The Secrets of Villa Rosso

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The Secrets of Villa Rosso Page 6

by Linn B. Halton

  It’s time to ring Josh, but I just wish he were here with me to enjoy this moment. The girls would be captivated by the ambience, but probably more eager to laze in the sun. But Josh would appreciate the sheer beauty of the scene in front of me. This is the very essence of southern Italy and something I feel privileged to enjoy.

  Josh’s voice is comforting, but when I hear how much he misses me, and then the sounds of the girls squabbling in the background, I have to gulp down the lump rising in my throat. The spell that has been cast over me is temporarily broken and all I want is to be back at home again. He touches briefly on a problem he has at work and it’s clear he’s under pressure, but there is nothing I can do to help. So instead I encourage him to talk about happier things, until he at least sounds brighter.

  ‘I have to go, Josh, Bella is giving me a tour of the villa and I need to take some more photos to send to Livvie. Max is going to get that first order and it’s looking promising for the future.’

  ‘What did he say?’

  ‘He isn’t here at the moment, as there was a problem up at the processing plant, but he’ll be back later this morning.’

  Josh is suddenly very quiet, then mumbles, ‘It won’t delay your return, will it?’

  ‘Of course not. The tickets are booked and I leave at four in the morning. The stopover is in Milan and it’s a nine-hour wait unfortunately, but I’ll land at Heathrow just after six in the evening.’

  ‘That’s later than I thought. The girls were hoping to see you before they went to bed.’ It isn’t only the girls who will be disappointed, he sounds totally deflated again.

  ‘Sorry, I should have mentioned it before. Livvie was due to meet up with another supplier in Milan, so the delay wasn’t a problem for her.’

  ‘I’m being selfish, honey. I’ll get over it. As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. I’ve never missed you so much, but then we’ve never been so far apart. Just concentrate on what you have to do; I can imagine how stressful it must be and how alien it must feel.’

  I wish I could explain how comfortable I feel here, not alien at all, but I’m not sure Josh would understand in his present state of mind. ‘See you later, alligator.’

  He responds. ‘In a while, crocodile.’

  I don’t feel strange here at all. What I feel is a weird sort of recognition. A sense of being at peace. I miss my family, naturally, but a part of me will be sad to leave this behind. As I retrace my steps I find that admission shocking. It’s only when Bella appears in front of me that I snap out of my reverie.

  Chapter 9

  The tour of the villa is eye-opening as it’s much bigger than I had realised. When you approach it from the terrace you see a cluster of three interlinking stone buildings, whose roofs are at differing heights. My room is more or less directly above the reception area and my window looks out across the front, southern elevation. The large building off to the side mostly comprises guests’ rooms, but being at a ninety-degree angle to the main building the views look west, in the direction of the mountains. Between the two buildings is a smaller building, nestled into the corner and Bella informs me it’s Trista’s suite.

  ‘Ooh, there’s a wonderful chest in here you might like to see. I’m sure Trista won’t mind if we go in.’

  This part of the villa is very different to the rest, where everything has been carefully designed. Trista’s room is a mix of the old and new. An ornate wooden table is covered with silver-framed photos and for the first time I get a glimpse of Trista’s husband. Several are of their wedding day and they are young, happy and smiling fit to burst. I have no idea from the other photos if any of them include Aletta, as there are so many group photos taken over the years.

  ‘Do you have children? Bella asks, noticing my interest.

  ‘Yes, two. Hettie and Rosie. They’re both teenagers. It’s always chaotic in our house. Lots of noise.’

  She smiles. ‘I bet they’re missing you. Where’s home?’

  ‘The Forest of Dean. It’s on the Welsh border. It’s a beautiful spot and we love exploring the nature trails.’

  ‘Oh, I’ve never been, but I’ve heard of it.’

  ‘I’ll give you my number and if you go back home for a holiday and fancy a weekend away, give me a call. We have a spare bedroom and don’t get many guests.’

  ‘Thank you, I just might take you up on that. I’m overdue a return visit and that could be just the incentive I need to make it bearable!’

  Bella stands in front of a wooden chest inlaid with panels of intricate metalwork.

  ‘Lovely, isn’t it? And it looks old.’

  ‘Wow, that’s gorgeous. I’m sure Olivia will love this. It’s perfect for storing linen, or to use as a coffee table. Thank you, Bella.’

  ‘That’s Aletta,’ Bella points to a photo of a beautiful young woman. Tall, slim and elegantly dressed. A young Audrey Hepburn springs to mind. I don’t know quite what to say, so I point to the photo next to it.

  ‘Is that Stefano Ormanni?’

  She nods. ‘Yes, it’s all very sad, isn’t it? To lose your daughter and your husband in such a short space of time is unimaginable. Life doesn’t get much crueller than that. But Trista has Max to rely on and he’s been her saviour. The son she never had.’

  I flounder for something safe to say as a response, not wanting to pry.

  ‘Only time can lessen the pain. You never really get over a loss like that, do you?’

  Arrgghh, I shouldn’t have made it a question.

  ‘Trista will never get over it. She told me once that she feels her life is now about existing, rather than living. I didn’t know what to say to her so I gave her a hug. There aren’t many things that leave me speechless. But that was shortly after I arrived here and feelings were still running high. People were suspicious about Aletta’s disappearance and it wasn’t a good time.’

  I make a show of taking a few snaps to avoid having to reply and then, thankfully, we move on to some of the rooms towards the rear of the main building. Bella has no idea how uncomfortable I feel and I’m glad the conversation about the family ends there. Is it wrong to be curious about someone else’s tragedy?

  The magnificent views of the mountains and the forest areas on the slopes looking north, which is the backdrop to the village of Castrovillari, soon have me clicking away once more. Too far away to see in any great detail, it’s mostly the shapes and colours that dominate the horizon as far as the eye can see.

  I continue snapping a few photos to show the girls on my return, in between shots of wall hangings, rugs, rustic metal-and-wood coffee tables, and various decorative items.

  ‘This is such a good idea, Bella. What better setting in which to display what the cooperative has to offer than a stunning villa like this one?’

  ‘That’s Max, for you. He’s constantly trying to think of ways to give the locals some return. The Ormannis weren’t keen at first, treasuring some of the more old-fashioned family heirlooms that were a part of their heritage. He convinced them that updating the villa was essential and a part of that should be to make it a celebration of the way forward. When I arrived here the work was in full swing and tempers were a little frayed at times. But in the end everyone could see it was the right thing to do and now I do believe Trista genuinely loves it. In a way, I think it makes the past a little less painful, as so much of what is here now is new.’

  I pretend to be occupied with taking some snaps of a rather large rug, but my head is trying to formulate a question. Bella smooths the cover on the bed, taking out a wrinkle.

  ‘Is it possible to move on in such a situation?’ It’s an honest remark. How can any mother bear not knowing what happened to her only child?

  I’m not sure what exactly Bella knows about Trista’s daughter, maybe nothing, and I’m cross with myself for letting my curiosity get the better of me. But I’m going to spend several hours with Max again today and it would help to understand him a little more.

rista has had no choice but to accept what seems inevitable now, that she may never know for sure what happened. With every month that passes even clinging onto a slim hope now seems pointless. I feel so sorry for Max, too. Since Stefano’s funeral Aletta’s name is rarely mentioned and never by Trista or Max. Anyway, I think it’s time we headed back downstairs, as he’s probably waiting for you.’

  I don’t think Bella meant to cut off the conversation as such, but glancing at her wrist watch she’s conscious of the time. However, I hate to take advantage of her willingness to chat to me about this, so in a way it’s probably for the best.

  ‘Thank you for the tour, Bella. I really appreciate it and I had no idea just how sprawling this place is; I’ve toured French chateaux that aren’t as interesting, or commanding.’

  ‘I feel lucky to be working here. My mother, however, will never forgive me.’ The smile on her face says more than words could ever tell me. Here she feels free to be herself.

  And I know that when I leave tomorrow a part of me will be very sorry to be saying goodbye.


  ‘I must apologise for my absence, Ellie, but the matter was pressing. I’m sure we can make up some of the lost time and get you back here in time to rest up before dinner. I’m conscious that you have an early departure tomorrow and will want to retire promptly. I … um—’

  As Max holds the car door open I slip inside, then wait a few seconds as he walks around to the driver’s door.

  ‘I was wondering if you’d join me for dinner this evening?’

  He seems hesitant, as if he’s not sure it’s the right thing to do.

  ‘Well, as we have something to celebrate I think that would be very appropriate and a lovely way to end my visit.’

  His head turns sharply and his brow lifts, taking in my words.

  ‘You’ve spoken to Olivia?’

  ‘Yes. She said to tell you that based on the photos I’ve sent her she will have absolutely no problem in filling the first container. And she said “first” container too, implying there will be others.’

  Max slams his hands on the steering wheel as his body rocks back into the seat, the smile on his face quite possibly the biggest one I’ve seen so far. His eyes twinkle as he looks at me and grins.

  ‘Aiutati che Dio t’aiuta.’

  ‘Which means?’

  ‘Quite literally, help yourself and God will help you. But I’m not forgetting the part you have played in this, Ellie. Sometimes He sends us a little help.’

  ‘You seem relieved and yet, surely, this was only ever about seeking out the right clients? You already know the products are of a good quality.’

  Max kicks the engine into life.

  ‘I’ve come to learn that only a fool takes anything in this life for granted. Besides, it’s slow-going, Ellie. The website isn’t up and running yet, and how many buyers will take up the offer to come here in person? You are the first. But it’s about much more than that, as the family are still not sure I’m taking things in the right direction. Some of the loans I’ve convinced them to make may never be repaid if we fail. If I fail.’

  Today we head away from the plains, turning onto the main highway and I see that we are heading towards Castrovillari itself. But the view flying past my window goes unnoticed as my head is trying to unravel a puzzle. I realise that the pressure on Max is probably a little isolating. To whom can he turn? But the biggest question on my mind is why does he stay?


  Our first stop is very different to the places we visited yesterday. This is an ironworker’s compound and it’s on the edge of town. Large, wrought-iron gates lead us into a large parking area, surrounded on three sides by a one-storey stone outbuilding. This is an established business and immediately we pull up two men walk towards the car.

  Max helps me out and one of the men steps forward, hand outstretched. They shake hands and then all eyes are on me.

  ‘Questa è la signora Maddison. Ellie, this is Eduardo Camillucci and his son, Piero.’

  Eduardo and I shake hands as he begins talking to me in rapid Italian. I then shake Piero’s hand as Max says something to Eduardo, who nods vigorously. Unfortunately, the discovery that I can’t speak Italian doesn’t stop him talking to me and I give a sideways glance at Max, who simply smiles as if to say, ‘Don’t worry.’

  It’s the first time I’ve ever toured a workshop like this. Eduardo talks almost non-stop and Max patiently translates as I learn all about the Camillucci family. Eduardo has three sons, but two of them have already been lost to him. Max explains that moving to a city in the north is almost as devastating as losing a child to Eduardo and his wife. He follows in the tradition of his father and grandfather, but has to face up to the reality that the next generation are prepared to go in search of bigger things. Eduardo now has to ensure that the business makes enough money to keep their remaining son at home. But as I look around I realise that this isn’t just where they conduct business. A part of the u-shaped stone building has smaller windows with shutters and is, in fact, their home. It’s possibly big enough for three, but must have been very cramped when all of Eduardo’s sons lived at home. And what of the one remaining son when it’s time for him to settle down and have a family of his own?

  We walk around for about an hour, as I snap away at the fine examples of sophisticated panels and a range of curls, rosettes, crowns, rims and ornamental elements for gates and handrails. But there are also stunning sculptures for the garden and finer metals used to create pieces like the leaf chandelier in the stairwell at the villa. Max explains that Eduardo and his son will make special pieces to order and guarantee a price that can’t be beaten.

  Max looks at his watch, no doubt thinking about the next part of our journey, but Eduardo immediately engages him in conversation that runs on for a few minutes. He turns to me, rather apologetically.

  ‘Eduardo and his family insist we stay for lunch and we will offend them if we refuse. I’ve explained that we have another appointment and he understands, but this is likely to take at least an hour. Are you happy to accept their hospitality?’

  ‘Of course, please thank Eduardo and tell him I’d be delighted.’

  Max smiles at me in appreciation. His eyes seem to linger, as if he’s reluctant to look away and my pulse rate soars. We’re sharing a moment and we both know it.

  I quickly break the connection by looking at Eduardo and saying, ‘Grazie.’

  It turns out to be a wonderful and relaxing hour, despite the language barrier. Eduardo’s wife, Cristina, and her own mother busy themselves in the kitchen and present us with what looks like pink spaghetti. Max informs me it’s pasta cooked in red wine, with parmesan cheese and black olives. It’s certainly delicious and the accompanying wine, which Max declines, is very pleasant.

  Bidding them goodbye I feel humbled by the warmth of their welcome and my heart is touched by what they are doing here. This is about the survival of a long tradition. Max’s venture represents a lifeline for a simple family who have no idea how to market themselves beyond their own local community. What they do have is the commitment, skills and the working ethos to succeed, if they are given the chance.

  Chapter 10

  ‘Oh, Josh. I wish you could have been here today. I’m really getting to know these people, something that doesn’t happen when you are merely a tourist. I had lunch with the Camillucci family after touring their workshop and this afternoon I visited a group of woodworkers. What was special was that they make the table tops for the metal frames made by Eduardo Camillucci and his son. I can hardly believe that in a little over twenty-four hours this will all be merely a memory.’ I’m lying on my bed chatting to Josh on the mobile.

  ‘It makes me happy that it’s something you’ve enjoyed, but I’ll admit that I feel lost here without you. I want you home again, by my side. Is that terribly selfish of me? I miss you too much, Ellie. Even the girls are only going through the motions until you get home. This hasn’t changed any
thing, has it?’

  His comment makes me feel flustered. Nothing has changed, why would it? Admittedly, I’ve had a series of experiences that have opened my eyes a little and I’ve seen a side of life that was previously unknown to me. But nothing has changed.

  ‘I have no burning desire to start jetting off around the world, if that’s what you mean. I miss you all too much for that. Besides, I’m the family-orientated one, right? It’s Livvie who chose the cut and thrust of business life. She thrives on the excitement, but I’ll be honest and say that I find it exhausting. And nerve-wracking at times.’

  Josh laughs.

  ‘Good to hear. I would be horrified if you came home all fired up and suddenly our life here was too mundane by comparison. But I would never want you to feel trapped, or that you’d made a sacrifice for us, Ellie. We love you too much for that.’

  ‘You and the girls will always come first, Josh. You know that. In fact, this has made me realise how lucky we are with the life we have. Being able to provide for the girls is something we take for granted, but here it’s very different. That’s one of the things that makes me feel so sad.’

  ‘It’s a shame that even paradise has its drawbacks but I suppose nothing is ever perfect.’

  My mobile phone buzzes and I see it’s Livvie calling. ‘Josh, I have to go, it’s Livvie. Love you, hug the girls for me and I’ll text you later.’

  I press the connect button. ‘Hi Livvie.’

  ‘Hi Ellie, just a quick call to check that you are happy about the arrangements for tomorrow. Any concerns about the return journey?’

  ‘Thanks, Livvie. I’m sure it will be fine. The only change is that Josh has decided to drive up to Heathrow to collect me, so you might want to cancel the seat on the coach. Our neighbour, Dawn, is going to look after the girls. How are things at your end?’


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