Seized by the Star Wolf

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Seized by the Star Wolf Page 1

by Jennie Primrose



  “You know what I’m going to do now, jarr?” he asked me.

  His hands were low on my hips, and he pushed me towards the big couch in the center of the holo-chamber.

  “No,” I whispered. “I don’t know.”

  “I’m going to bend you over,” he said.

  “Really?” I gasped.

  “Bend you over and breed you properly, like a wolf bitch. I will bond with you and tie with you in the Star Wolf way.”

  I was flushed with excitement to hear him say the words. I remembered how much I’d envied Emily earlier when she’d been so passionately mated by her male and now… My time had come.

  “But don’t you want to do this in front of the pack?” I asked him. “To show them that you claim me, that I am yours alone and you will accept no challenge? I would let you mate me in front of them, I would not be ashamed. I know it is your way.”

  “They will know,” he told me simply. “They will smell it once I have claimed you. I want to do it here and now. Amongst these trees, this forest… Even though it’s not real, now, it is a promise of what we will have. Someday soon we will join our bodies in the real forest on our new home world.”

  He wrapped his fingers in my hair, pulling tightly. There was a little pain but more excitement…

  “Don’t hold back, my wolf,” I told him. “I want to experience a complete mating, a Star Wolf mating. Make me your mate, your bitch. I want you to possess every inch of me, inside and out.”

  A throaty rumble arose from low in his throat…


  by Jennie Primrose

  Copyright: 2014 Jennie Primrose

  All rights reserved


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 1

  I suppose I could blame my uncle for what happened to me. I had been raised in his care since my parents died when I was only nine years old, killed by one of the plagues that swept through the frontier star systems. My uncle was a gruff and stern man, and he worked me hard on his farm, raising a strain of potatoes which had been transplanted from Earth centuries ago. We all worked hard, myself and his hired hands… It was the way of the folk of the frontier systems: till and toil all the year round.

  This was the way we all lived in the frontier systems. So far away from the core of the Galactic Confederation, we had only outdated technology and a coldly patriarchal social system which had developed over centuries of isolation. Woman were second-class citizens… often treated as property.

  I am not a petite woman, standing five foot eleven inches in height, wide at both shoulders and hips. With my thick, sandy blonde hair and heavily freckled face, I knew I was no raving beauty. Just another big, strapping farm girl.

  I had a wide behind and a bosom that was too small in comparison to cut a pretty figure. But I did more than my share of work in the fields and in the house… So I was shocked one day to discover that my uncle had traded me for a ton of high-grade bioengineered bacterial fertilizer.

  At the very least, I would have thought that my uncle, who had lost his own wife in a violent steam-storm during a solar flare-up some years back, would have wanted a woman around the farm, to give things a feminine touch. But perhaps not.

  At any rate, one evening shortly after I had turned twenty-one years of age, he came to me and gruffly proclaimed, “Sarah, you ‘bout to be wedded. I’m shipping you off to the Fallow system. I made a deal for a nice ton of Mega-Grow cultures.”

  My jaw hung open as he pulled out a tiny holo-disc with the image of my future husband displayed in the air over it.

  I studied the projected image with dismay. The ruddy-skinned farmer whom I was to marry was much older than myself, in his forties it appeared. He was bald except for a ring of wiry hair around the crown of his head, and he had tiny eyes, a snub nose, and a cruel mouth missing many teeth. He looked strong, but also had quite a belly on him. He hadn’t even bothered to clean himself up for the holo-image; his coveralls looked as if they were covered in many years worth of soil and manure. Honestly, he reminded me of one of the pigs we kept on the farm.

  This man was old enough to be my father, and I had never met him… But my uncle had signed the contract, he proudly proclaimed, and the bride-deal was done. Such arrangements were not uncommon in the frontier systems, and the female who was bartered in such a fashion had no legal right to protest.

  My uncle offered me no explanation, other than he’d made a good trade and he wanted me to prepare immediately for the journey.

  And so, scarcely a day later, I found myself clutching a small bag containing a few outfits and the precious few possessions I owned, boarding a small inter-system shuttle which would take me to the planet Fallow.

  I never arrived there, however…

  Chapter 2

  I was seated in the budget section of the shuttle, to the rear of the small inter-system starship. Seated next to me in the window seat was another young lady from a farming community on my world. Her name was Emily, and she was also a purchased bride, just a few months younger than myself.

  As we chatted, she explained that she would be taking a transfer shuttle from Fallow to the Broadplains system, where her own intended husband, a prosperous rancher, awaited. Apparently, he had transferred a hefty amount of credits into her family’s account in exchange for her hand.

  Emily seemed cheerful about the whole arrangement, though. She showed me a holo of her own future groom. He was tall and lanky, somewhere in his thirties, with tanned skin and an unruly beard. He was hardly classically handsome, but his smile at least looked pleasant, kindly.

  Emily was a definite contrast to myself.

  She was tiny and pale, with delicate features and dark hair that curled into dainty ringlets as it hung down beside her face. She looked like a little porcelain doll. She had spent most of her time working indoors in her family’s dairies, and thus had escaped the ravages of the sun on her skin.

  Something told me that Emily’s rancher-man wanted her for her beauty, and not for her ability to do back-breaking labor. It would be a sign of his prosperity that he could afford to keep such a dainty, pretty bride who would not be much use with heavy chores. That might have explained why her family wanted to trade her off, too…

  I tried to quell my own feelings as I listened to Emily nervously chatting away in the seat beside me, discussing her hopes for the future. I wished I could soak up her perky optimism.

  In truth, I had little hope for my own future. My own intended, the piggish-looking farmer, had made it clear to my uncle that he wanted to use me heavily, in his fields… and in his bed.

  I would work from sunup to sundown, then submit to his breeding in order to produce the brood of strapping sons he hoped to spawn. No doubt I would die as a withered crone, all of the life squeezed out of my, only to be buried in some crude grave and swiftly forgotten.

  Musing on this, I felt my eyes tearing up and my limbs trembling with impotent rage. I bit my lip and tried to staunch such emotions, knowing that they would not help me.

  Suddenly, the ship lurched.

  I fell half out into the aisle, and Emily’s little head was almost in my lap. When the ship righted itself, people were shouting.

  There was a flash of orange light outside the window… Odd, since we were in deep space, with no stars around. I
looked out and, against the distant stars in the void, a brilliant orange beam cut just over the wing of the shuttlecraft. It was followed by another beam, whizzing by the wing but not striking it.

  “They’re using grazer weapons,” someone shouted.

  “Who is?”

  “Pirates!” a man answered. “They’re firing warning shots. They’re going to try and capture the ship.”

  “Oh my gods,” another woman exclaimed. “It’s the Star Wolves!”

  I could see the attacking ship through the window now, as I peered out over Emily’s shoulder.

  It was a battered old freighter that looked like it had been through several wars. The ship wasn’t much larger than the shuttle itself, but it had been fitted with many guns and missile-pods, and the giant thrusters in the rear of the ship dwarfed the rest of the hull. I didn’t know much about starships, but this one looked like it had been built to hit fast and hard…

  The ship had the silhouette of a wolf’s head painted on the side, its jaws open, fangs bared.

  A pirate ship… Star Wolves.

  Suddenly, the shuttle began to shake, vibrating. There was a rough jolt and I found myself pushed towards the seat in front of me, bracing myself with my arms.

  The captain’s voice came over the intercom. “Please remain calm,” he stated, his voice betraying a touch of anxiety. “We are applying the emergency braking thrusters.”

  The shaking and rumbling subsided after a few moments. It seemed that the shuttle had stopped, and we were now floating dead in space.

  Meanwhile, outside my window, the battle-scarred hull of the pirate vessel loomed larger and larger, until it blocked my view.

  There were heavy thumps and clanks, and the whole ship vibrated again. Passengers were crying, shouting and screaming now.

  “What’s going on?” Emily asked. Her hand was on my arm, her nails digging into my skin in her fear.

  “I think they’ve docked with our ship,” I said. “That means we’re going to be boarded.”

  “Attention,” came the captain’s voice from the intercom. “We have been intercepted by an… unregistered vessel. We are complying with their request to access the cargo hold. Please remain in your seats and remain calm until the transfer of cargo is complete.”

  Emily still gripped my arm hard, while rocking anxiously in her seat. “Does that mean that they only want the cargo?” she asked me. “Then they’ll leave us alone?”

  “I don’t know,” I told her honestly, unable to give her false reassurance.

  “But the crew could fight them if they come in here?” she asked.

  “I don’t think a civilian crew has weapons. Or, not ones good enough to fight off pirates, anyway.”

  I really didn’t know that much about space pirates. Only a little that I’d read… There were some pirates that were more like gentleman privateers for one of the breakaway systems, raiding foreign ships for cargo while leaving any civilian passengers alone.

  But then, there were many pirates who really were just brutal scum, men too violent for any society who made their way through the galaxy pillaging, killing, raping…

  What of these “Star Wolves,” then? That was a special case. I remembered reading about them in one of the old books stored on the antique reader my mother had given to me.

  They were some kind of Shifter, weren’t they? It seemed that, centuries ago, some insane bio-engineer, in an attempt to preserve the DNA of endangered species from Earth, had fused the animal DNA with that of humans. He had then sent these creatures out into space.

  The Star Wolves were supposed to have the DNA of Terran wolves, and were said to be able to shift into animalistic form when enraged. Each of their ships held a pack of the creatures, headed by an Alpha Male who served as their de facto captain. Too wild and dangerous for human society, they often served as mercenaries… or raided the space lanes as pirates.

  A wolf pirate… That doesn’t sound like the gentlemanly sort of rogue, I thought.

  More likely these were killers, bloody in tooth and claw.

  Wasn’t there something else in one of the books I had read? Something about Star Wolf mating customs, and pure human females? I couldn’t recall exactly what the info had been… And at the moment, I really didn’t want to.

  My heart was beating fast, and my stomach was churning. I was beginning to think that there might indeed be a fate worse than becoming the chattel of that piggish farmer on Fallow.

  But then again, perhaps I didn’t have to worry. If these pirates were in a hurry, and really did only want to loot any valuable cargo on the shuttle…

  We all waited for long minutes, hearing thumpings and clankings from the cargo hold below our passenger compartment. After a while, most everyone stopped talking.

  Suddenly, there was more thumping. It seemed to come from right beneath my feet. Actually, I realized, the noise was coming from the access hatch set into the floor in the middle of the aisle a few seats ahead of us.

  As I watched, I heard the hiss of pressure seals disengaging—

  --And the hatch in the floor suddenly flew up, and open.

  Chapter 3

  I supposed I was expecting some kind of slavering beast to emerge from the hatch, like a mad dog walking on two legs, teeth bared and growling. I really wasn’t sure what a Star Wolf would look like, after all.

  But what I saw was mostly human… Fiercely male, but much less bestial than I had expected.

  His eyes were a piercing cold blue, like a frozen sea. They scanned the cabin… And then, his gaze locked on me.

  The cold yet lively eyes were set into a face that was extremely masculine, not classically handsome but not quite brutish, either.

  He had a broad forehead and a large, flat nose. His large mouth had surprisingly full and sensuous lips, above a strong, square chin. His head was topped by long, thick hair, dark brown streaked with silver… Definitely silver and not the gray of an older man, as this one looked to be in his mid-twenties perhaps, still a young man.

  He smiled then, still looking my way.

  I knew that he had to be smiling at me. His perfect teeth were gleaming white and his canines were prominent, like fangs.

  But what would you expect from a wolf?, I thought.

  He uttered something in a rumbling voice. It sounded as if it was half speech, and half guttural growling. I thought I heard him say something about “no weapons” and “relax.”

  Then, he pulled himself up out of the hatch, got to his feet, and raised himself to his full height.

  My gods. I was a very tall woman, and most men didn’t impress me with their stature. But this man… this… wolf?... had to be almost seven feet tall, the tallest I’d ever seen. And the rest of him was just as proportionally huge.

  His shoulders were impossibly broad, and his arms bulged, powerfully corded with muscle. I didn’t think I’d be able to get both my hands around one of his forearms, even. He was shirtless, wearing only a silver medallion in the shape of a wolf’s head.

  That wasn’t enough to distract me from his chest. His pectorals were so broad and flat that it was as if he had armored plates under the skin, while his tiny, dark, manly nipples seemed strangely enticing. There were pale, jagged lines of old scars here and there…

  And there was fur. Silver, fine fur in the center of his chest, and a line of it running down his chest to where it bisected his perfectly defined abs.

  Fur and muscle, sleekness and hardness… I’d seen my share of muscular, work-hardened men on my home planet… But this one’s powerful, naked torso made me silently gasp. Watching him move was mesmerizing, like watching the movements of a bull or some other giant male beast, the pulling and counter-pulling of the muscles tight under the skin entrancing me.

  On his lower body, he wore the tattered remnants of what were once been trousers of black leather or a similar material. Most of the pants had been ripped away, perhaps through long wear, exposing most of his legs.

And such legs! There was fur on them as well, and scars… The legs looked as thick as small tree trunks, the calves bulging with muscles that seemed to tense as if he might spring into the air at any moment.

  To my silent shame, I could help but notice that, at the apex of his powerful thighs, something else bulged. That particular bulge even extended down to his right thigh, where it was held captive by the tight leather of his pants.

  I was not sure if he had notice my gaze. He was still smiling at me as he licked his full lips…

  Yes, he had noticed.

  And then there was the smell of him. Even from about fifteen feet away, I noticed his distinctive, musky scent. It was something like the scent of a healthy, strong animal, faint but palpable. Not like the odor of unwashed farmhands who’d been laboring in the sun all day… This was strangely pleasant.

  In fact, the scent was intoxicating, almost as if I was breathing in an invisible vapor. It loosened my muscles and made me feel oddly warm all over.

  Meanwhile, Emily sobbed in the seat beside me, terrified. Many of the other passengers had left their seats and headed towards the back of the cabin, hoping to gain access to the upper-class section.

  From the sounds of shouting and pounding at the door, it seemed as if that exit had been closed to them. We were locked in with the Star Wolves.

  But my tall, silver-furred wolf-man was not the only one to emerge from the hatch.

  Another Star Wolf emerged from the hatch just behind the big pirate whom I’d been so closely studying. This one was not quite as tall …

  He was leaner but still incredibly fit, having a build like a runner’s. Olive skinned, he had amber-colored eyes and dusky brown hair hanging in long braids down his back. There were primitive tattoos like curling rings of thorns across his well-muscled chest and arms, and a stripe of dark fur running down the center of his chest. He had a narrow nose and a somewhat snarling expression on his face, and his fangs seemed more prominent than the first one’s.


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