger she had felt no pain. Later that day he had praised her, calling her the most dedicated recruit in living memory.

  Two years later she was appointed the new Nemesis--and for the next thirteen years had enjoyed an incomparable record.

  Until Stockholm.

  Until Dr. Carter.

  She tensed her jaw as she quickly reminded herself that she would soon correct that. Ahead she could see a helicopter and two Land Rovers parked by the tallest rock. She drove up to the entrance of the cave. Two men were waiting there, watching her closely as she put a baseball cap on her shaved head. Cutting the engine, she opened the door and stepped out into the furnacefierce heat. She slammed the door to the Range Rover and walked straight for the two men.

  Just as the first man's mouth opened in challenge she extended her right hand. "May he be saved."

  His face relaxed and he gave a small nod, clasping her hand. Then he extended his other hand to meet her left, both handshakes now forming a cross. "So he may save the righteous."

  Two hundred feet below, Tom Carter's fear changed to relief when the knife blade moved from his neck to cut his blindfold. He turned, and as his eyes accustomed themselves to the golden light he saw Helix standing beside him, a knife in his hand and a small smile on his lips.


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