The Vineyard

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The Vineyard Page 26

by Karen Aldous

  ‘Ok. We have them,’ one officer replied. ‘Was it just the two?’

  ‘Yes,’ Marie-Claire confirmed as Lizzie pulled Thierry from her arms.

  ‘Are you ok sweetheart?’ she said, clutching her son. ‘You, Marie-Claire?’ and she pulled her close. ‘Thank you, thank you,’ she said as her emotions spilled into tears. Both were shaking.

  ‘Please, tell us what happened?’ One of the officers, ushered them back inside.

  They re-entered and stayed close to the door, seeing the horror of the motionless, bloody body at the foot of the stairs. Lizzie gripped Thierry until he could only just about breathe. Marie-Claire clung on beside her, her face ashen.

  ‘You did what you had to do,’ Lizzie assured Marie-Claire, the tears still trickling down her cheeks. The first police officer was still with the body on the floor feeling for a pulse and speaking on his radio. Lizzie passed Thierry to Marie-Claire and instructed her to take her child upstairs to safety. But as Marie-Claire stepped forward, an officer stopped her, raising his arm.

  ‘You wait,’ he said. Not sure what to do next, Lizzie was comforted knowing her son was now safe but she then asked, ‘We would prefer the child not to be here. Can’t we take him upstairs? My apartment is on the top floor. You can speak to us up there.’ And she stared down at Thierry’s menacing father. She went to step forward but her legs wobbled and she knelt down quickly to stabilise herself. A sharp pain shot through her knee. Shakily, she rose again and began to put one foot in front of the other like an infant taking its first step. She must have kicked that man so hard, she could feel her knee pulsating and swelling.

  ‘One minute,’ said the officer. As she peered nauseously over at the man in black, the officer handcuffed him. Another official came into the foyer, the policeman spoke to him. He was plain-clothed and got out a camera and began photographing the scene and Anton. Again, she dared to gaze down the floor by the stairs. Anton’s body still didn’t move. Blood stained his face and hair and trickled around his ear and down his neck. The designer cream silk shirt was now soiled by the same red fluid and shards of thick green glass were sprayed around the area. She should have felt pity, but she couldn’t. He looked dead but she didn’t care. The sight of him made her want to vomit. Her head went hot while her body shivered then her head began to spin and dizziness took over and suddenly she saw black...

  When she came round, the room was blurred with just some cloud-like shapes around her. A panic set in as voices mushed in her ears and then an image of men in black swirled around the cloud shapes, then her mind began to clear and in a blink, jerked back to reality.

  ‘Where’s Thierry?’ her voice screeched.

  ‘Gone with Marie-Claire upstairs and a police officer,’ someone informed her. Her teeth began to chatter. A cover was over her body and she could feel her head rested on a something soft, her hair was being stroked and a familiar soothing voice was telling her she was ok. It was Sophie. Sophie was with her, holding her. A man was asking questions now and Sophie was telling the officer Anton’s name ‘D’Aramitz’ and explaining he was an ex-boyfriend of Lizzie’s and she was telling them he’d attempted to abduct the child.

  Cal couldn’t take his eyes off her as she lay on Sophie’s lap. He knelt down next to her and surveyed her as her eyes twitched, blinked open and her awareness re-orientated. He observed the panic in her as she licked those soft pink lips after a gasp. He was relieved as she stirred awake. His eyes anxiously scanned her face and body for any signs of blood or bruising and then again searched achingly into her eyes. He screwed up his face, scolding himself for not being there to protect her. Was she really ok? God, this could have so easily been her lying there instead of Anton. He rubbed his forehead with force at the thought. He had seen trauma before – being in combat as well as preparing for it taught you much about human fragility. She must have experienced one almighty shock, worse than any scenes of horror he’d witnessed. Anton really was an absolute bastard. She had, against all odds, physically survived, she and Thierry. They would however, both suffer a huge mental bruise. How could he have not been here for her?

  His instinct was to sweep her up in his arms and never ever let her go. She looked so vulnerable yet she had been so strong. She didn’t deserve this. How was he going to explain this to Caroline? He felt he had really let them both down. Anton was not going to get away with this. Bloodied, Anton may be but Cal needed to make sure this evil mad man never got an opportunity like this again.

  ‘Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere?’ his voice spoke to her softly but she didn’t answer. She bent her head forward and looked through Cal and at the front door.

  ‘Thierry.’ She squealed repeating herself. ‘Where is Thierry?’

  ‘Thierry’s ok. He’s with Marie-Claire. Upstairs.’ Sophie assured her, and then set her eyes on Cal. ‘She’s in shock.’

  Fixing her eyes to the entrance, Lizzie vaguely made out Charles. He was speaking to another officer outside the door and ambulance sirens drew close.

  ‘Are you ok Lizzie, are you hurt?’ Cal urged again. ‘Did they hurt you?’

  ‘Where’s Thierry?’ she said again.

  ‘Upstairs with Marie-Claire,’ Cal said. ‘He’s safe, don’t worry. Are you hurt?’

  Lizzie rolled her head, her eyes blinking. ‘I’m fine. Just shaken but Thierry is…’ her eyes shut for a few seconds as she fitted the thoughts back into place, ‘he’s upstairs with Marie-Claire but go and find them. They need help.’ Her senses were becoming clearer.

  ‘Can you talk about it Lizzie?’ Cal asked. ‘What happened?’

  ‘That bastard Anton.’ She rubbed her eyes. ‘I…’ Lizzie attempted to explain.

  ‘Lie still, Lizzie.’ Sophie caressed her friend’s face.

  Cal gazed at her and asked the inevitable. ‘How did Anton…?’

  ‘Anton was on the stairs with Thierry…but then from behind the wall appeared arms and a Champagne bottle smashed on his head and I just remember Marie-Claire and Thierry…’

  The ambulance crew rushed in. One of them dashed to Lizzie.

  ‘Is Mademoiselle ok,’ asked a medic.

  ‘Yes, I just fainted, check my son is alright,’ she straightened up further. ‘He’s upstairs, top.’

  ‘I’ll go with them, check Thierry and Marie-Claire are ok,’ Cal assured her. ‘I’ll need to step over…’ he looked at the body surrounded by blood and the officer who was now standing and addressing the paramedic crew. Cal skipped past.

  ‘So glad you are ok. The police stopped us outside. Fuck me you ran fast.’ Sophie said. ‘I thought I was virtually behind you and when I rounded the corner at Rue Antibes and up Rue Teisseire, you had disappeared.’

  ‘That’s not all!’ Lizzie swallowed hard now feeling rather proud of her accomplishment. ‘I just fought off that creep there, but bravo Marie-Claire fought Anton off, bless her.’

  ‘Clever girl! He doesn’t look well does he?’ Sophie murmured softly in Anton’s direction.

  ‘He shouldn’t with a whack like that but, do I care?’ Lizzie scoffed also trying not to be too loud. ‘Thank God for Marie-Claire.’

  ‘Sophie.’ Cal returned panting. ‘Can you go see Marie-Claire? She seems a bit shocked.’ ‘Bastard. I knew he would try something like this,’ he said bitterly. ‘It was just a case of when.’

  ‘Yes, I’ll go up to them. They must be shaken up,’ Sophie said, easing Lizzie’s head over to Cal. He held her gently and Lizzie sat up a little.

  ‘Yes, what happened, Cal? You are usually one step ahead of him.’ As Lizzie said it she regretted it. His expression looked hurt but as his eyes settled on her, they couldn’t hide their hunger and they sent Lizzie on melt down.

  ‘I think some little lady, or two, beat me to it this time. You two certainly managed ok. I didn’t think Marie-Claire was capable of that sort of strength either!’

  ‘Amazing isn’t it?’ declared Lizzie, seeing Charles and another officer come in. ‘But I’m so
grateful she found it.’

  Lizzie gave the officer her statement and answered what she could. She couldn’t explain how they entered the building though. Scribbling in his notebook as Lizzie gave her account, he then asked to speak to Marie-Claire. As he climbed the stairs to Marie-Claire, Cal helped Lizzie to her feet, and took her up in the lift, leaving Anton, now on a stretcher, unconscious and under the paramedics’ care on his way to the hospital. Anton’s accomplice had been taken away by the police.

  In the apartment where they all ascended, Marie-Claire rocked back and forth in a trance on the sofa, still clutching Thierry tightly in her arms. Sophie clasped one hand massaging it softly. The paramedic knelt down in front of her. Marie-Claire’s white face told anyone looking at her that she was in shock and severely traumatised. Lizzie limped over to them both and wrapped her arms around her and her child.

  ‘You’ll need to give her a bit of time, officer,’ Lizzie said

  ‘Mummy!’ Thierry cried, still scared and snuggling into her.

  ‘She was fine when I got up here. I think the shock is coming out now,’ said Sophie.

  ‘Marie-Claire, it’s all right. The police have taken them away. We are all safe now.’ Lizzie stroked her hair. ‘You are our hero. My hero, Thierry’s hero. You did the right thing.’

  ‘I think I may have killed him Lizzie.’

  ‘No. I don’t think so. You’ve just given him a warning. He’s tougher than you think.’

  ‘He look dead.’ Marie-Claire’s voice suddenly pitched high into a hysterical cry. ‘I am killer. I will be gaoled.’ Bottled up tears escaped her puppy-dog brown eyes.

  Lizzie squeezed her, feeling her shaking. Cal took Thierry and instinctively took him to his toys to distract him.

  ‘I have something which will calm them, and you Lizzie,’ and Sophie turned to her room. She promptly returned and gave them each a small spray on their tongue.

  ‘Open up, Dr Sophie has her magic formula,’ she told Marie-Claire who immediately obeyed. Lizzie and Thierry followed, Thierry feeling grown up to be getting the same spray.

  ‘Isn’t he a bit young?’ queried Cal.

  ‘He’s fine. Two and under is not recommended though,’ Sophie asserted giving the small can of Rescue Remedy a shake.

  ‘That’s ok then. I nearly forgot what a grown up boy you are Thierry,’ Cal said, scuffing his hand in the boys’ hair.

  ‘Cal’s turn,’ Thierry said. Sophie mimed a spray for Cal.

  Hovering by the window and practising patience, the officer waited another half hour before his questioning. Marie-Claire gave her account, feeling guilty at the outcome of her behaviour, but admitting she was extremely scared for Thierry and hit Anton with the first thing she could find. She admitted she didn’t think, the bottle was just there, outside another apartment door she told them. The officer asked if she let the men in.

  ‘No. No. I don’t open door to anyone. Not even my friends come here.’ Marie-Claire shook. ‘The men, I think must have let themselves in the street door. I don’t know how. Someone, one of the residents in the block maybe?’ she told them. It is possible they coming in, they let men in or, leaving the building, it can be easy if they are not questioned.’ she continued and Lizzie nodded in agreement.

  ‘Yes, it happens.’ She hobbled towards the apartment door and, remarkably calmly, inspected it then at once turned. ‘Look, it’s broken.’ She held the torn lock and shook it to show them it was hanging off. The officer looked at the gendarmerie. It was evident Anton had forced entry and the police officer was then quick to nod and be somewhat satisfied, at least he had a believable crime.

  ‘Aaah huh. Yes it has been brutally forced,’ he said sounding akin to Inspector Clouseau. He nodded to his colleague, who then took photographs of the area and the lock.

  It was over an hour before the police officer and his assistant left. He said he would ring Lizzie as soon as he had word about Anton from the hospital.

  Jez and Annatia had made themselves scarce for a while but then returned soon after the police left. Jez had texted Cal. They kindly offered help but were all too aware the occasion was too delicate to stay and said they would return back to their vineyard.

  Cal thought about making himself scarce too for Lizzie and Thierry’s sake but something told him to stay just a little longer until they were better settled. ‘I know it’s all been a shock but…’ he peered over to Lizzie ’you all need to eat. I suggest I make a little something, pasta maybe, is that all right with you Lizzie?’

  They all seemed to look around at one another at the normality of the suggestion but they all had to admit, they were hungry. Sophie immediately jumped behind him heading for the kitchen area. ‘Here, I’ll help.’

  ‘That’s a great idea Cal but I can’t eat much. I’m sure food would be good for Marie-Claire and Thierry. Charles, you will stay for food too?’ Lizzie asked as he walked in. He glanced at Sophie for a nod of approval.

  ‘Come on Lizzie, smile! You, Thierry and Marie-Claire are safe, that’s all you need to worry about,’ Cal said trying to lighten her mood. Charles here will sort out the rest.

  ‘Cal, you won’t breath a word of this to my mother will you? I don’t want her worrying.’

  ‘No chance,’ Cal assured her as he stirred carbonara sauce at the stove. ‘I promise. I’m concerned about this lock being off though. I’ll call a locksmith now. Can I use this laptop?’

  ‘I’ll sort that out Cal, you’re busy,’ Charles said, getting up from the sofa.

  ’God, yes, sorry, I’m just not yet quite with it,’ Lizzie admitted. ‘I think I need to get Thierry straight to bed after dinner, he looks tired. I just hope he doesn’t have nightmares.’

  ‘I’ll stay with him,’ Marie-Claire volunteered.

  ‘You need to rest yourself. No, I’ll give him his bath once he’s eaten, then you can have a relaxing bath before you go to bed. I’ll stay with him and see to him in the morning,’ Lizzie said watching Charles dial the locksmith.

  Sophie set the table. Cal was serving the carbonara sauce on the pasta and then sprinkled each dish with fresh basil. Although appearing weary, Thierry tucked into his cooled pasta with gusto. Chatter halted momentarily as all eyes smiled at her son’s love of his food. Only Lizzie knew that the secret ingredient was in Cal’s cooking. Yes, Thierry loved his pizza and pasta but never with as much passion as she had witnessed with Cal’s special touch. As the remainder of their dishes came, Charles poured a light cool Rose wine in each glass. On seeing this, Cal quickly found some cranberry juice in the refrigerator and poured it into a similar glass for Thierry.

  ‘Cheers,’ he jested as he delivered it to the boy. ‘Bon appetite.’

  ‘Too late for that,’ Lizzie hooted. ‘Not much left on that plate now.’

  Lizzie was surprised Cal continued to entertain Thierry like he had in Kent even after she’d explained her concerns. She wasn’t sure what to make of it. He’d kept his distance from her so he’d obviously got the message. Considering that Thierry was her issue, why did he continue with Thierry like they hadn’t been apart? She felt a sense of duty to speak to him again. She watched and waited until everyone finished eating. Thierry seemed to now have a second wind and he and Marie-Claire were colouring at the table together, both with colour in their cheeks now too. Lizzie’s phone rang.

  Chapter 36

  It was hard to believe Anton was still in a critical condition in intensive care in a coma, and could possibly be there for weeks. Lizzie took the call from the police officer soon after they had eaten. She relayed just part of the message; that he was still in intensive care so no news. Marie-Claire was such a tiny girl so how she could have caused that amount of damage, Lizzie didn’t know. Although, having discovered strength within herself when it was needed, maybe Marie-Claire did too. Her heart sang a grateful song however, Anton had not succeeded in his mission! She made a pledge to herself there and then that, no matter what, she owed him nothing, that he meant nothing
to her son. He didn’t before and didn’t now. However, it wasn’t easy to think of Thierry’s father lying in that state and specifically on Marie-Claire’s conscience.

  Cal collected the dirty plates and Sophie began stacking the dishwasher.

  ‘Is there anything more I can do Lizzie? Only, if not I’ll be going,’ Cal said to a surprised Lizzie.

  ‘So soon?’ she answered, ‘I wanted a word.’

  ‘I’ve stayed too long already. Just call me if there is anything I can help with,’ he insisted.

  At that moment, the intercom sounded from the main door. ‘That must be the locksmith,’ Charles guessed. ‘I’ll see to that.’ He answered the caller and told him to wait. ‘I’ll go down.’

  Lizzie glanced over at her son busy with his nanny and walked towards her bedroom, summoning Cal to follow with her hand. ‘Cal, can I have a word?’ she asked and turned to face her friend, ‘Ok Sophie?’ she said raising her eyebrows for her friend to take charge.

  ‘Fine.’ Sophie gave her a nod.

  Lizzie led Cal into her room pinching her tired cheeks. She turned to him and found those sumptuous grey eyes, a stampeding energy ignited in her. Her body instantly yearned and her heart pounded. She gripped her feet tightly to the ground to prevent herself falling into his arms. A shower of images of what could be blighted her vision. Life was cruel. She steadied her breath before she spoke. Cal offered his hand but she brushed it swiftly away.

  ‘No. No, please. I…’ she blinked hard and gripped her body hard again and stiffened her stance and stared at the floor. ‘First, I want to thank you. When trouble erupts you again have helped Thierry and me get through it and I really appreciate you staying and making sure that we were ok. It’s probably not the right time to say all this with all that’s gone on, but as you’re here, I can’t say this any other way but…’ she paused to look up and dared to look at his eyes once more, ‘Why, after what I said, are you paying so much attention to Thierry?’

  His lips tightened and he tilted his head to the ceiling as if he was calling for some heavenly input. He then centred his gaze on her and controlled his voice. ‘Lizzie, you’re making me out to be some kind of pervert. Thierry is a friend, like you. Just a friend. How would Thierry feel if I blanked him? Wouldn’t he wonder what he’d done wrong? I couldn’t treat him like that. He doesn’t understand what’s gone on between us. I would have thought the best way would be to be consistent. We got on well before, so why not now. I’d treat anyone’s child the same.’ He began pacing. ‘You make me sound disgusting, I don’t know? Maybe I should just leave you two to it. Stop feeling protective and just fuck off out of your lives forever.’


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