Maid for Martin

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Maid for Martin Page 21

by Samantha Lovern

  “I know the feeling.” He said still keeping a hold on her wrists. “So, you weren’t trying to hit me? You came pretty close.”

  “You’re looking at someone who spent most of her summers playing pitcher, quarterback, and center with five of the toughest, roughshod rednecks you’ve ever met. Trust me, if I wanted to hurt you, I could have.”

  Martin nodded, trying not to smile, but it was hard. “I’ll take your word for it. And I deserved most of that and more. I should have never have let this go on longer than a day. At first I thought you were joking. I know I’m not Pitt or Cruise, but I couldn’t believe you didn’t know who I was.”

  She didn’t speak, but kept her eyes on him. She didn’t have much of a choice. He slowly moved his right leg from atop her two, because his body was beginning to react in other ways. He shifted his weight.

  “Is it safe to let you up? After hearing your last comment I feel kind of vulnerable. I’ve never faced a redneck while I was wearing nothing but a towel.” He tilted his head and raised one brow.

  He couldn’t help himself, he smiled, let his eyes trail over her dark hair, and wished he could bend down and kiss her, taste her. He doubted if her mind was on romance at the moment so he didn’t act on his thoughts.

  “I never said I was a redneck, and you better not turn loose until you answer my next question. And I want the truth. Did you have sex with Celia?”

  Martin shook his head, slowly let go of her hands, and rose from the bed. “No, I didn’t. Somehow Celia found out about the two of us, and she set this little charade in motion. I came to this room to shower, that’s all. She was supposed to be gone. She knows it’s over, and she’s trying to ruin what I have with you out of jealousy.”

  Randi sat up, reached for his underwear and pants, balled them up, and tossed them. “Get dressed. It’s hard to stay mad, when you look like -- Just put your clothes on,” she finished rising from the bed and turned her back.

  Martin smiled and slid into the boxers and pants. When he was done he tossed the towel on the bed. “Turn around.”

  Slowly she did. He was pulling on his shirt, but didn’t bother to button up. He walked to her. “You have to believe me. I didn’t touch her.”

  “This is all so confusing. I don’t know what to think. I feel like an idiot. Here I’ve been running off at the mouth about Mr. Taylor . . . How could you let this go on?”

  “I didn’t want it to end.”

  “I bet you didn’t.” She turned to go. He took her by the wrist, making her turn.

  “It’s not like that. I liked being Mike. It was simple. I could be sure you wanted me for me, and not my money.”

  “Is that what Celia wants?”


  “Does she love you?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “What did she say when you broke it off?” Martin let go of her hand and didn’t speak.

  “You didn’t tell her, did you?”

  “I don’t need to tell her. She knows.”

  “Oh, that’s where you’re wrong. You need to tell her. You should have already. I recall you saying a few nights ago that you were going to tell her it was over.” Randi crossed her arms. “You wanted her and me both.”

  “No I just want you.” Martin started to reach for her again but she shook her head.

  “I don’t want to hear it. Did you ever plan on asking her to leave?”

  “Yes, I tried last night.”

  “You didn’t try very hard.”

  “I tried, but she won’t listen.”

  “Well, you have plenty of time now--all the time in the world. Matter of fact, the way I see it, she doesn’t need to leave. She can have you, and this fine house, and she won’t have me as completion, because I’m leaving.”

  “Randi, don’t go.”

  “Why should I stay?”

  “Because it’s over between Celia and me. She’ll be out of the house when the party’s over.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “She will be. I hated to ruin Christmas. It’s just a few more days. If I say anything now it will ruin the party and the kids won’t get a good Christmas. I’m staying downstairs. We’re in separate rooms. Nothing is going on.”

  “That’s so big of you,” she said, coming to face him.

  “Randi, I know this looks bad.”

  “Yes it does. I know I’m not wealthy, but normally when people break up, they move out and move on. They don’t throw stupid parties for their family and pretend that everything is just fine.

  “If you really want to prove something, then do it. Tell her it’s over.”

  “I will, but I’m not asking her to leave until after the party.”

  “Fine. You know Mike, Martin whatever your name is, you are gorgeous as the day is long. You have enough money to make most folks green with envy, but Celia has gotten her claws into you and all but neutered you.

  “Make up your mind, and either be a man about it or just sit back and let her lead you around by the . . . nose.”

  She started to go and he reached out and grabbed her wrists, pulling her to him. He kissed her . . . hard. Much to his shock, she didn’t fight him, or pull back.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and dug her fingers into his hair. She parted her lips and gave him more than she had before. His desire for her was overwhelming. Her hands slid down his neck to his chest.

  The feel of her on his skin was intoxicating, and when she pushed back she was as breathless as he, but there was a look on her face of retribution.

  She ran her fingers down his chest to his belt. He knew she was leaving. She stepped back and shook her head. “I just wanted you to get a good taste of what you threw away. Give Celia my best and congratulations on your upcoming nuptials. The two of you deserve each other.”

  Chapter 50

  Ethan Taylor

  Ethan Taylor set his bags down and paid the cabby. He raised a brow at the fair, but didn’t mention it. He didn’t give a tip either. The cabby didn’t even bother to get out of the car to help with his bags. There was no way he was tipping someone that lazy.

  He always traveled light and he only had two cases. He bid the cabby a good day and got a weak wave from the man as he turned and left. Ethan walked toward the garage and set down his bags. He wanted to make a surprise entrance for Lillian and was about to reach out to see if the door was locked when he heard voices.

  Ethan knew something was amiss from the conversations he had with Lillian. He knew it wouldn’t take the problem long to surface, but he never thought it would surface the moment he arrived. His bags were at his feet and he was about to open the door and enter but stopped when he heard two women talking.

  He was never one to eavesdrop, but this time it was hard to stop listening. The first few words had his attention. Instead of opening the door, picking up his bags, and going in, he stopped and hoped he’d heard wrong.

  “Mike, Martin, whatever his name is, has been lying to me for days, and you want me to go on working as if nothing has happened?”

  “I know it’s a lot to ask, but I’m desperate. I have guests arriving, food to be set out, children that needed tending to, and it’s such late notice I’m out of options. If you’ll just agree to stay, I’ll do everything I can to be sure that you don’t have to serve, or even look, at Mr. Taylor.”

  “I don’t know if I can. Celia will be gloating, and if she says anything to me I can’t guarantee what I might say.”

  “I’ll take care of Celia. Please, just stay and help. I’ll see to it you’re paid well.”

  Ethan didn’t like what he was hearing. What in the world had Martin done and who was this girl? From the silence he thought the discussion was over. He leaned in, just in time to learn a few more helpful tips.

  “The money doesn’t matter. I think I’m falling in love, and now this. I don’t know what to think.”

  “I know Randi, and I’m sorry this happened.”

  “Why did
n’t you tell me?”

  “At first I didn’t know. You mentioned Mike, and I knew he hung out here.”

  “Mike really does exist?”

  “Yes. He’s Martin's best friend.”

  “That explains a few things. Is he tall, nice-looking?”

  “Yes. He’s coming to the party. Anyway, by the time I figured it out, I didn’t know what to say. I could hear the way you talked about Martin.”

  “Yes I was . . . am . . . falling in love.”

  “I know. You see, I know Mr. Taylor. He’s not like this. He’s a good man. I knew he was on the edge of breaking up with Celia. To be honest I knew you would be good for each other, and that sooner or later you’d work through this.”

  Now Ethan felt as if he was just eavesdropping. He picked up his bags and walked around to the front entrance. No one had known he was coming or what time his flight would arrive. Martin or Addison was to come out and pick him up, but all along he’d planned on surprising Lillian.

  It was he that was getting the surprise. What in the world had Martin gotten himself into? He could only guess that Randi was a maid, and that something had happened between the two of them.

  Martin knew better than to act like this. He had been taught from birth that you find the right woman, get married, and then the extra-marital fun begins. He sure wasn’t raised thinking it was fine to have two relationships going at once.

  When Ethan walked around to the front door he started to knock or ring the doorbell but he heard humming. He smiled. He would know that sound anywhere and he went walking around to the corner of the veranda.

  There she sat, working on a needlepoint. That was good and not good. It meant she more than likely knew more than he did about the issue between this Randi person and Martin. The only time Lillian did needlepoint was when she needed to do some deep meditation or prayer.

  He never understood how it helped to do something that was tedious, but it was her way. His way was to pace and to fume, but that would come later. He stepped closer and crossed his arms.

  “I leave this family alone for a week and look what happens.” She didn't speak, but carefully laid down the needle and the framework and sat for a moment.

  “How many times have I told you, without the man of the house around, things fall apart?” With this comment she pushed out of her seat and rose. She wasted no time in closing the gap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  They were close to the same height, but still, when he hugged her, he picked her a few inches up off the ground and, if he'd been a bit younger, he would have spun her around.

  He hated being away from Lillian, and vowed that this would be the last time, until the good Lord called one of them home. It just wasn't right for a man and woman to be apart for longer than absolutely necessary.

  “I've missed you so much.” She whispered as he set her back down on the floor. He, the physical one of the two, pressed his lips quickly to hers, and after a fair amount of letting her know how much he'd missed her, he pulled back. As normal, she playfully pushed him away.

  “Now, that is enough of that. One day out here in this sinful city and look at you, can't keep your hands to yourself.” She was laughing as she sat back down.

  Ethan gave her a quick goose and joined her. “It has nothing at all to do with the city. Have we been away from each other that long before?” She all but blushed as she sat down, not wanting to look him in the eye. Finally she spoke.

  “How was your trip, and where are your sisters?”

  “The trip was good, and they backed out at the last minute. I don’t think Martin really expected them to come.”

  “He was hoping they would.”

  “Well, I tried, they just wouldn’t come.”

  “Too bad. He’ll be very disappointed. Also, how is Jacob?”

  “Jacob’s surgery went fine and he'll be going home before long.” Ethan took Lillian's glass and pulled the pitcher of tea closer, pouring himself a bit. “I would ask you how things are going, but I'm not sure I want to know.”

  Lillian looked up and leaned back. “I know that you have this strange way of knowing things, but I didn't know you were that in tune with your children.”

  “I'm not.” Ethan leaned back in the chair, took a long sip of tea. “I overheard a bit of a discussion as I was coming in just now. I wanted to surprise everyone and slip in through the garage—”

  “Who did you hear talking? Celia's gone and I've not seen Martin today.” Lillian was about to start her needlepoint again but she stopped and waited for him to answer.

  “I overheard someone named Randi, and she wasn't happy at all with our son.” Ethan took another drink of tea and looked at his wife. Lillian wasn't offering anything just yet. Instead she asked another question.

  “What did you hear?”

  “Who’s Randi?”

  “She's one of the maids.” The look on his wife's face was all he needed. He drank down some more tea and shook his head.

  “I would never have thought in a million years that our son would stoop to something as low as having an affair with the help. At a time when he's invited his family and Celia's out for the celebration of our Lord's birth?”

  “It's worse than that.”

  Ethan laughed. “How can it be worse . . .? Is she pregnant?” He asked, answering his own question.

  “No, and truth be known, I'm pretty sure they've only kissed. This only started recently.”

  “So how is it worse? Is she married?

  “No.” Lillian paused and laid down the needlepoint. “I hate to even admit this out loud. It makes it seem so much worse.”

  Ethan straightened in his chair. “What? Tell me.”

  Lillian sighed and looked around to make sure no one was listening. “Martin led the girl, Randi, to believe he was the chauffer or something, a fellow named Mike. I assume from what you said that she's found out the truth today.”

  “What? How long has this been going on, and why didn't you tell her?”

  “It wasn't my place. This is his mess and he's going to be the one that is standing in it when the dust settles. I told him what I thought about the matter. Maybe he finally told her the truth.”

  “I don't know if he did or not. From the way she was talking I would say that she figured it out on her own. She wants to leave, but they’re short of help, and someone was trying to talk her into staying.”

  “Poor girl. She's really nice. I hate that this has happened for both of them.”

  “Both of them? Why would you feel sorry for Martin? He started this nonsense, more than likely just so he could get her into bed. I was afraid this would happen when he moved to this town. This place takes decent people and turns them into heathens.”

  “Our son is not a heathen. I think he's really falling in love with this girl.”

  “You're taking up for him?”

  “Not really. I just heard him talking about her, and he was really sorry that he'd let it go on this long. He likes the girl, and he's only waiting until the party is over before he breaks it off with Celia.”

  Ethan shook his head. “He really has some nerve, having a maid right under Celia's nose. Does she know too?”

  “It's possible. Martin has fallen head over heels with this girl, so I don't think he's been thinking clearly. Well, I know he hasn't. I'm sure that Celia could have found out.”

  Ethan poured more tea and looked at his wife. She wasn’t looking at him and she was reaching for the needlework a little too quickly. “What are you leaving out?”

  Lillian laughed and shook her head. “I can't hide anything from you. It’s nothing really. I just can’t help it. If I had to pick between the two women I would rather he be seeing Randi. Celia is not my ideal daughter-in-law.”

  Thankful it wasn’t anything worse than that, Ethan leaned back and sipped on his tea, digesting the information. After a bit he looked at his wife.

  “Has Martin been sharing a room with Celia?”

  “No, not since I've been here. He hasn’t been very physical with her either. I don’t know if this Randi thing broadsided him or if he was having issues before she came.”

  “I was hoping that he wouldn’t do that -- have any woman move in with him. Did we do something wrong? I hoped that our values would be a little more instilled than this.”

  “I don’t know. You can only teach your children what you think is best, and hope they follow in your footsteps.”

  “Well, Martin isn’t following as closely as I’d hoped. Where is he?”

  “You’re in no mental state to speak with him. Sit back and relax. Enjoy the beautiful weather and your tea.”

  “I suppose you’re right. It can wait. Tell me, where is Addison, or do I dare ask?”

  Chapter 51

  Bigger Picture

  Celia wanted to wait around and enjoy the fireworks, but she got a call from Sue. Her friend needed follow-up tests from the accident. Since the rental was at the airport, Celia called a cab. Once at Sue’s apartment she drove the car Sue’s insurance had company found for her. As they sat waiting at the doctor’s office Celia caught Sue up on the events of the day.

  “Wow, do you think she’ll be there when you get back?" Sue seemed happy to have anything to think about besides her own problems.

  “I really don’t know. I kind of hope she’s still packing when I get back so I can see the look on her face. I wonder if she slapped him. I would have. I’d still like to, but I’m trying to see the bigger picture.”

  “I don’t think there would be a bigger picture for me. I would have kicked his butt out.” Sue thumbed idly through the magazine as she made this comment.

  “It’s his place, so that’s not an option.”

  “Is his money really worth all of this? I mean if the man is willing to cheat on you I’m not sure if I would stay around.”

  “Have you seen where we live?” Celia glanced up from her iPhone.

  “I’ve seen it. Still, I don’t think I would want a guy that didn’t want me. I know it’s stupid but a few days ago I would have said hang on to him. This accident has caused me to do some real thinking. Life is really short, and we don’t want to waste it being with men that don’t appreciate us.”


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