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The Boss's Love

Page 25

by Casey Clipper

  He found her staring out the nursery window, Caitlin in her arms breastfeeding. Quietly, he approached from behind, pushed her hair out of his way, bent down and kissed the side of her neck. She leaned her head against his chest.

  "You have nothing to fear," Derrick assured her.

  "I thought the same thing with Darren, until that night," she replied.

  He stiffened. "You know that never happened. Do not accuse my brother of adultery that never took place."

  "I know it never happened, at least now I do. But you saw the consequences when I thought he had cheated on me." She turned in his arms. "I don't want that for us. I don't want to doubt you or our marriage." She looked straight into his eyes. "I love you, Derrick. I love you so much, and I won't be able to handle losing you to another woman. I know this marriage was arranged but you're my husband and have been here for me through too much. I can't lose you," she said, desperation pouring from her.

  She loved him. His Courtney admitted to loving him. He felt his heart swell with an insurmountable love, an emotion he'd never had before. He reached up and cupped her delicate face into his hands. "You will never lose me. Ever. I'm yours, Courtney. You own me, body and soul. You always have."

  Only Courtney herself would never hear his admission. Because unlike his brother, he refused to allow his love for her to be used as a weapon against him. If she needed reassurance of her place in his heart, he'd keep her mind at ease and give her that acknowledgment. But only directly to her.

  Derrick kissed her hard to prove his admission. When she opened herself up to him, he took advantaged and devoured her, unable to hold back. The need to claim his wife weighed on him when she was near. Hell, when they were in bed together, his desperation to roll over and possess her body nearly consumed him. Those soft, plump lips, he wanted to own. He never wanted her to desire any other man's lips. Including his brother's.

  With a quick sweep of his tongue, that heady sugary mix caused him to want seconds. Courtney obliged. Derrick slid his hand into her thick, blonde hair and pulled her closer, their tongues binding them. He explored ever inch of her warm, moist mouth that pliantly fused to his. He moaned, then gave a final swoop of his tongue. When he pulled away, he leaned his forehead against Courtney's while they both caught their breath.

  "I love you," Derrick whispered.

  "I love you," Courtney replied.

  Chapter 28


  As baby Caitlin grew, she became as beautiful as her mother. Large sapphire blue eyes, fair skin, her father’s dark brown hair, and a semblance of her mother's demeanor, everyone in the Murphy circle adored the newest member of the most powerful family in their world. She was showered with nothing but love and affection and protected above everyone, including Courtney. Derrick's daughter, innocently unaware, ruled the Murphy home. Meanwhile their search for a nanny continued.

  "You know, Derrick, an older woman would be harder to get information out of than some young girl that could easily be swayed with gifts, money, and power," Jack offered. "You hired Mary for those same reasons," he reminded his boss.

  "True," Derrick agreed.

  Derrick, Jack, and Carl stood in the kitchen at the island scrutinizing a stack of resumes in front of them.

  "I hate making my wife self conscious about hiring a younger woman." He sighed, frustrated at the entire process. "Maybe I should allow Courtney to make the decision."

  "Yes, then you could always remind her that she was the one who hired the nanny when something isn’t to her liking." Carl raised a brow.

  "Is that what you do to your wife?" Derrick asked, not amused.

  "Hell yes." Carl laughed. "I wash my hands of it then I can't take the blame."

  "He's scared to death of his wife," Jack snickered.

  Derrick chuckled.

  "You've met my wife. You're scared of her, too." Carl waved a finger.

  All three men laughed. Derrick truly liked Jack and Carl. Since his brother's death, he'd gotten to know the two men. They never left his side, and if they had, it was to shadow Court. They were given a free pass for their honest, personal opinions about business. Within reason.

  "I won't do that to Courtney, but I will give her total control of this. I can't fight with her any longer. The woman is stubborn and holds her ground," Derrick said with a hint of pride.

  Suddenly the sounds of a very unhappy, screaming baby girl entered the house. Abandoning Jack and Carl, Derrick went to help his wife but stopped dead. Trent followed behind Courtney carrying the diaper bag and stroller. Split-second murderous rage consumed him. What the hell was Trent doing alone with his wife?

  "What the fuck?" Jack mumbled.

  He turned and shot Jack and Carl a glare that could burn a hole right through their heads. By the shocked looks on their faces, they didn't expect to see Trent with his wife.

  "She's hungry," Courtney said, unaware of the pure hatred spewing from Derrick, Jack, and Carl.

  "Where's Johnny, Trent?" Jack asked, fronting nonchalant but with a deadly undertone.

  "He's worried about his father, who's back in the hospital. I told him to go be with his dad. I asked Trent to take me to the store," Courtney answered. She carried Caitlin into the living room. She smiled up at Trent, who beamed at her.

  "I don't like you having only one security, sweetheart. It was fine when it was just you but we have Caitlin now. I want someone for her as well," Derrick spewed.

  "I know, I know." She tried to placate him and looked up empathetically. "But, honey, if it was your father you would want the same respect."

  As he approached her, his lips uninvitingly curled at her response. He kissed her chastely. "One of the reasons I love you. You think of others and my men love you for it."

  Courtney’s cheeks pinked over the praise from him. She pulled Caitlin out of the carrier and sat down on the sofa.

  "I'm just about over this breast feeding thing," she complained. "I think I'm going to finish out this month and call it quits. That way you can finally help me." Courtney winked his direction.

  Derrick laughed, throwing his head back. He sat beside to her on the sofa. "Is that right?"

  She leaned into his body so he could wrap a protective arm around her. He knew she loved the closeness and feeling of safety. Her need to feel secure stemmed from Darren's death. Caitlin settled in and started her lunch.

  "Yep," Courtney answered.

  "Yep?" Derrick tested the word, then frowned.

  "Yes," she corrected and rolled her eyes.


  "God, you're getting bossy," she snipped.

  "I am the boss," he reminded her. He pushed her long, beautiful hair off her shoulder so he could watch their daughter.

  Courtney growled.

  "Did you just growl at me?" he asked stunned.


  Unaware he could laugh so joyously, leave it to his wife to bring the feeling out of him. He kissed her hard on the forehead while they continued to watch their daughter eat.


  Courtney felt herself falling in love with her husband. Their bond continually moved forward. Their witty banter started to flourish like it had before Darren’s death. Their intimate kissing was turning more passionate. The way they held onto each other was more seductive, more like two lovers than two friends. She always got lost in his caress when he ran his hand over her low back. Too often the staff caught Courtney wrapped in Derrick's arms, her hands splayed on his chest, while they quietly discussed something private. Every touch, embrace, lingering kiss drew them closer. Yes, she was definitely falling for her husband.



  "She's taking daily walks?" Mr. X asked Trent.

  "To lose the baby weight," Trent answered.

  They stood outside the Kennywood amusement park, pretending to be patrons waiting for a group of people to join before heading inside.

  "Is she alone during those walks?"

  "No, she a
lways has someone with her," Trent answered, unsure why Courtney’s walks were important to the man.

  "Tell me, does she trust you?"

  "She does. Her husband doesn't,” Trent said.

  He had noticed Derrick's evil glares directed towards him, or how his boss positioned himself between Courtney and himself. Trent took notice that Jack and Carl never allowed him to be alone with Mrs. Murphy. Also, he was contacted by Jon Spallone, who had warned him that his boss, Derrick Murphy, had been asking questions. He even took Mr. Spallone to lunch. Trent got the impression Jon was bragging more than warning.

  Mr. X snorted, disgusted. "He trusts no one. His brother wasn't so obvious about it. This one...he's different."

  Trent nodded. "He's dangerous."

  Mr. X raised his eyebrows with a silent inquiry.

  "One of Derrick's men sold a load of heroin but took the money and didn't pay up. He managed to get busted, was put in jail and while waiting for trial ended up dead in his cell,” Trent explained.

  "So, that happens often." Mr. X shrugged.

  "Of a heroin overdose?" Trent said.

  The man snorted. "Fitting, I guess." A long, pregnant paused passed between them. "I want you to contact me if you happen to find yourself alone with Mrs. Murphy." Mr. X pulled out a piece of paper with a phone number.

  Warily Trent took the paper.

  "Why do you want to know when she's alone?" Trent hesitantly asked. The request took on a different vibe. One he wasn't comfortable with. He liked Mrs. Murphy and felt loyal towards her.

  "That is none of your business," Mr. X snapped. He pulled the five thousand dollar payment out of his blazer and tossed it at Trent. "If you call me and do what you're asked, the payout will be ten times what your standard rate."

  Without another word, the man turned and stalked away from the amusement park entrance. A horrible, gut feeling told him doing business with Mr. X would be a decision he regretted. But the thought it would take him a full year to earn fifty grand flitted dangerously in his mind. Would it be worth it?

  Trent decided to leave that determination for when the time came.

  Chapter 29


  Ryan knocked on the Murphy front door before strolling inside. The day before he had received a message from his cousin asking him to stop by around one, though she hadn't explained why. Ryan closed the door behind him and stopped. The living room was filled with women. Well, mostly women. Two men sat off to the side. He focused in on them. Obviously military, the way they scanned and eyed Ryan told him they were more than simple servicemen. He guessed some sort of special forces. They gave each other a respectful silent, short nod. A couple of the girls giggled at his appearance. What the hell was his cousin up to?

  Jack appeared in the hallway.

  "Ryan," Jack greeted him.

  "Where's the Mrs.?" Ryan asked.

  Jack jerked his head. "Dining room."


  Ryan found his cousin at the dining room table, a myriad of papers sprawled over the table. Baby Caitlin laid in her carrier beside her mother while Mary handed Courtney a bottle of water.

  Courtney looked up frazzled when he entered the room. "I'm so overwhelmed."

  He kissed his cousin on the forehead, then plucked up his beautiful second cousin and cradled her in his large arms. He took a seat next to Courtney. "What's going on?"

  "Derrick left me in charge of picking a nanny because we couldn't agree. He no longer wants to fight over it. I have no idea what I'm doing," she said.

  She tried to hold herself together, but even months after having Caitlin, postpartum emotion still kicked her in the ass.

  "Let me help you,” Ryan said understanding. "Do any of them have first aid and CPR training? That should be first. Then, do they have their recent background checks?"

  "Four girls have first aid and CPR along with two men. All of their background checks Jack and Carl confirmed," she answered. She pulled those resumes. "They've all been vetted." She waved towards the filled room. "Those are the finalists."

  "Okay, let's preview each one and see how the interviews pan out. We'll go from there," Ryan suggested.

  Courtney nodded. "Sounds good."


  After the interviews, Courtney and Ryan narrowed the list down to the two men and two of the women. Everyone else was given walking papers. Her biggest problem? Both women were in the early twenties. Not one single woman over thirty applied for the position.

  "I like the two men," she said. "They remind me of you and Sean."

  Ryan snorted. "They aren't SEALs."

  Courtney rolled her eyes. "So what? They're military and will protect my daughter better than any of those girls."

  "A guy as a nanny," Ryan drawled. "What would Derrick think?"

  "He'll hate it." She laughed evilly.

  "You, my beautiful cousin, are dangerous as hell for your husband." Ryan laughed along with her.


  Exhausted, Courtney laid in bed waiting for Derrick to make his way upstairs. She couldn't hold her eyes open but refused to fall asleep without her husband underneath her. She never felt safe at night without him holding onto her. About to go lights-out despite her fight, Derrick slipped into the room, undressed and slid into bed. She curled herself around him.

  "Tired?" he asked.


  "Did you decide on someone today?" Derrick asked, light stroking her bare arm.

  Not that long ago, he had insisted she wear the silk spaghetti strap nighties, short or long, that she had a plethora of in her closet. He said he wanted access to her soft skin while they were in bed together. Specifically, the feel of her bare skin on his bare chest.


  Derrick chuckled. "Are you going to tell me who?"

  "No," Courtney whispered. "You'll meet them tomorrow."

  "Them?" he asked surprised.

  "Two," she said.

  He laughed. "You hired two?"

  "Couldn't decide between them," she murmured into his chest. "Now, shhhh, tired."

  Derrick chuckled, kissed the top of her head, and turned out the light.

  "Love you," she whispered.



  Gathered in the kitchen, Derrick, Courtney, Jack, Carl, and Mary watched Court feed Caitlin. They were shooting the breeze when the front doorbell interrupted them.

  Courtney jumped up.

  "Oooh, that would be Caitlin's new nannies," she cooed to her daughter.

  She took off towards the front door, which snared Derrick's attention.

  "She's awfully excited," Derrick observed dryly.

  His two men remained unusually mute. Something was up. He eyed the two men glance at each other warily. What did his wife do?

  Sounds of Courtney talking a mile a minute preceded her into the kitchen. When she rounded the corner, following her were two very large, handsome men. Derrick stiffened. Don't even tell me that these are the new nannies.

  For a fleeting moment he considered wringing his wife's neck.

  Both men’s attention went straight to Caitlin.

  "There she is," the first guy said, beaming.

  "I was in the middle of feeding her a small amount of bananas," Courtney said.

  "I'll finish," the man said, scooping up the jar and spoon before she could deny him.

  "First, I want you to meet Mr. Murphy, my husband, your boss," Courtney said authoritatively.

  Both men straightened into an ingrained military attention.

  "Derrick, meet Russ and Jarrett." Courtney motioned to both men.

  Russ and Jarrett stepped up and held out their hands. He shot his wife a death glare. Not even Darren had ever treated her to such a murderous look. He watched her take a retreated step back.

  Turning his focus back to the two men, he caught Jarrett shrewdly raise an eyebrow to Russ.

  "You two think you're good enough to watch after my daughter." A rhetorical quest

  "I believe no one but you and your wife are good enough to watch your daughter, Mr. Murphy. All we can do is re-enforce your beliefs and how you want her raised to the best of our ability," Russ answered.

  "And look out for her and her safety," Jarrett added.

  "And make sure she is happy and loved," Russ continued.

  Jarrett nodded in agreement.

  "You're military. What branch?" Derrick asked. It enraged him to question them. He cast another side glare at his wife, who had slowly stepped back next to their daughter, putting as much distance between them as possible.

  "Green Beret, Sir," Russ answered.

  "Green Beret, Sir," Jarrett answered.

  "Are you related?" Derrick noticed a resemblance.

  "Cousins," they both replied in unison.

  Both stood over six feet tall, dark brown hair, sharp hazel eyes, both attractive with chiseled facial features and nothing but muscle on top of muscle. Though Russ wore his a bit bulkier than Jarrett. Russ's left forearms donned tattoos but Jarrett remained ink free. Both men dressed in khaki pants with snug polo shirts tucked in and Nikes. Courtney had no fucking right hiring them.

  Exasperated and downright furious with his hypocrite wife, Derrick sighed heavily. He turned to Courtney, his eyes blazing mad.

  Then Trent entered the kitchen, interrupting the awkward silence.

  "Great. This day keeps getting fucking better," Derrick snapped, turned and stormed from the kitchen.


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