The Outsider

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The Outsider Page 29

by K'Anne Meinel

  “It’s fantastic,” she breathed, looking around. Robyn had wanted to update their apartment for so long, but mom needed the familiarity of it, the consistency. Anytime she’d tried anything, even painting the walls, Julia got upset.

  “I prefer more woods, antiques even, but for now, this is fine,” she admitted as she went to the fridge and pulled out a couple of beers. “Beer?” she asked, holding one up and at Robyn’s nod, closed the door and handed her one, doing a fancy bartender trick to open it without the opener. Robyn looked impressed and Joy threw the caps into a container next to the garbage marked, ‘recycling.’

  “What made you choose this apartment?” Robyn asked, curious.

  “It was available,” she smiled wryly. “I could have gotten one for a lot less money, but the leases were all terrible and too much of a commitment. This one was month to month and suited my needs when I decided to stay up here and get the project rolling.”

  “So, where you going when you’ve done enough?” She suddenly felt like the rug had been pulled out from under her. Joy spoke so easily about moving on. She took a large gulp from the bottle of beer, nearly choking on it.

  “I have no idea at the moment. I was thinking I might look for another place, but look at this…” she pulled Robyn into the living room and showed her the view from the patio door. “With this view, I do not want to leave,” she enthused.

  Robyn could see why. She had a perfect view of Lake Michigan including the boat harbor, the jetty, even the park where they had just been. Turning slightly, she could see the park where Summerfest was being held.

  “Here,” Joy said, unlocking the patio doors and pushing one open. They both stepped out on the small balcony.

  “Oh, my gawd, the view,” Robyn whispered worshipfully.

  “Yeah, if you aren’t afraid of heights,” Joy said with a straight face before bursting into laughter.

  “You aren’t, are you?” she asked worriedly.

  Shaking her head, Joy continued to laugh at her own joke. “Good thing too,” she added as she began to point out sights to the shorter brunette, their hair blowing in the breeze as they looked out. “There’s the memorial,” she mentioned, pointing. “And look at this angle, you can see Wisconsin Avenue start…” she continued for a little while until they saw the first of the fireworks going off. They were both quiet for the duration except for a little ‘ooh’ or ‘ahh’ now and then. Halfway through, Joy went and quickly got two more beers for them to enjoy.

  “That was fantastic,” Robyn said after it was over, still looking out over the view.

  “Yes, it was,” Joy murmured, her beer long gone as she looked at Robyn. Her enthusiasm had been exciting to watch. The beer had relaxed Joy, but it had started a throbbing that she was not sure was due to the alcohol. She recognized it from playing with herself, but now wondered how much of it was due to the presence of someone who excited her.

  Something in the tone of Joy’s response had Robyn looking up at the blonde, smiling a little. She put the now empty beer bottle down on a table and took the taller woman in her arms, reaching up to kiss her. Tilting her head to the side, they met in the middle, kissing and tasting the beer on each other’s tongues. It deepened quickly and the heat was soon radiating from their bodies, cooling rapidly on the breeze that they could feel so high up over the city.

  “Let’s go inside,” Robyn finally murmured, realizing how cold it was this near the lake and wanting to keep the heat they had generated going.

  Joy did not answer. Instead, she began maneuvering them through the open patio door, almost like a dance as she closed it behind them and leaned in for another kiss.

  “Where’s your bedroom?” Robyn asked in a whisper after a while.

  Joy knew Robyn was just making conversation since she had seen the apartment before, but she obliged her by taking her hand and leading her back to the master bedroom. Robyn immediately put her arms around the taller blonde and just held her warm body against the other woman. Slowly, Joy turned in her girlfriend’s arms, being careful not to hit her with her elbow as her arms came up to hold her too. “Mmm, this is nice,” she murmured as the heat she had felt on the balcony returned.

  “Yes, it is,” Robyn replied, her hands beginning to travel up and down Joy’s long back, lower each time as they inched towards her buttocks. She rested her head on the blonde’s chest, rubbing her cheek against the exposed skin, feeling the deliciously soft skin, inhaling the smell of her perfume and the unique odor that was Joy.

  Joy’s arms reflexively tightened, feeling the warmth, wanting more as she brought her hand up and tilted Robyn’s head up so that her lips could swoop down and meet the brunette’s. Slowly, she tasted them. They were soft and then firm, moist and then wet as they shared kiss after kiss, rubbing them together before opening them and hesitantly plying tongues. “Mmm,” Joy moaned as they deepened the kisses. She swayed slightly, almost as though she were dancing to an unknown melody. Her hands caressed down Robyn’s torso, seeking for the edge of her shirt so she could slip a hand underneath. The skin was warmer than her palms and Robyn arched against her, rubbing sensuously as they seduced each other.

  Robyn tried to go slow, after all Joy had said this was her first time. She didn’t want to rush her, but she was burning here and her impulse was to take what was so clearly being offered. If they had been further along in their relationship, she might have ripped Joy’s clothes off, born her to the bed or floor, and taken her, but she didn’t want to frighten her. She didn’t know how experienced she really was. “How far,” she gasped as Joy’s hand slid up and down her spine, “have you ever gone?”

  Joy rubbed her nose along Robyn’s jawline, her lips following along next as she took in her lover’s scent. She felt the need to suck a little and began to work her way down the shorter woman’s neck, taking in the softer and more pliant skin with her pursed lips. “I’ve made out, a little heavy petting through our clothes, but nothing…” she gasped as Robyn grasped her buttocks to pull her sensuously against her in the dance they were slowly gyrating to, “but nothing,” she repeated softly, “like this.”

  “Nothing?” Robyn asked, her hand teasing along the waistband of the pants that Joy was wearing, her fingers slipping inside to caress the skin. She slowly brought her hand between them, following the clothing, looking for the button that kept them up, unbuttoning it, her fingers slipping dangerously inside. “Like this?” she asked as she touched the smooth and silky skin inside Joy’s pants with her fingertips.

  “Gawd no, nothing like this,” she whispered her answer, her body pulling away slightly to give Robyn and her magical fingers more access.

  “Have you,” she gasped as both of Joy’s hands firmly caressed down her back, rubbing the skin and then slipping under her bra strap, “ever been intimate with anyone?” She wanted to ask if Joy had been with a man, but didn’t want to ruin their moment, especially now.

  “No,” she breathed out, her breath coming a little quicker now as Robyn’s fingers began to remove her slacks, the feel of those fingertips on her skin was delicious and her own lips sucked hard along Robyn’s neck, her nose burying in her hair. “I’ve never been with anyone.”

  That told Robyn what she wanted to know as she pushed the pants over the woman’s hips and let them fall. She pulled back slightly, annoyed that Joy’s lips didn’t remain on her neck, but she wanted to see what the blonde was wearing. She didn’t disappoint as the brunette’s gaze took in the satin French V cut panties. Robyn desperately wanted to drop to her knees and bury her face in that V, but she closed her eyes and pulled her control together. She couldn’t frighten the other woman, not now, not when they were about to consummate their relationship.

  “Is it all right?” Joy asked, suddenly feeling uncertain.

  “Oh, yes, baby, very all right,” Robyn told her as she pulled her close once again.

  Joy took the moment to kick off her shoes, lowering her height by a good inch against Robyn and st
epping out of the slacks. Her legs encountered the jeans the brunette was wearing and she felt that was unfair as she reached for the zipper and button that held them up. She reached down with her lips as the brunette returned to her arms, seeking out the moist lips that so aroused her.

  Robyn reached around to feel the firm buttocks, to cup them in the palms of her hands, pulling Joy closer to her body. It inhibited Joy’s attempt to remove Robyn’s jeans for a moment, but she arched slightly away so that Joy’s hand could open them. Both hands were necessary to push them down. Robyn used the toe of her one shoe to remove the other and then in stocking feet removed the other shoe with her toe, stepping out of her jeans in a march as she raised her legs one at time. Next, she rubbed her bare leg against one of Joy’s, and returning her warm hands to the firm buttocks, she squeezed.

  “Oh gawd, that feels…” Joy couldn’t think of the word, but Robyn got the message as she heard the gasp of air in her voice.

  Robyn slowly and sensuously rubbed their bodies together, her one hand still firmly grasping the buttock, the other traveling up the taller woman’s endless back. She desperately wanted to spin her, push her down on the bed, and bite that buttock her hand was now firmly cupping, but she gathered her strength and took control of her impulses. She loved the feel of Joy’s back, the muscles rippling involuntarily under her hand. She encountered Joy’s bra strap and with a flick of her fingers, unclasped it, feeling the breasts against her own chest suddenly loose.

  Joy wanted to feel more, she wanted to see more, her eyes kept closing to really take in the sensations that Robyn’s hands and body were causing within her. Her skin was feeling very sensitive and she marveled at it. She felt goosebumps as the warmth of Robyn’s skin against her own felt so very good. Her hands began to lift Robyn’s shirt, pulling it up and over her torso, revealing her bra and panties. She smiled down at her, having always avoided looking when in locker rooms or spas, not revealing her interest in others’ bodies over the years. Now she could look, now she could touch, and apparently, her touch was welcome as she saw the goosebumps raised by her fingertips. She smoothed them down with the palms of her hands as she warmed Robyn with them.

  “Well,” she sighed into a kiss with Joy, “that’s not fair.” She pulled her hands around to the front to start unbuttoning the silk blouse that the taller woman was wearing, revealing, button by button, the smooth expanse of her skin. Her fingers couldn’t seem to help themselves as she brushed against it. The matching bra was whiter than her skin and Robyn’s fingers easily slipped under the straps, slipping it down and revealing the two luscious orbs. “Oh, my God…” she breathed, worshiping as her hands dropped the bra and reached to warm the flesh revealed to her. Gently, she caressed them, her thumbs rubbing along the tips. She looked up as Joy gasped. “Do you like that, baby?” she whispered.

  Unable to speak, Joy nodded dumbly. She reached to remove Robyn’s bra as well, her hands fumbled a bit with the clasp in the back until she realized it hooked in the front. She covered her faux pas by caressing along the constricting garment, lifting it with a finger underneath, making it an exploration and caress. She hesitantly released the clasp and that easily, Robyn was naked from the waist up. She flipped the straps over the brunette’s shoulders, her fingers brushing the soft skin, watching as the other woman gasped at the sensation and then smiled in her eyes. She leaned down to kiss those inviting lips again. They made her own tingle at the touch.

  Robyn was enjoying Joy’s hesitant explorations. She hadn’t missed that she had gotten the bra wrong, but she wouldn’t say anything to embarrass or stop her. Her own hands were taking in as much flesh as they could caress. Warming herself against the taller body, her palms once again cupping that luscious ass, encountering the silk and her fingers delicately dancing along the edges. Slowly they snuck inside the edge and began to pull them down…down those admirable long legs. She could only bend so far, as Joy was holding her, kissing her deeply, and she didn’t wish to lose contact.

  Joy shimmied a little so her panties fell to the ground. She hadn’t known what to expect, but this, this hadn’t been it. The feelings and emotions that accompanied the sexual act weren’t even part of her imagination. She could feel herself pulsating between her legs. She knew if she reached down, she could have herself gasping in ecstasy within five minutes, but wanted desperately to find out what Robyn could do to her. She reached to remove Robyn’s cotton panties, duplicating the efforts of the brunette.

  Robyn was more than willing to be naked against Joy. She also wanted to feel the taller woman beneath her, to press her body against her, to let gravity do its job. With that in mind, she began to maneuver them back towards the bed, turning to let herself and the backs of her knees hit the mattress. Slowly, she pulled Joy with her to the bed. The comforter was satin and cool beneath her skin as she lowered herself to the mattress, Joy coming with her against her body, the weight of her body exciting her.

  Joy hadn’t known how they would end up in bed, but she knew she desperately wanted to be there. The feel of Robyn’s hands on her skin and the warmth of her body was driving her insane. She couldn’t communicate adequately with their passionate kisses how much she wanted the smaller woman. She groaned as they found themselves on the bed, finally, her body on top of Robyn’s.

  Robyn rolled them easily, her own body on top now as she used it to grind down on the tall blonde. She gently manipulated Joy’s leg so it was wrapped around her hip, giving her unprecedented access between her legs. Robyn could feel the heat from between the other woman’s legs and wanted to grind down on it, plunge her fingers in it, slide down to her knees and taste it. Instead, she gently and sensuously moved against her, relishing the indrawn breath as their bodies came together in all the right places. Her other hand gently grasped the luscious breast before her and squeezed slightly, hearing another indrawn breath from Joy, feeling the peak of the blonde’s aroused nipple against her hand.

  Joy had never made herself feel this way, and she hadn’t known that another person could make her feel this way. She wanted it all, she wanted it now, but she also wanted to learn as they touched each other. Lightly, she took her nails down Robyn’s back and smiled into the kisses they were exchanging as the brunette arched against her in response.

  Robyn let one of her own legs slip between Joy’s and rubbed slightly. The indrawn breath, the gasp at the sensation, told her that she was enjoying it. The gush of moisture on her upper thigh told her so much more and she closed her eyes as she fought for control. Her hand, of its own accord, slipped between their bodies to feel at that fountain, her palm was soon inundated with the dew from Joy’s body.

  “Mmmm,” Joy moaned slightly into the kiss, her hands unconsciously clenching and her muscles contracting to pull Robyn closer to her body at the touch between her legs.

  “You like that, baby?” Robyn murmured against her lips, kissing along Joy’s strong jawline, down along her neck to her ear, and gently sucking on the lobe.

  “Oh, yessss,” she gasped as she threw her head back to provide access. “Oh, yessss.”

  Robyn kissed along that very sensitive skin, admiring the dips and curves on her strong shoulders, sucking slightly, but stopping before leaving a mark. She kissed her way down Joy’s chest to the very erect and aroused nipples waiting for attention, demanding it. She didn’t disappoint as her lips found one and her free hand the other. She pushed down with her other hand using the palm against the smooth folds of Joy’s skin eliciting another moan from her, arousing Robyn as she heard it. She licked avidly at the nipple, squeezing and pinching slightly on the other, then switching off to see if the nipples tasted any different from each other. Slowly, inexorably, she made her way down Joy’s body, laughing slightly as her kisses caused a muscle to ripple across the other woman’s stomach. She licked at her belly button, but only to watch the response beneath her.

  Joy had lost contact with Robyn’s back as moved down her body, but she didn’t mind as the sen
sations in own body demanded a response. She had answers to some of her questions about what Robyn could cause in her, but that only created more questions and she eagerly anticipated those answers. Her hands found Robyn’s hair and she plunged them in there, cupping the brunette’s head with her palms, encouraging her. Her fingers gently caressed along the base of Robyn’s neck, her ear, and she smiled as she saw the brunette shudder slightly in her own arousal from the sensations that her fingers were engendering.

  Robyn could scent her prey; her fingers were playing with the wetness. She wanted to taste and saw no reason to deprive herself. Slowly, she slipped off the bed and down Joy’s body. She smiled in anticipation of that first taste, her tongue and lips reaching out anxiously. Joy did not disappoint.

  At the first touch of Robyn’s lips and tongue on Joy’s sex, the heat practically overwhelmed her. She felt her body convulse into that spot and her body spasmed. Her hands pulled Robyn’s face closer to her body, smooshing her sex against her lover.

  Robyn didn’t mind. The response was worth it…and the taste…oh, what a delicious person Joy was. Her responses were absolutely natural and all for Robyn. The heady aroma only aroused the brunette more. Knowing she was the first, Joy’s first, was a power like nothing she had felt before. She eagerly lapped at the fountain, finding her chin absolutely drenched as the blonde clenched at her, unconsciously grinding against Robyn’s face. “Easy, baby, easy…I’ve got you,” she breathed as her fingers gently explored the depths of the wetness, slipping inside the folds. She glanced up as her lips played with Joy’s erect clit, her fingers inside seeking her G-spot, gauging how much pleasure it was causing Joy. From the expression on the blonde’s face, she was ecstatic.

  Joy had never bothered to put her fingers inside, never having needed to before as she stimulated herself to orgasm using her clit. The fullness, at first uncomfortable as one and then two of Robyn’s fingers went inside, soon became a welcome full sensation. The warmth of Robyn’s mouth on her clit and the sucking stimulation was like nothing she had ever experienced before. She was losing her friggin’ mind as she arched and began to gyrate beneath Robyn’s administrations.


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