Alien Attraction

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by Cara Bristol

  Alien Attraction

  (Alien Mate 2)

  Cara Bristol

  How insane is it to marry an alien as a publicity stunt?

  I’m Sunny Weathers. You probably recognize me from my reality show, Sunny Weathers’ Excellent Adventures. I’ve had to perform a lot of crazy stunts in my career, but this one takes the cake! The producers are sending me to another planet to become an alien’s mail-order bride. I’m not allowed to tell anybody it’s a put-on, and as soon my contract is up, I’ll be leaving planet Dakon. Unfortunately, I hadn’t counted on my attraction to Mr. Tall, “Darq,” and Handsome…

  I’m Darq. The moment I laid eyes on the female with pretty mud-colored hair and a sunny smile, I knew she was mine. Competition for females is fierce, and I was determined to claim a mate from the latest shipment from Earth, so I broke the rules. If anyone finds out, my own brother will banish me to the icy wilderness, and I’ll lose my mate. I will do anything to keep her…

  Alien Attraction (Alien Mate 2)

  Copyright © May 2018 by Cara Bristol

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  eISBN: 978-1-947203-01-3

  Editor: Kate Richards

  Copy Editor: Nanette Sipe

  Proofreader: Celeste Jones

  Cover Artist: Sweet ’N Spicy Designs

  Formatting by Wizards in Publishing

  Published in the United States of America

  Cara Bristol

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Free Book

  Titles by Cara Bristol

  About the Author

  Chapter One


  “Absolutely not! Have you lost your mind?” I glared across the desk, incredulous at what had popped out of my agent’s mouth. The woman couldn’t be serious. I’d been forced to perform some crazy stunts in my reality-show career, but this would take the cake.

  “The ratings will go supernova,” Chantelle Aubergine said with a straight face.

  “I don’t care about the ratings! This is my life we’re talking about.”

  “You should care about the ratings—they keep you employed. Without good ratings, there would be no Sunny Weathers’ Excellent Adventures.”

  Excellent adventures? What a crock. The reality show should be called Stick It to Sunny or Test How Much We Can Throw at Sunny Before She Loses It. The venture had started out as campy fun, but the stunts and segments had grown wilder and crazier. Now, I dreaded each new season.

  “Sky diving, military boot camp, living in the jungle during monsoon season, working on a fishing boat, spending a month in the desert with the scorpions and snakes, I did it.”

  Chantelle chuckled. “Military boot camp. Hilarious! You and Stormy were great.”

  In the early years, my sister and I had teamed up to do the show, which had been called Sunny and Stormy’s Excellent Adventures. Then Devon had come along and put a halt to her career. To keep viewers engaged, Apogee Productions had upped the ante, demanding longer, weirder adventures.

  “I draw the line at marrying a purple, scaly horned alien.”

  “They’re not purple or scaly—although they do have horns. Women think they’re sexy.”

  “The horns or the aliens?”

  “I was referring to their horns, but both, actually.”

  “Well, not me.” I shuddered. Dating out of my species did not interest me.

  “You don’t understand what a great opportunity this is. The producers managed to get a slot for you. Do you have any idea how hard that is?” Chantelle said. “Since they’ve opened up the Terra-Dakon Exchange Program to all women instead of just convicted felons, women have rushed to enroll. There’s a waiting list a parsec long.”

  “Then give someone else my slot. Slim as chances are for finding a husband, I’ll hold out for a human.” With more females than males on Terra, men had gotten picky, and few committed to monogamous long-term relationships anymore.

  “I did some negotiating with Apogee on your behalf. I got them to sweeten the deal. You’ll get a bonus.” She grinned, a cat with a mouthful of bird feathers.

  She could spin this as doing me a favor, but the truth was Chantelle had put the screws to Apogee because she received 10 percent of everything I earned. Besides, it was an agent’s job to negotiate for her client. But it was all moot. “No amount of money is worth marrying an alien,” I said.

  “Technically, it’s not a marriage; it’s not a legal union on Terra.” She paused dramatically. “Apogee will pay you a two-million-dollar bonus on top of your regular salary.”

  “Two million?” My jaw dropped. I received fifty K per episode, eight episodes per season. Sure, I earned more than the barista at the corner coffee shop, but a single “episode” took four to six weeks to shoot, and then you had to subtract Chantelle’s percentage and taxes. Plus, I wasn’t just supporting myself. With Devon so ill, Stormy couldn’t work, so I picked up the tab for their expenses and his medical bills. We were getting by, but two million could cushion our lives. I might even get a full night’s sleep without worrying what new disaster the morning would bring.

  “One half up front, and the remainder after you return to Earth.”

  “Oh, so I get to come back?” I said drily.

  Chantelle missed the sarcasm. “Of course. No one expects you to hook up with an alien for life. After a year—”

  “A year?”

  “The time will go fast.”

  “For you,” I snapped.

  “After a year, you’ll come home, and I’ll renegotiate your contract with Apogee Productions. The ratings will have gone supernova, you’ll be a big star, and I’ll get you a more lucrative contract.” My agent’s eyes lit up with dollar signs.

  My career might pan out the way Chantelle envisioned, but I wasn’t interested. The last time I’d gotten a free lunch, I was in the second grade, and some kid gave me the bologna sandwich he didn’t want. I would pay for any salary increase by having to perform more outlandish stunts, and I shuddered to contemplate what could be worse than hooking up with an extraterrestrial. When my contract expired, this trained monkey planned to run
away from the circus. I’d had enough “excellent adventures” to last me a lifetime. I was outta here. Sayonara. Adios amigos.

  But two million dollars...

  “So, I get a big bonus and potentially a lot more money in the long run. What’s in it for the alien?” Why would he seek a creature from another planet? It had to be just as weird for him.

  “A future. Dakon is critically short of women. After an asteroid strike threw the planet into an ice age—”

  “The planet is in ice age?” Laughter, and not the funny kind, bubbled up and exited in a snort. Could the situation get any more ridiculous?

  “Dakon is starting to recover. They get a good couple of months of sun, now. Anyway, a virus on the asteroid infected and killed most of the women and altered their DNA. Very few females are born anymore.”

  “So the alien would expect me to bear his children?” I could not believe this conversation.

  “He might, but you’re not responsible for his expectations.”

  “Oh, good.” I rolled my eyes. “Because I’d hate to think you had offered me two million dollars to have sex with an alien.”

  “You wouldn’t be required to engage in sexual relations because while prostitution is no longer illegal, it is against the law to force someone into it. Apogee abides by the law, and Sunny Weathers’ Excellent Adventures isn’t a sex show.”

  Not yet, anyway. I gotta get out of this contract. “Why would he agree to this? He won’t be getting the mate he wants.”

  “He won’t realize it until after the show.” She shrugged. “He can try again if he wants to.”

  The proposition sounded like a scam. We’d be deceiving, cheating the alien. And that’s if it worked. He might not be human, but that didn’t mean he was stupid. “He’s going to notice the camera crew.”

  “There won’t be one. They’ll send a robotic microcam prototype; the Dakonians won’t notice it’s there. This will be the beta test. If the cambot performs to spec, they’ll produce more for other shows.”

  “How little are they?”

  Chantelle formed a circle with her thumb and index finger.

  “That’s still pretty big. They’ll be noticed.”

  “You think so?” She jerked her head to a corner of her office.

  Son of a production company executive! A winged orb slightly smaller than a Ping-Pong ball hovered close to the ceiling. Its body was a matte, mottled gray. Even searching for it, I’d had a hard time spotting it. I glowered at Chantelle. “I’m being videoed?”

  “Prelim for the season.” She nodded. “Your reluctance will be a great episode.”

  Sometimes I wondered whose interests she represented, mine or Apogee’s. Actually, the answer was neither. Chantelle served Chantelle. Well, Sunny was going to look out for Sunny. I crossed my arms. “I’ll tell the alien he’s being videoed and is on a show.”

  “You’ll void the contract, you won’t receive the bonus, and you’ll be stuck on Dakon until the scheduled ship picks you up.”

  I spoke directly to the cambot. “I won’t do it. I won’t sacrifice a year of my life—and it’s not fair to the alien.”

  “I understand your reluctance—”

  “Do you?” I doubted it.

  My agent’s attitude indicated she considered this a good opportunity, but she wasn’t leaving her sister and nephew, freezing her ass off on an alien wasteland, and dating a horned extraterrestrial. “My answer is no.”

  Chantelle peered down her surgically perfected nose. For as much plastic surgery as she’d had, you’d have thought she worked in front of the camera. “If you refuse, Apogee will sue for breach of contract.”

  “Let them. I don’t have any money.” I acted tough; I hoped Apogee bought my bluff. They might make an example out of me, bankrupt me to deter other cast members who might be considering weaseling out of their contracts. What would happen to Devon? How would we pay for his medical care? If we were flat broke, we might be able to get him on public assistance, but that wouldn’t provide the specialized level of care he needed.

  Would Apogee really sue? Was one insignificant cast member like me worth it? I resented how I’d allowed them to coerce me into doing things I didn’t want to do. I’d rolled over so many times, I was dizzy. The time had come to draw the line. Show no fear. I lifted my chin. “I won’t do it.”

  “You’ll be blacklisted from every reality show and program for life. You’ll never work in this town again. Think about it before you decide. Call me in the morning.”

  I got to my feet. “The answer is no. The answer will always be no.”

  * * * *

  “Auntie Sunny!” A pint-sized powerhouse slammed into me.

  I staggered backward dramatically. “Whoa, handsome! You almost knocked me over.” That he’d launched himself at me meant he must be feeling better today.

  “I’m not handsome, I’m a cyborg!” He was smaller than other six-year-olds, and dark smudges ringed his brown eyes, giving him the look of a wise old man in a child’s body. Perhaps he was—if wisdom came with experience. He’d been through a lot.

  “Cyborgs can’t be handsome?”

  “No! We’re rough and tough and strong!” He huffed, and my heart sank as I realized he was out of breath from the race across the tiny room.

  “Too tough to give your auntie a hug?” I picked him up. Had he lost weight? Skinny arms wrapped around my neck. He felt like a little bird. My heart seized. The drug treatments had to be doing some good, didn’t they?

  Stormy entered the tiny living room from the back bedroom she shared with Devon. “How did the meeting with Chantelle go?”

  I gave Devon a big smooch and set him on his feet. “You won’t believe what they want me to do this time.” All of a sudden, the back of my neck itched with a bad feeling. Apogee wouldn’t…would they? I surveyed our living room. There it was. A tiny winged orb. The cambot had followed me home! Fury ignited, and I grabbed a pillow from the sofa and batted at the camera. “Get out! Get out now!”

  The camera zipped out of reach.

  “Ugh! Is that an insect?” Stormy asked.

  “I wish! Open the door—quick!” Swinging the pillow, I batted the camera into the hallway then slammed the door.

  I scanned the ceiling. It looked clear. Hopefully, there was just the one. “That was a camera.”

  “That tiny thing? It looked like a fat little dragonfly.” She canted her head. “Are you filming?”

  I leaned against the door, battening down the hatch. “Not if I can help it.”

  “What do they want you to do? Snorkel in shark-infested waters? Camp in a Quonset hut in the Arctic? Rocket into space?” She was getting warmer.

  “They want me to marry an alien. I told them no.”

  “You mean someone from another country?”

  I snorted. “Uh, no. Someone from another planet.”

  Devon looked serious. “Don’t do it, Auntie. Aliens have lizard tails, green faces, and red, scary eyes.” Even a six-year-old recognized a bad idea when he heard one.

  “No worries, handsome. I told them no.” I directed my voice to the ceiling in case a cambot had sneaked in then said to Stormy, “You’ve heard of the Terra-Dakon Exchange Program?”

  “They want you to sign up?”

  “They already signed me up. Apparently, there’s an alien waiting to meet me.”

  “A lot of women want to do it.”

  “Would you?”

  “I might if not for Devon’s medical needs, but—”

  My jaw dropped. “You’d really consider it?”

  “The chances of meeting a marriage-minded man here are slim. I heard Dakonians are family-oriented. She glanced at Devon. “And totally R-I-P-P-E-D,” she spelled. “Like bodybuilders without the steroids.”

  “Where’d you hear that?”

  “A commercial for the exchange program.”

  “Ah! It must be true if it was in an a

  “I don’t believe everything I hear, but it’s worth looking into. It’s something positive, hopeful.” The light in her eyes dimmed, and her shoulders slumped.

  Our parents had named their firstborn child Stormy and the second daughter Sunny, but they’d reversed the names with the personalities. By nature, my sister was optimistic, cheerful, and levelheaded. I was the tempestuous, volatile one. To see her appear so defeated meant she had bad news.

  “Hey, handsome, why don’t you draw me a picture of an alien?” I suggested to Devon.

  “Sure, Auntie!” He raced toward the bedroom where he had a small desk. The door slammed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Stormy’s eyes welled with tears. “Devon’s doctor called. The transplant fell through. It wasn’t a match. She said she doubts he’ll ever find a match.”

  How in this day and age was this possible? We could rocket across the damn galaxy to an alien planet, but we couldn’t cure a little boy with a congenital heart condition. The unfairness, my own helplessness, swelled, and I wanted to hit something. I’d been premature in ejecting the cambot. If it had been here, I could have stomped it flat.

  I couldn’t let Stormy see how upset I was. “We can’t give up hope.”

  “It took two years to find this one,” she said.

  Donor hearts for children like Devon didn’t become available often. Before he could get a replacement, someone else’s child had to die, and Devon had a rare blood type, making him a difficult match for any hearts that did become available.

  “But the drug treatments…”

  “They’re not working, and they’re destroying his kidneys. By the time he gets a heart, if he gets one, he might need a kidney transplant.”

  “There has to be something that can be done.” I couldn’t bear to consider any other alternative.

  She sniffed. “His doctor thinks he’d be a good candidate for a mechanical heart. He could be a cyborg after all.” Her snort of laughter ended in tears.

  “Well, that’s good news! Isn’t it?”


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