The Boss's Love

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The Boss's Love Page 14

by Casey Clipper

  Tears flowed harder from Courtney.

  "I need time. Time to see if I can handle your world. Time to gather my thoughts about being your wife. We need to talk about where I stand in your life. What I should and should not know, and what will happen when anything even remotely close to this occurs again." She sighed. "I'm tired, hormonal, and still healing my body and mind. I need time."

  She left him no choice. If she was willing to talk to him and willing to see him, he would give her the space she needed and deal with it in his own way.

  "Can I call you?" he asked, terrified of her answer.


  He sagged. "Will you have dinner with me tomorrow? I'll take you out."

  "I would like that." She smiled that shy smile he adored.

  He closed his eyes, thankful she was giving him the opportunity to fix their marriage.

  "I'm going to go home—"

  His eyes flew open. "You are home."

  "You know what I mean." Courtney's tone hardened again. "I'm tired and it's time for my medication."

  "Do you need anything?" he asked quickly.

  She shook her head. "Thank you, though."

  "Let me walk you out to the car."


  Escorting his wife to a car he'd never seen before, he opened the driver's door and held out a hand to help her climb inside. He kissed her, holding their contact longer. Too long he'd gone without the brush of her lips against his. After he pulled away, she gave him a small smile, but didn't say a word as she closed the door. While he watched her leave, he made a mental note of the license plate number.

  As soon as she was out of sight, he stalked back into the house where the guys gathered around to wait for instructions.

  "Jack, run this number." Darren rattled off the plate. He planned a surprise visit to see his wife the next day. There was no way in hell he would allow her to stay away much longer.


  Sean Millen

  When Sean and Ryan returned home late that evening, they found Courtney asleep on the sofa still wearing her shoes and coat. The little makeup she'd worn was in dried streaks down her fair cheeks. Apparently her visit to her brother-in-law took its toll.

  Sean checked her vitals without disturbing her. She must have been exhausted. Afterwards Sean finished Ryan carried her up to her bedroom, stripped off her coat, shoes and socks, and covered her with the duvet.

  Now they stood in the kitchen sipping on coffee.

  "I think she needs to go back home to her husband," Sean said softly.

  Ryan set down his cup. "That's her decisions, not ours."

  "It is, but don't you see what being away from him is doing to her? I think he takes care of her soul along with her mind and body," Sean explained.

  "Yes, but what about his lifestyle? She isn't safe and now the damn government is all over her. That fucker was in our kitchen today. He sought her out," Ryan seethed.

  "I'd bet any amount of money that her husband will be extra diligent to make certain she's safe. I don't believe anyone will be capable of getting near her again," Sean said. He took a long drag from his decaf coffee.

  "I hope you're right," Ryan said.



  "Put on your swimsuit and join us," Ryan demanded. He sauntered past Courtney, who sat at the kitchen island eating the last bit of sandwich Sean had made her for lunch. "That's an order."

  Beach towel thrown over his muscular shoulder, he left the kitchen. When the back door opened, music and the sound of women giggling carried through the house. She shook her head and smiled indulgently.

  Apparently her cousins had hit their limit with the no women policy they instilled when she'd moved in. Their female guests had arrived an hour ago, and not long afterward drinking had ensued along with the music, laughter, squealing, and enjoyment of the last day they kept their in-ground pool open.

  She slid off the stool and headed upstairs to throw on the swimsuit Ryan bought her the day before. When he walked in the house, he'd tossed the bag at her and informed her a shindig was planned for the next day. She sighed heavily, not entirely thrilled with donning a tiny two-piece swimsuit.



  Jack and Carl pulled the SUV in front of the two-story home located in the gated community. They parked the vehicle on the street since the driveway was full. Darren climbed and was assaulted by the sounds of music and laughing women echoing from the direction of back of the house. He grew livid. Do not tell him his wife was staying in some sort of party house instead of at home with her husband. That would come to a stop immediately.

  Leaving Jack and Carl on the street, he stalked around to the rear of the house and found three women surrounding two large men standing off to the side of a large in-ground pool. Their tattoos on their arms said military. Too engrossed in conversation, no one noticed him. He effortlessly snaked through the backdoor and glanced around. The house was a bit sparse, screaming bachelor pad, but it not unkempt. He wandered through a Florida room and down a short hallway that opened to a large, modern kitchen. He was about to make a right down another hallway when another young, blonde woman appeared. She stopped, surprised to see him.

  "Hi," she greeted.

  "Hi, can you tell me where Courtney is?"

  "Oh, yeah. She's upstairs changing. Ryan made her. He won't allow her to sit around and sulk all day. She needs exercise." The girl shrugged. "Who are you?"

  Without answering, Darren brushed past the young woman and hurried towards the steps.

  Obviously not happy with being ignored, a moment later he heard her yelling to this Ryan person, "Ryan, there's some guy in your house asking for Courtney!"

  Two at a time, he took the steps. He rushed down a hallway and stopped at the second door on the left. His wife stood in a bedroom wearing a red bikini, examining herself in a full-length mirror. She sighed.

  "You look gorgeous," he said, standing in the doorway of the bedroom.

  Courtney whirled around in surprise. "Darren," she breathed.

  He smiled with such tenderness and warmth. She was stunning.

  She looked down at herself and frowned. "What sucks is that I have this stomach pooch from the pregnancy but no baby to show for it."

  He took a couple steps into the room until he stood an arms length away. Placing a gentle finger under her chin, he lifted her eyes to meet his.

  "If you come home to me, we can fix that," he whispered.

  "Promise?" her voice cracked.


  "Who the hell are you!" A man demanded from the doorway.

  Darren spun and took a guarded stance in front of his wife. Instinctively he reached inside his suit jacket and growled, "I may ask the same question."

  "Oh, stop it, both of you," Courtney barked. "Sean, this is Darren. Darren, this is my cousin Sean." Another man, who could pass for Sean's twin, appeared behind Sean. "And my cousin Ryan." She motioned between them.

  All three men menacingly studied each other.

  "Wait, these are the cousins that couldn't make the wedding?" It dawned on him.

  She nodded.

  "Doctor and nurse?" he asked, putting the pieces together.

  She nodded again, biting her bottom lip.

  "They were the ones visiting you in the hospital," he said more to himself.


  He narrowed his eyes and looked down at her. "You purposely kept their identity from me."

  She shrugged. "You have your secrets. I have mine."

  He gaped in surprise. Ryan chuckled from behind Sean.

  "I think I just fell even more in love with you," he admitted.

  She beamed. "You three need to get along. You're way too important to me not to."

  All three men listened to her orders as if they were her trained puppies. Amazing for a mob boss and two former Navy SEALs.

  "Nice to meet you. Courtney speaks highly of the two of you," he said to her cousins.
  "Good to meet you too, though we wish it were under different circumstances," Sean said.

  "Would you like to join us?" Ryan asked. "We're enjoying the pool before we close it." He motioned to Courtney. "We're making her get up and out. She sulks too much."

  "Ryan," Courtney scolded.

  He shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm not lying."

  Sean chuckled. "It's true."

  She rolled her eyes.

  "I have a half a mind to rip you apart for this piece of string that you call a swimsuit," she snapped at Ryan in an attempt to change the subject.

  "I like it," Darren said.

  Ryan barked out laughing. "Then my job is done here. Court, we'll see you outside."

  They left the bedroom and closed the door behind them. Darren refocused on his wife.

  "You found out where I'm staying," she said. She grabbed the matching cover-up and pulled it over her suit.

  He smirked. "Yes, honey. You didn't think that you would be able to hide from me for long, did you?"

  "I suppose not," she confessed.

  He reached out and wrapped his hands around her waist then pulled her body flush against his. Brushing her overlong hair off her shoulders, he gazed into her eyes.

  "Come home," he begged.


  "Please, I miss you," he said. "I'll help you get better, and we'll work on repairing our marriage. I promise."

  "I love you, but I'm so indescribably hurt." Her voice cracked.

  "I know, baby. I know." He pushed her head into his chest and ran a comforting hand up and down her spine to soothe the better half of his soul. He had too much work to do in order to fix their world. No matter what it took, he vowed to do it. But the only way he could truly start repairing their marriage was by getting her home.

  "Please, come home," he pleaded again. She was the only person in the world that could possible turn him into a begging fool.

  "Okay," she relented.

  He breathed out a sigh of relief. "Will you come home now?"

  She nodded.

  "Let's get your things together, okay?"

  "Okay," she said. "Let me tell Sean and Ryan I'm leaving." She pulled away.

  "I'll start packing your items in here, sweetheart," he said and kissed her. "I love you."

  "I love you," she said.

  He closed his eyes at her words and leaned his forehead onto hers. "I thought I lost you, Court. In too many ways. My heart has been torn out of my chest without you. I not only need you, my world is empty without you," he admitted. Now he truly understood the notion that Courtney was his greatest weakness. Without a doubt. She was the single person who could ultimately destroy him. But that was the price he was willing to pay for the love of his life.

  Chapter 12

  Ryan Millen

  After loading Courtney's luggage into the trunk, Jack and Carl stood unnoticeably off to the side watching the scene on the front lawn.

  “I’ll be over to check on you,” Sean informed Courtney.

  She nodded. “I would expect nothing less.”

  “Good,” he said.

  Ryan grabbed her and crushed Courtney into a hard embrace.

  “You take care of yourself and if you need anything, you call me right away,” he demanded.

  “I love you both so much,” Courtney said. She pulled away. "I can't thank you enough."

  Ryan kissed her forehead. “Oh, honey, we love you too, and would do anything for you.”

  Sean looked to Darren who stood next to Carl and Jack.

  “Take care of her or you’ll have us to answer to. We’re home now, she can run to us for anything,” he warned.

  Darren nodded, clearly appreciating their undying loyalty towards his wife.

  “I will,” he assured him.

  Darren held out his hand for Courtney, helped her into the backseat of the SUV, and slid in beside her. Jack and Carl climbed into the front and pulled away from the cousins' home.

  Sean and Ryan watched the car until it was out of sight. Sean could see the disappointment in Ryan’s body language. He placed a heavy hand on his brother’s shoulder.

  “She’ll be all right,” Sean said.

  Ryan nodded, but still worried about his cousin. Deep down, he knew he couldn't keep Courtney from her husband. He loved her like a sister but in this case he had to cut her loose from their watchful eye. She had a husband whose job it was to protect her.



  Darren had unpacked Courtney’s clothes while she rested. She informed him she tended to tire out with significant activities and so far that day had been quite emotional for her.

  After he was finished, he stowed her suitcases away and quietly went downstairs to prepare dinner for his wife. The house buzzed with his staff that was arranging to keep Mrs. Murphy well protected twenty-four seven. Darren had informed his men of agent John Marshall's visit to his wife and put them all on notice that if the man got near his wife again, heads would

  For an hour he slaved over the stove when he heard soft footsteps pad down the hallway. He looked up to watch his beautiful wife enter the kitchen donning that sexy, disheveled look she pulled off too well.

  “Gorgeous, how did you sleep?” he asked. He set down the bamboo spoon, approached, and then kissed her soundly.

  “Good, I still feel tired but finally rested,” she said.

  He smiled at her confession. His wife needed him and needed to be in their bed more than she was willing to admit.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  He led her to the dining room table, poured her a glass of red wine, then went back to the kitchen to dish out their meal. Swiftly preparing their plates, he served Courtney her dinner then sat down at the head of the table, to her left. He linked their hands, leaned over and kissed her again.

  “I’m so happy to have you home, baby,” he said.

  She leaned into him. “Thank you for fighting for me.”

  “Oh, honey, I don’t have a choice. I can’t be without you,” he admitted.

  She gave him a tired smile, turned to her dinner, and picked at her food.

  They ate in silence for a few minutes until Darren decided to quiz her about her cousins. "How long have Sean and Ryan been home?”

  “About two months.”

  “Did you know?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Ryan emailed me when they would be returning. I wanted to give them time to settle into their home before I visited. I saw them for a couple hours after they landed. They started at the hospital the day after they arrived. They didn’t have any time off to really settle.”

  He nodded, though not entirely pleased with the secrecy. "What made them decide to get into the fields they're in?” he asked curiously.

  “Ryan, well despite the fact he's got a different woman daily, he’s a romantic at heart and loves the idea of family. Maybe not a family for himself but definitely being a part of a Sean's future family. Taking care of babies was second nature to him. Sean got into cardiology after one of his high school friends died of a heart attack on the football field. He never got over that tragic event. He threw himself into learning about the heart, almost as if he could figure out what had happened maybe he could go back in time and save his friend,” she explained.

  “Why the Navy?”

  “My aunt and uncle didn’t have the money to put them through college, so the military did. They took advantage of the opportunity. Turns out they were both excellent SEALs, too.” She smiled.

  “They're close to each other,” he stated.

  She giggled affectionately. "They are. It’s spooky sometimes how close they are, as if they can read each other's mind.”

  Darren chuckled. “Derrick and I did the same thing to my parents for a time. We looked so much alike, when we dressed alike we tortured Mom.”

  “Boys.” Courtney chuckled.

  He got caught up in his wife's laugh and smi
le. There hadn't been much happiness in their lives for too long. He was determined to bring joy her life, and would make sure nothing came between them again.

  Throughout dinner Darren continued his questions about her cousins. He found she loved discussing the two men who had been with her until she'd been a senior in high school, when they'd enlisted. He gave the Millen family credit for instilling the sense of family into the three children at a young age. Darren vowed to accept the two men into his family because they meant the world to his Courtney. Whatever was important to his wife was of the utmost importance to him.

  Chapter 13


  It had been two months since Courtney returned home to Darren, yet their intimacy level remained stagnant. Two weeks ago she had been cleared by her OBGYN to have sex, but she remained at arms length. They slept in the same bed but she no longer curled up against him at night. Instead she positioned herself close to the opposite edge of the mattress. As far away from him as possible. It broke his heart but he refused to push.

  Darren waited in the living room with Jack, Carl, and a couple other men for Courtney to make her way downstairs. A charity event downtown filled their agenda for a few hours that evening. While they chatted about business, they heard the bedroom door close. Darren stepped into the hallway to meet her and gasped when she made her appearance.

  A vision in a midnight blue form fitting, floor length evening gown, she stole his breath. A V-neck top showed off her fantastic cleavage and a scoop back that fell to her tailbone exposed her delicious fair skin. A slit up to her left thigh and nude Jimmy Choo heels elongated her toned legs. She belonged on a red carpet in Hollywood.

  “Court,” Darren whispered in awe. “You’re stunning.”

  Her hair pulled back in a loose up-do, wisps framed her perfect features. Her natural color, that returned a few weeks ago, said her body was well on its way to healing. A pair of large diamond stud earrings Darren had bought her a couple of years ago as a birthday gift twinkled off the lighting.


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