Your Own Human

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Your Own Human Page 7

by Arizona Tape

  Out of nowhere, the wall shifted, and between the cracks and giant boulders, a small crevice appeared. Small enough to go unnoticed, big enough I couldn't understand why I hadn't seen it. My girlfriend motioned me to follow and with a blink of an eye, the rocks swallowed her.

  A little panicky, I strutted behind her, concerned something had happened. I hadn't even turned the corner or I found Heather standing right behind me. I wondered for a brief second how she could have gotten behind me without me noticing, but all those thoughts vanished when I felt her hands on my hips and her breath on my ear.

  “Close your eyes,” Heather whispered, her voice soft and silky, almost seductive. Without even giving it a second thought, I complied.

  I let her guide me by my waist forward, closer and closer to the sound of a running faucet. It grew louder and louder, until it definitely didn't sound like a faucet anymore. No faucet could create this kind of sound, so consistent, yet much more playful. So loud, yet silent, so soothing, but enthralling. I was dying to open my eyes, but patiently waited for Heather to give me a sign.

  Her hands disappeared from my waist, but I could hear and smell her moving around until she was right in front of me. A butterfly light kiss was placed on my lips, making the corners of my mouth curl up. She moved back behind me and her hands found my waist again, gently nudging me forward.

  After a couple of steps, she wrapped her arms further around my middle and pressed herself against my back, her head resting against my shoulder blade. For a second we just stood there, breathing. Joined together in one single breath, one single motion, one single moment.

  “Open your eyes,” she breathed, the vibrations of her words ever so slightly sizzling through me.

  Slowly, my eyes fluttered open and in front of me was... Something so unexpected, so grand, so beautiful, so magnificent.

  The only waterfall I’d ever seen fell into a small lake with such fluidity, such motion, I never witnessed before. Little droplets strayed from the main stream, casting a hypnotising barrier as they reflected the light in every single one of them. The thundering stream rolled down into a lake with haste, yet it grew calm the instant it touched the crystal clear pool. With a rainbow cast over the whole site, it was easily the most magical place I’d ever seen.

  “Woah,” I sighed, my eyes feasting on this unusual phenomenon. “How. What... This? How is this even—”


  “Here... How is this even here? We're underground?” I asked, admiring the beauty of nature in a form so pure I couldn't have even imagined in the 250 years I lived above ground.

  “I don't exactly know how, but what I do know is that the water is surprisingly warm,” Heather shrugged, a sly smile on her lips.

  “Is that so?” I reciprocated, flashing a cocky grin.

  “You... Ehmmm... Fancy a swim?”

  “Do I?” I grinned, my eyes trailing up and down my girlfriend’s body, wondering how my timid human had transformed into a daring and adventurous girl.

  She must have taken that as a yes, because she let the book slide from under her clothes and placed it safely on a flat rock. She found the hem of her shirt and with one, swift motion, pulled her shirt above her head. With a gulp, I stared at her exposed stomach, her firm breasts only shielded from my eyes by a lacy bra, and endless of endless soft skin.

  Smoothly, her pants followed and for a moment she stood there, like a goddess illuminated by the sun and hidden by a mist of water. Her elegant feet, her long legs, her little butt. Her toned stomach, her firm boobs, her sharp collarbone, and muscled arms. Her long neck and her gorgeous, gorgeous face with a look in her eyes I couldn't identify yet, but found myself willing to figure out, as long as it would take.

  She broke the spell and with the elegance of a gazelle, ran and dove into the water, leaving only a ripple behind. With a splash, she came up for air and waved. “Come join me!”

  I didn't hesitate for a moment longer and quickly stripped off my pants and jumped into the water, chasing my girlfriend. Chasing her like I’d never chased anything before.

  We splashed around, playing a game of cat and mouse. In reality, I could catch her without a problem, but where was the fun in that?

  The water was indeed surprisingly warm and the lake was just the perfect depth. My almost-naked girlfriend splashed water in my face and dove into the water, swimming up to where the waterfall came crashing down. I grinned and dove into the water too. Holding my breath, I swam right up to her legs and jumped out of the water, startling her.

  Her crystal laugh filled the hidden valley and her eyes sparkled like bright stars in the night sky.

  I dove under water again so I could pull her legs from under her. With a squeal of joy she fell and clamped onto me. We were only under for a moment, as I brought her quickly back up for air. The last time I was with her near to water, I gravely misjudged how long she could stay without oxygen and I wasn't going to make a mistake like that again. Her hands dug in my shoulders and her legs wrapped around my waist when we came up, both giggling and smiling.

  Ooops. That was a mistake.

  Feeling her so flush against me, barely separated by the thinnest pieces of cloth, my eyes widened and I felt my body react.

  Deep breath. Focus on... The... The water. It's warm... And wet... Wet. Oh... So... Wet..

  With our bodies half submerged in the water, she was light as a feather. Her hands slid from my back over my shoulders and then to my cheeks. She guided my head up gently, capturing my full and undivided attention. Her eyes stared right into mine and I felt my cheeks heat up. It was like she could see into my soul and my mind. See everything I felt, everything I thought, everything I wanted. It was incredibly frightening, but also equally as freeing. I hadn't had anyone look at me like that... That intense.

  For a moment, we just... Looked.

  A smile tugged on the corner of her mouth and she brought her lips closer to mine. I closed my eyes and let Heather take the lead.

  Here, together in the lake was the first moment in months that we were alone and free. Here, in this little valley, we found paradise.

  Her lips reached mine and we shared a tender, sweet kiss. It was soft and innocent, a kiss between new girlfriends.

  She pulled back, rubbing her nose against mine, sending shivers down my spine. With her dark blue eyes, she stared into me and after a second, she must have found what she was looking for. With a different kind of passion, she crashed her lips back on mine. As innocent as our previous kiss was, this absolutely wasn't.

  Her tongue sought out mine and her hands slid from my cheeks down to my shoulders again as her nails dug into my skin. I greeted her tongue with mine and a passionate dance ensued, one that only we knew. Her legs tightened around me and I felt myself heat up.

  I nibbled on her lower lip, eliciting the softest of moans, which sent immediate tingles down to in between my legs. I growled, a haze setting into my brain that I hadn't felt before.

  My senses heightened. I could hear the blood rushing through my ears, feel her heart beating fast in her chest, her smell penetrating my nose, her touch on every part of my skin. It was intoxicating.

  I placed my hands on her firm butt, pushing her higher up out of the water so I could walk her to the shore, our lips never leaving each other. My tongue stroked over hers and another moan slipped from her pink lips.

  It was the most beautiful sound in the whole world.

  We waded out of the water and with ease I carried her to a soft patch of greens. I carefully placed her down and hovered over her, kissing her intensely, very aware that in this position, I was pressed against her core.

  My hand found one of hers and I intertwined our fingers tightly, intimately. I shifted my hips, earning another moan. I placed a soft kiss on her lips, moving down to her jaw. My lips wandered, all the way down her neck.

  Right before I hit her soft spot, I gazed deeply in her eyes, revealing myself to her, but also searching for something... S
omething... Eternal.

  Even if it felt as an eternity, only a second must have passed. But that was all we needed. A smile played on her lips and a shimmer appeared in her eyes. She turned her head to the side, exposing her vulnerable neck to me, fully knowing what I was. A vampire.

  She knew I could break her bones in a second, that I could squeeze the life out of her with one hand, that I could end her life right here, right now.

  But yet, she knew I wasn't going to. She trusted me.

  Without any doubts, she surrendered to me.

  My head fell into the crook of her neck, my lips right on her soft spot. I couldn't help myself and I sucked, kissed, licked, nibbled, proudly leaving a mark. My mark.

  She was mine.

  Her free hand entangled in my wet hair and her fingers massaged my head. I sighed against her skin, familiarising myself with every patch of her body.

  My lips kept travelling down, until I stumbled upon the hills of her breasts and she took in a deep breath, her chest heaving up. I wasn't sure if she did that on purpose or if she needed that breath, but I found myself in heaven.

  The thin fabric of her bra didn't hide much and I could feel her nipples harden and poke through. I grinned and urged her back up so I could slide my hand under and reach her clasp. Just when I was about to open and reveal her beautiful breasts, she gasped.

  “Ade... Too tight.”

  “Huh?” I groaned, looking up at her.

  “Your hand... Too tight;” she blushed.

  It took me a moment, but then the light shone through my clouded head and I realised I was gripping her hand far too tightly. For a human, anyway.

  I quickly released it from my grip and blushed tomato red. “Fuck, I’m sorry... I... Damn, I’m so sorry,” I muttered, jumping up so I couldn’t hurt her any longer.

  She smiled at me. “It's okay,” she soothed, but she shook her hand to regain function again. Her fingers were reddening and I could feel shame bubble up in my gut.

  I hadn't even realised, I was so caught up in my haze that I forgot how fragile her human body was. And that right after she showed me how much she trusted me not to hurt her! I should be more careful with her.

  Damn it, Adrianna! I cursed at myself, mentally hitting myself. Way to ruin the moment!

  “You're hurt,” I apologetically said, my eyes on the ground in embarrassment.

  “It's nothing, I’m okay,” she tried waving it away, but I knew better. With red cheeks, I peered at the ground, waves of shame hitting my stomach.

  “You're hurt,” I stubbornly repeated.

  Her fingers caressed my cheek and pushed my chin up. Her blue eyes stared deeply into mine, right before she kissed the tip of my nose and smiled. “I’m okay, I promise,” she reassured me, placing a kissy on my pouty lips.

  I gazed deep in her eyes, trying to detect a hint of scaredness or anxiety, but I found none. Just pools and pools of endless trust. Trust, I didn't know where it came from.

  She kissed me again, nibbling on my bottom lip and I closed my eyes, relaxing, losing myself in her kiss. I let her guide me, let her choose the rhythm of how our lips moved together, where she let my back touch the ground, where my hands caressed her skin. I let her guide our kiss, our bodies. I let her guide us.

  This time, I surrendered to her.

  Chapter 9: Clouds

  Ever since I was a small child, I wondered how the clouds would feel like. I would go to the woods and at night and stare up at the sky. It was the only place where the fog would slightly lift and I could see real clouds, not those made by polluting the air

  If I was really lucky, I’d even see a star or two. But most of the time, it was just clouds. They came in all shapes and forms, big, long, thick, thin.

  But one thing stayed the same. They were too far away. I couldn’t even count how many times I used to jump up and down, trying to move my body as high up as I could. But they would always be just out of my reach.

  As a young adult, I settled with looking at them, wondering how it would feel to live with my head in the clouds. To dance and jump from one puffy cloud to another.

  And today, that dream came true.

  Heather’s fingers gently caressed my skin. Gliding over them so softly, like she was almost afraid she was going to hurt me. Her fingertips burned into my skin, leaving a hot trail from my nape all the way down to my collarbone, down my side to my stomach.

  I closed my eyes and sighed deeply, softly biting my lip to keep myself from letting all my desires take over. Amused, she chuckled. She must have noticed how hard it was to keep myself under control.

  A feather light kiss fell on my temple and slowly, too slowly, she made her way to my needing lips.

  I rested my hands on her hips, making sure not to hurt her again and answered her kiss, our lips dancing together once again. My breathing became heavier and I moaned in her mouth, drowning in her and everything she was.

  Encouraged by my moans, my human lover and her hands grew bolder. Quickly, she tugged my wet shirt over my head and tossed it to the side.

  I patiently waited for her to touch me, for her to tease me, to kiss me, but after a couple of seconds, nothing happened. I opened my eyes, scared by why she was sitting immovable on top of me, but I had nothing to worry about.

  Her blue eyes were clouded with lust and desire, but also, uncertainty. I gave her free reign, but this was her first time and she seemed unsure of how to progress.

  So I pushed myself up by my elbows, meeting her lips with mine once more and gently guided her hand onto my chest.

  I felt her hand tighten around my breast, her palm rubbing over my sensitive nipple and I swallowed a lump that formed in my throat.

  As new as it was for her, this was equally as new for me.

  “You’re beautiful,” she whispered, her voice sending shivers down my spine like only she could. My reply was ready to be whispered back, but a soft gasp escaped my lip involuntarily when her fingertips had found my hardened nipple and softly tugged on it.

  “Oh,” was all I could muster, before tilting my head backwards and letting myself fall back onto the prickly grass.

  Soft tingles shot from where Heather’s fingers were touching me right down my body to my core and I could feel myself grow wetter. I could smell Heather getting equally aroused. Her scent penetrated my nostrils and nothing in this world would make me forget the most delicious scent I encountered right here.

  I raised my knee, shifting her weight. I smirked when I heard her first silent moan as my upper thigh made contact with her heated core.

  “That is one nice little trick,” she chuckled, rewarding me with a butterfly kiss on the side of my neck. She arched her back as her pink lips followed an invisible path down, her teeth grazing over my skin as she grinded herself down. Her own thigh grazed my core so unexpectedly, I let out a loud gasp.

  Heather pulled back, concern clear in her eyes. “Did I hurt you?”

  I could only shake my head and while blinking fast, I cleared my throat. “No, no. That was… Ehmm… Mmm… No, I’m not hurt… At all… On the contrary,” I stuttered awkwardly, trying to keep the lust from clouding my mind.

  “Oh good.” She sighed, her lips pressing back on my skin right where they had left off.

  I relaxed again, my eyes falling back closed. I wanted to watch her, but I was afraid that would send me over the edge of desire far too quickly. I’d be ravishing her without all the tenderness she deserved.

  Her lips wrapped around my nipple and my eyes shot wide open, while they almost simultaneously rolled into the back of my head.

  I couldn’t comprehend how those simple touches had so much effect on me. I did this before, but for some reason, it seemed like my senses had multiplied tenfold.

  When she touched me, where she touched me. It felt like I grew a new skin, one that had never been touched before.

  And I so welcomed every caress, every kiss, every touch.

  Under her fingers, I felt bran
d new. And after so many years, that was such an overwhelming sensation, it blew my mind.

  She kissed both my nipples and I arched my back, wanton under her lips, eager for more. Her hand travelled down my tummy and when her fingers brushed against the edge of my panties, I was certain she’d find them damp with my excitement.

  I felt her hesitating and I opened my eyes to look into hers. I wrapped my arms gently around her and with one swift motion, I rolled us over, straddling her, our fingers intertwining on our sides.

  “You okay?” I asked, wanting confirmation, but the look she gave me was all I needed. I bent down to kiss her lips and like the last time, I travelled down to her neck, where I left a new mark, right on her sensitive spot. I sucked and licked, feeling her rapid pulse beat under my tongue, making my breathing ragged and my heart race.

  I placed one of her hands on my hip and used my free hand to unclasp her bra, revealing the most inviting sight I’d seen in a long time. When bending down, I heard a low growl and it took me a couple of seconds to register it was me. My instincts were kicking in and it almost hurt not having her right now.

  The only way I kept the animal from breaking out of me, was the idea of her being hurt by my hands. So with trembling hands, I cupped her breasts.

  And at that moment, I knew how it would feel if I were to touch the clouds.

  I brought my lips down and tentatively sucked one of her nipples, my head filling itself slowly with delirium.

  I was losing my head in the clouds. Almost literally.

  She bucked her hips, asking me without words, speaking with desire and I slid my hand down, where I met her wanting core.

  “Relax,” I breathed. I stripped her last piece of clothing and managed to throw my own panties away.

  My fingers eagerly discovered their new favourite place, while the rest of my body ached for her. She was already impossibly close, but I realised she could never be close enough. Not until we became one.


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