Queen's Guard (Shifter Royalty Trilogy Book 2)

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Queen's Guard (Shifter Royalty Trilogy Book 2) Page 10

by S. Dalambakis

  Callyn feels it too because I feel a shiver rack her body. She pulls back meeting my eyes and graces me with the biggest smile. Then she winks at me. I growl, barely resisting the urge to pull her back into my arms and continue kissing her.

  “Uh, guys, we might have a problem.” Max’s voice breaks me out of my haze of lust. I look around to see what he is talking about, but I don’t see anything out of the ordinary.

  “Care to elaborate?” My voice coming out rougher sounding than normal.

  “Graydon has been slowly creeping toward the fire. He has been in some sort of trance since we felt that energy wave you and Callyn gave off,” Zeke explains.

  I walk up next to Graydon. “You okay?”

  “Don’t you feel it?”

  “Feel what?”

  “The pull. It’s almost like the fire is calling out to me. It feels like home.”

  “That’s how I felt when I was kneeling on the ground. It felt like home, like it was calling to me.”

  Zeke, Max, and Callyn walk up, all of us standing in a line staring at the burning barn.

  “I feel like that every time the wind blows,” Max says.

  “I can feel the moisture in the air calling out to me,” Zeke whispers.

  “What do you think this means?” Max questions.

  “You are each the proud owner of an element.” We all turn and look at Callyn. “You each will be able to control an element. It seems like your elements have chosen you already.”


  The boys are looking at me like I have grown a second head. Well, I guess in a way I have now that I can shift.

  “How do you know this?” Lucian looks at me skeptically.

  “I have been reading the journals my aunt has given me. In one of them, this was a possibility. The necklace around my neck has the etchings of each element. Also, when I shifted something just finally snapped into place. I felt at home and peace. Things are clearer, sharper. My instincts took over.”

  “Is that what happened when you landed, because I have to say you looked and sounded hot.” Of course Max would crack a joke after I just dropped a huge bombshell on them.

  “I’ll show you the journals, and we can talk about this after we handle the raging inferno in front of us.”

  “How the hell are we supposed to do that?” growled Graydon.

  “From what you all just said, you and Zeke are the best candidates.”

  “Still doesn’t help, Callie bear.”

  “I don’t know how to help you control your elements. I just know that it was a possibility that you could get it these abilities. I didn’t get that far in the journals.”

  “Lucian, what do you think we should do?” Zeke questions.

  “My educated guess would be you have to channel it. I felt the earth come alive under my hands when we knelt. I think you have to use the connection you feel in order to use and manipulate the energy around you. Try and concentrate on the connection first.”

  Both Zeke and Graydon close their eyes; their breathing slow and steady. I knew from the few pages I had read in the journals my aunt Dahlia gave me this was a possibility. I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t know for sure that they would receive this power. How disappointed would they have been if I told them about this and it never happened? I couldn’t stand to see that in their eyes.

  “I can feel it,” they say at the same time.

  “I’m going to say that most of this is going to have to be on pure instinct. Your body should almost know what to do,” Lucian states.

  I can’t take my eyes off them. I can feel the power coming from them. It takes a few minutes, but then it happens. In the palm of Zeke’s hand is a ball of water.

  “Holy shit,” he whispers, not moving his eyes, not blinking. It’s almost like he thinks if he breaks his concentration, the ball of water will disappear.

  “Shit,” could be heard from Graydon. I look to see that he has drawn some of the flames toward him.

  “Graydon, try to will the fire smaller. Zeke, try to call more water then throw it at the fire.”

  “It’s too much, I can’t,” Graydon panicked.

  My necklace started to warm. Can I help? I moved so that I was standing between Graydon and Zeke. I place a hand on each of their shoulders. “Use me.” They both quickly glance at me before returning their attention to their task. “I think adding my power may help you control yours, at least until you get the hang of this.”

  I send a low wave of my energy at them, just like I did in the hallway. Graydon tames the fire that he was slowly starting to lose control of, and Zeke gathers more moisture from the air and throws a nice size ball of water. We slowly moved in a circle around the barn until only a small flame was left. By then, you could hear the sirens wailing. We had also drawn a crowd.

  We were so wrapped up in this and each other that we didn’t notice what was going on around us. I spotted Cat front and center. I walk over to her and try to ignore the rest of the eyes on us.

  “What the hell happened, Callie?”

  “I still need to talk to the guys about this, but I don’t want to do that here. Everyone here has seen enough.”

  “Let’s go then.” I nod my head. “We’ll meet you at my house.” I walk back over to the boys. “We need to make ourselves scarce.”

  “I’ll try and talk to my grandfather. Hopefully, he can head some of this off.”

  As we walked through the crowd I heard the whispers. It’s true, she really is the Alpha Queen. Did you see the phoenix? I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t see it with my own eyes. Did you see the way they controlled the fire? Where did he get water from? It was like he pulled it out of thin air. Are we supposed to bow to them now? I wonder if this will change anything?

  This was the nice things that I heard. Oh, there was bad things too. I bet she thinks everyone should cater to her. I’m not kneeling for her. I bet she starts acting entitled now. I hope she doesn’t think this makes her special. Kelsey two point oh on its way. I expected the majority of what was said. I knew there would be people for and against who and what I am. The Elder Council proved that much. So, the things that they were saying didn’t come as too much of a surprise. The ones that did surprise me, are the ones that called me Your Highness or Your Majesty. I didn’t expect that at all.

  All it does is make me move faster. I need a second to breathe and wrap my head around the fact that I just shifted for the first time. Becoming a queen can wait for a day or two. I don’t know exactly how to go about that anyways. I breath out a sigh of relief when I get into Graydon’s truck. It doesn’t take us long to get on the road and head back to my house.

  I send my aunt a message letting her know that we were on our way back. In no time at all, we are pulling into my driveway. We walk quietly into my house and start getting situated in seats around the living room. Everyone is staring at me, waiting. Nothing good is going to come from this. Though maybe Kelsey will finally be exposed for the horrible person she is.


  This whole night has been one big clusterfuck. I’m pissed that I didn’t notice that Callie was gone sooner. If I had, maybe none of this would have happened. She wouldn’t have been trapped in a burning building, dying. The one good thing that came out of this is Callie shifting. Man, was that a sight to see. Now, we are all impatiently waiting for her to explain what the hell happened. Well, maybe I’m the only one impatiently waiting. Waiting is high on the list of things that I don’t like.

  “We don’t have all night, Callie.”

  “Fine, you don’t have to be rude.”

  I snort. Does she not know me? Rude is my middle name. If she wanted coddling she should go to Zeke for that.

  “Just tell us the main points. What happened after you left to go to the restroom?” Lucian questions.

  “I was in line waiting my turn.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me. Girls take for-ev-er. Y’all have pack mentality. It’s like
you can’t go anywhere alone.”

  “Not the point, Max,” I growl.

  “Anyway, as I was waiting, Kelsey saw me. She told me that she had a vision and that it involved one of you guys.”

  Of course, I should have known she was a part of this.

  “Did you ask which one of us?”

  “Yeah, Zeke,” she says as she meets his eyes. “I told her I wasn’t going anywhere with her. I told her to just tell me in the hallway, but she said there were too many people around.”

  “Like she would care who was around,” Cat states.

  “I said the same thing. But the only reason I went was because she said she wouldn’t tell me how to save Zeke unless I met her in the barn. I had to go. I would do anything for you guys.” She looks at each of us. I can see the tears welling in her eyes.

  Now, it all makes sense. Kelsey lured Callie into a trap by using the one thing that she cares about, us. We all know Kelsey is manipulative and has a couple of screws loose, but this is something else.

  “Go on,” Lucian prompts.

  “I met her out in the barn like she asked. Once I was there, I realized pretty quickly that she lied. I tried to leave, but she hit me in the head.” A round of growls erupted in the room. “She said something to me, but I can’t remember what it was, and then she hit me in the head again.”

  I’m up and out of my seat before I have time to think about what I’m doing. I shift in the middle of Callyn’s living room, taking out a lamp and the coffee table in the process. I let out a roar so loud the windows rattle. I hear footsteps pounding down the stairs. Callie’s aunt comes barreling into the room.

  “What is going on in...” she trails off once she sees me.

  “Oh, you know, just chilling with a big ass bear,” Max teases.

  “Is that Graydon?” she questions.

  “Yeah, sorry about your stuff,” Zeke says.

  “I’ve never seen a bear that big before.” There is a look of awe on her face. “What happened to cause this reaction in him, and can someone calm him down before he decides to move and completely destroys the house?”

  “I’ll calm him down,” Callie says. “It’s because of me that he is this way anyway.”

  “No, it’s Kelsey’s fault. Don’t you take the blame for her actions. We all would have done the same if that was you she was talking about,” Zeke responds sharply.

  “Okay, once you calm him down, you are going to explain what happened tonight,” her aunt states. Callie just nods her head.

  She slowly approaches me. “I’m fine Graydon.” She walks right up to me, no hesitation, and wraps her arms around me the best she can. “Take a couple of deep breaths. Fill your lungs and nose with my scent. I’m fine, I promise.”

  The sound of her voice, the feel of her against my bear, her hands in my fur, and her scent surrounding me takes the edge off. I shift back and wrap my arms around her, pulling her as close to my body as I can. I drop my face to her neck. Pressing my nose against the pulse point on her neck, I inhale her scent a couple more times before I’m truly calm.

  “Callie bear,” I whisper.

  “Oh, my grumpy bear,” she says as she hugs me tighter.

  I don’t know what I would do if I lost her. I love this girl so goddamn much.


  I don’t think I have ever seen Graydon lose control of his bear before. I can’t blame him. I’m barely holding onto my skin, and Callie still hasn’t finished the rest of what happened. I’ve never seen Graydon calm down this fast either. Callie is good for him. All it took was for a five foot nothing girl to worm her way into his heart and break that tough exterior he wears as armor. He still does when he deals with anyone but us. I take a couple of deep breaths, and I start to calm down. I expect another blow up before she’s done. Graydon sits back down but pulls Callie onto his lap. He adjust her so she sits across his legs, her side against his chest, his arms around her waist, and his face in the crook of her neck. This might be the only way he won’t shift again. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt Callie.

  “Okay, fill me in,” her aunt says. Callie repeats what she has told us so far. “Do I even want to know the rest?”

  “Probably not, but I have to finish telling the rest of them the story, so you might as well stick around.” I watch as Callie sinks further into Graydon’s embrace, and I wish that it was me. I’m not jealous, I just want to touch and comfort her too.

  “Please finish, Callie,” Lucian says. She sighs.

  “After she hit me for the second time, I blacked out. I don’t know for how long. But when I came too, I was surrounded by fire. I tried to get out the door, but it was too hot to touch.”

  “Why didn’t you text or call one of us?” Lucian questions.

  “When I agreed to meet her, she said I had to come alone, or she wouldn’t tell me anything. I couldn’t risk your life knowing that I could have done something to stop it. So, I didn’t message you then. After I woke up in the barn, I remembered my phone, but I couldn’t find it. It wasn’t in my pockets and nowhere on the ground where I was lying.”

  Kelsey made sure she had no way of getting help in time. Of all the evil and vile things she could do. I shake my head.

  Callie continues, “I covered my hands with my hoodie and started yelling, screaming, and banging on the door, hoping that someone would hear me. I was starting to give up. My whole body hurt. It felt like I was dying, and all I could think about was you guys. I was hoping that you knew how much I loved you in case I never saw you again.”

  When I looked at Callie, I can see the tears running down her face. This must be so horrible to have to relive again, when it literally just happened.

  “Then out of nowhere it felt like my world exploded. I looked down at my arms and there was wings and feathers. I had used all the force I could and broke through the ceiling. I only got out because I shifted, and the roof was moments from collapsing.”

  I couldn’t take it. I can’t go another moment without her in my arms. Without any words I go over to where Graydon is sitting and scoop Callyn right off his lap. I go back to my seat and sit her on my lap just like Graydon did. I even bury my nose in her neck. I inhale her scent and listen to the steady beat of her heart.

  “Do you know how much I love you, sweetheart? I could have lost you tonight. I think it was at that point when I felt your panic and pain. It was then, that at least for me, I knew you were in trouble.” Agreements were heard from the others.

  There would have been no point in living if she were gone. I would have moved heaven and hell to get revenge on who did this, first. I would have lived the rest of my life a shell of the person I am.

  “I love you all so much.”

  “We love you too, sweetheart.”

  Forever and always.


  “So, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that we should expect a knock on the door from the police.” My aunt says breaking my attention from my cuddle session with Zeke. Before I can answer, Lucian does.

  “I called my grandfather on our way here. He said he was going to try to stall them for as long as possible. He has to do damage control. There were humans at this party and some of them were bound to see what happened.”

  “Something needs to be done about Kelsey. She can’t continue doing this to people. What if she succeeded? There would have been no witnesses, unless she was stupid enough to tell her friends,” Cat interjects. “Tell me you are going to tell the police or hell the Elder Council about this?”

  “I don’t think I have a choice. Like Lucian said there were way too many witnesses. I doubt that the Council could get to all of them before the police could. I also doubt that half of the Council cares enough to try and help me anyways.”

  “There are shifters on the police force. They usually try to get assigned any case that deals with shifters, so they can bring the issue to the attention of the Elder Council. I don’t think the Council has a choice. Shifters aren
’t known to humans because they would probably fear us. The Council is going to want to keep this quiet,” Lucian states.

  “How are they going to make the humans forget what they saw? All they have to do is question everyone, and in this day and age, everyone has a cell phone. How many people do you think videoed what they saw? I don’t see a good way out of this.”

  “Hopefully, this is one of those times the Council will step in. I don’t have an answer for you on the rest. This doesn’t look good,” Zeke says.

  “I may actually have an answer for you,” Callie’s aunt interjects. We all look to her. “You know that witches and warlocks are real. I told you that a witch put a spell on you to hide what you are. A witch can cast a spell and make people forget.”

  “There are no witches in Camden Falls,” Lucian states.

  “It’s not out of the realm of possibilities. My guess would be the Elder Council does know at least one, otherwise how do they take care of all the issues that crop up. The Elder Council also wouldn’t tell anyone about it either. They would be crazy to do so. If the goal is to try and keep shifters unknown, they would do the same for any supernatural being.”

  All of us are staring at my aunt opened mouthed. It makes sense though, but where do we go from here with this new information?

  “Worry about that later. Right now, we need to focus on Kelsey, and if or when, the police come knocking on that door,” Graydon growls.

  “I know. You’re right. I’m just afraid that nothing will be done. I don’t know what to do. I have no proof that she did any of that to me, unless by some miracle someone saw her enter or leave the barn right around the time of the fire.”

  It’s going to boil down to my word against hers, and I don’t know if I could win that argument.

  “Wait.” Lucian's sudden outburst startles me. “Do you think she kept your phone? She had to have taken it. It makes the most logical sense, that way you had no way to escape, no way to call for help. She thinks you can’t shift, that you’re too human. What are the chances that she kept your phone? Do you think she stuck around to watch her plan unfold?”


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