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Rocked Page 7

by Maya Hughes

  Being an opening act for a big band meant a lot of things, like being cooped up in a bunk he shared with his equipment on a bus for ten hours a night, being ignored by their fans, and some exposure, but the money sucked. Headlining his own tour hadn’t crossed his mind as something that would happen anytime soon, maybe in a few years. Tour merchandise alone could buy his mom a new house. The ding rang out in the empty waiting area and the elevator doors finally opened.

  The second the doors closed behind them Smith pounced on him like a tiger. Smith wrapped him up in a bear hug that squeezed the air from his lungs as he jumped up and down like a lunatic.

  “Holy shit! Dude, do you know what this means? Can you fucking believe it? You’re getting a solo tour!” Smith was more excited than Eric had ever seen him in his whole life.

  “I can’t believe it either. We did it.” Eric said, slapping him on the back. “I couldn’t have done it without you, man.”

  “All I did was get you some gigs in the beginning and make sure you didn’t get screwed over. You’re a real talent. My wife will be so relieved about the tour manager bit. She’s long kept my ass off the road. I’ll look over the contract stuff and let you know how it all plays out. I’m surprised you haven’t dumped my ass at this point,” Smith said, glancing over. Eric could have sworn there was a sheen of tears in his eyes.

  “I’d never leave you behind, Smithy. Who else is there to give me a kick in the ass when I need it? You even warned me about Talia in the beginning, so from where I’m standing, you’re my guy until you don’t want to be anymore.”

  “Nah, I’m your guy until you find a real manager,” Smith said, dismissively waving his hand.

  “You don’t want to be my manager anymore?” Eric’s mouth hung open and his throat constricted. The elevator doors opened and they stepped out.

  “Eric, you need someone who can run with the big dogs. I’m not that guy, but I’m not going to mess you up by trying to hang onto you even when I know I’m out matched. I’ll let you know when I’m in over my head. It’s not right now, but I want you to be prepared for that day.” He squeezed Eric’s slumped shoulders. “I’m not saying it will be tomorrow. I’m giving you a heads up. I didn’t want you to think I’d run out on you.”

  Smith had been with him a long time. He knew about Eric’s past. About his dad walking out on his family. And he hadn’t realized how much their relationship had evolved into a father son one over a short few years. The thought of leaving him behind turned his mouth to sawdust. He wasn’t going to drop him.

  “We’ll figure something out. I’ll find a place for you no matter what, Smithy,” he said, punching him in the shoulder.

  “What’s the deal with the photography thing? Where did that come from?” Smith asked, arching his eyebrow.

  “Just popped into my head. With how they were freaking out about the pictures, I thought it would be a good compromise. Give her a job this summer, she told me she’s out of work. Clear my name and do something cool for the fans. It’s a win-win-win.”

  “Oh, I see. Worried about being bored on tour. Lining up Talia’s replacement,” Smith said, nudging Eric in the ribs.

  “No, it’s not like that. I didn’t suggest it because I want to sleep with her.” Smith quirked his eyebrow and Eric laughed. “Okay, not because I only want to sleep with her. She’s a great photographer and she could use the money. Plus, maybe it could help her in the long run. Plus, she’s a friend of Mark’s. I’m not trying to screw her over.”

  “Always looking out for everyone else.” Smithy threw his arm around Eric’s shoulder and they headed out of the building. He hoped that suggesting this hadn’t been a mistake. Keira would go for it. Wouldn’t she?


  Wandering around the hotel suite, Keira found her bag in the bedroom. She’d never been in a room like this before—well a suite. The balcony wrapped around the whole thing and the city spread out in front of her. She swore she could see the ocean from here. Grabbing her camera out of her bag, she zoomed in on the cityscape below and the building around her. People going about their day, doing ordinary things and making them extraordinary. She’d always tried to capture those moments with her lens.

  The knock on the door brought her out of her trance. She checked her phone and saw it had been nearly an hour since she started. She flicked through her camera, the image counter was up in the hundreds. She’d walked the length of the balcony, picking out scenes and angles trying to get the best shots possible. Another knock got her moving and she jumped up to answer the door. A bellboy stood outside the door, holding her clothes covered in plastic on hangers. He held them out to her and she took them, laying them on the table beside the door.

  She hesitated before signing for the clothes, hoping that was okay. But seeing the total for dry cleaning only a few items and thinking back to her cobweb filled bank account, she signed away and added in a tip. Eric said it was all on the label, right? Spending a few more minutes out on the balcony, she finished snapping a couple more shots and breathed in the fresh morning air.

  Closing her eyes, she let the sun warm her and let out a deep breath. Things would be okay. She’d figure something out. Maybe she should visit her sister for the summer. Give up her room in the apartment. She headed back inside and unwrapped the clothes. She stepped out of Eric’s shorts and pulled the t-shirt over her head, the distinct sound of someone sucking in a sharp breath had her trapped in the t-shirt for a second. She shoved it back down over her body and became hyper aware of her purple polka dot underwear.

  Eric stood in the doorway of the bedroom, one hand over his eyes with a very noticeable gap between his fingers.

  “Sorry,” he said, smiling.

  “You know, I can see you peeking,” she said, trying to suppress a smile and failing. He dropped his hand and the pretense that he wasn’t looking at her in only her underwear and his t-shirt and took a step closer. Her stomach flipped and this time she knew it wasn’t because of bad food.

  “What can I say?” he said, giving a helpless shrug. “I’ve never been able to take my eyes off a beautiful woman. And in my shirt you have to be the most beautiful woman I’ve laid eyes on in a long time.” She swooned, actual knees weak, possibly still recovering from last night. She plopped down on the bed. His eyes followed her as she reached for her skirt.

  Quickly grabbing it, she bent over to put it on and heard a groan coming from Eric. She glanced up and his eyes were riveted to the neck of the t-shirt that gaped open, showing off her cleavage.

  “I swear you’re doing this to torture me,” he said, staring into her eyes. The flutters were now full on strong wing flaps happening in her stomach. His eyes on her, made her feel like she’d never felt before. Like there was no place else he’d rather be than with her.

  “Doing what?” she said, teasingly. This was a fun flirtation and as much as she liked him and thought he liked her, she didn’t have time for this now. Plus, he was leaving tomorrow. No point in starting something they wouldn’t be able to finish.

  “Getting dressed.”

  “I’m sure you have more than your fill of willing women who would happily stay undressed for you all day. Women without weak stomachs like me.” She stood and pulled her skirt all the way on, still completely embarrassed about everything that happened, even if she couldn’t remember most of it.

  “That might be true, but none of them have listened to my festival performances on repeat.”

  “True. Can you turn around?” she said, motioning with her fingers.

  “Spoil sport,” he grumbled with a grin and turned around. Ripping Eric’s t-shirt off, she quickly pulled her own shirt on and sat back down on the edge of the bed.

  “How did your meeting go?”

  “It went well. They are giving me my own tour!”

  “Really? That’s amazing!” Proud of his accomplishment, she threw her arms around his neck and gave him a hug. He squeezed her back and the spark zipped up her spine as his ar
ms ran up and down her back. Her cheeks flushed that she’d thrown herself at him like that. It was amazingly exciting news and she couldn’t believe something like this was happening to someone she knew. It felt like everyone she was close to had big things happening in their lives. Mark was opening the new bar in NYC. Jen got her art fellowship. Rox was the head chef at the hottest new bar in LA and Liam was doing his tech empire thing. Everyone was following their dreams and making serious waves. Everyone but her. She cleared her throat and tried to pull back, but he held fast and kept her close. His breath skated across her neck and the room was suddenly ten degrees hotter.

  “I’ll have to try and get tickets when you’re in LA. Are you coming through LA? I’m sure they are going to sell out in a heartbeat,” she said. Why was her voice so breathy?

  “I’m sure something can be arranged,” he said, breathing her in. They were face to face now, she stared into his mossy green eyes, completely transfixed with their lips only inches apart. At the press of his stiffening bulge between them, she froze, brain short circuiting. Then the throbbing pulse wasn’t just in her chest anymore. It traveled south and her breath quickened. She zeroed in on a spot on his neck she couldn’t wait to get her lips on. A vibrating buzz against her stomach had them both jumping. For a moment, Keira had thought that he was working with some magical equipment in his pants before realizing his phone was in his front pocket. He held onto the nape of her neck for a second longer, his eyes locked on her lips, before he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

  Letting her go, he turned and walked into the living room, leaving Keira torn about what just happened, ridiculously turned on and pissed that they had been interrupted, but also wondering if she’d gone insane for attempting anything with him. Flirting with him at Mark’s party was one thing, but being here in his hotel room, having breakfast, it all felt so surreal, like she’s started living someone else’s life. After folding the borrowed clothes and placing them on the bed, she sat down. What did she do now? He strode back into the room a few minutes later and stopped in the doorway. Staring at her, he folded his arms over his chest and gave her an assessing look.

  “What?” she said, when she couldn’t stand him staring any longer.

  “That was the label, they’re flying me to Vancouver tomorrow night to rejoin the band.”

  “Oh,” she said, frowning. Of course, he was going back to the tour, he’d said that before. He’d be leaving, back to a life filled with excitement and crowds of adoring fans. “Of course, let me get out of your hair.” She hopped up and strode across the room. He placed a gentle hand on her elbow as she walked past him.

  “Keira,” he hesitated. “Can I have your number?”

  “You want my number?”

  “I wouldn’t have asked for it if I didn’t want it,” he said, his lopsided smile making her knees weak again. Damn knees, she needed to get them checked out.

  “Sure, did you need something?” His lips quirked up in a smile and she shook her head.

  “Yeah, I might need to give you a call about your photography a little later.”

  “My photography?” She squinted at him.

  “Yeah, I might have a job for you this summer.” He nodded his head, face completely devoid of any joking. A job? What kind of job? Had he heard of someone in LA who needed a teacher?

  “Okay,” she said, unsure of where this might be going. Of all the things, he could have said he wanted her number for, her photography wasn’t the reason she thought he might want it. Keira gave him her number, putting it into his phone and gathered up her things. He got another call as she headed to the front door, he held up his finger trying to stop her from leaving, but she figured it would be an awkward goodbye. What did you say to the guy you puked on the night before and had breakfast with in the morning? She waved and mouthed that she had to go, opening the door and stepping out before he had a chance to react. The door closed behind her and she rested her head against it. He had her number. If he actually wanted to give her a call and wasn’t just being a nice guy, he’d get in touch with her.

  “Okay, so you’ll check out her work and see if she’s a good fit?” He stood out on the balcony, talking to one of the hoodies on the phone. He wished she hadn’t left. This news could change her life. If this worked out as he thought it would, she could make a real living out of this in the long term. He looked up her number, ready to share the news, when the phone started ringing in his hand. He smiled and accepted the call.

  “Hey mom, what’s up?”

  “Nothing much,” she said, sounding winded. “I wanted to call to see how your meeting at the label went.”

  “Where are you mom? You sound out of breath.”

  “I’m in the garden. I wanted to check on some of the vegetables and make sure they are growing well. Sean is still at school and it’s a rare afternoon I have off, so I thought I would do it now.” He could imagine her now, kneeling in front of the vegetable garden they’d had for as long as he remembered. It had been a life-saver after his dad split. Some people grew vegetables because they found it therapeutic or a nice hobby. They’d grown vegetables to eat. There were many nights of veggie stew prepared by him when his mom worked her triple shifts to keep him and Sean fed.

  “Mom, I have some news.”

  “Did they cancel your opening act thing? Are you going to go back to Juilliard?”

  “What? No, nothing like that. They were so happy with how my single is doing—”

  “Oh, I can’t tell you how much everyone at my job freaked out when they heard you on the radio. It came on and they rushed in and got me from the back, so I could hear it. I couldn’t believe my ears,” she said, sounding suspiciously like she was tearing up. He hated when she cried.

  “Yes, well it’s been doing well and because of that and the album being nearly finished, they want to give me a tour of my own.” She gasped and he heard her shovel hit the rocks that edged the garden.

  “You’re going to be on tour all by yourself,” she shrieked, so loud he had to pull the phone away from his ear.

  “Well, I mean not by myself. There will be other people with me, tech people, roadies. Probably someone to document what I’m doing. It’s not going to be like before when it was just me driving around in a van. It’s going to be a much bigger production.”

  “And you’re happy about this?” she said, cautiously.

  “Of course, Mom! This is huge for me. It will put me out there like I’ve never been before. And it will come with a big touring check and they can sell merchandise.” He hesitated knowing how she would react. “And I’ll be able to send a lot more money home.” Her huff on the other end of the line, the indication of how she felt about that.

  “You know you don’t have to worry about me. I’m fine. We’re fine.”

  “Mom, you’re still working three jobs. How about we at least think about bringing that down to two.”

  “I don’t mind working. It keeps me busy. Sean is getting bigger and he’s out with his friends most of the time. He doesn’t want to hang out with his old mom. I would only be rattling around the house by myself. Plus, I want to make sure his college fund is ready to go. He only has two more years to go.”

  “I know that Mom, but what I’m telling you is that this could take care of all that. I won’t know until the first check comes. But promise me you’ll think about cutting back.”

  “I promise,” she said, sounding more like a glum teenager than Sean ever did. “Let me finish all of this up before I melt out here. I love you, Eric. I know you didn’t take the path that I’d planned for you, but you forged your own way and you’re making things happen that I never could have imagined. That’s why I always pushed you. I knew you were meant for bigger things.”

  “I love you too, Mom and I’ll always try to make you proud.”

  “I already am, sweetie. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Later, Mom. Love you.” He ended the call, energized and ready to ta
ke on whatever came next. He’d make this tour a success no matter what. His mom hadn’t sacrificed all that she had for him to screw it up now. Next on the list, get Keira on board and help her change her path as well.


  Walking back into her apartment felt like returning from a dream world to the crushing reality of—well, reality. Spending the morning with Eric had almost made her forget all the shit she was currently dealing with in the real world. She’d picked up her car from the bar. Happy she hadn’t had to do the walk of shame, especially since she hadn’t even gotten laid. Talk about insult to injury.

  But both her feet were firmly planted in reality now as she entered the apartment. Her roommates were out, as usual. Most of the time it seemed like she was the only one living there. Her neglected canvases and prints were stacked in the corner, empty fridge rattled and the rental increase flyer crumpled in the trash. All that punched a little harder after her magical night, well—minus the puking, with Eric. Opening her laptop, Keira checked her bank account to see what could be done. Looked like donating plasma or maybe asking Mark if she could work at The Bramble for the rest of the summer would be on her plate for the day.

  An incoming message from her sister pulled her from her tumultuous thoughts.

  Izzy: What’s up?

  Keira: Nothing much.

  Her phone vibrated in her hand as her sister’s incoming call came through.

  “Hey Izzy, what’s going on?”

  “Not much, but I haven’t heard from my baby sister in a while and I wanted to know what was going on.”

  “I had Mark’s going away party last night. Found out that I’m not going to be getting any summer classes. Rent is going up three hundred dollars. And I may have spent the night with a soon-to-be-famous musician.”

  “That sucks about your rent and the summer classes. And when does Mark leave town?”

  “Seriously? That’s the one you ask about?”


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