Lynna's Beau (Tropical Paradise Series Book 2)

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Lynna's Beau (Tropical Paradise Series Book 2) Page 2

by Kitty Margo

  They had made no more than a dozen steps through the doorway when Lynna’s merriment dissolved on the spot. Suzanne was considerably less than a hundred miles away. In fact she was standing no more than a foot in front of them.

  “Well, Joshua Jordan, as I live and breathe!” Suzanne purred. “Why, I never in a million years imagined seeing you here tonight.”

  Lynna felt Joshua tense beside her as he nodded his head and mumbled, “Suzanne.”

  Suzanne was resplendent in a pink satin ball gown, diamonds dripping from her neck, ears, and wrists and her black hair piled high on top of her head with wispy tendrils falling to frame her face. No! Wait! It was the pink satin ball gown Lynna and her aunt Judith had stitched with their own hands. The one Suzanne had worn the night her engagement to Joshua had been announced. Why, she had never once worn the same ball gown twice, and she had chosen this night to break her own fashion rule. Why?

  “And would you just look who you brought with you.” Suzanne put a pale hand to her throat as if shocked out of her wits to see Lynna standing before her. “Why, Lynna, honey, after all you’ve been through lately, I would have thought surely you would hide in your room at Sea Grove and never show your face in polite society again.”

  “Why on earth would you think that?” Lynna asked, confusion etched in her sky blue gaze. Suzanne was on a roll. The night could only go downhill from here.

  “Well, because…” Suzanne paused as if contemplating for the very first time in her life the meaning of discretion and swiftly realizing that she didn’t care for it. “So much has happened to you since the night my marriage to Joshua was announced.” Then pretending the thought had only just occurred to her, she peered around the filled to capacity ballroom before her eyes fell on Joshua and murmured, “Why, it was in this very room that you proposed wasn’t it, darling?”

  “I never proposed to you, Suzanne.” Joshua wasted no time in correcting her, clearly appalled that she would even hint at such a preposterous notion. “I was forced into marrying you as you damn well remember. Please don’t even attempt to turn that fiasco into a love match.”

  Suzanne knew she should be livid at his harsh treatment of her, but instead found herself unable to hide the undying love she still held for the man from him or anyone else in the room. “Joshua, how you do run on. No one could force a man such as yourself to do anything you didn’t want to do.” Then she gasped as she glanced down at her extravagant gown. “Well, shut my mouth. I’m so shocked you could knock me over with a feather, but I seem to be wearing the very same gown I was wearing the night our engagement was announced as well. What a coincidence.”

  “Yes, imagine that,” Joshua sneered.

  Suzanne’s eyes danced with pure joy to have Joshua in her presence again after so long, and she cast upon him her most dazzling smile. “Joshua, I do declare you have gotten even more handsome than you were the last time I saw you.”

  Joshua only stared at her, marveling that the girl wasn’t socked away in an institution for the mentally incompetent.

  “I hear congratulations are in order for you and your new... um…” Suzanne paused as if she could not bring herself to say the word wife. Her gaze dropped to Lynna’s midsection and her eyes took on a steely glint as her lips curved into a twisted smile. “I have heard so many tales over the last few months and they were so… scandalous… that they simply cannot be true. Why, some of your escapades put little ole me and my minor… indiscretions to shame.”

  Joshua’s eyes snapped green fire. “Suzanne, by minor indiscretions are you perhaps referring to the fact that you blatantly lied to me about being with child so I would marry you? Or were you perhaps alluding to the men you bedded in a determined effort to accomplish the deed when you saw that I would never be a willing participant?”

  Completely ignoring Joshua, Suzanne continued undaunted, “Why, I heard that you could have possibly arrived at your current predicament,” here she paused to motion toward Lynna’s growing belly with a flick of her wrist, “while you were on the island with that dreadful runaway slave man.” Raising her voice a notch to assure that she had the ear of everyone nearby, she asked, “Lynna, bless your little heart, honey, but in all honesty do you have any idea at all who fathered your bastard?”

  Malinda’s sharp intake of breath, combined with the gasps of the innocent bystanders milling around them, echoed around the room drawing the attention of practically every partygoer. Joshua’s vision clouded with rage as his hands unwittingly reached toward Suzanne’s throat. Lynna immediately moved to still her husband’s hands and prevent a scene that the attendees of the Ball would likely never forget, nor stop gossiping about.

  Using every ounce of reserve strength Lynna could muster, she forced herself to appear calm and totally unflustered by Suzanne’s callous remark. “Yes, Suzanne, as a matter of fact I do.” She knew from years of experience that the best way to deal with Suzanne was to not linger overlong in her presence. “Joshua is the father of my unborn child without doubt, and we could not be happier. Neither of us question my child’s paternity so why should you allow it to bother you?” When no reply was forthcoming, she added, “Now if you will excuse me there are some things I have been just dying to discuss with Jasmine.”

  Lynna and Malinda sailed past Suzanne with pasted on smiles, ignoring her victorious smirk, but not so Joshua. He leaned toward her, his nose mere inches from her own and ground out through clenched teeth, “I loathe you, Suzanne. Therefore please dispense with your ridiculous flirtations and simpering ways, for you are wasting your time I assure you. Believe me when I say that I wouldn’t touch you again if you were the last female on earth. Now, forgive me for being blunt, but every single thing about you disgusts me.” The snarl of rage that escaped Suzanne’s lips gave even Joshua a moments pause. “Heed this warning and stay out of our lives or your doting family just may find you at the bottom of a ravine somewhere. I will kill you, with great joy, before I allow you to hurt Lynna again.”

  Lynna! What about the pain and humiliation I have suffered you arrogant bastard? Suzanne seethed, absolute fury settling over her as she watched Joshua, her husband, hurry to his imposter wife’s side and slip his arm around her burgeoning waist. His words echoed in her head as she sought a man… any man… who could make her forget Joshua Jordan if only for a few hours. Annulment? Rubbish! They were married in the eyes of God and Joshua would be her husband as long as he lived!

  In the kitchen Lynna found herself smothered in Jasmine’s ample bosom. She held on to the old slave woman as she would a piece of driftwood in a raging sea, trying unsuccessfully to still her racing heart. How could Suzanne be so heartless as to ask who fathered her child? Even coming from her nemesis it had stunned Lynna and she couldn’t ignore the fact that others had been close enough to hear her ridiculous accusations as well. Sadly she resigned herself to the fact that the rumor would spread like wildfire and be the topic of discussion at every breakfast table in the county come morning.

  “Law chile, if’n it ain’t my baby girl done all swole up wit’ a babe of her own!” Jasmine held Lynna close against her chest as tears of joy coursed down her plump cheeks. “Gal, I sho’ has missed you. Dat place jus’ ain’t de same wit’out yo’ smilin’ face.”

  “You will never know how much I have missed you, Jasmine.” Glancing up, Lynna was unable to hide her distress.

  Joshua smiled fondly from the kitchen doorway. If anyone could lift Lynna’s spirits, Jasmine could. “Hello, Jasmine.”

  “Well, if it ain’t Mist’ Joshua. You is a sight fo’ so’ eyes. You sho’ is.” With a frown tugging at her lips and worry creasing her brow she peered down at Lynna, and asked, “Is yo’ feet swole up? Lif’ up yo’ skirt an’ let me see.”

  Lifting her skirt, Lynna had to admit, “Sometimes, if I stand too long.”

  Jasmine huffed and pulled out a chair. “Den you sits down heah an’ take dat load off’n yo’ feet. An’ don’t let me heah tell of you out dere
dancin’ an’ carryin’ on. I’se gwine fix you up a poultice rite now fo’ yo’ feet. I ain’t believin’ dey let you ride ovah heah in dat bumpy ca’iage!” Thus said, she cast an evil eye towards Joshua.

  “But, Jasmine, a few dances surely wouldn’t hurt…” Lynna began.

  “A few dances my foot! Dat babe ain’t all de way settled in yet, an’ we ain’t takin’ no chances.” Jasmine didn’t seem to care that she wasn’t in her kitchen at Magnolia House and commenced to issue orders for this herb and that spice and hot water and soon had Lynna’s feet soaking in a pot.

  Reaching to grab one of the kitchen girls by the arm, she whispered a hushed order, “I want you to stand rite chere over Miz Lynna an’ if anybody, an’ I do means anybody, black or white, come’ through dat kitchen do’ I wants you to come git me.” Then she turned toward Joshua. “Now, Mist’ Joshua, I needs you to come back ta de pantry an’ hep me lift dis heah heavy pot if’n you don’t minds.”

  “Glad to oblige.” Strange. Joshua had never been asked to lift a pot in the kitchen before, but he knew better than to argue with Jasmine. Perhaps physical labor would help release the rage that was consuming him and threatening to explode at any second.

  Once they were in the pantry Jasmine quietly closed the door behind her and crossed her arms over her puffed out chest. “Whut Miz Suzanne done said now?”

  Joshua repeated the scene to Jasmine as his hands massaged his brow where a dull ached had formed. “I know it’s wrong and may God forgive me, but I could kill her without batting an eye, Jasmine.”

  Never one to mince words Jasmine unloaded exactly what was on her mind. “Mist’ Joshua, you ain’t outta brung Miz Lynna heah ta begin wit’.”

  She immediately had his undivided attention. “Why, Jasmine?”

  “Cause.” Jasmine hung her head not knowing how to say what she needed to tell him about Suzanne. She had practically raised the child at her own skirt, but Suzanne was different now. If Jasmine was a betting woman she would swear that evil had done took root in the girl. “Cause Miz Suzanne ain’t right in de head no mo’, dats why. Not since you sont her home. She been actin’ funny. She done become a…”

  “A what Jasmine?”

  “A loose woman.”

  “Suzanne was always a loose woman.” Joshua chuckled. “That’s why I had our marriage annulled.

  “She a lot looser dan she was. An’ it don’t make no neber mind who neither. Stable boy, neighbor boy, fiel’ hand. An’ she don’t try to hide it neither. She ‘bout to run her ma and pa slap crazy wit’ her carryin’ on. Dey at dey wits end wit’ her. I’se tellin’ you de girl done loss her mind.” Jasmine stopped and hung her head like she was debating whether or not to say more.

  “What is it, Jasmine,” Joshua urged her to continue, knowing she wouldn’t withhold information that could be harmful to Lynna. “You know you can tell me anything.”

  “Yassah, Mist’ Joshua, I knows I can. So I will. Miz Suzanne done got a hatred fo’ Miz Lynna so much it scary. It done got me worrit. She can’t let it go, how you brung her home an’ lef’ her to go find Miz Lynna. She blamin’ Miz Lynna fo’ stealin’ you away from her. She thankin’ dat if’n Miz Lynna won’t around dat you would come back to her.” She paused and cracked open the pantry door to see that all was well and no eager ears were pressed to the door. Satisfied, she continued, “I’se worrit dat she gwine hurt Miz Lynna.”

  “I understand, Jasmine. You don’t have to say more. Trust me, I am fully aware of what Suzanne is capable of.” He moved to give the old woman a heartfelt embrace. “Don’t you worry about Lynna. I will protect her with my life.”

  ‘Don’t you take yo’ eyes off’n her tonight. I knows how Miz Suzanne been mumblin’ ‘bout gettin’ even wit’ her back home, so I ain’t sho’ whut she might do wit’ both y’all in her sight. So you git on back out dere an’ watch aftah my baby gal.”

  “You have my word, Jasmine,” Joshua did his utmost to reassure the woman whom he knew loved both Lynna and Suzanne as though they were her own daughters. “Suzanne won’t get close enough to Lynna to cause her any harm.”

  As they left the pantry, Lynna glanced up suspiciously. “Where’s the pot?”

  “Oh, she just needed help lifting it off a shelf,” Joshua answered, refusing to meet her eyes.

  Lynna glanced around, noticing all the sturdy young kitchen workers and didn’t believe Joshua for one minute. “The water is cooling now, Jasmine. Can I take my feet out?”

  “You sho’ can,” Jasmine beamed. “Looky dere, dey aint’ swole up no mo.”

  “I didn’t think they were swollen to…”

  “Heah now.” Interrupting her Jasmine bent down to dry Lynna’s feet and slip her shoes on. “You git on out dere an’ hear all de gossip.” Lynna and Joshua exchanged nervous glances at her words. “And show off dat fine husban’ of yourn. Miz Beth done say she ride wit’ me ovah to Sea Grove to visit wit’ you fo’ we go back home, so I be seein’ you soon.”

  “I look forward to it, Jasmine.” Lynna gave her a last hug and still feeling as if she had been bamboozled entered the ballroom. Hundreds of candles flickered in the breeze as lavishly bedecked married ladies and flirting debutants in breathtaking gowns of every design and color of the rainbow swirled past on the arms of elegantly clad gentleman spinning around the floor with gay abandon.

  The music swelled as Joshua took his wife in his arms and carefully steered her toward the dance floor where she moved with effortless grace. “Smile, darling. Do not give that ne’er-do-well the satisfaction of knowing how much her despicable words have upset you.”

  “Please Joshua, do not say I told you so.”

  “Never, my love. But the last thing we want to do is give Suzanne cause to celebrate. Therefore, paste a smile on your lovely face and prove to her how thrilled you are to be dancing with the most handsome man in the room.”

  Lynna couldn’t help the smile that caused her blue eyes to sparkle. “And you are always so humble, my darling.”

  “It is a gift, my love. Now, let us try to dance one very slow and sedate dance before Jasmine pokes her head through the door and catches us.” As he held her close, Lynna felt the laughter rumbling in his chest. “If she does, let me warn you ahead of time that I am running and you are on your own.”

  “You are incorrigible!” She giggled, swatting his chest.

  “And you put every other female in the room to shame.”

  “You just lost all credibility with that statement, Joshua Jordan. I am the size of a baby elephant and you well know it.” Lynna’s tinkling laughter caused several heads to turn their way and raked down Suzanne’s spine like fingernails on a chalkboard.

  Suzanne was headed out the door with her man of the hour, but glanced over her shoulder to see Joshua holding Lynna as if she were the rarest of precious jewels. As she settled a venomous look on them both Joshua bent down to place a loving kiss on Lynna’s brow. Suzanne turned her head, unable to witness another moment of their touching scene. Why wasn’t the bitch off crying in a corner somewhere? “Lesson learned,” she mumbled to herself. “I will simply be forced to up my game the next time I go after her.”

  Joshua felt Lynna tugging on his sleeve and looked down at her. “Look, there is Malinda giggling behind her fan and talking to Daniel Fletcher of all people.” Lynna was astonished to see them together. Where was Will Billingsley? “How interesting.”

  “Yes, very,” Joshua agreed. “What do you say we join them and discover what humorous anecdote Suzanne’s brother is regaling my baby sister with?”

  “Joshua,” Lynna warned, “you be nice. Daniel cannot be blamed for his sister being…”

  “The devil’s own daughter?” Slipping his arm around her shoulders, he whispered against her hair, “Lynna, I would never hold Suzanne’s ghastly behavior against her brother, you know that.”

  “Hello, Daniel.” Lynna smiled, timidly, unsure of how Daniel would react to her. Daniel and Lynna’s relationship
had been tumultuous at best. She sincerely hoped he had found it in his heart to forgive her for not accepting his proposal of marriage so long ago. So much had happened since then, so much water under the bridge. She saw the warmth glowing in his eyes as he clasped her hand and realized that her worry was for naught. Daniel held no grudges.

  “Lynna, you are more lovely than ever. His eyes dipped to her midsection with a shy grin. “I hear congratulations are in order. To both of you.” Squeezing her hand, the look he gave her was sincere. “You look happier than I ever remember seeing you.”

  “Thank you, Daniel. I am.” Tugging his hand she breathed a relieved sigh and pulled him to her for a warm embrace. “I truly am.”

  Chapter 2

  The leaves were turning brown and gracefully swirling from the trees as the smoke tinged breeze of an Indian summer swept a caressing hand over the land.

  After settling Lynna on a blanket, Joshua retrieved the picnic basket from the buggy and set out crispy fried chicken, bread, cheese, pickles, apples and wine.

  “Joshua, do you ever wonder how Rob is faring on the island?” Lynna put to voice what had been nagging her all day as she nibbled on a dill pickle. “I’m ashamed to admit that with my preoccupation with the life growing inside me, I haven’t given our friend a passing thought in days. Not until Suzanne mentioned him the other night.”

  Joshua drew a calming breath, determined not to let Lynna see how consumed with anger he was by Suzanne’s contemptible words. “Suzanne is a blithering idiot, Lynna, and I will not even discuss the loathsome allegations she made against you.”

  “Darling, we have to accept matters for what they truly are. Do you honestly think others are not having the exact same thoughts? Thanks to Suzanne, rumor has surely spread by now that I was alone on the island with Rob for some time. We both know that no one would believe what a kind and gentle soul he really is.”


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