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Page 16

by Christin Lovell

I chuckled as he nearly yanked his hair out running his hands through it. “No, come on in. He’s in the shower. He did say that he’ll be down in two minutes though.”

  “Ah. Okay. Tell him I’ll see him in a few then.” He awkwardly half waved before turning and nearly running away.

  “Two minutes? What the heck is going on?” I pondered aloud, shutting the door. That’s when I remembered the meeting.

  A minute later, Marco strolled into the living area, fully dressed in jeans and a grey sweater that hugged his figure flawlessly. He gave me a once over, a smile curling his lips. “I’ll see you later, mi amor.” He closed the distance and seized my lips in a swift, chaste kiss.

  As quickly as he’d entered the room, he left.

  I wasted no time. The moment the door closed, I rushed to shower and change. This involved me, this was because of me, and I wanted to know their strategy. Though I wasn't foolish enough to voice it, I wasn't against intervening if it meant I could stop all of this from happening. I threw on a pair of skinny sweatpants, one of the few lounge items that had arrived with the pack young’s new wardrobe, and a much too big T-shirt of Marco’s. I had to tuck it in so not to be swallowed whole by it. I raced down to the conference room, not even bothering with shoes, only socks. I didn’t want to miss much.

  I slid in the back door, amazed to see all the wives and partners who had accompanied their mates. Marco stopped speaking for a second when I entered, offered me a knowing smile. He gave a signal to Kuha who escorted me to a seat next to Roman and his wife. She was a beautiful plus-sized woman with long blonde hair full of big, loose curls, soft ivory skin and bright blue eyes. She smiled wide at me and waved in my direction as I sat down. She brought the cheerfulness out of me because I found myself eagerly returning the gesture. Even straight faced Roman cracked a small grin as he gazed at his wife. I could tell he was lost in love with her. Seeing my brother prompted thoughts of Marco. Did he care about me the way my brother obviously did his wife? Was I oblivious to his smoldering stares while others looked on knowingly? I was happy for my brother and his wife, and I felt a kindling desire within me for the same degree of coupled bliss.

  The meeting of the minds dragged on for two hours. Not one of the pack members or their mates questioned the need behind this attack. They trusted their leaders blindly. It opened my eyes to a lot of things, but mostly had me reevaluating my hesitance with Marco. I still couldn’t pinpoint what was holding me back. It was maddening. I felt defective in a way, as if I were a broken toy that could repair itself, if only it could reach the wound.

  Marco made a beeline for me the second everyone was dismissed. “What are you doing here?” he asked, kissing my cheek and wrapping a territorial arm around my waist.

  “Well, I am part of the pack, aren’t I?”

  He beamed. “Yes, but I don’t want you worrying about all of this. We’re going to take care of it.”

  “I know. I just wanted to know what was being planned.”

  “Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to introduce myself.” Roman’s wife grinned wide, her aura forever welcoming. She was nearly bouncing in place.

  “You’re not interrupting. I’m Emma and this is Marco.” I extended my good hand. She bypassed my hand and hugged me.

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Cherrilyn, of course my friends call me Cheerful Cherry,” she exclaimed, her hands gesturing all over the place. Her energy was contagious. She was like a bright light in a dark room. I certainly didn’t picture stern Roman with a woman like her, but, then again, she was probably exactly who he needed.

  …just as Marco was who I needed.

  “Nice to meet you, Cherry.” Marco shook her hand.

  Her smile never wavered. “Oh, Emma, I’m so excited to have a woman around again. You can get lost in the sea of testosterone around here. We’ll have to do lunch when this is all over. If you need to talk or anything though, just give me a buzz.” She enveloped me again, catching me off guard. “Take care, sugar. It was great meeting you both,” she offered, waving as she began to move on to chat up another couple.

  “Have a good night,” Roman said tipping his head before catching up with his wife.

  “She’s a whirlwind, isn’t she?” Anthony asked, stepping in where they were just standing.

  “I like her.”

  “Oh, she’s great. Total opposite of grumpy pants.” Anthony spoke louder than necessary. Roman shot him a scowl from across the way.

  I chuckled.

  “You okay with our direct approach?” my father asked Marco as he approached. He stood, arms crossed expectantly.

  I felt Marco stand up straighter beside me. “Yes, sir. I don't think there’s another way. We’ll head straight into the forest and come around the back of their property,” Marco replied.

  I cringed as my dream flashed in my mind. I couldn't help but tense at the image.

  Marco gave me a quick glance, his look telling me we would discuss it later.

  “I’ll need you to take me out so we can map it for my pack,” my father continued.

  “Just let me know when,” Marco offered.

  “Tomorrow morning. The rest of the pack should arrive in the afternoon. Until then, go pamper my daughter. She’s had a hard day,” he said, throwing a wink my way.

  “I already planned on it.”

  My stomach chose that moment to growl loud enough for even my ears to hear, let alone their sensitive ones. Marco had thrown off my regimen insisting I overindulge at times, so my body was beginning to crave more. I felt my cheeks color at their raised brows.

  “Why the hell haven’t you fed her?” my father exclaimed.

  “I could make a guess.” Anthony smirked, wiggling his brows suggestively.

  I understood what it was like to have a younger brother now.

  My father looked annoyed. His featured turned down and his gaze seemed to question everything.

  Marco pulled out the radio and requested a full spread to be delivered to the room.

  “That’s better. If you expect me to let you keep her, you damn well better take better care of her,” my father ground out.

  “You have my word,” he stated, tugging me closer.

  “I won’t hold you up. Go eat, honey. Marco, I’ll meet you in the lobby at nine.” He leaned in and kissed my head. He really was trying, and that was enough for a few of my walls to come down for him. It was strange to think that a month ago I nearly hated his guts. It warmed me to know I had family who actually cared.


  The next twelve hours were bittersweet. Marco and I cuddled through the night. The next day, with all the guests evacuated, we had free reign.

  Tension fizzed about, beginning to stir during breakfast. Two hours later, Marco returned with my father strumming with adrenaline. Knowing he was amped up to fight made my stomach roll, had every muscle in my body tightening uncomfortably. That’s when my nerves officially set in.

  “You okay, sweetie?” Kuha asked, studying me with concern.

  I glanced at Marco across the room, deep in strategic conversation with my father and brothers. “Yeah, I’m just nervous. I wish I could stop all of this.” I palmed my cast. “Think there’s any way I could?”

  “Doubtful. Unless you have a hidden dungeon to lock us all away in.”

  Well, at least he made me crack a smile. “Be honest, Kuha. What are the chances that one of you will get hurt or even lose your life?”

  “We run that risk every day, Em. But we’re more likely to die behind the wheel of a car than in battle.”

  “But the possibility is still there.” I frowned.

  He sighed and grabbed my good hand. He led me to the center of the room. “Look around, Em. You have two packs armoring themselves against one small pack. Ryan’s pack is only twenty-seven members big.”

  “Why is his so much smaller?”

  “Because this isn’t the first fight he’s picked. Ryan’s the smallest alpha in the nation. To make up for that, he�
�s set his sights on nabbing a female werewolf for his mate. When he’s not stalking one, he’s fighting other packs to prove he’s just as strong as them. So don’t take this personally. While we’re fighting for you, we’re not fighting because of you.”

  I looked up at him and smiled, feeling a little bit of the weight lifted off my shoulders. “Do you have any sisters?”

  He grinned wide. “One. She’s thirteen. She lives in Colorado with my parents.”

  “You migrated from Colorado?”

  “We’re drawn from all over. Each pack is a melting pot. Harvey came from Texas, Micah from New York, and Jake is from Canada. We all have the dreams and are led by them.”

  “Wow. I didn’t know that.” My eyes traveled to Harvey, his arm wrapped around Wilma as they laughed with another older couple from my father’s pack.

  “What sort of lies are you feeding my mate?” Marco half scowled, half smirked at Kuha as he pulled me to him. I instantly melted into him, reveling in the security of his arms as they wrapped my waist from behind.

  “I’m not going to dignify that accusation with an answer,” he snickered. He focused on me. “You sure you want him instead of me, Em?” He cocked his head, waiting expectantly for my reply.

  I glimpsed up at Marco; his eyes immediately met mine. “I’m sure,” I answered breathlessly.

  Marco leaned into me, his appreciation being pressed into my back as he nuzzled my neck. “I can’t wait to claim you.”

  A chill ran down my spine as warmth pooled in my lower stomach. I was flustered with longing merely by his words.

  “And that is my cue to leave.” Kuha chuckled uncomfortably.

  I paid him no mind though. I was lost in Marco’s hands skimming my body in the most sensual way. I didn’t care who was looking.

  He spun me around and captured my lips. It was a heated connection—as if all his feelings were poured into it. Suddenly there was whistling and applause from our pack. I pulled away, feeling my cheeks hot as the sun as I looked out at our audience.

  Marco pursed his lips. “I’m going to have to have a serious talk with those boys.”

  “At least we entertained them for a couple of seconds, I guess.”

  He bent into me. “I’d like to be entertained a little more.” The words were a teasing whisper in my ear.

  I saw the desire in his eyes as he straightened. A soft glow settled into them. “It looks like a little more than that,” I murmured, lost in his eyes.

  “Me and my wolf always want more,” he declared.

  I swallowed the plea begging to break from my lips. There was something dangerously sexy about him in this moment. He was unpredictable, yet safe.

  “Get a room!” Nate yelled.

  Marco’s head snapped to him, his eyes narrowed as a growl escaped.

  Nate laughed it off.

  “Stop.” I shushed him. “My father’s pack is still arriving. We really should save this for later.”

  “Is that a promise?” He quirked a brow.


  “I’m going to hold you to that so you better be prepared.”

  “I will be.” I beamed, thinking back to yesterday.

  His eyes narrowed until a satisfied smirk replaced his intensity. He knew what I was thinking about.

  I looked down at my feet, trying to avoid his knowing gaze.

  He lifted my chin with his finger. “Don’t be embarrassed. That was the single sexiest thing you’ve ever done.”

  It was all so new to me still. I enjoyed the pleasure he gave me as much as I enjoyed returning it, but I was still unsure of myself. I knew he was experienced, despite never officially discussing it. I only knew the little I did from a few romance novels I’d read.

  “I need to go welcome the family that just walked in. I’ll be thinking of you very inappropriately the rest of the day though.” He kissed me quickly but gently. “I can’t wait for tonight, Miss Bledri.” He walked off, leaving me breathless and bothered in the middle of the room.

  “He’s hooked you, hasn’t he? He hasn’t claimed you yet, but you’re his already aren’t you?” Micah interrupted my reverie.

  I scrunched my brows. “What do you mean?”

  “He just announced that you were his to every wolf in this room.”

  “Oh. I didn’t think of it like that. I suppose so though.”

  “He’s a sneaky bastard, isn’t he?” He laughed.

  My eyes followed Marco. He was greeting two young men and a female. He screamed power in his stance, yet his hands were welcoming them at the level of an equal. Micah’s explanation made sense though.

  “What are you doing for the rest of the day?” he asked.

  “Not sure. You?” I asked turning my attention back to him.

  “Me and the guys were thinking about pulling out some old board games.”

  I snickered. “I’d like to see that. I thought your games consisted of a controller and TV only.”

  “Haha. We know how to play the others. They’re just not as fun.”

  “I’ve always found Scrabble to be an interesting game.” I leaned in closer. “It can be naughty or nice.”

  His eyes widened at my suggestion. “Whoa, Em. Damn the boss for taking your innocence.”

  I laughed heartily. “Nah, I was just hiding the true me before.”

  “Between you and me, I like this you much better. Let’s go kick some butt in dirty Scrabble.”


  “Hell yeah!”

  The next few hours I spent winning every game of Scrabble with Micah. Noah was a fierce competitor, which surprised me given his shy nature. “It’s always the quiet ones,” Anden commented, shaking his head at another loss.

  “Ain’t that the damn truth.” Nate scowled, per his usual self.

  Near the end of the last game, Marco finally came around to see what had caused nearly every young male in both packs to swarm the table for. He glanced at the board of words, his head roughly snapping towards me. He raised a brow questioningly. I bit my lip, feeling my cheeks color yet again.

  “Oh no. You can’t go all shy on us now, Em. She’s been killing it, boss. You’ve got a closet kink on your hands,” Micah announced.

  I smacked his arm and stomped on his foot.

  Marco’s eyes penetrated me as he did a full sweep of my body. “I’ll be sure to remember that.”

  “Is he as good as he looks?” Anthony whispered in my ear.

  With my eyes still locked across the table at Marco, I replied, “Not sure yet.”

  As the last game ended, we cleaned up and gathered in another banquet hall to eat an early dinner. Wilma got a kick out of my dirty Scrabble skills the guys had bragged to her about. My father kept his eyes on his food during that revelation. Anthony and Christian got in on the banter while Roman copied my father. It was then that I realized I’d broken out of my shell. Little remnants of the real me—of my fun personality—were finally breaking through. I was a complete bore before compared to now. I’d fought so hard to keep my true self hidden for so long, never wanting to be noticed in the crowd, afraid to be recognized, afraid of saying or doing something that would have another person abandoning me. More and more, I was worrying less and less about these boys, particularly Marco, doing that, but I only discovered that by taking a risk, by lowering my shield and facing my fears.


  Chapter Sixteen

  At sunset, the feel of the place changed. We all knew what was coming. Wives’ and mates’ expressions were suddenly full of worry and concern as they watched—as we watched—the males take direction from Marco and my father. My stomach began to coil at the sight of Marco’s focused expression and bulging biceps. I could tell he was preparing himself as he prepared everyone else. I stiffened when he gave the final command for everyone to meet in the lobby in twenty minutes.

  This was happening. It was really happening.

  He headed straight for me. I fought the panic threatening to take cont
rol. I leapt into his arms the second he was within reach, wrapped my legs around his waist and hugged him tightly. “Promise me you’ll be careful,” I pleaded.

  He held me close. “I swear.”

  I pulled back to gaze one last time into his eyes, to lose myself in them.

  “You don’t have to cry, mi amor. Nothing is going to happen to me.”

  I hadn’t even realized I was until he mentioned it. I quickly wiped the tears away with my good hand. He pulled me to him and crushed my lips with his. Nothing was left behind. He told me everything I needed to know with his kiss.

  My father cleared his throat breaking through the moment. I was only slightly embarrassed.

  “Do I get to hug my daughter goodbye?”

  “Of course, but it’s not goodbye,” I said.

  Marco gently set me down.

  My father gave me a strong embrace, clutching me too him for several minutes. I freely returned his gesture. He’d really taken the role of father to heart. He wasn’t perfect, but he was more than I thought I would ever have.

  “I love you, honey. I know I haven’t been there for you before, but I’ll always be there for you from here on out. If you ever need anything, just call me. I’ll be here as soon as I can. I mean that.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  A smile lit his face; his eyes glossed. He adjusted his clothes, trying to push away the emotions taking hold of him.

  “Well, then, be sure to say goodbye to your brothers. I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetie,” he said, kissing my cheek before he walked away, leaving a lump in my throat and a fresh weight on my chest. He’d made that connection with me, and therefore became another person to fear losing.

  I gave Anthony and Christian a hug and kiss on the cheek with a firm warning to be safe. They both rolled their eyes. “Typical,” I scoffed with a smile.

  “That’s what brothers are for,” Christian stated.

  “Got any love left for us?” Anden called. They boys were gathered together, huddled since they had no mates or extended family here.

  “Of course.” I smiled, looking around the room. I gave each member of the pack a hug and a kiss on the cheek, touching them all as they’d touched my life in such a powerful way. These people were the reason I was living; they were my reason to live.


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