Dragon in Distress

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Dragon in Distress Page 5

by Crystal Dawn

“I’ll admit we got more information than expected, but it will take forever to work through this list of names and places.” Nite admitted. “Let’s go have a meal and a drink.”

  “I’m all for that.” Sophie said and Annie agreed.

  “I wonder how the guys are doing.” Annie said. That was the two hundred dollar question.

  Sophie wasn’t sure this kind of work was for her. The places they went were often nasty, the people dangerous, and the work boring. Even her usual job was more exciting than this. Sometimes she had been jealous of the work Annie got to do, but if it was like this, she didn’t want it.

  She remembered being happy when she was sixteen and got to start working. It was great to make some real money that she got to keep. The job might not be exciting anymore, but it still bought her things she wanted. Danger didn’t hound her and the place she worked was clean. Sometimes the customers got annoyed, but not enough to try to kill or rape her.

  The bar Nite selected was old and dark inside. It wasn’t the cleanest or the dirtiest she’d ever seen. The bartenders were an old couple about seventy if they were a day. The owners, maybe? They sat a table in the corner that would seat a group. A waitress came to take their order.

  “They’ve got good burgers and onion rings.” Nite suggested so they all took that with a beer.

  The males joined them five minutes later. “Any luck?” Dae asked.

  “Enough to keep us busy for a month.” Nite admitted.

  “Our luck was getting to kill a room full of criminals.” Knossos observed. Sophie started to ask if they were serious, but the looks on their faces said they were.

  “I’m sorry about that.” Sophie said as the other women murmured their agreement.

  “You should order some burgers and onion rings.” Annie said to change the subject.

  “That’s my favorite here.” Dae agreed.

  The waitress brought their order and the males put in theirs. Everyone was quiet for a while. Even though Knossos sat next to her, he didn’t say anything to her. Things were pretty dismal with his attitude and her future of being a political mate. There was no point in trying to mate with Knossos, she might as well get used to mating whoever Annie’s father selected.

  Her other options were few since all the older witches could find someone easily. They’d track her and drag her back by her hair. It was time to just give up and give in. Once they finished lunch, Nite and Dae decided the group would head back together hitting the addresses on the way back only.

  It was obvious as they sat back watching the male’s procedure, why their targets were running or trying to fight. Ram was smoother, but Dae and Knossos went in like a force of nature. Three stops where they had to injure those they wanted to speak to, and they were back. They headed in as a group and Sophie found Nan waiting there.

  “Nan! What are you doing here?” Sophie asked.

  “I told you my plans.” Nan said.

  “Mother?” Knossos asked.

  “Mother? This is Nan. She’s my best friend.” Sophie insisted.

  “Knossos, what do you think you’re doing?” Nan demanded.

  “I-I’m helping out.” He stammered.

  “What are you doing with Sophie?” Nan asked.

  “Nothing. I’m doing nothing with Sophie.”

  “She’s your fated one?”

  “Yes. But what does that mean?” Knossos asked.

  “You know what it means. The fates, the gods, or whoever it is have judged the two of you to be a perfect match. I can only hope you prove deserving of her.”

  “What? Aren’t you my mother?”

  “I am. I also have been like a mother to Sophie. I love the girl dearly. She’s sweet as a summer day, pretty as a picture, and has an inner strength that few can match. You’ve not been fair to her.” Nan advised. “If you don’t begin to act properly, I’m going to give you the spanking you avoided growing up.”

  Knossos turned beet red. “You just can’t talk to me that way. I’m your king.”

  “Maybe. But I’m you mother as long as we both live. Deal with it.” Nan said.

  Sophie fought not to grin. Nan was a dragon. Or at least it looked that way. All these years she hadn’t known. “You never told me.”

  “I never told anyone. I don’t know how your swamp witch knew.”

  “She’s old as dirt.”

  “Ah, so you think she was alive before the dragons went into hiding and heard of me? I suppose it’s possible. Anything is, after all.”

  “You just can’t interfere like this Mother.”

  “I can and I will. Straighten up.”

  Knossos shut up and pouted. Sophie didn’t think he’d listen to his mother, but Nan had tried and she’d done it for Sophie. She gave Nan a hug. “Thank you.”

  “It’ll be alright little one.” Nan assured. If only that was true.

  “Why don’t we all sit down and have supper?” Annie suggested. “Join us too, Nan, please.” Annie knew Nan from occasional visits to Sophie’s house over the years. Nan nodded.

  They all retired to the dining room where the servers were getting everything ready. Sophie was tired and hungry. She looked around and saw the others seemed to feel the same way.

  “Let’s eat.” Ram said since the food was all on the table. Lasagna, it smelled marvelous. It was served as it usually was with a tossed salad, garlic bread, a side vegetable which this time was cheesy broccoli, and a dessert was hiding on the side table.

  Sophie ate hoping no one would bother her until she was through. It was too much to hope for. “You’ve known my mother long?” Knossos asked.

  “All my life.”

  “She rarely takes to people like she has to you.” Knossos admitted. Nan growled since she could easily hear him.

  “You were lucky to have such a wonderful mother.”

  “You really think so?”

  “If you don’t, I’ll give you mine. Then you can decide. It’s funny that often those given the greatest gifts, don’t realize it.” Sophie declared.

  Knossos grew quiet and everyone else tried to act as if they’d not heard a thing. She now knew it was true that people rarely appreciated what they had. Sophie loved her parents but she saw their weaknesses. Her mother was a political wife living for the parties and noon teas with the other political wives.

  Her mother always dressed and looked just so caring more about her appearance than her family. She had popped out three children at least ten years apart. Now there would be no more since she’d managed to get the obligatory male this last time. Sophie loved her little sister and brother, but her mother barely paid them any attention at all. Nan raised them too and gave them the love young children needed.

  The main course was finished with little talk. Everyone sat back waiting for dessert which turned out to be German chocolate cake. It was a favorite and was wiped out quickly. Now they all got up. Before she could escape, Knossos approached her.

  “I’d like us to talk privately.” Knossos declared.

  “Why not?” Sophie said as he took her hand dragging her to an empty room.

  “Perhaps I was harsh with you. I’ve been asleep a long time and my mind is just starting to wake up completely. My mother doesn’t bond with others easily. That she cares so much about you makes me think you have hidden depths.”

  Why did she feel like she’d been insulted? “Was that supposed to make me feel all better?”

  “It actually was. I’m not social, dragons in general are grumpy and don’t play well with others. Surely you’ve learned a bit about us after all the years you’ve spent with my mother?”

  Oh, boy. That wasn’t the case at all. “I wasn’t aware your mother was a dragon. She chose to keep that a secret. It was in her best interest to do so since my father would have told Annie’s dad who would have made use of the knowledge.”

  “Is Annie’s dad really such an ass?”

  “You have no idea. He’ll do anything if he thinks it will be good for wi
tches as a whole. In my opinion he’s often wrong.”

  “I suspect I’ll meet him soon. I received a message from his secretary. Any idea why?” Knossos asked.

  A frisson of guilt hit her. She should have let him know. “He wanted to put my mating on the calendar. I mentioned I had found my fated mate. My father insisted on knowing who it was.”

  “Did you mention what I was?”

  “No, that’s your secret to tell him or not. I’ve made peace with mating whoever my uncle chooses. It’s not like I have any choice.” Sophie admitted.

  “That, will not happen.”

  “What will you do to stop it?”

  “Whatever it takes.”

  “You’re going to kill my uncle?” She said with a giggle.

  His eyes turned blood red and scary. ”Whatever it takes.”

  Shit, he looked serious and fully capable of stopping anything her uncle had planned. He stepped up to her pulling her up against him. Damn that felt good. She stared up at him as his mouth came crashing down. Heat rolled over her as his mouth captured and explored hers. He tasted like fine wine and he was just as intoxicating. Just as she was about to put her arms around him, he pulled back. Knossos looked stunned and unsure of himself for the first time.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said as he hurried out of the room. What the hell was wrong with him?

  “I think my son just had his first shock.” Nan said with a laugh.

  “I don’t understand him.” Sophie admitted.

  “He’s my son and I’ve never understood him either. Between the two of us, maybe we’ll figure him out.”

  “It’s time to go. Everyone had a busy day and they will want to get some sleep.”

  “How about giving me a ride home?”

  “How did you get here?” Nan smiled. Ah, yes. How did dragons go places? “Of course I’ll give you a ride home.”

  They went back to the main room where everyone else was talking. All eyes moved to them as soon as they entered. “We’re leaving now. Thanks for the meal.” Nan said.

  “Yes, thanks for you hospitality.” Sophie said as Annie came forward to give her a hug.

  “When will I see you again?” Annie asked.

  “When do you want to?”

  “Come at supper tomorrow and we’ll discuss some plans. Did you know Father plans to meet with Knossos?”

  “Yes, Knossos just told me. Why can’t we have a love life like other people?” Sophie asked.

  “That’s what I wondered when Father got involved but it worked out. I hope yours will too.”

  “Wish in one hand…” Sophie started to say.

  “Don’t you finish that crude saying.” Nan demanded.

  Annie gave her a hard hug. “We’ll do all that we can. We beat him once.”

  Well everyone knew Annie had better luck than she did. “Okay.”

  Nan and she headed outside to her SUV. Once they were driving away, she tried to think over things, but all it did was make her want to cry. “It’ll all work out.” Nan soothed.

  If only that was true. Of course he had kissed her, but he’d pulled away like he’d been burned. They pulled up to their home after a quiet drive. Nan hopped out and ran up to the door. She rarely left the house and seemed to work all the time. Sophie followed not nearly as enthusiastic about being home or anything else.

  Dragging her ass up the stairs, she managed to take a shower and throw on a nightgown. It would be hard for her to get to sleep tonight, but there was nothing to do that would make her sleepy. Maybe she could sneak downstairs and have a glass of warm milk and a piece of pie. She was in the kitchen before she realized it. Nan was waiting for her.

  “How did you know?”

  “I should know you pretty well by now. Here, have a piece of cherry pie and the milk is in the microwave. This thing has you pretty crazy, huh?” Nan asked. The microwave pinged and Nan hurried over to get her the cup of milk.

  Steam rose from it so it would be too hot to drink yet. Sophie took a bite of her pie. “This is amazing.”

  “You’re stalling. Knossos is a little dense, but in the end he’ll see what’s right in front of him.”

  “I’m not so sure you’re right.”

  “Do you feel something for him?” Nan asked.

  “Yes, but I don’t understand it and when he is the way he’s been, it drives me crazy.”

  “It may not seem like it, but he feels the same way you do. There’s a bond pulling you two together that grows every day. Fighting it will cause you pain. My boy is a bit arrogant, but it won’t hold him back long.”

  “I just have a hard time believing he’ll accept me.”

  “That may be, but he kissed you, which shows he’s curious.”

  “He pulled back like it hurt him.”

  “Ha ha, he liked it too much. You’re too innocent for your own good. You’ll see, now finish up so I can clean up and get to bed too.” Nan insisted.

  Sophie drank her milk which was perfectly warm and finished off her pie. The kiss had certainly made her sizzle. What if it had done the same to him? Maybe he would warm up to her like Nan said. She downed the last of her milk and carried her dishes to the sink.

  “Now off with you. Get to sleep and I’ll be here with your favorite breakfast in the morning.” Nan offered.

  Sophie loved corned beef hash which Nan rarely made. Her mouth watered at the thought of that with eggs and pancakes. The faster she got to sleep, the quicker she would wake. It was funny how a snack and a talk could make everything seem alright. Settling into her bed, she fell asleep with no trouble.

  Chapter 4


  A couple weeks had passed and Knossos had discovered he liked Sophie. They had fought together and her magic had improved greatly. Her uncle had pushed for a meeting and it was coming up fast. He was not the friendliest of guys, but neither was Royal, Sophie’s uncle. Royal wouldn’t be told he was a dragon, he simply didn’t need to know.

  How would he avoid sharing? He would claim his mage blood. One of his ancestors had mated with a mage of particularly strong magic. Knossos had done little to pursue the magic that he’d inherited through that line. Dragons had plenty of magic of their own. Much of it was protective, but it would have to do. He was sure Royal would test him, but he would get by somehow.

  “But why?” Sophie asked.

  “I don’t like your uncle. The things I’ve heard haven’t been good. Why would you expect me to trust him with the welfare of my kind?”

  “He’ll figure it out, then what?”

  “I’ll devise a plan then. I think you give him too much credit.”

  “Tomorrow we’ll see. I will ask the goddess to look out for you.”

  Knossos had nothing against that. He needed any help he could get. Honestly, he had no desire to meet Royal, but it had to be done, for Sophie. The asshole intended to sell her to the biggest bidder. Her worthless father wouldn’t stand up for her. How, he didn’t know, but he intended to stop Royal from ruining Sophie’s life by any means necessary.

  Sophie and he were at Ram’s place again sharing supper with the group as they discussed how to keep Hubolla out of their world. “He already has a world, doesn’t he?” Sophie asked.

  “He does, but it is an empty world.” Ram explained.

  “So he’s lonely? Why don’t we just send his followers to him?” Sophie asked.

  Everyone looked stunned. “She might be on to something.” Knossos said.

  “You know that won’t stop him from wanting our world.” Ram said.

  “No, but it will tax his power. Every person sent there will make it harder for him to gather power. If he makes the effort to send them back, that’s a massive drain on his strength.” Knossos explained.

  “How about the drain on our strength to send them to him?” Ram asked,

  “That’s the beauty of the plan. They are his followers. I can use their energy to help send them to him.” Knossos explained.

nbsp; “You’re a magic user?” Annie asked.

  “Only light magic. I intend to tell your father I’m a mid-level mage.”

  “There are few mages left. He’ll latch onto you like a tick. He’ll want to observe and use your powers.” Annie observed.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t like your father. My father wasn’t a nice guy either, but at least he didn’t try to use the people he loved. He just wanted to be left alone.”

  “Lucky you. My father says he just wants what’s best for our people, but sometimes I wonder.” Annie admitted.

  Supper continued in silence as everyone thought over what Knossos and Annie had discussed. Royal’s matchmaking was grating on everyone. The matches he was proposing to strengthen alliances seemed to be weakening them. Several of those chosen had run away and some had mated with their fated mates. Once that was done, it couldn’t be undone except by death. Meanwhile nothing Royal was doing was helping in the war thrust upon them. Even the efforts their small group had undertaken hadn’t been enough. More action was needed.

  Knossos looked at Sophie and felt a pull towards her. The mating bond was kicking in. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her and tie them together forever. The gods help him because soon he wouldn’t be able to help himself. Her allure was multiplying.

  Knossos stood next to the dying dragon. “My son.” He said as he drew in a ragged breath. “Watch out for females, they will be the death of you if you aren’t careful.”

  “But father, my mother was always good to you.”

  “In her own way, perhaps she was.”

  “Why did you never mate her?” He asked a question he had always wanted to know.

  “A good king is a lonely king. See what happens when you let someone in close?” He leaned back exposing the terrible wound that would take him to their ancestors before it could ever be healed.

  He’d never been close to his father and now, he never would be. A female had done this to him. One that hadn’t known about Knossos being next in line for the throne. Her lover was a cousin, a soon to be deceased cousin. His father had already killed the devious bitch that had mortally wounded him.

  Knossos thought about his father often especially when he thought about Sophie. As much as he’d resented his father not claiming his mother, Corriander, he understood his reasoning. Letting someone get close could prove fatal. Sophie might not physically damage him, but she could wound his heart irreparably.


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