Clan of Redemption

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Clan of Redemption Page 8

by Rushell Ann


  I was on a beach. It's such a beautiful beach, I recognize this beach, like I’ve been here before. The ocean lay in front of me, it waves crashing in with dirty foam. The smell of the ocean burns my nose, but where am I. I can feel the sand wet and cold between my toes. I turn around and there’s a house on top of one of the sand dunes. It’s a beautiful home, with three stories that look like they go the distance of the beach. he house has a look of age, the siding is faded to a gray color but the front doors are a beautiful cherry red like someone just put a fresh coat of paint on them. I want to go up to the house, but I can’t move, why can’t I move? I hear a voice calling my name so I turned to the left and I see a woman walking towards me. I can’t see that far but she looks like a goddess, she’s dressed in a white gown that seems to be a part of her. The color of her hair is almost the color of mine, but she’s too far to see. Is that my Mom?

  “Mom, I see you.” I say aloud.

  I try to move towards her but I’m sinking in the sand.

  “Jayden, wake up, your having a bad dream, wake up!” Sully shakes me awake.

  “Mom, I’m coming, wait for me, I can’t move, Mom, Mom,” I yelled.

  “Jayden, wake up right now,” Sully said while still shaking me.

  I flew into the sitting position, breathing heavily.

  “Sully, I had the worst dream, it started out really nice and then…I saw my Mom,” I breathed.

  “You were screaming for your Mom, I thought you were crying,” Sully said as she hugged me.

  “I’m ok, I have never had a dream about my Mom before, at least not that I remember,” I said as I tried to get my bearings.

  “Were you at the beach?” Sully asked me.

  “Yes I was, in front of this beautiful house on the sand dunes. How did you know that?” I asked her.

  “I had a dream about a house with red doors, I didn’t see anybody but me, but I thought it was a strange dream,” Sully said as she sat up and got me some water.

  “How is that possible that we had the same dream?” I asked her.

  “I have no clue, but I’m not getting the best feeling being here that’s for sure,” Sully said as she handed me the water.

  “Well just take it easy today and try not to find any more mysterious things, I’m not sure if I can handle it,” I said as I set the water on the end table.

  “What time is it anyway? It feels like I slept forever?” I asked her looking around for a clock.

  “It’s almost 6am, do you want to go back to sleep?” Sully asked me.

  “No, definitely not. I’m going to go take a shower,” I said.

  "Well my body doesn’t responded until at least 7am,” Sully said as she climbed back into bed.

  “Ok, well I’ll try not to wake you,” I said as I retrieved what I was going to wear out of my bag.

  The shower felt so good, being cold has never been hard for me to handle, only recently has it been difficult to be cold. I turned the hot water up, it made my body feel completely relaxed and calm.

  Jayden, did you have a dream last night about your mother?

  “Saska, is that you?” I asked.

  Yes, it’s me; I thought we could have a private conversation in here.

  “My dream started out on the beach standing in front of this grand house, but then I saw a woman that as she got closer looked like my Mom,” I said as I realized I needed to wash my hair before I ran out of hot water.

  Don’t be afraid of your dreams, they are there to help guide you in your journey

  “Have you ever been trapped and couldn’t move. That was the worst feeling I have ever had, it was like my feet were stuck in stone,” I said as it gave me a shiver to think about.

  You need to learn that when you’re in a dream, you are in control, try to remember that next time you’re dreaming.

  “You can’t control your dreams…..can you?” I asked.

  Not very many people can, but you most of all should be able to, just try it next time you feel like you’re in a dream.

  “Ok, so now that we are alone, can you tell me who you are? Are you a dog really, because you act like you’ve known me for awhile and last night you talked like you were my best friend,” I said as I finished rinsing the conditioner out of my hair.

  Jayden, I brought something in here for you when you’re done.

  “You brought me something, well that was nice, it’s not a dead right?” I asked

  I’m not a cat Jayden.

  He sounded exasperated. “Oh right, well I was just curious,” I said as I turned the water off giggling to myself.

  I reached out from the shower curtain and grabbed a towel. I pulled the shower curtain back and there was Saska sitting on the rug in front of me.

  “What are you a perverted dog?” I asked as I stepped out of the shower.

  Jayden, I left you something on the sink, I’m going to give you a few minutes, then I will be back. Take that time to change as well.

  “Wow, you’re awful bossy for a dog. You are lucky, I only let one other person use that tone with me.

  Right, but see how much good that did.

  “What, hey wait!” I screeched, but the dog walked out of the bathroom.

  I changed into my blue jeans and a red long sleeve t-shirt. I looked on the sink and sitting there was the letter that Sully and I had found in Logan’s draw.

  I sat on the toilet with the letter in my hand. I couldn’t open it. Reading something that Logan had written to me wouldn’t be easy and I wasn’t sure that I was ready for any more tears right now.

  I opened the letter but had my eyes closed.

  How are you suppose to read a letter when you can’t see the words. Stop being a chicken and read the letter he wrote for a reason, so read what he had to say.

  “Wow, you don’t give a girl much time, do you?” I said as I looked up and saw Saska sitting there.

  I am on guard all the time and I need for you to get up to speed on a few things.

  “Ok Ok, I’ll read the letter,” I said as I looked down.


  I miss you already, I wish that I could have told you this before you had to go through the pain of thinking that I was dead, but for you safety it had to be that way. I know that you have read your Mothers letter and have many questions, and some of the questions I can answer, but most of them you have to discover for yourself. My duty is with you, and it has been since the day I was born. I have been sent to guard you, like my Father to your Mother. Things happened faster than I had expected so I hope that you find this letter the way I had intended.

  Please listen to me when I tell you, things are going to get stranger in the future, but remember that I am always here for you. It might not be the Logan that you remember, but I am still Logan.


  “That’s it, that’s the whole letter; you’ve got to be kidding me,” I said as I let my head drop with disappointment.

  I never said I was an English major, I didn’t know what to say or how to say it.

  “Logan, it is you isn’t’ it. How come you let me believe you were dead, do you know how much pain I have had in my heart?” I said as I realized that I was angry.

  I never thought I would be angry to find out that my best friend is still alive.

  Everyone had to believe that I was dead, including you. It’s against our laws to tell you things and that was one of them, at least before you're ready. I stayed with you that night when you feel asleep on at the lake, I tried to keep you warm, but you shivered all night.

  “Of course I was shivering, my friend had drowned and I was alone. You know I blamed myself for your death, because I wasn’t there for you. I thought that if I would have been there when I said I would, that you wouldn’t have drowned,” I said as I started to cry.

  Jayden, please don’t cry, I’m not dead, isn’t that what’s important. I won’t leave you again, as long as I can help it.

re lucky I like dogs….yeah, what if I hadn’t let you follow me home, what if I hated dogs?” I said as I stared at his eyes. I knew his eyes were familiar to me, how I didn’t put those two together before. Where has my head been, I’m usually more observant than this.

  Jayden, you love all animals, I know this from being your friend. You can’t stand to see any animal in pain. I didn’t choose to be a dog, which is what I was born to be when the time was called upon.

  “You’re talking like my Mother’s letter, all cryptic. What do you mean you were meant to be?” I said.

  We don’t have time to talk about this now, but I promise we will have more conversation soon.

  “Oh, don’t think you’re getting off that easy, Logan. I had to go to your funeral, yeah, your funeral. I thought I would never see you again, who was going to be there for me when I needed a push here and there?” I said as I knelt down on the floor to get close to him

  I am still here for you, I’m so truly sorry that you had to experience that, but let’s put that in the past and move on. I am here now and will push you; yes, you need to be pushed just a bit.

  “Yes, that’s my Logan, always pushing. So, does your Mother know that you are still alive? She acted like she knew you when I was in your room.” I sat down next to him.

  Yes, my Mother knows, but again, she cannot interfere. I was hoping that you had noticed all those signs.

  “I did, but everyone morns the loss of loved ones different, so I wasn’t sure what it was,” I said.

  Jayden, it will be ok.

  “I know it will, now that you are here,” I said as I reached out and grabbed him and pulled him into me. I hugged him as tight as I could.

  Jayden, I might be a dog, but you’re hugging me a little too tight, I’m not invincible

  “Sorry, but I needed to feel you close. Hey, so what happen with that gunshot, I know I saw you get shot, and there was all that blood,” I said as I let him go.

  That was all you Jayden, I had been shot and was dying, but you saved me. Thank you.

  “Saved you, I didn’t do anything; by the time we got to the vets you were ok. I don’t think I could have done that.”

  You did do that, we’ll talk about that later, but you need to know that the powers you posses.

  “You keep talking about these abilities like I’m Super Girl,” I said as I stood up.

  Jayden this is real and you need to take it seriously.

  “Ok, ok I will but you need to give me time to absorb this, between you and my Mom, your freaking me out,” I said as I put all my toiletries away.

  You need to stay cautious over the next few days and keep an open mind.

  “I think I've been handling all this rather well. Hey we never talked about Blake, did you know that you had a brother?” I asked him.

  I had heard rumors that he exited, but I wasn’t sure. It’s a sore subject for my Mom so I didn’t bring it up.

  "But he was staying at your house, if you Mom had a problem then why was he there?” I asked him.

  Jayden you will learn that things are not always how we want them, but it is the way, whether we like it or not.

  “Is that why I never have met my grandparents?” I asked.

  Your Mother did not follow our laws and she wanted no part of that life. You will have to make your own choices when that time comes.

  “Are you hungry, because all this talk has my stomach making noises?” I asked him as I put my bag away. I was being as careful as I could not to wake Sully. If she gets up before she’s ready is won’t be a pleasant experience.

  Yes, I would love to get something, and please, please don’t mention buying me dog food again. I might be in dog form, but I am still human.

  “Of course, that would be torture,” I said while I laughed.

  “What about Blake, should we invite him along?” I asked.

  I would rather not, but if you must, you must. I guess he needs to eat.

  As I opened the motel door, Blake was standing right in front of me.

  “Oh my, you scared me. I was just about to come ask you if you wanted to go with L...Saska and I to get something to eat?” I said.

  Be careful not to call me Logan. We don’t want anyone finding out before the time is right.

  "I would love to come with you, I have been awake for several hours but was afraid to wake anyone. I have a hard time sleeping in strange beds, but being awake was good because I scouted out a place for us to get some breakfast,” he said as he closed the door behind me.

  “Blake, I want to thank you for taking care of me last night, I don’t know what would have happened if it was just Sully trying to get me out of the car,” I said as I realized it was a bit chilly and I didn’t bring a coat or sweatshirt with me.

  “Oh, I have a feeling that Sully would have gotten you from the car to the bed, but you would have awake with a few more bumps and bruises than you might have now,” Blake laughed.

  “Yeah, that’s for sure,” I said as I realized that Logan might be with me, but his skills are limited as a dog.

  We walked for just a few blocks and came to a restaurant in the shape of a caboose. Once I found a seat, Logan came and lay at my feet facing the only door.

  “Are you ok” I asked him as I bent down and put my face next to his nose.

  I’m ok, but don’t forget my food please.

  “I won’t forget your food,” I said as I stood up.

  “You talked to that dog like he can understand you,” Blake said.

  “Well even if he can’t understand me, it makes me feel better to treat him with that respect,” I said as I shivered.

  “Are you cold?” Blake asked me.

  “Yeah a little, I forgot a jacket. I guess I wasn’t as awake as I thought,” I said.

  “Here, let me get that for you, and I have a few layers on, please take my jacket, I’m a little too warm anyway,” Blake said.

  “Oh that would be nice, thank you,” it smelled really good.

  As the waitress came towards our table I noticed she was eyeing Logan. Great, how do I handle this one. I couldn't make him wait outside.

  Just as she approached our table I thought of something.

  "I forgot my dogs working vest. I have seizures now and again and I need him to help me through them. I'm sorry I forgot his vest. I'll make sure I bring it next time," I smiled at her.

  She nodded, not smiling, but not saying anything except asking us what we wanted. I ordered for myself and Logan and Blake placed his order.

  We ate breakfast without much to say, I think that Blake and I are having a hard time finding things to talk about. I had a traditional breakfast with pancakes, bacon, harsh browns, eggs and a side of toast. It was a little much for me, but it sure hit the spot. I felt so drains from last night, I felt like I could have eaten more.

  The server came by to give me a refill on my coffee and I asked her to get me two of the same breakfast in to go containers.

  “Jayden, we can come back later when you’re hungry again, you don’t have to eat cold food,” Blake said.

  “No silly, one is for Sully and the other is for Saska,” I said as I got out my wallet to pay the cashier.

  “You feed your dog human food, won’t that make him sick?” Blake asked.

  “No, but eating dog food out of a bag will,” I said.

  The server handed me our containers; she cocked her head to one side.

  “You look really familiar, have you been in here before?” She asked me.

  “No, I don’t think so, I’ve never been here before, maybe you have me confused with someone else,” I said.

  “Maybe, but I could swear I’ve seen you before,” she said as she walked away.

  I paid the check and got my two orders bagged up and started to head outside.


  “Wow, I didn’t think I have ever seen a more loyal dog,” Blake said as he stepped away from Saska.

  “No, this one
really seems to have my well being in mind, he just doesn’t like anyone to get too close to me,” I said as I glared at the dog.

  We walked back to the motel not saying much, which was nice, the quite walk gave my mind a chance to calm and just be. I was also getting sleepy.

  “So what’s our next move?” Blake asked.

  “I’m not sure, why don’t I feed Saska and Sully then we’ll come get you,” I said.

  “Sounds good, if you need anything just let me know,” Blake said as he went back into his room.

  Sully was still sleeping when I opened the door, so I feed Saska or should I say Logan his breakfast. I took Blake's coat off, and put my hoody on, I still felt chilled. I crawled into bed just to rest me eyes.

  I woke up to a familiar sound…the television.

  “Are you awake this time or is it just to look around?” Sully asked me.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked her as I sat up.

  “Jayden, it’s 6:30pm, I thought I was a late sleeper,” she said as she turned the T.V. off.

  “But I just laid my head down after breakfast,” I said.

  “Hum, I ate the breakfast you brought home, which by the way was filling, thank you, but I didn’t get sleepy,” Sully said.

  Jayden, I told you that your force field last night would take a lot out of you.

  “I know, but I slept all night last night, wouldn’t that have made me feel rested,” I said.

  “Jayden, are you still sleepy, you’re not making much sense,” Sully said.

  “Sully, I need to tell you something, and you need to listen to me. You know how you kept telling me that this dog seemed to know what we are saying, you even showed that to me in my room with my hair brush. Well he does understand what we are saying, because he isn’t a dog,” I said as I got up and went and sat next to Sully.

  “Ok, now I know you must of hit your head, what are you talking about,” Sully said.

  “Saska is a dog, but it’s not just a dog Sully, its Logan,” I said as I realized how crazy this sounded.

  “Ok, you’re telling me that Saska is Logan. Jayden, maybe we should just pack up and go home, maybe Logan’s death affected you more than I thought,” Sully said as she got up. I could tell she was serious, she didn't believe me.

  “Sully really, I’m telling you the truth. It’s Logan, he had to fake his own death to protect me, and at least that’s how he explained it. I know this is a lot to take in, but with all the weird things happening lately I thought that you would understand,” I said.

  Logan jumped off my bed and onto Sully’s bed, laid down and put his head in my lap.

  “Why…how did he become a dog?” Sully asked.

  “You know, that’s a good question, I haven’t thought to ask him that yet, but he did say that he was born to protect me,” I said.

  “Born to protect you, what are you royalty?” Sully said as she laughed.

  Tell Sully that she’s not too far off with her thought.

  “What do you mean, she’s not too far off with her thought. Are you saying that I’m royalty?” I said with excitement.

  “Ok, do you and the dog need a moment, because you’re not talking to me?” Sully asked.

  “I’m sorry Sully, you’re right. Logan said that you weren’t too far off with your thought about me being royalty,” I said.

  “So my little miss is a princess huh, is that it. Wow, so will I have to start bowing at you when I’m in your presence?” Sully asked.

  “That’s enough of that, Sully, be serious,” I said.

  “So will Logan ever be able to be in human form again?” Sully asked.

  I can’t tell you anymore than I have, I’m pushing my limits with telling you what I have.

  “Ok Logan.” I could tell he was serious.

  “Sully, there are still a lot of questions that I haven’t gotten answers too, but I need you to be on board with what is going on,” I said as I walked up to her and gave her a hug.

  “I do believe you, it’s just really hard to swallow,” Sully said as she hugged me back.

  “Logan, I do want to know if you’ll ever be in human form again,” I said as I realized I didn’t want to hear the answer.

  Someday Jayden

  “Well what did he say?” Sully asked as she pulled away from me.

  “Not much, he said someday,” I said as I sighed with disappointment. I knew that I wouldn’t like the answer.

  “Well I guess that’s better than being stuck as a mutt the rest of his life,” Sully said.


  “Hey, it’s not my fault you’re a dog,” Sully said as she bent down and stroked his back.

  Just as I started to feel relaxed, there was a knock on the door.

  “I’ll get it; it’s probably Blake wondering what has happened to us,” I said as I went towards the door.

  “Now keep in mind Sully, Logan doesn’t want anyone knowing about him except us. So make sure you call Logan, Saska.

  “I can just call him mutt if that’s ok,” Sully said as she giggled.

  “I wouldn’t push him, he might look like a dog, but it’s still Logan,” I said as I opened the door.

  “Hi Jayden, I’m not trying to be pushy, but I wanted to make sure you were ok. I came by a few hours ago, but you were still sleeping,” Blake said.

  “Well come in Blake, I’m awake now. Sorry I slept so long, I guess I really needed it.” I said as I moved aside so he could come in.

  “Oh Jayden, I forgot to tell you that your cell phone has rang a few times while you were sleeping. It’s probably your Dad; you did tell him that you would call him every day,” Sully said as she went back and sat on the bed.

  Oh shit.

  My Dad!

  “He’s going to be really upset, I better call him,” I said as I picked up my cell phone and dialed home.

  While the phone rang, I couldn’t help but think about the royalty part of what Logan said. What did he mean by royalty, and how would my Dad not know about it.

  “Hi Dad, I’m sorry that I didn’t call sooner, I slept a lot today,” I said.

  “Well you probably needed the sleep honey, just make sure you call me, I was starting to get a little worried. So how was the drive over, did you find it ok?” Dad asked.

  “It was an adventure, the roads can be a little scary, especially in the dark. e did find the town, but we got in so late we decided to find a motel for the night,” I said.

  “So the car handled ok for you, no major problems,” he asked.

  “Actually the car acted like a warrior. It ran great Dad, I really love it,” I said.

  “Have you tracked down your grandparents yet?” Dad asked.

  “No, not yet, but I think we’re going to get going here soon. I will call you tomorrow, ok,” I said.

  “I love you sweet pea, and please, be careful.” Dad said.

  “I will and I love you too,” I said as I closed my cell phone.

  “Sully, will you remind me to call my Dad tomorrow, I would hate to see what he would do if I didn’t call. He’s been known to call in favors with friends at the state patrol,” I said thinking that's just what we needed.

  “Well we don’t need that added stress, so yes I will try to remind you,” Sully said.

  “So are you two ready to go exploring?” I said.

  “So what’s our next move?” Sully asked.

  “Well how about trying to locate your grandparents?” Blake said.

  “That sounds like a plan, so maybe this motel has a phone book,” Sully said as she started to look around.

  “I already looked for one, no go,” Blake said.

  “Can we get some Java, my heads starting to hurt a little? I think I saw an espresso stand up the road when we were out this morning,” I said as I thought about the taste of a vanilla latte.

  “That sounds groovy to me. I could use a few straight shots myself,” Sully said with excitement.

  “Well let
’s get going then, is anyone hungry?" I asked hoping that no one was. I didn’t want to lose more time.

  “I’m not, that breakfast was very filling,” Sully said.

  “I’m ok, maybe later,” Blake said.

  We gathered our coats and I made sure to give Blake back his jacket, even thought it was warmer than the one I brought. We got into the car and headed down the road to an espresso stand that also looked like a caboose. Guess this town like the trains.

  We pulled into the lot that held the coffee stand.

  “Good afternoon, what I can get for you," the gal asked me.

  “I would like a triple Grande vanilla latte, and Sully what do you want?” I asked.

  “Just give me three shots of espresso,” Sully said.

  “Blake, are you having anything?” I asked.

  “No thanks, I don’t drink coffee,” he said.

  The woman gave me my total and I paid, but the barista was giving me a funny look.

  “Did I give you enough money?” I asked her, trying to remember what I gave her.

  “Yeah, you did, I was just thinking that you look really familiar,” she said as she handed me our drinks.

  “I’ve never been here before, but we are looking for some of my family, do you know where we might find the McCormick's?” I asked her.

  “Sure, they live in Ocean Park, it’s about 10 miles from here, just go through town and you can’t miss it. When you come to a stop sign turn left, then go about a block and you’ll see the entrance to the beach. Right before you get there, a road will be on your left. If you follow that road it will take you to the house, and you can’t miss the house, it’s the biggest house in the county,” she said as she tried to hand me my change.

  “Oh, keep the change, and thank you,” I said.

  “Can you two believe how easy that was. I thought we would have to search a little harder to find my grandparents,” I said as I drove away.

  “Well finally something’s looking up for us,” Sully said.

  We drove the 10 miles to the next town. It was small but quant, with lots of personality. I noticed a few restaurants that I we could eat at later if we got the chance.

  “Hey Jayden, look Doc’s Tavern, do you think…,” she said.

  “Don’t even think about it, you are going to behave yourself this trip,” I said as I saw the beach approach in front of us.

  Off to the left was the road to my grandparents house, or at least I was hoping it was. This was it, I have wanted to know my grandparents for so long, and now it was here, but I stopped at the entrance and couldn’t get my foot off the brake. There were wolf statues on either side, regal looking for sure.

  “Sitting here won’t get you any closer to the house, unless you’ve changed your mind,” Blake said as he sat forward between the seat.

  “I haven’t changed my mind, it’s just that, well, I’m nervous. Why did my mother stop talking to them, and why didn’t they ever try to find me? I have so many questions,” I said as I stared at the driveway.

  “Well you won’t get them answered just sitting on your rump. So put the pedal to the metal and get going. I'm starting to get hungry, maybe your little old granny will feed us," Sully said as she finished the last of her espresso. That girl always thinking about food.

  I finally took my foot off the brake and slowly made my way up the drive. The house was as large as the gal at the espresso stand had said. It was three stories and as long as a city block, or at least it seemed that way. The siding on the house was weathered and gray, but it looked like what a house at the ocean would look like. The house sat on top of a sand dune that over looked the ocean. What a beautiful place, I do remember my mom and dad taking me to the ocean when I was little, and it looked just like this.

  “Wow that is a massive house,” Sully said with awe.

  “It sure is a big house, a little intimidating if you ask me,” Blake said.

  Jayden, you need to be on guard while you’re here, I won’t leave your side, but there isn’t much I can do once we are inside. I know that your emotions are high right now, but try to keep a level head.

  “I will,” I said.

  “You will what?” Blake asked.

  “I was just telling myself not to get my hopes up,” I said as I realized that I was answering someone that no one else could hear.


  We parked the car and walked up the staircase to a front door that was a beautiful candy apple red. My favorite.

  “You have to knock on the door for anyone to know that you’re here,” Sully said giving me the eye brow raise.

  “I know, I’m just getting my thoughts together before I knock,” I said as I decided to knock on the door. It only took a few seconds.

  The door opened and a man was standing there, but I was sure he wasn’t who I was looking for, he looked to stiff, and you could tell that he was a part of the house because of his clothes. He was dressed in a suite, but not the kind you would find in an office, more like a butler outfit.

  “Can I help you?” The man said with a stone expression.

  “Yes, I was wondering if Mrs. McCormick was home,” I said.

  “Can I tell her who is asking?” He asked.

  “Tell her it’s Jayden,” I said as I realized that I was fidgeting with my hands.

  “Would you all please follow me. You can wait for her in the study. She will be with you shortly,” he said as he walked away. As we walked inside the door, it was like being in a museum. The ceilings were over 20 feet high and most of the decorations looked old but beautiful and well preserved.

  “Have you ever seen so many books in a home before, there amazing,” I said with awe. It was a huge library.

  “No, but it would be better if all of these books were music CD’s I would be more impressed,” Sully said as she went and sat down in one of the winged chairs sitting in the middle of the room. It looks like a mini living room arranged, I guess for you to sit at and read.

  “The ceilings are definitely tall,” Blake said as he looked up and around.

  Jayden, come over here an sit next to me in this chair, try to keep your distance it makes it easier. 

  I was standing by a desk and I head Logan call to me, I turned around and he was lying next to a chair. Sully had gotten up and joined Blake who was looking at a collection of books on a shelf across the room. 

  Try not to let them know that you are talking to me, but I want to tell you something.

  "Ok, what's up?" I whispered.

  Jayden, before your grandmother comes in I want you to put your necklace under your shirt. Giving away too much information to soon might not be the best idea.   

  "What about my necklace, why is it so important?" I asked. 

  You will find out its importance later, but for now, I don't want anyone knowing about the two pieces being reunited. 

  "So my ring and my necklace are a set. Sully and I saw that painting in my attic and a young girl was wearing the necklace,” I said as I put the necklace under my shirt. 

  Look, let's not get into this right now, we can talk about it later. 

  “So it’s ok for her to see the ring?” I asked Logan

  "Jayden, who are you talking to?" Blake asked. 

  Blake had come up behind me and I hadn't noticed. 

  "Oh she's just crazy like that, she's been talking to herself since I've known her,” Sully said as she came across the room. 

  "I'm sorry; I talk to myself when I get nervous." I realized how strange that must look. 

  "Are you nervous?" Blake asked. 

  "Yes, a little bit, I have never met my grandparents. What if they don't want anything to do with me. I should have read those letters that grandmother wrote to my Mom,” I said. 

  "Who ever told you that we didn't want anything to do with you?" A voice accused.

  I turned around and saw a woman standing in the doorway.   

  "Mom?" I cried and
stood up as did Sully and Blake. Logan was the only one who remained laying at my feet like he didn't have a care in the world.

  We all turned to look who was talking; a lady was standing in the door way and for a split second I thought it was my Mom. She was tall and slender with the same red hair that my Mom and I have.

  Jayden, you and I haven’t had much of a chance to talk about this, but please don’t get caught up in your emotions, you need to focus.

  Logan was sitting at my side and all I could do was look down at him and glare. How could he say that to me when I’m meeting my grandmother for the first time.

  “Hi…I’m Jayden, you must be Catherine,” I said.

  “That would be me, but is that all you have to say to me,” she said as she walked into the room farther and sat down on the sofa.

  “No, I have a lot of things I want to talk to you about, but you’ll have to forgive me, you look so much like my Mom,” I said, as I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

  “Well that does happen, since she was my daughter, and I must say you resemble the family line as well, even with your mixed blood” she said with distain as she crossed her legs. She seemed so regal and portrait like, I wanted to go up and touch to make sure she was real.

  “I am real, if that’s what you’re thinking,” she said as she cocked an eyebrow at me.

  Jayden, listen to me, don’t think just listen. You need to close off your mind or at least try not to think about things that you don’t want her to know. Remember that barrier you put up to protect yourself, you need to do that in your mind.

  “Ok” I said.

  “Ok, so you know that you resemble our line, how is that when you’ve never been introduced to anyone?” she asked.

  Great, I sound like an idiot.

  Jayden, I know this is overwhelming, but you need to keep your wits about you. This isn't a reunion of a normal family. We have magic that you don't understand yet. Please, don't get caught up in the emotional stuff. 

  “I wouldn’t be so hard on yourself dear. I know you’re just nervous,” she said as she just stared.

  Jayden, come over here an sit next to me in this chair, try to keep your distance it makes it easier.       

  I felt like I was stuck in a daze. 

  "Jayden, you ok chick, you look really pale,” Sully said as she came over and rubbed my arm. 

  "She'll be ok, she's just nervous about meeting me, right dear." My grandmother said. 

  "Right, right, yes, sorry,” I said as I tried to shake it off.

  Her hair was the same shade of red as mine and Mothers, almost like a strawberry. Her face has a long and slender look with cheeks that looked chiseled out. Her eyes were the same shade green as mine, but with a dark that seemed to pull you in. Her dress was full length with several layers, giving it a ball gown feel. 

  "Well why don't we all have a seat, with you all standing up like that you're making me nervous,” she said.

  Two leather over stuffed wing chairs capped the ends of a long leather sofa.

  I went towards one of the chairs. 

  "Why don't you sit next to me, so I can take a good look at you?" Grandma said. 

  "Ok." I walked over to the couch to sit next to her. 

  Jayden, I want you to sit over here on the chair. 

  I stopped for a minute not sure what to do. 

  "What's wrong dear, do you have a reason why you don't want to sit by my?" She asked. 

  "Umm, no, I just thought." I couldn't talk, it was my worst case of stage fright I have ever had. 

  "Well make up your mind, I don't bite,” she said as she patted the cushion next to her. 

  If you sit with her, just be cautious. 

  "I don't mind sitting by you,” I said as I made the move to sit next to her. 

  I sat down next to her, but couldn't stop staring at her, she looked so much like my Mom, and her age, she didn't look over 40. Will I age that well, would my Mom have aged like that too? 

  Sully coughed. 

  "Oh, I'm sorry, these are my friends, Sully, Blake and my dog Saska,” I said as I realized that I was staring at her. 

  "It's very nice to meet you all, please make yourselves at home. Any friend of Jayden's is a friend of mine. Would any of you like something to drink?" She asked. 

  Everyone shock their heads no. 

  Just then, a man in a butlers outfit came into the room with a tray 

  "How about some tea and biscuits." She asked as the butler sat the tray in front of us on a coffee table.

  "Thanks that would be nice,” I said as I reached and grabbed a cup of tea. 

  "Would you like some cream or sugar?" She asked. 

  "Some cream would be great,” I said as whisked my cup towards the hand with the pouring cream. 

  I wasn't sure what to say so I took several sips of my tea, trying to think of something to say. 

  “I see that you got your birthday present from your Mom,” she said as she stared at the ring.

  “Yes, I did,” I said.

  “Is that all she gave you?” Catherine asked.

  “I got a letter too, if that’s what you mean,” I said as I tried not to think about the necklace.

  "How was your drive over?" She asked as she looked around at Sully and Blake. 

  "It was a little rough, but we made it in one piece,” Sully said as she put her tea down. I was wondering why she picked it up in the first place; she has never liked tea. 

  "Blake, would you prefer something else to drink?"

  "No, thank you, I'm really not that thirsty,” he said as he sat back. 

  I can't believe I'm sitting with my grandmother. She's alive and right in front of me. 

  Jayden, focus, your letting your emotions get in the way.  

  "How would you feel?” I said as I realized that I said it out loud. 

  "I'm not sure what you mean, Jayden."

  "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you said something to me,” I said as I realized that everyone was looking t me funny. 

  "Jayden, are you feeling ok?" Sully asked as she stood up. 

  I looked over at Saska and he stood up as well. 

  Jayden, are you feeling funny? You look like you’re going to pass out.   

  "I don't think I'm feeling very well, these last few days have taken a lot out of me," I said as I tried to stand up. 

  Don't drink anymore of that tea, Jayden.

  "I guess I'm still not feeling well from yesterday. I think I need some fresh air,” I said as I realized that I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. 

  I hear Logan throw out a bark before I went completely out. 

  "Sully, Blake, why don't you help Jayden to one of the bedrooms upstairs." Catherine said as she got up and moved aside. 

  "I think she'll be ok, once we get her outside,” Blake said as she put his arm under mine. 

  "I really need to insist that she stays, she is my granddaughter and I would feel better if she was in my home especially is she's not feeling well," she said. Out of thin air strolled in two large men. 

  "Blake, I really don't like to be told what to do, and if this broad thinks that she can push us around she's crazy," Sully whispered to Blake. 

  "Sully, we can't take on those two guys,” Blake said. 

  "I need you to put her down Blake or hold her for me. I need to be able to get to my knife,” Sully said as she let her side drop. 

  Logan trotted over and perched himself in front of Sully. 

  "I need to teach these guys that intimidation doesn't work.  If Jayden was awake, she wouldn't want us to be held here against our will,” Sully said as she tried to move around the dog. 

  Logan barked at her.

   "I don't understand what you are trying to say. You are ok with us leaving her here in a unfamiliar place?” Sully asked Logan like she could understand what he was trying to tell her. 

bsp; Logan barked. 

  "The dogs right Sully, she is really heavy and how are we going to get her back to the car with two very large guys trying to stop us?" Blake said. 

  "Ok, ok fine,” Sully, said as she gave up. 

  "My men will take her upstairs." Catherine said. 

  As the two men came towards Blake and Sully, Logan leaped a few feet in front and growled so deep that it made Sully and Blake jump. 

  "You need to control your dog or it will have to be put outside," Catherine admonished.

  "If you want to try to part that dog from Jayden, by all means you try, but don't say I didn’t warn you first,” Sully said as she backed away hoping there might be a fight. 

  "I guess she can sleep down here. Randal get Jayden and her friends some blankets, it can get chilly down here." Catherine said as she started to walk away, she stopped almost at the door and turned. 

  "Tell Jayden when she wakes up that I'm sorry that we didn't get to visit, but we will have time later." Catherine said as she walked away. 

  Sully and Blake laid me on the couch and covered me up with the blankets that one of the large guys, Randal, brought. 

  "I guess we both get to sleep sitting up, or on the floor I guess,” Sully said as she was deciding which one would hurt less. 

  Blake walked over to the overstuffed chair and pulled it across to the other chair and made a bed. 

  "Good idea, wow, I guess you’re not a dumb guy,” Sully said. 

  "Thanks, I think that was a compliment. Here you take this; I will sleep on the floor,” he said. 

  "I'll let you be gentlemen on this one,” Sully said as she climbed onto the rigged bed. 

  "Sully, try to sleep light, I smell something not right here,” he said as he put a blanket on the floor, he used his jacket to make a pillow. 

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