The Ruby (The Hidden Gems Book 1)

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The Ruby (The Hidden Gems Book 1) Page 13

by R. M. Getsee

  “Teacher afraid I was going to give you a concussion?” Drake asked smugly.

  I honestly didn’t know how I could have missed just how ape like he was when he spoke, never using proper sentences.

  “Nope, he was just giving me a couple of pointers on how to kick your ugly ass.” I said with a smile, baring my teeth slightly.

  It was as if everything was happening in slow motion, Drake’s face contorted with rage and he lunged for me, preparing to throw me to the mat once more.

  Quickly I sidestepped, making him stumble and stagger a couple of steps. His arm came at me again, and I ducked.

  It was weird, like everything was happening at a fast pace, but to my mind it was slowed down, giving me ample time to react.

  I toyed with him a little and soon the whole class forgot about their own fight to watch as I danced around his punches and kicks.

  In an expert move I wrapped my hand around his throat and swept my leg at his calves, making him lose his balance and causing him to fall back on the mat with a thud that echoed around the silent gymnasium.

  “The next time you want to spread a rumor about me, make sure that its true or you’ll get another beat down like the one you got at the party.”

  He paled at the mention of what had happened, eyes darting to the hand that had brandished the sword and nodded quickly in defeat.

  Suddenly there was uproar around me, and I shot to my feet, ready to defend against another attack.

  Quickly I straightened up and relaxed realizing that it was in fact the rest of the class applauding me on my victory.

  I smiled, drinking in the cheering that people were throwing at me.

  I closed my eyes and breathed, feeling the power once more, like a live wire running through every cell in my body.

  And then I heard it, the whispering voice of the ancient I had seen in my dream, now boomed in my head.

  “The Ruby has awoken”

  Chapter Twenty

  I stood in my bedroom and looked at myself in the full length mirror hanging on door of my closet. Emi had been right in the store, this was the perfect dress. It was a beautiful strapless floor length gown. It clung to my form until it reached mid-calf, then flared out into a tulle mermaid tail.

  The black lace rose vine that twisted around me set off the deep red color nicely against my pale skin and the fine chain around my neck nestled into my chest giving me a soft, yet bold look.

  Emi was fussing around me, fixing my hair into an elegant up-do and bouncing in excitement.

  “Get that thing away from me.” I said, batting my friend away as she once again darted at me with a can of hairspray in her hand.

  Emi just grinned and pointed the nozzle at her own head.

  “We had better hurry up anyway,” I continued. “Jared would never forgive me if I denied him the chance to flirt with you before we the car arrives.

  Finally it was the night of the homecoming dance. Classes had been suspended for the evening to give students time to get ready as everyone had to be home before sunrise.

  I had decided not to find a date for the dance.

  Roman still had not been heard from since the day they had seen him in the sun and, though I did not want to admit it, I had been secretly hoping that he would have shown up at school with an explanation and an invitation to be his date.

  I really wanted answers to what was happening to me and if it had any connection to Roman and his abilities. I had been hearing the voice from my dream more often since I had tapped into my powers like Mr. Aldridge had suggested and I could now feel an undertone of the energy thrumming inside me all the time.

  When I concentrated I could feel it collect and build, letting me know that it would be there if and when I needed it.

  I shook myself out of the thoughts that were once again streaming through my head on repeat as Emi fluffed her dress and started to walk towards the door.

  Taking a deep breath I surveyed myself one last time in the mirror, I suppressed the urge to give a double take as I looked at myself.

  The eyes that looked back were almost alien to me, the ring that had appeared at the edge of my iris had gotten darker, almost black, and it seemed to be growing, slowly creeping closer to the pupil and it looked as if it were pulsing to the beat of the energy inside me.

  The Ruby has awoken.

  The voice was only a whisper, but it boomed inside my head.

  Blinking quickly, I turned away.

  Figure it out tomorrow, I thought to myself.

  Emi was so excited about the night and I not going to spoil it for her.

  Anyway, it would be good for us to have a night of normal, or as normal as a high school dance for a bunch of teenage vampires could be.

  Everyone was waiting for us as Emi and I walked arm in arm downstairs.

  Rhea and Torah looked amazing, each in a floor length gown which probably covered more skin than they were used to, though there were still patches in the dress that had been expertly cut to reveal a little more than the imagination needed.

  Jared was wearing the traditional tuxedo and looking slightly uncomfortable in them.

  Jared stared open mouthed as he watched Emi walk down the staircase in the traditional corny human high school movie cliché.

  “Quit drooling,” I laughed. “You’ll mess up your suit.”

  “And you look so cute in it; it would be such a waste.” Emi teased.

  Jared flushed pink then he seemed to notice me. “Hey Ali, you look great.”

  I held back the cringe at the nickname, but didn’t say anything about it; it was probably the first nice thing my brother had said to me in a long time and I wasn’t going to make him regret it.

  “Thanks Jared.” I smiled.

  Our cell phones all chimed and I pulled mine out of the clutch I was carrying to read the message.

  AIDEN: We’re outside. Get your asses out here now!!

  “It looks like we’re being summoned.” Jared said, reading the same message. He led out his arms, offering each to Emi and me.

  We grinned at each other as we took the arms offered; I was only slightly disappointed that it was my brother’s arm I was on and not the arm of a certain day walking vampire with a superman complex.

  The night air had a deep chill as we walked to the obnoxiously conspicuous large stretch escalade, and I shivered, slightly regretting the decision for the strapless sweetheart neckline as I pulled the wrap I was wearing closer to me to try to avoid the chilly night air.

  “Hey!” Moira squealed. She leaped out of the car, wrapping us in a tight hug, and I caught the scent of alcohol seeping from her pores.

  “Starting the party a little early are we?” Emi sniggered.

  “The party started hours ago.” Aiden said with a slightly clipped tone as he watched his sister giggle and fall back on the seats, then he turned to the group waiting outside the car, his eyes falling on the four of us. “You look amazing by the way.”

  “Thanks you look pretty good yourself.” Jared cut in, throwing out his hip and pouting at him sarcastically.

  Aiden winked and gestured at the interior of the limo, signaling for us to enter.

  The Ruby has awoken.

  I stiffened, then took a deep breath and clambered over the drunken Irish girl to one of the spacious empty seats inside. The whisper was just an echo this time, a warning, and I knew that something was coming for me, something big.

  But just for tonight, I would play the part of a normal teenager going to a dance with her friends, because whatever was approaching, it was going to change my life, and it was going arrive soon.

  Chapter Twenty One

  The gym had been transformed. Gone were the heavy blue mats that smelled strongly of rubber, sweat, and the feet of the thousands of students that had trained on them over the years.

  In their place were clean wooden floor boards that had been buffed and polished to the point you could see the reflection of the tacky disco ball that
was hanging from the rafters in the center of the room.

  Garlands were draped throughout and the entire room smelled of roses and lilies. The whole scene looked like a corny prom movie in traditional vampire shade of colors, deep reds, purples and black, which set off the silvery white silk tablecloths.

  I really hated to admit it but the corniness was getting to me and I actually really liked the whole scene in front of me. Emi looked at the large room with wide, wonder filled eyes.

  “It’s beautiful.” She said in a hushed tone.

  “Yeah, I suppose it’s better than sweaty gym mats.” Aiden commented, teasing her.

  Emi just glared at him. “It looks amazing and so do we, so shut up and let’s dance.”

  “Come on then,” Jared said laughing as he grabbed her hand. “Let’s go then.”

  I laughed as Emi was dragged away to the dance floor by my brother. I felt a small pang of jealousy once again at my good friend’s fortune but I squashed it down and forced myself to be happy for the love struck pair.

  Aiden slid up close to my and took my hand. “Come on.” He said, grinning. “You’re far too pretty to stand at the side of the dance floor and not the middle of it.”

  I laughed. “Does that line actually work on the female species?” I asked as I allowed him to tow me to the center of the room.

  “Never,” he said with a laugh. “But neither of us have dates so I figured we can look sad together or have fun. I chose fun, what about you?”

  “Definitely fun,” I said grinning. “But why don’t any of you have a date?”

  “Well Moiré’s date cancelled, and the girl I wanted to ask barely notices I exist.”

  He stared at me with longing eyes and my heart stopped for a moment in panic.

  Is he the secret admirer, I thought in horror.

  He was cute and nice, but he had that little brother vibe and though I didn’t want to see him hurt, there was no way I could ever consider a future relationship with him.

  My heart started again after that long moment’s pause as I realize he was actually staring at something over my shoulder.

  Looking behind me I saw Rhea and Torah arguing as Athena and stood near with a gleeful look on her face beside Drake who looked like a cat who’d gotten all the milk he wanted, which, let’s face it if he was her date he probably had.

  “Torah?” I asked shocked. I hadn’t thought he would be the type of guy to fall for mean, and my sister was notorious for being a soul crushing killer of any man that looked at her.

  “God no,” he said quickly. “It’s Rhea, I’ve liked her for as long as I’ve known her, but she was always too wrapped up in Torah’s drama to care about dating.”

  As he was speaking Torah flung her hands in the air and turned her back on Rhea leaving the girl standing there on the verge of tears.

  She walked towards Athena, who was now wrapping herself around Drake like tinsel on a Christmas tree.

  Those two were perfect for each other.

  The song ended and the music slowed to a soft ballad. I stopped dancing and looked at Aiden. “Ask her.” I said.

  “Ask her what?” He looked at me with a puzzled expression.

  “Ask her to dance.” I replied softly. “Rhea’s upset, maybe you’re exactly what she needs right now.”

  “You think?” Aiden’s eyes lit up with hope. “But why do you care? I know that they treat you like crap and enjoy doing it, so why would you care if she’s upset?”

  I smiled sadly. “They do. But like you said, Rhea always gets caught up in Torah’s drama, maybe you’ll be good for her and she won’t have to depend on our sister so much.”

  “You know you’re a really good person.” He said. “I hope more vampires become like you, it’s nice to see that some of us are actually capable of having a soul.”

  “Thanks, but it’s not all selfless reasons.” I said. “I’m kind of hoping you can erase some of the bitch in her.”

  We both laughed softly and Aiden practically ran over to where Rhea stood, looking a little lost without her bitchy other half.

  I walked slowly to the snack table. Watching the couple from the corner of my eye, I ladled ruby red liquid from the expensive looking crystal bowl into a glass tumbler.

  I took a sip and nearly choked, obviously the tradition of spiking the punch was in heavy flow, by the burning in my throat, more than one student seemed to have taken it upon them-selves to honor it.

  What the hell, I thought and I took another gulp.

  “Miss Morgan, you look lovely.” I visibly jumped, choking on the punch once again as Mr. Carlisle appeared behind me without making a noise.

  “Mr. Carlisle, I didn’t see you there.” I cleared my throat and quickly put down the glass, trying not to waft the scent of a distillery at him.

  “Apologies if I startled you.” He said, giving me a strange look.

  “It’s ok you didn’t,” I said, slightly uncomfortable under his strangely intense gaze. “So what’s up?” I asked, trying not to cringe at the inarticulacy of my words, the teacher was always correcting the class’s grammar, and scowling when we used common words from this century’s vocabulary.

  Strangely he just smiled at me, giving a little chuckle.

  “While I was away I think I may have found some new information that might be of interest to you.”

  “What was that sir?” I asked, getting a little creeped out at how wide his smile was. He never usually smiled this much, it looked way too forced.

  “I can’t really discuss it properly here,” he said. “But it has something to do with the little chat we had that day in my office.”

  Excitement coursed through me, the need to finally get some answers had been at the front of my brain for weeks and it was starting to make me crazy. “What is it? Is it with you? What did you find?” The questions all came pouring out of me at once; even I could barely understand them.

  Mr. Carlisle just smiled at me again, his expression still a little unnerving. “Patience child, I found some papers while I was away and I was translating them. A lot of what I read was references to the fifth element, but there was a piece that I really can’t explain, it has to be seen to be believed. I’ll have to show you.”

  “When can I see it?” I asked, impatient to find out what he had discovered.

  “If you are not too busy we can go to my office and I can show you right now.” He said quickly.

  My stomach clenched in anxiety, I couldn’t explain why but I had a deep sense of unease as I studied the teacher.

  Looking closer I now noticed he had a slightly disheveled appearance, his usually impeccably neat hair was mussed, his clothed crinkled, and his shirt un-tucked.

  “Well? Are you coming?” He asked, suddenly impatient.

  “Sure,” I said, shoving down the apprehensive feeling, I was just being overly paranoid. I needed to know what he had found and if it had any connection to me or the prophecy.

  I caught something in the corner of my eye and suddenly stopped dead. Roman was standing near the door, his eyes searching the heads of everyone in the room until they found mine and stopped. Slowly he began walking towards me.

  “Mr. Carlisle,” I said, not taking my eyes off Roman in case he pulled another disappearing act. “Can you give me a few minutes; I’ll meet you in your office, okay?”

  “Fine.” He said irritated. “Be quick though, I don’t have all night.”

  I nodded quickly and started walking towards Roman, meeting him in the middle. We stopped in front of each other and stood there in silence.

  It was probably only a moment but it felt like the silence stretched on for hours, finally I took a breath, opening my mouth to break it, but he got there first.

  “I guess we need to talk.”

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Roman led me up the stairs to the roof, to our garden, as I was starting to think of it, and up the iron staircase before I jerked him to a stop.

  “I need an exp
lanation.” I said.

  “I know.” His back was facing me, but I could hear the strain in his voice and see the muscles in his back tense up underneath his suit jacket. I tried not to let myself get distracted by how good he looked in a suit as I waited for him to continue.

  When he did not, I decided to take the lead and stop him from stalling.

  “How can you walk in the sun?” I asked quietly.

  “I’m not like everyone else.” He said, he sounded as if he was almost afraid to continue, so I rested my hand upon his where he held on to the rail of the balcony. He took a breath and his words came out in a rush. “My mother is a vampire, but my father was a human.”

  I stared at him, dumbfounded.

  I had never met a real life Dampier before, only read about them, they were super rare, and you could not tell the difference between one and a regular vamp, hence why they blended into the community, or risk being alienated, or worse, killed, by the vampire elders.

  “Okay, that’s definitely big news,” I said. “But that still doesn’t explain how you can walk in the sun; all Dampier children recorded have an even bigger intolerance to it than pure bloods, that’s why the elders deem them too dangerous to have around.”

  “True.” He said, once again turning from me and leaning on the rail. “But my father wasn’t a regular human, I know this is going to sound crazy, but he came from a long line of men born for the purpose of carrying the history of five powerful immortal creatures, and to deliver a special prophecy when the time came.”

  He couldn’t mean what I thought he meant, I thought to myself, my heartbeat quickened, thumping hard in my chest, could it be? “You mean the Ancients? The prophecy of the five?”

  Roman swallowed slowly, his Adams apple bobbing up and down noticeably against his pale skin.

  He then smiled softly, “I suppose I’m not surprised that you figured that out, one of your powers is seeing the past and future isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” The words were breathless, barely a whisper, but they echoed around the courtyard.


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