Kate's Naughty Costume: A Hotwife Novel

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Kate's Naughty Costume: A Hotwife Novel Page 5

by Lexi Archer

  That surprised me. I figured they would have some way of making sure people didn't vandalize this place. Then again, you did have to pay to go into this thing. My understanding was you had to give the convention your credit card. Maybe it was something as simple as them not being worried because they could charge for any damages.

  The room had makeshift jail cells all around. There were bars that probably weren't actually wrought iron. I imagine it would've been a bitch to transport heavy iron gates in here. Still, they looked like the real thing from a distance. Light came from somewhere, but it was hard to see where it was coming from. They'd done a good job of hiding any modern trappings. Fog filled the room as well, probably dry ice, adding to the whole ambience.

  In the center of the room was a large stone slab with a flat surface that looked like something straight out of a torture chamber. There were shackles on it, and it looked like there were torture implements hanging around the edge of the room as well. Basically the sort of surroundings you'd expect to find if you were exploring a dungeon in any respectable game worth the name, video or otherwise.

  "So did you boys have anything planned?" Kate asked. "A game or something?"

  Trevor looked to David. Tim looked down at the floor and then back up to my wife where his eyes briefly flashed with a burning fire that was surprising from the shy guy.

  "Actually we didn't really have anything planned," Trevor said.

  "Yeah," David said. "We didn't even know we were going to do this. We were on standby for a spot and the convention emailed us at the last minute to let us know somebody canceled and we could get in so I didn't really have anything planned."

  Kate looked over to me and smiled with a twinkle in her eye. She winked and then turned back to the college gentlemen who were suddenly looking a little awkward since they didn't actually have any plans for what to do now that they were in here. I licked my lips in anticipation, wondering what she had in mind.

  7: Role-playing

  Kate looked at the three guys in turn, her eyes going wide as she backed away from them. She looked terrified, and her mouth was open and moving though no words were coming out.

  I cocked my head to the side, wondering what the hell was up with this. What sort of act was she putting on? There was no doubt in my mind that this was an act, I just didn't know what her game was.

  "No!" she said. "I will never submit to you!"

  I looked to the guys for their reaction. Muscles, Trevor, looked confused. David, the T-shirt dude, had a look of dawning comprehension though. I could tell from the way his face was lighting up and a smile was crossing his face. He glanced over his shoulder towards the entrance to the dungeon, no doubt checking to make sure we weren't being heard by the people at the entrance.

  Shy guy, Tim, for his part, looked down and then back up at my wife. His eyes moved up and down her body, but he didn't say anything. If anything the intensity of his gaze, the idea that here was this guy who probably wasn't that good with the ladies and yet he wanted my wife so bad, was the hottest of all.

  Of course her performance was also doing something for me. My cock stirred as I realized what she was up to. The helpless maiden captured by nasty barbarians who were going to do who knows what with her. I just wondered if they would be into it. Then again, if I was some random guy who got picked up by a woman who was looking as good as my wife did in that outfit then I'd probably be willing to go along with whatever the hell she wanted up to and including murder if it meant I got a chance to get with her.

  The three of them were completely silent and still for a moment, and then one of them acted. Only it wasn't the one I would've expected. No, all of us looked surprised as shy guy, as Tim, suddenly got an odd expression on his face and then he stepped forward, cool and confident and pretty much acting like the exact opposite of everything he'd been before. It was as though he was stepping into a role, and that role suddenly made him comfortable around everyone, including the hot married woman backing away from him.

  "I'm afraid you have no choice in the matter my lady elf," he said. "My enchantments will make quite certain you can't escape."

  His voice sounded both oily and smooth at the same time. The perfect sort of voice for a charming bad guy. Something told me he'd played this sort of role on more than one occasion when these guys were sitting around the table wherever it was they play their games. I blinked at the sudden transformation, but then chuckled and shook my head.

  If role-playing was what this guy needed to come out of his shell then more power to him. He stepped forward again and moved a hand up, ran it along my wife's cheek. She turned away from him, but she was obviously getting turned on by this. Whether by Tim in particular or just this scenario was anyone's guess, but I know I was getting turned on watching her. Her breath was coming faster. Her mouth was open and this time it didn't look like an act.

  No, I was intimately familiar with what it looked like when my wife was turned on and she was certainly fitting the bill today!

  I also gave shy guy, I was still having trouble thinking of him as Tim even though I knew his name, another look. He was dressed in a polo shirt with some logo on the breast that I didn't recognize, and it looked like he kept in shape. He had a slight build, but still muscular. Well, I guess toned would be a more accurate description.

  The point is he looked like a guy who worked out but at the same time he wasn't a massive hulking monstrosity like Muscles, or Trevor if I was using his real name. Basically this shy Tim guy was just the way Kate liked them. Closer to the way I was built, or at least the way I'd been built when we first started dating, than either Trevor with his huge muscles or David with his very average and normal appearance.

  "What are you going to do?" she asked, a slight tremble in her voice. She was good at this. I figured we'd have to try more of this role-playing stuff in the bedroom sometime.

  Tim got really bold. His hand started tracing down her neck as he laughed. "I think you know exactly what we plan my lady," he said.

  His hand traced down her shoulder, down her front, and then it was disappearing under her top and he was cupping one of her tits! Holy shit! This shy guy had transformed into some sort of a villainous Lothario and he was cupping my wife's tit!

  Kate's reaction was immediate. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth in a gasp. If I thought her breathing was picking up earlier when she was just turned on by this naughty little scenario, well that was nothing compared to what happened once he was feeling her up.

  "And I think you like it, my lady," he said.

  She bit her lip and shook her head no, though the smile on her face made it clear it was all part of the act. I was ready to step in the moment she decided she was uncomfortable with this, but so far it seemed like she was getting off on playing the damsel in distress and these guys were respecting boundaries so I just leaned against the wall, watched, and kept my peace.

  I glanced over to Tim's companions. Both of them were staring dumbfounded. Both of them looked completely flabbergasted by what was happening. Something told me that Tim over there had never acted this brazen towards a woman in person even if he did pull this villainous Lothario routine with the imaginary girls on pen and paper from time to time. They looked at each other, smiled, and then started to move forward as Tim's free hand went up and snapped. A clear command from a guy who was leading his role-playing group even if he was a shrinking violet when confronted with the terrifying realities of real-world social interactions.

  "I shouldn't…" Kate whispered. "It's not allowed in my order. I've never…"

  That was a nice touch, but it couldn't be farther from the truth. Still, I suppose if you were role-playing a scenario you could do whatever you wanted and be whatever you wanted to be. Yeah, this was definitely opening up new possibilities in our sex life I'd never considered.

  Tim looked over his shoulder. "Did you hear that boys? The mage here has never been with a man!"

  I noticed Tim was raising his v
oice, but he wasn't shouting loud enough that he might do something silly like draw the attention of anybody working out at the entrance to the dungeon. Once again I scanned the room for any telltale signs of a security camera or some sign the con was keeping an eye on things, but nothing. It really was astonishing that security was so lax, but I wasn't going to knock it if I got to watch my wife in this forbidden scenario that I never would have imagined when we started the day. Fuck was this fucking hot!

  Tim turned back to my wife, a weaselly smile on his face. "Don't worry my lady mage," he said. "I promise that even though we're barbarians we'll be quite gentle with you. Mostly."

  And then his two friends reached her and started going to work. I held my breath and watched in rapt concentration as both of them appeared on either side of her. She glanced back and forth, worry obvious in her eyes but a thin smile on her face. She looked over to me and winked, and I knew everything was okay. If she wasn't cool with this there would be a clear signal. We had plenty of them we'd worked out between us over the years, even if we'd never actually had occasion to use any of those signals in a situation quite like what was happening today.

  The point was that it was comforting knowing we were absolutely in control of this situation even as these guys acted like they were the ones completely in control.

  Trevor and David took her arms and pulled her towards that giant foam slab in the middle of the room. At least I hoped it was a giant foam slab, because otherwise my wife was going to be pretty uncomfortable in a moment. I had a feeling the people organizing who put this dungeon together weren't going to do something silly like cart a rock that looked like it could weigh at least a couple of tons into the middle of the convention center.

  At the same time I hoped it was at least sturdy foam. It wouldn't do for her to lean back on the slab and then all of a sudden she goes collapsing through the damn thing.

  She bumped against it and then they were pulling her back. I held my breath, wondering if it would hold. My wife didn't weigh much, but if that was meant to be a prop and not a load bearing piece of furniture then this could end the very badly no matter how light she was. Luckily she fell back against it and it stayed in place. Definitely a load bearing prop.

  Tim the suddenly not-so-shy wonder made the first move again. He moved up between her legs, and then he was running a hand along her leg. Up her thigh. I watched her reaction carefully. Both because I wanted to make sure she was still cool with this and because it was just so goddamn hot watching another man touching her like that. Seeing his hand inching closer and closer to her pussy, territory that had been exclusively mine up until now.

  Would she let him? Would she go through with this? Was she turned on enough that she was going to make this fantasy a reality, or was she going to come crashing back to reality and put a stop to things?

  His hand reached that spot in between her legs, though her pussy was covered by fabric and vacuum formed plastic. That didn't stop her from smiling up at the guy, biting her lip, and then letting out a quiet gasp as he slipped his thumb under her bottoms. Her reaction was immediate. She threw her head back, and there was a quiet thunk as it hit the foam.

  Yeah, definitely a good thing that they weren't using real rocks in the decorating in here.

  His thumb was working, I could see it moving even if I couldn't quite see what he was doing since I was blocked by her costume and everything. Still, it was an entrancing sight watching her gasps, watching her move her head from side to side as another man touched her down there for the first time since we'd gotten together.

  "You know you want this, mage," he said.

  "No! Never!"

  He must've done something particularly delightful with his thumb because her "no!" Trailed off into a delighted gasp. Her tits were heaving, and the other guys were staring down in astonishment as she reacted to this guy's ministrations. I wasn't sure if it was because he was so skilled or simply because she was just that turned on by the naughtiness of this scenario.

  Whatever it was, my wife was enjoying the fuck out of herself!

  "Tell us how much you want this mage," he said. His voice was growing harder. More insistent.

  "Oh God… So…"

  And then I got to my second or third surprise of the evening. There were so many surprising things happening since we went down to the convention floor that I was honestly losing track of them. All I knew was that all of my surprises had been ridiculously pleasant so far.

  None more so than when Kate's hand reached out and wrapped around his wrist. I braced myself to move forward and rescue her. I was ready to stop them if that's what she was going for. Only as I looked at what was happening, really looked, I realized that rescue was the last thing my wife probably wanted.

  She wasn't grabbing his wrist to pull him away. No, she was grabbing it to keep him right there. Her breath was coming erratically. She would take a deep breath, hold it, and then let it out in a quiet whimper. She bit her lip and it was clear she was trying to stay quiet.

  No doubt she was thinking about the people waiting at the entrance to the dungeon. Thinking about how they wouldn't take kindly to someone screaming out in orgasm from inside. It must've been killing her and driving her wild in equal measure trying to hold back.

  I watched in fascination. Usually when I saw my wife coming like this it was when I was over her. When I was between her legs. I'd never had an opportunity to view it from this angle before, and the sight was incredible. I was enthralled by the way her body shuddered, by the way her head moved from side to side, by the quiet little whimpers escaping her lips.

  The orgasm was intense, but it was brief. She released her grip on his wrist and then she was back against the slab. She was breathing deeply. It was obvious she was recovering from one hell of an orgasm even if it had been short. So very brief and so very sexy.

  Kate looked up at Tim. Locked eyes with him. Held his gaze for a moment. He licked his lips and suddenly looked nervous. He suddenly looked as though some of the confidence from taking on this role was escaping. Then she spoke.

  "I want you so fucking bad!"

  The four of them stood around that foam slab for a moment staring at one another. There was a pause. A moment of quiet. And then things started happening very fucking fast.

  Tim's confidence seemed to return almost immediately as he reached down and started tugging at her bottoms even as the two guys at her shoulders started working on her top.

  The guys above had better luck. That top was just your regular old bikini top with some plastic glued to it, and so it came up right away causing her tits to bounce free. All three of them gasped and Trevor licked his lips as he looked down at her amazing tits. Apparently licking his lips wasn't the only thing he had in mind, though, because his broad shoulders descended on her tits in an instant. Licking and sucking on them.

  Down below Tim was having a harder time. Both because of the massive bulge tenting up between his legs and because her bottoms were a little more difficult to get off. A little more involved.

  Kate seemed to be lost in the moment, but as soon as she felt him up pulling she was back in reality even if it was only briefly.

  "There are clasps," she said. "You have to be careful or you'll break it!"

  It seemed a little difficult for her to get her point across with Trevor the muscle head devouring her tits, but she pushed him away and then she her hands were down and she was working the clasps to get her bottoms apart. They snapped loose and all Tim would have to do is reach down and pull the bottoms away. They were designed to split down the middle at her thighs and yanking them off was a simple raise of her ass away.

  Only he didn't seem to get the point, not right away. And so with a growl that was a mix of arousal and frustration Kate's hands moved down between her legs once more and she flipped the bottoms down so her pussy was completely exposed.

  This time Tim finally seemed to get the point, though I'm not sure why it took a guy who seemed like he
spent plenty of time at these conventions so long to figure out that a girl wearing an expensive elaborate costume wouldn't take too kindly to some guy getting his meat hooks on that costume and potentially ruining it. Particularly when she had to go the rest of the convention and keep it in good shape.

  "Holy shit," David said from where he was looking at this whole thing happening but not quite participating. Not yet. Kate took care of that though. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he let out an unintelligible groan as Kate reached out and started running her hands, now freed from the business of undoing her own bottoms, up and down his shorts. There was an obvious hard bulge tenting out in front, and he started breathing heavily as she started feeling him up.

  Meanwhile Trevor, satisfied that he'd only been pushed away for a moment while she worked the clasps on her bottoms, moved back to her tits and was licking them with happy abandon as she went to work on his buddy. And down between her legs Tim also wasn't wasting any time.

  "We're going to take you and there's nothing you can do about it!" Tim said.

  Kate fixed her gaze on him. "No! Anything but that!"

  Once again the scene was only slightly ruined by the smile on her face. By the way she was grinning and acting like she was loving every moment of this despite her protests which were becoming more and more flimsy with each passing moment as she got more and more turned on.

  Tim started working on his pants and they fell down to the floor. It landed with a muted thud. He moved forward and she lifted her ass allowing him to pull her bottom away.

  "Be careful with those," she said. Though it came out more as a gasp as she continued working on David's cock and Trevor continued running his tongue around her nipples and exploring her body with his hands running them up and down her tight stomach.


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