Aurora's Doms [Club of Dominance 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Aurora's Doms [Club of Dominance 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Becca Van

  * * * *

  Mike had never felt such a rush in his life. Karen was trussed up in the basement where he and Mac had set up their gym equipment. There she was on the weight bench with her arms and legs cuffed and restrained, her naked body displayed for their pleasure. His muscles were pumped and adrenaline fired through his system.

  She was such a little thing and even though she had a slight frame she was curved in all the right places. Her breasts were small and perky, topped with pretty pink nipples which were hard and standing up at attention. He licked his lips as he tried to imagine what those pink little berries would taste like. The hair on her pubis matched the hair on her head, and she was obviously aroused. Light caused the drops of dew clinging to her red pubic hair to glisten. It would have been much better if her pussy had been bare, but that would have to wait for another day. Maybe when she got to know them better she would let them shave her so that her pussy lips would be on display for their carnal delight.

  Mike took a step forward and crouched down near her head. He fisted her hair and slammed his mouth down on hers. The little whimpering sounds she made as he kissed her caused his cock to jerk and throb as it pulsed against the zipper of his jeans. God, I can’t wait to fuck that tight, wet cunt.

  When he finally lifted his head he saw that Mac was already eating out her pussy. She sobbed and tried to arch up into his brother’s mouth, but Mike was having none of that. They were in control, not her. He reached over and slapped her thigh. “Don’t move, sub.”

  Karen glared at him and opened her mouth, but she closed it again when he gave her a hard stare. Mac lifted his head and rose to his feet. “You’ve just earned a punishment, sub. You know better than trying to top from the bottom. We’ve already told you the rules and you agreed to them. Help me turn her over.”

  Mike helped Mac remove the cuffs and then between them they turned Karen over and restrained her again. She glared daggers at Mike.

  “That’s two, Karen.”

  Mac ran his hand over her bare ass until her muscles relaxed. Then he struck out, raining slaps down on her fleshy globes, alternating to each cheek until he reached the count of ten. When Mike lifted her head to check on her, he held in a smile. Karen’s eyes were glazed with fury. He wanted to tap into that passion and couldn’t wait to earn her submission.

  “It’s your turn to punish our little sub, Mike.”

  Mike looked at her red ass and smoothed his hands over her butt cheeks. Karen wiggled and sighed, but he could tell the sigh was one of contented arousal. He and Mac had been taking Dom classes at the Club of Dominance from Masters Turner and Barry, and they had learned to read body language and all the signs a sub emitted. It was important to watch their sub for fear or pain. The last thing a Dom wanted to do was hurt their sub, but since her ass was already quite pink, Mike decided to go easy on her. He started off slow and gave a tap to each cheek. Then with each swat he added more power, but he never once put his all into those slaps. He and Mac were both big men and he never wanted to cause any real pain to a woman. By the time he counted ten, his palm was tingling pleasantly and the skin on Karen’s butt was healthy ruddy color.

  “Stop. I can’t take any more.”

  Just as he reached for the cuff around her ankle he heard a sniffle. He glanced at Mac and then they both hurried to release her and he tried to pick her up. She smacked him in the chest and then started yelling at him.

  “Don’t touch me. God, you are such a brute. I can’t believe you hurt me like that.”


  Karen moved toward her clothes and with jerky movements put them on. She kept her face turned away from him as if she couldn’t bear to look at him. Mike stared at his hands and then clenched his fists. He didn’t think he’d hurt her. He’d been more lenient on her than Mac had, or he thought he had. Maybe he was stronger than he thought. What the fuck?

  “Karen, talk to me, honey. What’s going on?” Mac asked.

  Karen had glanced toward him and all he could see were the tears streaming down her face. God, did I hurt her that much? “You two are sick. I never want to see either of you again.”

  Her voice drifted away as Mac followed her up the stairs. Mike sank down on the bench and vowed then and there that he would never touch another small woman again. Obviously he couldn’t trust himself not to screw up and hurt someone of her size. He was a Dominant, but to be able to tend to his own needs he would have to make sure he played with women who had more padding. Waifs were definitely out.

  Mac came back down the stairs. “Don’t you believe what she said, Mike. You didn’t hurt her. I spanked her a lot harder than you did and she didn’t complain. That woman has been hankering for you for weeks. She probably thought that she could play at being submissive without any problem but she isn’t a sub, Mike.”

  “Or maybe I’m stronger than we think.”

  “Bullshit. God, how could you not have seen through that act? She was hoping to be able to be what you needed, but she can’t. Karen is too dominant herself. Maybe she had a problem with the whole ménage thing, but you didn’t fucking hurt her. She was aroused by the thought of having sex but not the discipline. Jesus, I want to get her back here and show her what real discipline is all about. She was manipulating you, hoping she could snag you, but there was no way in hell she was ever going to submit and you fell for it.”

  Mike didn’t want to listen to any more. He strode across the room, up the stairs, snagged a beer from the fridge in the kitchen, and kept walking until he was ensconced in his room.

  * * * *

  Mike straightened from his lounging position on the wall and walked back into the bedroom. He sat in the chair across from Mac as he watched Aurora sleep.

  “You were right. Karen wasn’t a sub and I didn’t hurt her that much. She just wasn’t into pain,” he said in a low voice so he wouldn’t disturb Aurora with his voice.

  “So are you in?” Mac asked.

  “Yeah, I’m in.”

  Chapter Three

  Aurora moaned as she stretched. Her body still ached, her cheek and eye throbbed, and she felt a little seedy from the lasting effects of her migraine and the pain medication, but she felt much better since she’d been able to sleep. She rolled over onto her back and blinked a few times to clear her vision. A rustle to the side caused her to turn her head toward the sound. Master Mike was sitting in an armchair staring at her. As she looked into his eyes she watched as they turned from ice cold to blazing hot within the blink of an eye.

  Is he that mad at me? God, what have I done to deserve his anger?

  Another sound like a shuffle from the other side of the bed drew her attention. She looked up into hungry eyes as her gaze met Master Mac’s.

  She closed her eyes and tried to pretend they weren’t there. Of course, that was entirely impossible. As soon as her eyes had landed on them her body had started to respond. Shit! What are they still doing here?

  “How are you feeling, sweet thing?”

  Aurora shivered as Master Mac’s deep cadence washed over her. Would she ever get used to such a deep, gravelly voice?

  “I’m good.”

  “Look at me when you talk to me, sub,” Master Mac demanded.

  Oh, no way, no how. Does he think he is going to control me just because he is a badass Dom? Not in this fucking lifetime. Especially after the way he and his sanctimonious brother have ignored me for nearly a whole year. And as far as she was concerned she wasn’t working or playing, so they were just men at the moment, not Masters.

  “I gave you an order, Aurora. I expect to be obeyed.”

  “Piss off!” There was no way in hell she was letting someone who didn’t care about her tell her what to do. She thought back over her lonely life and wondered if she would ever find what she was looking for.

  Aurora had realized from approximately the age of sixteen that she was different from the other girls at school. She had watched as they had all flirted with the opposite sex
and went out on dates, but for some reason those boys had done nothing for her. The thought of having a single boyfriend left her feeling cold, but that wasn’t the only reason and she hadn’t a clue as to why she didn’t want to mix with the boys of her peerage. It wasn’t that she hadn’t had anyone ask her out. She had been asked out, a lot, at first, but she’d never felt a spark, so she had continued to decline until she’d earned a reputation of being frigid. Even though that label had hurt in the beginning she’d done a lot of soul searching and knew that it wasn’t true. At least she didn’t think it was.

  She yearned to be loved just like any other female, and although she had spent some lonely years as she went through high school and most of college being single and without any true girlfriends, she had decided she was going to hold out for her true loves. Yes, loves. Aurora knew she wouldn’t be satisfied with just one man.

  She’d found all the answers she’d been looking for by chance. Aurora had been walking through downtown Tigard in Northern Oregon after she’d finished college for the day and had seen a display of books in a shop window. The picture on the cover had called to her and she found herself inside the store reading the blurb on the back cover before she could blink. It was about a ménage relationship but also about BDSM. She’d bought the book there and then and hurried back to her one-bedroom efficiency. She had spent the next few hours reading about the trials and tribulations the heroine went through as she struggled to come to terms with being in a relationship with two Dominant men and what it meant to be a submissive.

  She’d laughed and cried along with the heroine, but as she’d read the BDSM and sex scenes her body had begun to ache and her panties had become wet for the first time in her life. Aurora had masturbated for the first time ever as she imagined those two Doms playing with her in a BDSM club and then making her come over and over again. By the time she’d finished reading the story she’d known that she wanted what the heroine in the story had. She wanted to be a permanent sub with two Masters who loved her more than any other woman.

  Aurora was a submissive and proud of it, and she wasn’t about to settle for anything less than her body and heart’s desire. When she’d seen the advertisement for the position of reception duty for the Club of Dominance, just as she’d finished her business management degree, she had jumped in with both feet and she hadn’t looked back.

  She’d dabbled a little with a couple of Doms, but she should have held out. It had been a mistake she couldn’t take back. She’d been so full of expectations, but she’d known in the first five minutes of the scene that her heart wasn’t in it. The two Doms had been frustrated because she’d shown no arousal at all and had called a halt to the session. There hadn’t been a connection with those men at all and she had just gone through the motions until they’d stopped the play.

  She was glad she’d placed a hard limit of no sex on her paperwork when she’d filled it out, but what Dom would want a twenty-four-year-old virgin? She’d been spanked, whipped with a flogger, had candle and cup play, but not once had she ever experienced subspace or climaxed.

  Aurora had begun to think that she really was frigid, that maybe all those boys in school and college had been right, but then she saw Master Mike Tanner with his short sandy-colored hair and beautiful blue eyes, and her body had responded immediately. Master Mike was masculinity personified, and he got her libido revving without even looking at her. He was a very tall, muscular, handsome man, any sub’s wet dream, and his brother, Master Mackenzie “Mac” Tanner, was just as sexy. They were so similar in looks she thought they had to be twins. The only differences she could see were that Master Mike was about an inch taller than Master Mac, and their hair was different lengths, and the color of their eyes differed by the depth of their blue irises.

  But it was like she didn’t even exist. Neither man had ever seemed to “see” her at all. She had been invisible to them until now, and she couldn’t work out what had changed to make them actually see her for the first time. She gave a wistful sigh and pushed her longing aside as the masculine voice pulled her back to the present.

  “Oh, you are just begging for a spanking, sub,” Master Mike said in a cold voice.

  Aurora pushed herself up in bed, taking care to pull the quilt with her so that her nakedness wasn’t exposed. She already felt vulnerable and at a disadvantage by being in bed, let alone nude.

  “Look, you two arrogant asses. I’m not currently working or playing and you’re not my Doms, so I don’t have to call you Master. Besides, respect is earned, not demanded.”

  The fire in their eyes dimmed a little, and Aurora was able to relax as they looked at each other rather than at her. Then Mike surprised her by nodding his head at her. “You’re right. I’m sorry. We were worried about you. It is hard for us to see such a petite woman injured.”

  Aurora had never heard him apologize to anyone before. She figured it had been a hard thing for him to do since he was such a hard-ass Dom, but what struck her most was the fact that he was only concerned for her because of her size, not because they cared for who she was.

  They hardly ever look at me, let alone speak to me.

  Mac rose from his chair, and she looked up to see his face was set in a granite mask. He threaded his fingers through his hair and sighed. “We’ll leave you to rest. We should have left for home hours ago.” He left the room without a backward glance.

  Mike stood and stared at her mutely. “Take care of yourself, Aurora.” He, too, left without looking back and closed the door behind him.

  Aurora sat watching the door, wondering what she had just done. Have I burned all my bridges? God, I want them so much. Tears pricked the backs of her eyelids, but she blinked a few times and pushed her sadness aside. Being careful not to disturb all her aches and pains, she got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. Once she’d showered and dressed, she was going home. She glanced at the digital clock on the bedside table as she walked past and saw that it was three in the morning. She’d slept way longer than she normally would have and figured that the painkillers Nate had given her plus the stress of the day had caught up with her. Well, it didn’t matter now.

  She rubbed her aching chest and stepped into the shower, feeling totally dejected. At least she would get to see Mike and Mac at the club even if they wouldn’t have anything to do with her. Aurora didn’t think she’d ever be able to be with any other man, or in her case, men. Seeing those two arrogant Doms on a daily basis was going to kill her inside, but at least she would be able to see them if only from afar. What she wouldn’t give to have them touching her with their hands and mouths and cocks. She’d only had a small taste of their skin touching hers and feeling the heat from their bodies. She wondered if that would be able to sustain her for the rest of her life.

  Not bloody likely.

  * * * *

  “Fuck!” Mac slammed his hand down on the steering wheel as he drove. “We’ve fucked up big-time.”

  “Yeah,” Mike sighed.

  “Do you think she’ll ever want to have anything to do with us again?”

  “I don’t know, probably not. God, she looked so damned hurt.”

  “It’s no fucking wonder after what we did to her. She looked so damn fragile in that big bed with her face pale except for the bruising and swelling. I can’t believe we went all Dom on her after being attacked. How could we have been so stupid?” Mac glanced over to his brother.

  “We weren’t thinking with our brains. That’s for sure.”

  “Maybe we should just stop going to the club.” Mac signaled and then changed lanes. “It’s not like we have any interest in playing with any of the subs. Well, anyone but Aurora.”

  “Yeah, I don’t know if I can stand to see her every day and not be able to touch her. Why did it take me so frickin’ long to figure out Karen wasn’t submissive?”

  “Because at the time you weren’t ready to see the truth.” Mac turned into the drive and stopped the truck. “She got to you when w
e were just new to the scene. You weren’t as confident playing at being a Dom yet. Don’t beat yourself up, Mike. As long as you finally figured out she was as much to blame as we were, is all that matters.”

  “Yeah, I suppose so. God, my cock is so fucking hard right now. I feel like such a bastard for having a boner when she was hurt. Man, I can still feel her in my arms and her sweet ass on my lap.”

  “Asshole.” Mac gave him a grin. “At least one of us was able to hold her. She is so sweet. She smells so damn good I want to lick over every inch of her delectable little body. Are all those rules you made after being with Karen still in play? Are you going to balk if we can finally get Aurora to play with us, or are you going to man up and pull your inner Dom to the forefront and trust yourself to read a sub?”

  “Fuck,” Mike sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face. “I’m still worried that I could hurt her, Mac, but the thought of her being with anyone but us fills me with rage. There is no fucking way I am about to let some other Dom snap her up before we’ve even had a chance. I want her just as much as you do.”

  “She hardly ever plays at the club,” Mac said and looked at Mike. “How the hell are we going to gain her trust and get her to play with us?”

  “I’m not sure yet, but we have to figure something out and fast.”

  Mac got out of the truck and unlocked the front door. He stilled and raised his fist, knowing his brother would become alert. The hair on the back of his neck prickled and he glanced around the hallway. The house didn’t feel right, as if someone was there and shouldn’t be or something was out of place. He went into soldier mode, which was easy since both he and Mike were non-active Marines.

  He and his brother had spent eight years serving their country and had been lucky enough to come home safe and sound. Some of their team hadn’t been so lucky. It had been really hard dealing with the grief and loss, but knowing that their friends had lost their lives in the Middle East and would never have the chance to marry or see their families grow had really disillusioned him and Mike. There would forever be conflict and terrorism in this world as long as the religious fanatics thought their way was better. Mac had no problem with people having their faith, but when innocent people were killed and tortured because they didn’t conform to what others believed it made him sick to his stomach. And the same went with dictators pushing their beliefs onto others because they were greedy for wealth and power. Why couldn’t people just get along and live in peace and harmony? Even though he and Mike had been proud to serve their country, once their time was up, neither of them had signed back up.


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