Seized by the Star Wolf

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Seized by the Star Wolf Page 6

by Jennie Primrose

  My gods! He was trying to aim that terrible cock to get it inside of me…

  No no no no no no… I had to do something!

  Chapter 8

  As he adjusted his position, I looked up and saw his heavy balls dangling there. Bulbous, distended, hanging down low. One hanging much lower than the other in its wrinkled, slimy sac.

  But exposed… and vulnerable.

  The image of Sawagga—my Star Wolf—was on the monitor, raging as he battered the door, determined to get inside and rescue me.

  “Saaaaa-Rahhhh!!!” he bellowed again.

  I took a deep breath, drawing all the strength I could from the determination in his cool blue eyes.

  He thought that I could be a pirate’s mate, a she-wolf. I had to put the fragile, scared little girl inside of aside now, and concentrate on that, on my strength.

  There was no time for fear. Only for action.

  Mustering all of the strength I had, I brought my knee up, smashing it into the soft, rubbery mass of Rakh’s testicles.

  He howled in fury and rose up, pulling back for a second.

  Moving faster than I would have thought possible, I rolled off the seat and down onto the floor.

  A second later, his heavy claw swiped across the seat where my chest had been a moment earlier, shredding the cushion and filling the air with little bits of its poly-stuffing like a light snow.

  Wrenching myself up, I ran for the door of the chamber. I jammed my shoulder into the square red button for the emergency door. It hissed up—

  A fraction of a second later, I was grabbed by giant, clawed hands.

  This is it, I thought.

  I was about to be ripped in two.

  But no… It wasn’t Rakh.

  It was Sawagga!

  My Star Wolf had grabbed me the moment the door had slid open. I got only a momentary glimpse of those cool blue eyes, and then—

  He tossed me aside for my own safety, and I rolled down the corridor.

  When I stopped and pulled myself up on my hands and knees, I looked back and saw only the magnificent back of my Star Wolf.

  In his full feral glory, he had to be at least eight feet tall, ducking to enter the cockpit as he charged in after Rakh.

  The last glimpse I had was of his mane of brown fur streaked with silver hanging down from his wolfish head---

  --And then, the door slid down, blocking my view, and I realized he had sealed himself in with the treacherous Rakh.

  There was a croaking squeal of rage which must have been Rakh.

  It was answered by the confident growl of Sawagga… Though muffled by the mass of the emergency door.

  Then, something very heavy thumped against the door from the other side.

  Sawagga… He was strongest, he would win, right? I thought so, but…

  I wasn’t afraid any more. I wanted to help him, to do something.

  But someone else grabbed me. It was Gall. I recognized the tattooed, olive-hued skin of Emily’s mate’s arm right away.

  “Sawagga will take care of him now,” he told me. “Come, I need to move you away and out of harm, as Sawagga would wish.”

  Gall and several of the other Star Wolves led me back down the corridor. I saw that one other crewman was tending to Tinnee the injured copilot, cleaning and examining his bloody chest.

  Tinnee raised up his head and moaned softly. Still alive, good, I thought. It would be good if Rakh’s scheme hadn’t cost anyone their life.

  Well, perhaps except for Rakh… I imagined Sawagga would have to kill him now. Twisted and powered by mad rage as he was, he would be no match for my Sawagga.

  Now, Gall and two of the other Star Wolves stood in a little circle around me at a bend in the corridor, guarding me.

  I heard a few more thumps from the direction of the cockpit… And then, the noise stopped.

  Several more achingly long minutes passed.

  Finally, Sawagga approached down the corridor.

  He had a fresh claw-mark scar on his chest, and there was blood there, matted in the hair. More dark blood was splattered on his shoulders, with a few specks on his face.

  It looked as if he’d take a moment to wash up somewhere. But the results of the battle were still evident. He’d taken a white linen cloth or sheet and tied it around his waist. His sudden shifting must have caused him to burst out of his tattered leather pants, destroying them… Was he trying to hide his nudity out of respect for me? That was almost funny… Or would have been, if not considering the situation.

  He approached me and nodded for the others to leave. In a moment, he stood before me alone, opening and closing his massive fists absently, his cool eyes avoiding my gaze.

  “I failed you, Sarah,” he said. “I wasn’t fast enough to protect the female I’d claimed.”

  “You didn’t fail,” I told him, reaching up to touch his chest, not caring about the blood. “Rakh sabotaged the air in the cargo hold. It made you groggy.”

  “Rakh is dead, now,” he said with a sigh.

  “I’m sorry,” I told him. “I know he was good to you when you were young.”

  He nodded. “I didn’t want to give up hope for him. I thought if he could just hold on a little longer, I could get him somewhere, where he could….” He trailed off. Then, his eyes narrowed in a fierce expression. “But I should never have let him walk away after threatening my claimed mate. I should have killed him right there, as Gall advised.”

  “I am all right,” I told him.

  And, surprisingly, I really was… More relieved at the ordeal being over and Sawagga being okay than anything else. Rakh had tried to violate me, but I had no questions as to why, as he had been a suffering monster twisted with lust and rage. And he would no longer threaten anyone.

  I didn’t think Sawagga would ever let me out of his sight again.

  Actually, I thought, I wouldn’t mind that at the moment… Being close and held onto possessively.

  As if reading my thoughts, he grabbed me up in his massive arms, and carried my naked form down the corridor.

  “Where are you going?” I asked. But he was silent.

  At another junction of corridors, he stopped for a moment, then head down the left branch.

  At the end of this short corridor was a small room, with hatches set into one wall. Three hatches, each barely five feet tall, with control terminals in front of them. The doors were labeled in red lettering as Escape Pods One through Three.

  Sawagga set me down in front of the first of these doors. “You could leave now,” he said. “The pod has a built-in distress beacon. The Galactic Patrol would find you soon.”

  As he said this he stroked my hair, and lightly touched the healing wound on my ear where he’d marked me earlier.

  “Do YOU want me to go?” I asked him.

  He looked down for a moment, and then his cool blue eyes met mine.

  “No,” he said.

  “You’ve claimed me,” I told him softly. “I’m yours. No more fighting with you, I’ll give you all of me. I have your mark and I want to have your scent and… everything.”

  He nodded. He tried to hide it, but I saw a smile cross his lips. “I need to take care of… some things,” he said. “But there are safe quarters where you can wash and rest, and I’ll have two men guard the door.” He paused, then continued, “NOTHING will happen to you again, I swear. If anyone approaches you with ill intentions, they will die.”

  He bowed his head in a curiously formal gesture, and I knew that he was utterly serious.

  Chapter 9

  The room was small; I guessed it was one of the original crew quarters for the ship, which the Star Wolves, with their communal life style, did not use.

  There were several bunks and a small sink, toilet, and a shower stall.

  I took advantage of the shower, luxuriating in the warm water. I wanted to wash away any remnants of Rakh’s vileness.

  Then, I dried off and climbed into the lowest bunk, pulling the cool
sheets over my nude body.

  I truly missed Sawagga. But I understood that he must have business to attend to in the aftermath of Rakh’s assault.

  I woke up after what felt like a few hours, when the door hissed open, and I looked up to see Emily.

  She looked positively vibrant, wearing a blue sun dress with her dark hair tied up in a ponytail with a white ribbon. I wondered where she had found the clothes she wore.

  She held a small plastic box, and she brought it forward to me.

  “Clothes from Sawagga,” she said. “I mean, he wanted you to know that he picked them out, I think. Gall found some things for me, too.”

  She was looking at me oddly from the corner of her eye, as if wondering how to bring up Rakh’s kidnapping of me. I wondered how much she had heard.

  “I’m okay,” I told her directly. “Don’t worry about me. Sawagga got there in time… I was only a little shaken up.”

  “Oh, I’m glad,” said Emily. “I was upset when I’d heard he’d taken you. I know we haven’t known each other very long, but we came into this together, and I prayed to the gods that you’d be safe.”

  “How about you?” I asked her. “Are you okay?” Though, from the sparkle in her eyes and the flush of her cheeks, it seemed like she was still ecstatic over her bonding with Gall.

  “You had me worried there for a while,” I told her. “He was so big and so rough.”

  She nodded. “Yes, he was, but… Oh, I can’t describe it. I’ve never felt so happy and so fulfilled! I think the best part was when Gall was holding me afterwards. I’m so looking forward to that again. And the mating, too. But…”

  She looked down and patted her belly absently.

  “What?” I asked. “You think you’re pregnant already?”

  She smiled and shrugged. “I don’t know… But Gall says he can smell it, he knows that the mating ‘took.’ He says he thinks there’s at least a few ‘pups’ as he puts it. I’m trying not to get my hopes up… But to be the first mother in this pack, would be wonderful. Sawagga has plans, a forest planet picked out… Did he tell you?”

  I nodded. “He said he would tell me more soon.”

  “You know the Star Wolves only have male children?” she said. “It’s a flaw in the genetic code or something. They can only mate with human females, as they have none of their own. We’re the only women here right now, though. I mean… Unless I’m the only one staying?”

  I sighed. “You and Sawagga both… Why does everyone think I’m going to leave?”

  She shook her head. “You didn’t seem completely happy about Sawagga claiming you. I accepted Gall right away, but…”

  “I was afraid, but not anymore,” I told her. “Sawagga saved me, he’s devoted to me, and beast or man, I accept him fully now.”

  “I’m so glad you’ll be with us,” she told me. “I hope… Well, I hope your bonding with Sawagga is as wonderful as mine was with Gall! I’m going to go find Gall now… Maybe you should look for Sawagga and tell him what you’ve decided?”

  I nodded. “Thanks, I think I will…”

  Once she left, I opened the box that Emily had left for me.

  Clothes, from Sawagga, she had said.

  Somehow, I wasn’t surprised at the garments I found inside. They must have been part of the one of the Star Wolves’ prior hauls from another raid.

  The labels marked them as some of the most impressive designer brands from the core systems… Luxury brands from fashion houses that went back centuries, and even a simple frontier girl like myself had heard of them.

  The package he’d left for me consisted of a top and bottom, no underwear and no socks or shoes. But I supposed I couldn’t have expected a Star Wolf to think of all that.

  But oh, my wolf had definitely picked these out. The pair of gray stretchy, tight-like pants was made of a silky material that was cool on my skin and exquisitely comfortable. But they seemed to be a bit too tight… They clung, skin-tight, to my ample behind and I had to keep pulling them out of the crack of my arse.

  Was this how Sawagga wanted to see me? Well then, I’d wear them with pride…

  Funny, I’d never thought of myself as a beautiful or sexual being until I’d been captured by my Star Wolf.

  But now, after being held in Sawagga’s arms and having felt his desire… I would have walked around buck naked in front of the entire crew if he had wanted me to do so.

  The top was also silky, a frothy white material like a half-tunic with a neckline that plunged deep to expose the contours of my breasts.

  Once I’d put on the clothes, I felt clean and fresh and wonderfully comfortable. I decided to find Sawagga.

  I wanted to let him know that I was no longer afraid. I knew that he had used the beast inside of him to come to my rescue, and I had to admit to myself that I was attracted to that beast. I wanted the human part of him as well as the wolf part.

  I myself had fought when I’d needed to against Rakh, without hesitating—just as a she-wolf should. I had allowed my Sawagga to enter into the cockpit so that he could bring down my attacker.

  I hoped that Sawagga understood that I truly did not blame him for Rakh’s tricks. No one had been as protective, caring and attentive towards me as Sawagga had, at least not since my parents had died long ago.

  And I would do what I could to watch out for myself, and to help him. I wanted to ask him more about the place of peace, the forest which he’d mentioned earlier.

  I was on my way out the room to find him when I nearly ran into a wall of muscle---

  --A wall that wore a snug, white, sleeveless t-shirt and tight tan fatigue pants. And lower down the feet were clad in black leather military boots… That was a shock.

  I guess I must have smelled him before he’s even walked in. I jerked my head up… And of course, the one in front of me was Sawagga.

  His hair had been brushed back very neatly from his face. There he was, smirking down at me, his cool blue eyes assessing me.

  “I hope you like the clothes, Sarah” he said. “I wanted to find something nice for you.”

  “Nice for me… Or nice for you to look at me in, hmm?” I laughed.

  He raised one eyebrow, perplexed.

  I told him, “Let me show them off for you.” I spun around, displaying my cleavage in the see-through, low-cut top and my arse in the incredibly tight bottoms which neatly adhered to my ample curves there.

  Sawagga licked his lips. Suddenly, his big hands were on the small of my back, then sliding down to squeeze my buttocks…

  “Mmm,” he purred. “So nice to look at, but so much better to touch.”

  “You smell different,” I told him. “I mean, not bad, just… Some hint of fragrance or something? And aside from that, you’re wearing clothes. I mean, more clothes than a pair of shredded pants, anyway.”

  He scrunched up his face in a way that was hilarious. He looked more vulnerable than I’d yet seen me.

  “I want to be a little more… civilized, jarr? For you, Sarah,” he said. “Show you I’m not just a beast.”

  “The clothes look good on you,” I told him.

  And indeed they did. The t-shirt was tight enough on him that it did little to hide the musculature of his chest and abdomen. I could see the dark lines of his silver fur under the cotton material as well.

  As for the fatigue pants, they were certainly tight enough to show off the bulge at his groin…

  “Did you use soap to wash?” I asked. “I think I smell… coconut?”

  “It was… a wash,” he explained, his hand scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. “A body wash. I found some in one of the crew quarters. I wanted to be clean for you. I normally only use water.”

  “Silly,” I told him. “I already told you I like how you smell.”

  He didn’t smell bad this way… But his normal scent was so appealing, musky and sweet and entirely male, but not foul at all. “You don’t have to use anything but water.”

“Really? Well that is a relief,” he sighed.

  I leaned forward, pulled his t-shirt up and caressed the line of silky fur running down the center of his hard belly. “You don’t need to shampoo this, either,” I said. “I like you just how you are, my wolf.”

  I wrapped myself around him, rubbing my face against his chest through the soft material of his t-shirt.

  He grabbed my shoulders tight, rubbing his nose in my hair and taking in my scent.

  “You don’t normally wear shirts, do you?” I asked him.

  “No,” he said, and he let me go for the moment, only to pull off the t-shirt and drop the garment loosely to the ground. Now, he wore his silver Star Wolf amulet, perched between his armor-hard pecs… but every other part of his perfect torso was exposed, muscles, hair and scars all… and I loved it.

  I couldn’t help myself. I rubbed my cheek against his chest, then licked one of his tiny man-nipples, wondering what his reaction would be.

  “Umm,” he said, “I don’t know… Ohh.”

  And then, he pulled my face away, and kissed me—hard.

  His tongue boldly probed the inside of my mouth, licking the insides of my teeth, thrashing around my own tongue as our lips danced together.

  The kiss was wet and raw and forceful, and yet it had my cunnie tingling and my heart throbbing.

  I was breathless when he finally pulled away.

  “I want to show you something.” He said. He nodded towards the door. “Something very important.”

  I sighed. I didn’t want this to end, not with my body hot and yearning as it was… But I had to respect that my wolf thought this was vital for me to see.

  He took my hand in his giant’s grasp and led me out of the door…

  Chapter 10

  Sawagga led me only a few doors down the corridor, to where there was a door that looked identical to most of the others, though it had a security console mounted beside the door.

  The console had a rectangular, white box on it, and Sawagga placed his big hand there. Instantly, the door hissed open.

  “This is a private place for me.” he said. “Tinnee reprogrammed the security system to accept only my handprint.”


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