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Allure Page 10

by Christin Lovell

  “We’ll see about that.”

  I glared darts at him when he pulled up to the most expensive clothing boutique in town. “I’m not shopping here. Why would I pay ten times as much for a shirt when there’s a Wal-mart down the road?”

  “Do you know how much slack I’d get if I bought you Wal-mart clothes?”

  I jerked my hand away, nearly growling at him. “What’s wrong with them?”

  “Emma, I’m a business man. As my mate, you will be required to mingle with other business men and their wives, who all shop at this store.”

  I crossed my arms and stuck my nose up, adamant in my view. “I’m okay with standing out if it saves me…um…you money.”

  He shook his head in dismay as he opened his door.

  “Hey! Where are you going?”

  He came around and opened my door. He unbuckled me and lifted me out. I knew my face was red when he carried me into the store. I wrapped my arms around myself and turned my face into him to avoid any stares. “Put me down.”

  “As long as you promise to stay in the store.”

  “Fine,” I grumbled, pouting like a child as he put me down.

  Looking around, everything was beautiful and made of the highest quality linens. I didn’t dare touch anything. My rent money would barely cover one outfit in here. I was way outside of my comfort zone for sure.

  “Hello,” a sales associate greeted us. “How may I help you?” She smiled, practically glowing in her polished ensemble of tailored black pants, a plum sweater with a silver tiered necklace lying atop it, and black pumps.

  “I’m looking to buy my wife a new wardrobe.”

  I about choked over his choice of words.

  He beamed deviously at me.

  “Certainly, sir. Is this your wife?” She gestured towards me.

  He nodded.

  “Wonderful. What total are you aiming to stay below today?”

  “None,” he stated. He handed the woman a black credit card. My jaw hit the floor, but I wasn’t the only one though. The sales woman became a little flustered at the sight of it.

  “What is this? A Pretty Woman remake?” I whispered loudly.

  “No,” he pulled me into his arms, gazing down at me. “This is what it is.” He leaned down and kissed my cheek.

  “Well, I won’t have any part in it. I’m not letting you spend tons of money on this stuff. I don’t need it. I can’t work for five weeks anyway so it’s not like I’ll be going anywhere,” I tried to reason.

  “You’ll thank me for this later,” he said confidently.

  “No, I’ll feel incredibly guilty. Do you know how many families we could feed and clothe with the money you’re prepared to spend today?” The smile on the sales woman’s face began to dwindle. I was talking him out of a the purchase.

  “Give us a moment,” he told the woman.

  “Certainly,” she replied, stepping away. Her gaze flickered back to us, uncertainty creasing her brows.

  “Emma, please let me do this for you.” Marco drew my attention to him.

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t. I know what it’s like to pinch every penny and still not have enough for the important things. I can’t justify spending thousands of dollars on items I could purchase for five percent of that knowing that there are still others out there who are in that same predicament.”

  His eyes softened as he studied me. “Are you willing to compromise?”

  “Depends.” I pursed my lips, concentrating, trying to figure out where he was going with this.

  “You let me buy you two complete outfits and whatever I spend on them, I’ll match in donations to any charity or family you choose,” he offered.

  I bit my bottom lip, deep in thought. It would still be a ridiculous amount that he’d be spending on two outfits, but on the flip side, he would be donating money to people who needed it if I agreed. He just gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse. I hated the fact that he would be spending the same amount that he donated, but if that’s what it took to ensure that someone was given a financial miracle, then I had to do it.

  I sighed. “Alright. Pick something out.” He gave me a haste kiss.

  “Miss,” he waved the sales woman back over. She scurried to his side. “We will be trying on a few things, if you could open up a dressing room.”

  “Of course. Certainly. Right away, sir.” She beamed, dashing off again with his credit card still in hand.

  After struggling to try on clothes with one hand for what felt like hours but was probably only forty-five minutes, we were done. I don’t know how he managed, but I somehow ended up with four outfits. I cringed at the total, my stomach churning at the sight of the numbers. I about passed out when he signed the receipt without batting an eye. I had to breathe through it, continually reminding myself of the charity condition.

  The second we got back in the car and he started driving I told him not to get used to this. He chuckled, dismissing my words.

  We returned to a house full of commotion. Shouting could be heard from the bottom of the stairs. The Jets had just scored a touchdown when we walked in.

  “Did you see that? Hell yeah!” Will shouted.

  “It’s just a game, guys,” Noah interjected.

  “Of course you would say that,” another scoffed.

  Jackson approached me the second Marco wandered into the kitchen area. “Hello, pretty lady. I see you went shopping. Care to give us a fashion show?” He wiggled his brows, trying to be enticing, witty and charismatic all at once, but completely failing yet again. I couldn’t help but burst into laughter. He frowned.

  “I’m sorry, but do any of these lines work on girls?”

  “Hell no,” one of the guys came up behind him, slapping his shoulder. “I’m Josten by the way,” he said, extending his hand. Josten reminded me of what I envisioned a Native American Edward to look like. He had disheveled dark brown hair that border-lined bed-head but came out looking cool. He had the face of a model and gorgeous honey eyes that could mesmerize you if you stared at them too long. He didn’t have a lot of muscle definition to him, but you could tell he was strong.

  I shook his hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m Emma.”

  “I know. Everyone in the pack knows about you.”

  I dropped my hand. “Right. Of course.”

  “You’re missing it, man,” another one said, passing by to grab some chips off the island.

  “That’s Anden. If the Jets lose, he’ll be the one to avoid for the next week,” Josten said. “Since the Giants lost earlier, you’ll want to avoid Anthony, the wanna-be-rico-suave with his hair slicked back. And Nate, the idiot with the half-hawk, is the one to avoid period. Not really a people person.”

  “Ah. Duly noted.” I nodded appreciatively.

  Josten continued to point out everyone, giving me a bit of info or advice about each one. It was nice to have a name to go with all the faces. Since they all had a basic resemblance, I had to study the details of each one so I wouldn’t forget who was who.

  “Come sit with us, Em. We can watch the Jets lose to the Panthers together,” Micah said, patting the empty spot beside him.

  “Shut your pie hole, asshole. You’ll be coughing up fifty bucks at the end of the night. You just wait and see,” Anden sneered.

  I laughed. This was exactly how I pictured brothers acting with each other.

  “Sure.” I took off my layers, shoved them in one of the bags and set them to the side. I climbed over the back of the couch and plopped down since there was no clear walkway with all of them, despite both sectionals and TVs being used.

  “So, how do you like the pack so far?” Micah asked.

  “Everyone seems friendly. Haven’t experienced anyone turning into a werewolf yet though.”

  “You will. Just wait until the full moon. Things tend to go crazy around here that night.”

  “I can imagine.”

  “What have you gotten yourself into?” Marco leaned over me from behind, wrappin
g a muscled arm around me.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re in the middle of what’s about to be a huge fight once the game’s over. I’d suggest you bail as soon as you can.” He kissed my cheek. Surprising myself, I turned halfway around at an angle, trying to find his lips to kiss him back.

  “Hey, Emma. Where’d you run off to earlier?” Sarah asked as she approached.

  “It seems she snuck off to apply at my resort,” Marco answered for me.

  I felt myself flush.

  “Oh. Well, I found your breakfast upstairs. I put it in the microwave for you in case you want it.”

  Marco narrowed his eyes at me. “What have you eaten today?”

  “I didn’t do it on purpose. I just sort of forgot.” I bit my lower lip, cringing as I awaited his lecture.

  “Tell me, Emma, how does someone forget to eat all day?”


  “Mason! Bring Em a plate of food, and don’t skimp on anything,” Marco ordered. The slightly chubby teen quickly filled and handed me a plate. “Jonathan, bring her a bottle of water.”

  “Thanks,” I said as they passed me the items. I cradled the plate in my lap and rested the water beside me.

  They merely nodded in acknowledgement.

  “Now eat up. I’ve got to make a few calls. Micah and Sam, make sure she eats everything on that plate. And don’t even think about helping her.” He kissed the top of my head and walked away.

  “You think he’s gone? I can’t hear shit over all these knuckleheads.” Sam stretched, leaning over the back of the sofa towards the exit.

  “We should be good. How much do you want us to eat, Em?” Micah winked.

  I smiled wide. “I love you guys.”


  Chapter Ten

  Over the next few days Marco and I developed a routine. Every morning he made me breakfast and we ate together. He always made it a point to spend time with me before leaving for work, and he always left me with a kiss. I would then head downstairs and hang out with the guys and Sarah. Turns out most of the guys worked at the resort in some way, though a few of the older ones had stronger careers. They were growing on me every day, making me rethink my plan of leaving more and more.

  When Friday came though, I decided to return to my apartment. I needed to break away now before I completely lost myself in them. The longer I went unprotected, the longer I’d hurt when they decided they didn’t want me anymore.

  “Are you sure you want to stay?” Marco looked around. He’d bought me a new sofa and bed. He also had Sarah stock the fridge and pantry with food. He wanted to buy more, but I refused. I’d actually kept a tally of what he’d spent on me so far. I promised myself at some point I’d pay him back for it all. It was too much to keep with nothing in return.

  “Yeah.” I nodded my head assuringly.

  He was more nervous about this than I was. He’d pleaded with me not to, but I needed to do this.

  “Here,” he handed me a cell phone. “I’ve programmed in my number, Kuha’s, and the house phone. Call any of us if you need anything.” The look on his face was heart-wrenching. He looked sad, the bags under his eyes indicative of no sleep since I’d told him of my decision last night. His lips were turned down just a tad in the corners, but his chin was up and out. He was still trying to be strong; he was letting me make my own choices and run my life for once.

  “The alarm code is on the counter with step by step instructions. If it goes off, the alarm company will call you and then me.”

  “Thanks. I really appreciate everything you’ve done. It’s a lot more than I ever dreamed of or deserve.”

  “Don’t say that, mi amor.” He caressed my cheek.

  I smiled up at him. “I’ll call you if I need anything,” I assured him. Somehow, I knew he knew that I wouldn’t.

  He nodded once and walked away, quietly closing the door behind him. I immediately felt lonely. My apartment was beautiful with the new furniture and freshly painted walls, but it was empty without his presence. I knew it would be like that, but I needed to see if I could deal with it.

  I was prepared for the emptiness, the tiny hole he’d no longer fill, but I wasn’t prepared for the heartache. I’d fooled myself into believing that I could walk away before they did.

  The next few days I lounged around trying to read, but I could only focus on his absence, on their absence in my days. Marco had called a few times, but I’d ignored the calls. I knew it would only make it more difficult on me.

  Every time I was around him and the pack, my walls of defense were demolished. I was so easily sucked into them. I felt weak around them. I had become sidetracked. He’d stolen my determination. Before, I was determined to go to college, determined to be self-sufficient. Now I was pining after him like a hopeless addict. That’s why I’d separated myself from him and from them. I knew if I stayed much longer, I would never want to leave. I was so used to everyone sending me away at some point that I didn’t want to chance it. I wanted to know love, but I didn’t want to know loss, even though in some ways I already did.

  But we all have a threshold, a breaking point.

  Wednesday night I lie tossing and turning in bed. I couldn’t get them—him—off my mind. I missed the comfort of his arms around me. I missed our morning routine of him hand feeding me between sweet kisses. I missed the guys and the way they used to tease me yet seemed so protective of me at the same time. They embraced me as a sister, offering me a larger family than I’d ever dreamed. Yet here I was, miles away in my bed alone only thinking of them rather than being with them. And why? Because I was so darn focused on myself. They were offering me everything, yet I walked away because I was afraid…because I was a coward allowing her past to darken her future.

  Marco was the one I couldn’t lose sight of though. He constantly ran through my mind. Perhaps I ignored his calls hoping he’d just show up, but alas, he gave me what I’d asked for: space. You will never know love until you know risk. I hadn’t been willing to take the risk. I was willing to tiptoe over the line, but not cross it. Oh, and how weak I felt for doing it. I couldn’t ignore the call of my heart to him much longer.

  I rolled on my back and stared up at the ceiling. My room felt so dark and desolate. He had the walls painted a soft taupe color. It made the room feel much warmer than the previous dirty white. He’d also had the heater fixed, which was a nice change. He’d purchased a new comforter set for me that made my old blankets look like filthy rags. He’d done all these things that added layers of warmth to my space, yet I still felt stone cold because he wasn’t here.

  I sighed, fighting the instinct, the urge within me to run to him. I had two options here: stick to my guns and remain miserable until I woke up and no longer thought of him or gamble with my heart, go to him and indulge in him for as long as he’ll have me. With the latter, I was guaranteed happiness, at least for a while.

  The hole in my core dimmed a little more. I was disappointed in myself for getting attached so quickly. I was pathetic, really. Who can’t live without someone they’ve met in less than two weeks? So much for self-sufficiency and independence.

  I rolled to my left, curling my legs. I could be lying beside him right now. I wouldn’t even need the blanket; he was warm enough. He would kiss me breathless before gently pressing my head to his chest. His well-muscled arms would cocoon me, silently assuring me that he would protect me no matter what.

  No matter what; that’s what he’d promised. No matter what.

  Why couldn’t I let go? Why couldn’t I throw caution to the wind declaring no matter what?

  Marco was the first man to claim my attention. While he hadn’t always given me what I wanted, he’d given me what I needed. No matter what way I studied it, he didn’t deserve the cold shoulder I’d given him. When did I turn into such a B? If protecting my heart meant hurting him, well, it wasn’t worth it.

  I suppose that was the life-altering epiphany. This wasn’t about
me. This was about him. And, thus far, he’d proved worthy of every ounce of pain I might encounter should he walk away someday.

  Gathering my shame, I got up and dressed in my warmest clothes, which didn’t exactly match. I put on my old sweat pants, a white long-sleeved shirt with a gray turtleneck over it, my jacket and scarf, two pairs of socks and the Uggs Marco had surprised me with in my closet.

  I checked the clock: 11:59 p.m. I debated calling him to pick me up when I changed, which I still hadn’t mastered with one hand. I didn’t want to wake him up though. He had a lot going on at work the last time I was with him; I knew he needed the sleep. I would just have to walk. I grabbed the cell phone, my wallet and my keys and headed out the door.

  I rushed. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being watched. While Marco had assured me that Ryan was still healing, I knew that his pack wasn’t. At the same time, I wouldn’t put it past Marco to force one of the guys to shadow me. I focused on what was ahead of me, trying to ignore all else; most of all, my racing mind.

  I walked inside the confine just past 1:30 a.m. Relief instantly flowed through me. Looking around though, I had to admit, the first floor and stairwell were pretty creepy at night alone. Of course, that could have been because I was trying to sneak in unnoticed.

  My ears were cocked as I rounded the corner towards the third floor. I didn’t hear anything, so I nearly fell down the stairs when Josten appeared out of nowhere. I gasped as he quickly grabbed hold of my upper arms and pulled me into a hug.

  “I got you. You okay?”

  I struggled to catch my breath as my heart nearly pounded out of my chest. “Yeah, I think so. Thanks,” I whispered.

  “Sure.” He pulled away, ensuring I was steady on my feet before letting go of me. “Couldn’t stay away from us, could you?”

  I lowered my face to conceal my smirk as I shook my head.

  He snickered. “It’s good to have you back, Em. The boss has been a major asshole since you left, even made poor Jake cry.”

  “Sorry.” I cringed just picturing it.

  “It’s all good. Go cheer him up. I’m sure he’s still awake. He’s been pacing the last few nights.” I nodded, gave him another quick hug and headed upstairs.


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