The Vineyard

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The Vineyard Page 19

by Karen Aldous

  ‘No. I didn’t want to ruin his time with his family or make him to feel he had to rush back on my account, so I decided to keep it myself for now so please don’t mention the cancer will you. I will tell him.’

  ‘Of course.’ Lizzie for once was quite in awe of her mother. She did have some qualities in her that she hadn’t discovered yet. That was thoughtful of her not to drag him back.

  ‘Great that he got to meet you and my grandchild though.’ Her mother’s face lit up excitedly.

  ‘Yes, I’m sure it’s something good to share. Has he got grandchildren?’

  ‘His daughter has just had a little boy. That’s why he went back. He prefers to go in the winter months, you know, when it’s warmer over there. He gets the benefits, he says. He did ask me to go with him. Luckily I said no. What with you coming home and with this,’ Caroline pointed to her right breast, ‘I’m glad I didn’t go. I did say to him maybe next time.’

  ‘Yes once you have regained your strength, in a few months, you might find it will do you good.’

  ‘Well, let’s wait and see. I may need to have chemotherapy yet.’ Caroline’s expression soured.

  ‘Was it Tuesday your appointment with the consultant?’

  ‘Yes. He will have the results of the biopsy.’

  ‘Well let’s pray everything is ok.’ Lizzie said, giving an encouraging nod.

  ‘I do hope so Lizzie. I’m scared.’

  ‘There’s no point in worrying or being scared until you know you have something to worry about Mum.’

  ‘Well I can’t help it.’

  ‘Yes you can. You have something else to focus on now. Michael, Thierry, oh and lil’ol’ me!’

  Caroline gave a light laugh. ‘Oh Michael doesn’t live here. He lives in Whitechurch Lane. But you’re right, I have Thierry now, you and Michael. I have lots to occupy my mind and shouldn’t waste time worrying.’

  ‘Won’t I be in your way – with Michael back I mean?’

  ‘God, no. You are my family. How can you be in my way? I’ve just found you again. I don’t want you and Thierry to go.’ Her mother couldn’t conceal the quiver in her voice.

  ‘But we will have to go, when you’re better. I have to get back to my business.’

  ‘Yes of course. I understand.’ Caroline’s face turned and looked down at the table and then back at Thierry kneeling on the chair. She wiped her cheek.

  ‘Mum.’ Lizzie reached over and placed her hand on her mothers. ‘You won’t lose me again. I promise.’

  ‘I’m not going to lose sight of you either.’

  ‘You can come to Cannes whenever you want. Thierry would love his grandmother to visit him too. And, we’ll get back to visit you too.’

  ‘Oh Lizzie. I hope it’s not too late.’ Neither could then speak as emotions choked them.

  Cal and Michael returned to the kitchen enthusing about the winery and Thierry cheered looking up from his game. Lizzie felt flutters release inside her as her throat cleared and her heart lightened. Caroline gave a small cough also clearing her throat and possibly sensing a shift in the air.

  ‘Ok, I’m going up for a bath,’ Lizzie said prompted by the men’s return although not rushing as Cal was so obviously engrossed.

  ‘See you later,’ Cal said to her again and continued his conversation with Michael.


  Lizzie had to put into practice what she had preached to her mother. There was no point in worrying unless there was something to worry about. She too would refrain from thinking about her mother’s possible treatments until they had seen the consultant.

  Relaxing was far from Lizzie’s mind as she soaked in the bath. Her heart was still racing and flutters were still bubbling in her stomach. Michael was her mother’s lover not Cal, it was all so surreal. What a shock to discover he was a free man and, he liked her – so what he told her the other day was even more relevant. Wasn’t that what she wanted she asked herself as she immersed herself in the bubbles.

  Would it be possible? Not really practical; him living here and her in Cannes. But he hasn’t got another woman. But why wouldn’t he have made a proper pass before now. Why hadn’t he tried to kiss her before? If he was a single man, surely he had no reason to hold back? Or did he? Was he really interested in her or was he just looking after his vineyard? Or was he enjoying being with Thierry. He seemed to have taken quite a liking to Thierry and vice-versa. Maybe she didn’t know or understand men at all. Maybe Cal had a void in his life since he was unable to have his own son around. And Anton, he too seemed to be obsessive about wanting his son. Maybe paternal feelings were deeper than she’d ever imagined. An uneasiness stirred in her.

  Her thoughts skipped back to today and to her misunderstanding of the situation of her mother and Cal’s relationship. How did she get it so wrong? Had she been mistaken in thinking Cal had distanced himself from her mother because she was here? Would he want to stay neutral so that he doesn’t upset her mother or maybe, any involvement with his landlord’s daughter could put his precious vineyard at risk? So where could this go? And, what did it mean? She now questioned his motives. She had never been as sure about her feelings for Cal. He was everything she could want in a man but she didn’t understand. Caroline could throw him off the land if he upset her in any way. Although Lizzie suspected that it was unlikely. Her mother definitely seemed to have a soft spot for Cal. If he was free all along, surely if he was interested, he would have made a move?

  Lizzie got out of the bath and dried herself off before wrapping a towel around her. As she entered the bedroom, she looked out of her window and smiled at the scene. It was something she always took for granted when she was younger but now as she looked out across the valley and down the new vines. A haze drifted in sluggish whirls from the dip in the landscape whilst early evening sun fanned a warm glow behind the distant mounds. In the nearer distance, vines stood neatly and orderly in their tree-encased paddocks and disappeared off down the south-facing hillside. Her eyes embraced the new outlook, not fields of crops or grazing cows or sheep as there once had been, nor grazing horses surrounded by post fencing as she’d once imagined there would be, but four acres of newly established vines prospering, not under the supervision of her father or grandfather, but an outsider. Someone she felt wasn’t qualified enough to know her land, her family. What would become of the land? There were so many questions spiralling in her head.

  At that moment she saw Cal locking the door of his new unit. A taller version of one of the old barns built unsympathetically in cement blocks and corrugated iron now acted as a winery. He held a padlock and key to double doors and two men clothed in overalls hovered with him. Cal must be thrilled his plans were coming to fruition. Lizzie’s eyes then followed him as he strolled to his car. She loved the way his casualness looked on him, he wasn’t at all self-conscious and her heart fluttered as he swept his hand through his overgrown fringe. It was all she could manage not to hurl herself down to him and run blissfully into his arms. It felt like the most natural thing in the world to do but she stepped back and away from the window and temptation. Surely she owed herself one little pleasure; if that kiss was anything to go by, just the once would set her up for life. She could live on the memories.

  She browsed through her limited wardrobe. What should she wear for her evening out with Cal, she wondered, drying off her hair and wishing she’d booked an appointment at the local salon. Her ends were beginning to look rather untidy. However, she didn’t want her mother or Cal thinking she was making too much effort. She certainly wouldn’t want her mother jumping to any conclusions. Satisfied her now long soft curls appeared reasonably decent, she turned her attention back to her wardrobe. Just three dresses to choose from.

  Lizzie stood in the kitchen slipping on a pair of delicate diamond earrings. Cal turned up a polite few minutes later, clean shaven, tanned and wearing a light blue linen shirt with jeans hugging his alluring derriere.

  His eyes lit up as soon as he sa
w her. He whistled. ‘Wow, may I say how beautiful you look,’ he said and she nervously preened and stroked her soft lime and white dress.

  ‘You brush up well yourself,’ she said instead of you look hot!

  They strolled slowly along to the restaurant making polite chatter about Thierry’s party to begin with.

  ‘Have you spoken to Anton recently?’ Cal asked.

  ‘No but I left him a message on his voicemail just telling him I’ll speak to him as soon as I get back.’

  ‘So what do you think will happen?’

  ‘No idea but knowing him, he’ll want to take over Thierry’s life. It’s quite scary really. I’m worried he’ll make my life really difficult.’

  ‘Wouldn’t it be better if you initiated some visitation times and set down the rules from the outset?’

  ‘I don’t think he would like that. That’s not Anton’s way.’

  ‘You know your child best and what would be right for him.’

  ‘I know but he would want to take the lead, it’s in his nature. He’d want to do things his way. He’s not used to being told what to do. When I was with him, he would buy clothes for me to wear, shoes. Tell me who I could talk to, even what friends I could see. He’s really, or was really, controlling. I don’t suppose he’s changed.’

  ‘He’s not pestered you though?’

  ‘Only because he hasn’t got my number. He’s been in the salon several times wanting to see me and asking me to call him. Sophie seems concerned.’

  ‘Mmm. You should seek legal advice. Well, I would if it was me,’ Cal qualified.

  ‘Yes, well I’ve avoided thinking about it for now. I will need to soon. I think now Michael is here, Mum may be ok with him for a while and I need to get back. I’ll have to find out what Michael’s plans are I suppose.’

  Cal reached for her hand and in an instant Lizzie felt like wine had shot through her veins. She retaliated with a squeeze of his hand, trying to control her lust.

  ‘The main thing is not to feel alone. I’ll help you, and Charles has the expertise you need, so just ask.’

  In the restaurant, neither ordered much to eat but they both sipped wine whilst getting bolder with the small talk as they ate. The staff cleared their plates and placed dessert menus in front of them. They relaxed into each other’s’ company.

  ‘I meant it. You do look ravishing this evening,’ Cal told her as he reached for her hand across the table. The restaurant was bulging with diners, so there was no uncomfortable whispering but Lizzie gave the fabric of her dress a tug away from her body as her skin sizzled at the compliment. She was pleased with the choice of dress. The coolness of the fabric was forgiving in the heat and, once her temperature returned to normal, the tones enhanced her skin making it shimmer golden against the pale colours.

  ‘Do you know you have the rarest colour eyes?’ he told her.

  ‘Yours are quite rare too.’ She stared deeper into his, trying hard to resist the effect they had on her.

  ‘I think green are rarer than grey,’ he decided.

  ‘But yours are not a common grey, they are a steely grey,’ Lizzie insisted.

  Cal moved in closer and Lizzie felt his hot sweet breath as he offered his analogy.

  ‘Well if mine are a Pinot Gris, then yours are a Muller-Thurgau.’

  ‘That just sounds like you are talking dirty to me,’ she mused.

  ‘I can get the bill now if that’s what you want?’


  That nod was all it took and before they knew it they were over the threshold of Cal’s cottage. Words were sparse as their lips could barely be prised apart and they only stopped to breathe as Cal lifted her hungrily to carry her up the stairs. Fading sunlight created a golden glow as they peeled off their clothes, falling together on the soft white linen draping across the bed. Their bodies entwined in their longing and exploration of one another, she caressing the buttocks that had tormented her for so long whilst feeling his hardness pressing against her belly in readiness. His hand meanwhile eagerly ran up her side, making her squeal with pleasure as it slid to her back, unclipping her bra, and then firmly fondling her breasts. Her body wriggled in delight as he then relished her breast with his tongue, his other hand supporting her back as she arched. As his hand slid down past her naval, he stole a glance at her eyes as she squealed again feeling his light touch tease and play between her thighs, her body responding, she joined him again, finding and savouring his plump juicy lips. She slid off the remaining underwear. Then as their bodies entwined she explored more of him, caressing the part of him she so desired inside her until he could wait no longer. He took control and rolled on top, cupping her face with his hand and kissing her whilst she slid her hands from his shoulders and down his chest before he claimed her, penetrating her every nerve making her moan and gasp with pleasure until they both climaxed. They wrapped themselves together, neither wanting to let go.

  Chapter 24

  Lizzie opened the door to her mother’s home with her key and then turned to give Cal a last lingering kiss. He tenderly brushed her cheek and departed. She watched him go and, closing the door, her heart felt hollow. Those few hours were going to last her a lifetime she decided. She never wanted those memories to fade. Her mother had left on the light on in the hall and the clock facing her told her it was eleven thirty which she thought was quite respectable so she doubted her mother would suspect a thing. Conversely, with her mother and son in bed, she had a sudden impulse to run back after him. Make love to him again and again until the light reappeared in the sky. She knew that sleep would not be an option tonight. Her mind would be too busy replaying the time of her life. It was a night that would stick in her memory forever.

  Michael’s car was still in the drive, so he obviously stayed. Taking a hot chocolate to bed, she wanted time to savour the magical encounter. Her stomach still churned with exhilaration.


  Her mind dared to day dream however as she and Thierry, at Cal’s insistence, ambled across to the winery the following morning. It was weird to dream of being a little family but she couldn’t help but wonder if it was something that could one day be real. There were aspects of Cal that were so caring and loving and he was certainly driven.

  He proudly opened up the floor plans and demonstrated where the remaining stud work would be built. With many walls already up, it was beginning to take shape and she visualised herself helping with the process, picking the vines at harvest time, a task she enjoyed tremendously in the vineyards of Burgundy and Bordeaux, feeding them into the press and labelling the bottles. She felt a contagion of enthusiasm emanate from his voice as Cal showed her the shiny new equipment. This building was his new baby. He had nurtured the vines, weeded, sprayed them, pruned their canopy, several times no doubt but then at previous harvests he had always sent the fruit to another winery to be processed and bottled. This year however, he was on target to have his own production and processing space and the equipment ready along with the cave racked out ready to store it. He reminded her of Sophie and herself, and their indestructible jubilation.

  ‘You must be excited,’ she said

  ‘Very. Nervous but yes, to have got to this point, just a few weeks away from realising my dream.’

  ‘I’d like to be here at harvest time,’ she said, getting caught up in the moment.

  ‘Well, you are more than welcome. All hands are welcome, the more the merrier.’

  ‘Yes it’s hard to imagine a machine picking them out like a human.’

  ‘Well they can’t, not really. That’s my opinion,’ Cal stated.

  ‘Mine too,’ Lizzie agreed.

  ‘You sound like you’ve had experience?’

  ‘I’ve helped on a harvest yes,’ she admitted. ’I loved it, it was good fun. You find the most enthusiastic pickers in the vineyards, they know so much.’

  ‘That was me a few years back – all the passion, the wannabe enthusiasm. I did a viticulture course down at Plumpton wh
ich was excellent. I’m very lucky, your mother gave me the perfect opportunity to put my learning into practice. Here…’ he led her over to the corner of the unit where a huge, locked refrigerator stood. He undid the lock and took out a bottle and began to open it. ‘I would value your opinion,’ He said as he popped the cork. He reached up to a box on a table and pulled out a champagne glass. Lizzie’s eyes glowed in admiration as she watched him pour.

  ‘This must be so satisfying,’ she said.

  ‘Will be even more so when I do all the work here, myself,’ he answered, handing her the bubbling glass. Vapour was forming around the glass as it cooled. He looked at her with those provocative dark eyes waiting for her to sip. She waited for him to grab another glass before she melted in his presence.

  ‘I couldn’t possibly drink alone.’

  ‘Right, yes. I’ll join you then,’ He nodded, reaching in the box for another glass.

  ‘Let’s toast to the future of …What are you called?’

  ‘Lambertfields. Lambertfields Vineyard.’

  ‘Why not your name? Why the farm name?’

  ‘Because it is the terroir which is important, n’est pas?’ His eyes flirted, igniting a yearning inside her.

  Averting lewd thoughts, she sipped the bubbles, noting a familiar fragrance.

  ‘Oh, magic,’ she blurted, ‘that is ummmm, lovely,’ she was trying to find the right words for the flavours that crashed on her tongue. ‘Crispy apple and… a light dash of elderflower.’

  ‘I’ll take that as a compliment. Thank you.’

  ‘So you should. You deserve it, although I’m not sure why you would value my opinion.’

  She actually felt flattered that he made such a compliment to her and had used her family farm name. Why not, she told herself. And he was right, wine was renowned for being a regional product with flavours of the region and the climate it grew in.

  ‘Judging from my time with you, I happen to think you have good taste in wine and…’ he lifted his weight from one leg to the other and gave a nervous grin as his eyes peered from under his fringe, ‘I really like you a lot Lizzie.’


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