Invisible Crown

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Invisible Crown Page 6

by T. A. Hardenbrook

  “The whole night was over a dress?”

  “Well, yeah. I found my wedding dress, Reid. Most women spend weeks looking for it, and I managed to knock it out in a couple hours.” His reaction almost hurt my blackened heart. Finding the wedding dress was important for the whole shebang, considering I couldn’t walk down the aisle naked.

  “You found your wedding dress?” Reid’s eyes sparkled as a slight smile turned up in the corner of his lips.

  “Um….yeah. Danielle also forced me to buy a ‘I want you to screw me dress’, too, but that happened today and was only purchased in hopes of making the blow back from yesterday’s events a little easier to deal with.”

  “So, you’re saying you bought a dress, that would make me want to fuck you, and you didn’t wear it?” Reid stood up slowly from the other side of the island. Slowly, he sauntered over to my side and stopped just inches away from my heated body.

  Gulping down the urge to rip his clothes off that very second and do things to him that most women would blush and run the other way from, I forced my hands to remain on the counter as my insides were liquefied into a puddle soaking through the thin strap on my panties.

  “Yeah,” I managed to spit out.

  A lust developed in Reid’s eyes as he reached out and ran the tips of his fingers up the bare skin of my arms. Tingles shot through my body, but it was my mouth that betrayed my stoic pose. Gasping as his hand caressed the side of my face, Reid forcefully pulled me forward, tipping me off the stool, and colliding my weakened body into his chest.

  “Tell me about this dress,” Reid whispered in my ear, letting his lips linger on my lobes, causing my damn vagina to start throbbing like a left-handed base player.

  “It’s black,” I stammered as his other hand snaked under my tank top, letting the warmth of his hand splay across my already excited skin. Turning my body slightly, Reid forced me up against the back of the island, pinning me between the cool granite countertop and his heated, obviously excited body. His large frame towered over me, making me shudder at the thoughts of what was going to happen.

  “And……” His hand dropped slowly from my cheek and trailed down my neck to rest on my collar bone.

  “Uh…….it was tight.”

  Reid’s other hand quickly moved from the backside of me, to the button on my jeans, easily pushing the brass knob through the slit. His fingers snaked inside my pants, teasing the outside of my pantie.

  “Tight like this?” A low growl emerged from his lips as he forcefully pushed the thong aside and slipped two fingers into my throbbing lower region. My body clenched around his fingers, instantly buckling my knees as he began his assault on my body.

  There were no words that could be uttered from my lips at that moment, only a whimper in pleasure as my head dropped back and his lips found the heated skin of my neck. Not only were his fingers pleasuring the very zone that had been begging for some attention since he left me, but my skin was now flushed and tingly from the hot, wet kiss of his lips lingering all over my exposed upper body.

  I managed to step on the back of my heels and pull the shoes off my feet, kicking them a short distance out of the way. Reid’s hand shot out of my pants and instantly left a wet trail running up my body. Swiftly, he pulled down my tight jeans, leaving them in a pile on the floor.

  Grabbing the back of his t-shirt, I greedily yanked it above his head, and licked my lips as all of his glorious inked up skin was exposed for my viewing pleasure. Smirking at the half naked Reid, he smashed his lips into mine while lifting me effortlessly on the counter. Spreading my legs open wide, he settled between them while pulling off my tank top and bra.

  The granite counter was cold on my ass, but the heat pooling between my legs did the job for distracting my thoughts. All I wanted was to feel his lips on mine again, and the large member I knew he had hidden in those sweats of his needed to be inside me. I’d never been good at waiting, and this was about all the foreplay I could handle.

  “Fuck me, Reid,” I managed to say between heavy breaths, forcing myself forward a little while using my legs to pull on the elastic waist of his pants.

  “Impatient are we, Molly Anne,” Reid’s voice purred in my ears, his hands wandering all over my very naked body, teasing parts that wanted more attention than just the casual pass over.

  Hooking my toes on the inside of the waist band, I managed to push them down the rest of the way and scoot my body to the edge of the counter. I’d always loved tall guys, but having them at the perfect height for a little counter action was just about the sexiest thing I had experienced in a long ass time.

  There wasn’t another second that was wasted. His pants hit the floor, my ass moved to the edge of the counter, and the massive member I’d been craving so much for the last week made his presence known as he slipped himself inside me. Pleasure racked through my sweaty body while Reid pumped himself into me, over and over again.

  “Fuck, Molly, I’ve missed you.” Bracing his hands on either side of the counter, he pushed harder into my body, sending me into slight convulsions from the sheer bliss. I loved everything about this man.

  Bucking my hips harder into his pelvis, my head flew back in ecstasy just as a flash bounced off the large plate glass window in the kitchen.

  “What the fuck?” Reid shouted, jumping back from the counter, sending my throbbing vagina into small spasms.

  “What in the hell was that?” I finally managed to say, sliding my naked, empty self off the counter and looking out into the darkness.

  Another flash bounced off the center glass panel, and I watched Reid’s lustful eyes turn black in a matter of seconds. My hands instantly shot up to cover my girly knobs as Reid stormed to the back door.

  “Was that a photo flash?”

  “Get the fuck off my property!” Reid raged as he tossed open the back door in all his naked ass glory. Not only was I photographed leaving the club with Brantley last night, but now butt ass naked fucking Reid in his kitchen the next.

  “Tiny!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was pretty sure my life was a PR nightmare.

  Normally, one would think to cover up when there are flash bulbs going off outside your windows, and you are standing in the kitchen naked, screaming for a rather large man to come save the day while the person who was as equally naked as you had disappeared out the back door. But, I’d never really been ashamed with what the gods blessed me with, so there I continued to stand, screaming Tiny’s name.

  “What’s going on, Molly……oh shit.” Tiny exclaimed as he rushed into the kitchen, startled at my nakedness.

  “Someone’s outside taking pictures, and Reid ran after him,” I said quickly, pointing to the open back door.

  Tiny’s eyes grew wide in horror as he forced his attention to the open door, leaving me standing there in my birthday suit.

  “He doesn’t have any clothes on!” I shouted as Tiny flew out the door after Reid. Glancing around the room in a panic, I grabbed a blanket draped over the white leather couch, tightly tucking it under my arms. Heading outside to find both of the men probably wasn’t the best idea at the moment, but unfortunately, it was the only thing running through my mind.

  “Reid, Tiny?” I called out into the darkness. Tentatively taking a few steps out on the deck, I wandered down the steps and over to the sunken platform that wrapped around the side of the house. “Guys?”

  “Get inside, Molly Anne!” Reid suddenly barked at me, running at me in the darkness with one hand holding his junk.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Get inside, Molly.” Reid used his free hand to point to the door. Quickly, I turned and carefully bounded up the steps, making sure I didn’t step on the edge of the blanket and give whoever was still out there another viewing of my naked body. “Hurry it up,” Reid said from behind me, obviously very pissed off and irritated that I was outside with a blanket wrapped around me.

  “Did you catch him?” I asked while walking through th
e door. Reid stormed off around me, leaving me standing in the kitchen with my head cocked to the side. I guess finishing what we started earlier was out of the question now.

  It was a good thing the shower had several jets that I could reposition later. Photogs-two, Molly’s poor pathetic sex life-zero. This shit was getting really annoying.

  Chapter 9

  ‘Back that ass up’…..or maybe it’s more of a squat?

  I was totally unsure as what to do. My clothes laid in a pile on the floor by the island, but yet, I still stood in the living room wrapped up in the blanket. Reid had stormed out of the room moments earlier, and I had yet to hear or see Tiny. Either he was still outside running down the idiot that somehow managed to get past the gated security, or was digging a hole in the back to deposit the body. I knew the guys were smarter than actually killing the man, but the whole ‘shoot, shovel, and shut up’ scenario did play out in my mind a couple times.

  My phone screamed from the counter, startling me back from the horrible thoughts running through my head.

  “First, I really should scold you for picking up this call when one of your holes should be filled with Reid’s beef stick at the moment, but I’m also kinda glad you did. Please don’t tell me he is hitting you from behind, leaving your mouth free to talk with me?”

  Danielle’s crudeness didn’t even faze me tonight, considering my very naked self might be blurred out in certain sections for the world to see tomorrow if Tiny didn’t catch the bastard taking pictures tonight.

  “No, nothing is happening tonight. What’s up?” Bending down to pick up my clothes, I tucked them carefully under my free arm while still holding the blanket tight around me.

  “I’ve got a place on the pier tomorrow to check out, so I need like an hour of your time in the morning. So get all the humping done tonight, so we can see if you like the place and book the venue.”

  “I really don’t care, Danielle. If you think it will work for this shindig, then I’m sure it will be great.” Flicking on the bathroom light, I dropped the blanket and started to dress myself once again. Tonight had not gone in my favor whatsoever. Whatever god I pissed off the last couple days was sure taking its revenge on my personal life.

  “I’m glad you don’t care, because then it won’t be some totally messed up affair. But, I’m picking you up in the morning at ten. So, make sure you guys quit humping like rabbits in time to at least shower. You know my nose is sensitive to the whole sex smell thing.”

  “You’re insane,” I grumbled as a knock on the door came. Setting the phone down on the counter, I quickly yanked my tank top over my head, minus my bra still lying on the floor. Opening the door slightly, I noticed a fully clothed Reid standing in the hallway with his arms tensed across his chest.

  “Please shower in the morning so my car doesn’t smell like sex!” Danielle yelled through the phone before I had a chance to end the call.

  “Danielle,” I sheepishly said, giving Reid a weak smile and nervously wiggling the screen at him.

  “Tiny has the camera and the memory card.” His tone was short and clipped. I knew instantly that the sweet, romantic, loving Reid was gone for the evening. Now, he was replaced with the sullen, moody rock star Reid, who loved to make everyone’s life around him miserable.

  “That’s good,” I said quickly, snatching my bra off the ground and opening the door wider to exit the bathroom. With his attitude the way it was, the only logical thing would be to go to bed, and hopefully wake up in the morning with the Reid I enjoyed a hell of a lot more than what was standing in front of me.

  “You’ve got to be more careful, Molly Anne,” Reid commented as I walked past him for the stairs.

  Whirling around, my eyebrows raised in amusement. “Me? How in the hell is tonight my fault, Reid?” Leave it to that man to blame the paparazzi sneaking on to his property tonight because of something that I did.

  “They wouldn’t have cared to get the shots of us tonight if you hadn’t had your ass splayed across the damn tabloids this morning. They came here looking for you, Molly Anne.” Reid’s hands instantly shot up into his hair, tossing his perfectly styled shaggy hair into a frenzy of disaster.

  “Reid, I said I was sorry. What more can I possibly fucking do? Do you want me to get on my knees and beg for your forgiveness, because I’m sorry, darling, that is not going to happen. It was a mistake, Reid. A stupid, fucking, mistake.” I noticed Tiny starting to come around the hallway corner, but as quickly as the man appeared, he disappeared back into the darkness. Only an idiot would willingly come between Reid and me. “I’m not doing this with you tonight.” Storming down the hallway to the front door, I refused to stay there another minute.

  “Just fucking stop, Molly Ann!” Reid called out after me.

  “I’ll admit that what I did lacked better judgment, but at least I’m not the center of a pregnancy scandal…….oh wait, I am. I’m marring the guy who got a stupid chick supposedly knocked up and is the hurtful bitch driving them apart.” My body froze in the hallway; the words that spilled from my spiteful lips should have never been said.

  The sound of glass breaking behind me made my cringe, knowing damn well Reid’s hand was probably bleeding. Keeping my mouth shut was really something I needed to work on.

  “I’m sorry,” I squeaked out, slowly turning around. Reid’s eyes held a fire to them that I knew wasn’t going to be easy to distinguish. Sheer stupidity leaked from my mouth when I got heated, and everything that had happened in the last twenty four hours had me seriously thinking of committing myself for inpatient therapy.

  Biting the side of my lip, my insides hurt as I watched the blood trickle down Reid’s knuckles. I’ve caused this, I’ve caused all of this.

  “Molly Anne,” Reid whispered. My lips started to tremble, and in three swift steps, his arms were tightly locked around my body. “I’m sorry,” he whispered in my hair.

  Tears once again spilled from my eyes as I tried to push myself deeper into his embrace. We might be oil and water when we were together, but damn it if that mattered to anyone else in the world. There was so much shit we were going to be dealing with in the next couple weeks, that the least of our problems would be my ass on a cover and a couple naked pictures in the kitchen.


  It’s amazing how easy it is for one to get lost in love. The world could be coming apart at the seams all around you, but, the stupid thing called love grabs hold of every fiber in your happy heart, rose colored glasses, skipping hand in hand adoring soul and basically makes a wash of everything else. I’d been photographed with my ex, followed by the paparazzi for an entire day, and then almost had our very first sex tape published all within forty eight, and it didn’t even bother me the slightest. Having the ability to fall asleep next to the one you love, was something that I refused to take for granted.

  “Morning,” Reid’s gruff voice said softly in my ear, sending the most wonderful chills down my body. The light was spilling full force into his bedroom, causing me to squint my eyes and snuggle deeper into his warm embrace.

  “Morning,” I replied while trying to clear my throat.

  “So, tell me about this dress.”

  Resting his chin in the crook of my neck, I couldn’t help but smile at his interest in the wedding. Men like Reid didn’t get married. They found their old ladies, kept them happy, and then took a little side piece on the road. Now, I didn’t consider myself an old lady, even if I got tagged with that title from the rest of the band, but I knew Reid wasn’t out searching to fill the side spot. Reid and I had something different than the rest of the rock and roll world. I made him a little more human, and he provided the stability that my life had been without for all those years. Not saying that we didn’t have our problems, but becoming Mrs. Chambers was probably the best thing in the entire world for both parties involved in this life altering love story.

  “Isn’t there some sort of tradition that you can’t see it till the wedding?” Giggl
ing, I turned around in his arms, and placed a kiss on the tip of his nose.

  “Did I ask you to show me, Molly Anne? No, I just wanted you to tell me about it.” Reid rolled his eyes and cracked his infamous half smile that melted even the coldest of hearts on the spot. How someone able to tell this man no when he turned on the charm was a mystery to modern day society. Luckily, I had been inoculated for most of his charming antics.

  “It’s white, and long, and soft. There, that’s all you get.” Grinning like an idiot, I wiggled out of his embrace, tossing the white sheets back suddenly, exposing both of our naked bodies. My insides lurched at the sight of his morning wood, but I knew if I didn’t get in the shower soon, Danielle would have me punished on spot, and it wouldn’t be something that involved handcuffs and whips.

  “Just five more minutes, Molly Anne,” Reid called out as I wandered into the bathroom. “That’s all I need.”

  “I promised Danielle I’d go look at this venue with her this morning. Want to join us?” Turning the knob to the large walk-in shower, I swiftly tied my hair up in a knot and waited as the heat started to fill the large room. I knew Reid didn’t want to come with us this morning, as he really didn’t care about any of the details for the wedding besides where and how fast we could get to the honeymoon location.

  “Is the water warm yet?” He called from the bedroom as I slipped into the shower.

  “Uh huh,” I said loudly, sighing as the hot water started turning my pale skin a deep shade of red. I knew I only had a few moments before a naked Reid would be making his appearance behind me. Sorry Danielle, but we were going to be a little late this morning.

  Drying my hair quickly, I concluded that tossing it back up in a short ponytail was the only option since keeping my head dry with Reid in the shower wasn’t an option. Being totally put together this morning wasn’t high on my list, but not looking like a drowned rat wasn’t a choice either.


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