Double Your Trouble

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Double Your Trouble Page 6

by Belita Renn

  She nodded, although she still had lingering doubts.

  Blowing her a kiss, he sauntered from the room, his long coat swinging behind his calves.

  "How much would you like to learn about yourself?” Valo asked, stepping forward. He lightly plucked her nipples until they became hard nubs.

  "You mean other than my body? Not a thing.” Breathing heavily, she waited anxiously to discover what they were going to do to her. Holding his curled knuckles before her, he allowed her breathing to stroke her nipples against the back of his fingers.

  "You said I was motivated, do you think this will help?"

  "While this is normally for our pleasure; today, it is for you. As for your motivation, do you really need me to point it out? You enjoy being helpless and we can provide that, in fact, we are happy to. You want a strong lover whom you can depend on and who can protect you, and we are. We appeal to you, and our desire for you also excites you.” Stroking her cheek, he kissed her, gently plundering her mouth. “What have you got in the village compared to what we can give you? Leaving family and friends can be difficult, but you aren't. They are only a walk away if you wish to visit. Also, it's not as though your uncle will miss you. You aren't courting with anyone, are you?” He smiled as though he knew the answer. “You do recall we told Saul you are our mistress? It will be all over town by tomorrow, so you need not fear what people in town will think of your absence, they know what you are doing."

  "What are you going to do? Leave me chained here until I die if I don't agree to trust you?” she mocked.

  "This is a little sexual play to help you become comfortable with your body. Actually, we don't want to replace you, but we will, if you really want us to. We will erase your memory, and you will not remember that any of this happened."

  "Then why bring me back?"

  "Because we want you, and you wanted us to come for you.” Moving close to her side, he slipped his hand behind her, and squeezed her butt cheek.

  "Erase my memory and send me home."

  He stared at her for a long moment, his face a cold, unrevealing mask. “Very well. If you have made your decision. I'm going to let you remember Saul bathing you before two men. Leave you with a thrill, but first ... I'm also going to enhance your sexual desires, so you will long to have more than one man at once all the time."

  "No. That's not fair."

  "Are you being fair to us? You haven't even given us a chance."

  "All right, forget it, I'll try."

  Grasping her chin, he gazed deeply into her eyes, placing her in his thrall. “It is time I took a firm hand. Go to sleep, my beauty.” He waited until he had complete control. “You can trust us. We will protect you. You are not afraid of us."

  He moved away from her sleeping form and strolled to the table. He removed a smooth crystal the size of his thumb and half the length of his middle finger. Valo coated it in spittle as he returned to her side, then twisted her around and pushed the crystal into her sphincter. “Wake up, Gana.” Tapping her cheek, he helped her to awareness. “I placed a gift in your anus. Keep it there until I say otherwise,” he commanded in a soft sensual timbre.

  She glared at him. “What did you do to me?” She gasped, “I remember."

  "Now you don't have to be frightened and can enjoy our relationship."

  "Did you ever think the fear might have been exciting?"

  "Blast it. I will take it away."

  "No, don't. Let me try it this way first."

  He enthralled her again and allowed her to feel normal, but not intense, fear.

  Dropping to his knees, he ran his fingers through her curls, playing with her labia. “You are a contrary wench."

  She chuckled. Her breath increasing with anticipation, she felt her sex growing wet. She now knew how susceptible she was to their seduction, and that she wouldn't be able to resist their temptation. Her legs spread wide; her sex was exposed to his avid gaze. Gana shuddered as her sex muscles clenched, and released in expectation. She was embarrassed at how easily he could incite her desire.

  Cool fingers diddled inside her folds stroking her opening and her clit. Rolling her head, a moan of desire escaped her throat.

  "Do you want me to lick you, Gana? Make you come with my tongue and fingers?"

  His words sent a shaft of desire into her sheath. “Yes,” she admitted on a strangled growl of desire.

  Valo smiled and leaned forward, his face moving against her sex. Her body strained to move closer to him. The first wet lick caused her to cry out in pleasure. His fingers spread her labia wide and he suckled her clit into his mouth. She whimpered and shivered in reaction to the deep pulsing inside her clitoris and ground her pelvis against his mouth. A long finger slid into her juice, then shoved deep and fast into her sheath. She groaned and pushed down on his hand, then a hot, hard lick against her clit forced her pelvis to jerk forward. In a moment, her hips were rotating, grinding against his hand and mouth. She was spiraling toward a climax, having lost all control over her body. Reaching up, he grasped her breast and squeezed the nipple between his thumb and index fingers. Panting heavily, she moaned and flicked her gaze across the room when she saw movement from the corner of her eye. With a climax rising in her body, she tensed when she spotted Cader.

  "Come for me, Gana,” Valo instructed.

  Cader strolled in with a twitch tugging at his lips. He seemed quite pleased with himself. Gana lowered her head and tried to conceal her face behind the darkness of her hair. She tried to pull her pelvis away from Valo's face, but hismouth followed her, his finger continued to pump into her sex.

  "I have brought some guests,” Cader announced. “You said you wanted people to watch us make love to you."

  "No. Stop it, Valo,” she commanded, trying to pull her throbbing pelvis away. He wouldn't allow it. His mouth followed each rotation of her hips.

  "Come now, before they enter,” Cader commanded.

  Heat warmed Gana's face, but her body wouldn't stop its response. She groaned as a climax shattered her being. Removing his hand, Valo continued, licking away the juice that dripped from her opening. She shifted her gaze to Cader.

  When he had her attention, he pointed toward the doorway, then motioned for someone to enter. “Come."

  She didn't want them to see Valo licking her clit.

  "Stop, Valo. I don't want them to see me like this."

  Rising before her, he stood against her body, and wrapped his arms loosely around her hips, effectively concealing her torso.

  Wilbur Tinsley strolled in. Twenty, and leanly muscular, his shirt was hanging open at his sides revealing his flat stomach and narrow chest.

  Next came twenty-one year old Kell Granger. His red hair was in need of combing, and his shirt and breeches hung open. His plain features were glazed over as though in a trance as Saul had been. Moving slower, timid Tacy Hillard entered the doorway. Shy and retiring all her life, at twenty-five, she was a spinster, and still a virgin. Her blonde hair was in a matronly bun, and her pale features were nondescript. Her face was so completely unremarkable that the gentlemen of the village easily overlooked her. Timid Tacy was nude, her gaunt body showing her bones beneath pale flesh.

  Outrage for her friends and herself rose in her chest. Angrily, she glared at Cader. “What did you do, take them from their beds? Why are you humiliating Tacy?"

  "Actually it was easier than that, I stood outside their homes and summoned them. As you can see, they were preparing to retire. Tacy is straight from her bath, she was still dripping when she came to me. Wilbur and Kell were preparing for bed,” Cader informed her. “I wasn't trying to humiliate Tacy. Wilbur, Kell, remove your clothing."

  "What are you doing?” Gana demanded. She was affronted for her friends, and embarrassed for herself. Valo kissed her neck with gentle soothing kisses that relaxed her neck muscles. Instinctively, she tilted her head to the side to give him free access.

  "I recommend you keep silent,” Cader warned, flashing a hard g
lare in her direction. “I didn't tell her to come to me naked. I'm making her feel more comfortable by equalizing their clothing."

  "Easy,” Valo murmured against Gana's earlobe. “He is wound tight with sexual tension."

  At least he hadn't ordered her to be quiet. She watched the vampire with anger and grudging desire. Gana had grown up with these three. At twenty-two, she had spent many evenings with them, while their families were at social gatherings. To see them humiliated by these males without attempting to assist them was impossible.

  "Stop this. You cannot do these things to people. Don't you know it isn't right?” Kell and Wilbur were shedding their clothing. In a few moments, all three were standing naked and waiting instructions like zombies. Keeping her eyes on Cader and Valo, she didn't wish to stare at her friends’ nudity. She didn't want to add to their embarrassment.

  "You look away from them without reason. Wilbur, Kell, would you like to look at Miss Gana's naked body?” Valo raked her long honey colored hair from her face and over her shoulder behind her back. Grasping her face, he turned her head toward her friends.

  They were nodding, and staring at her body wrapped by Valo's. Both men's cocks were twitching with desire and growing.

  Valo's hand moved between their bodies to her legs, spread her labia and scratched his fingernail lightly across her clit. The responding spasms danced through her body. Although she knew she was concealed by Valo's body, heat burned her cheeks.

  "Would you like to see her pretty pink clit?” Valo queried.

  Both men nodded. The growing protrusion between their legs caught her eye. Glancing down, she saw that both men were hard as they gazed at her with lustful eyes. Their lust only served to increase her ire with the vampires for causing the situation. Wilbur and Kell had never lusted for her in the past. They had all been friends too long to be sexually attracted to each other. “Stop this."

  "I know what you are thinking, but you are wrong,” Valo whispered close to her ear.

  "You can read my mind?"

  Valo shook his head. “I can, but I'm not. It is clear from your expression you believe these men had never lusted for you. Shall we find out if it is true?” He turned his attention to the men. “Wilbur, Kell, have you ever lusted for Gana's body in the past?” His hand slid back, and a long finger penetrated her sheath. Still, he was concealing her body. She felt her juices making his entry easy, his finger slick.

  "Yes, my Lord,” her friends said in unison.

  "It doesn't matter. They are males, and all men lust."

  "Would you like to watch me masturbate her?"

  They nodded with enthusiasm.

  "Don't, you have proved your point,” she said. He withdrew his hand, and moved it to her breast, his body continuing to conceal her from their view.

  "What are you going to do to them?” The chains rattled as she pulled at them in an attempt to break free.

  "I said I would increase your motivation. The only thing holding you in that village is your friends. Now they are here."

  "It won't work.” She glared at them.

  Cader strolled before the three, gazing at them. “You won't stay, even with your friends here?” Lowering his head, he sighed. “Very well, you may choose which one will replace you. Actually, we want a woman, but we could keep one of the men for variety. I'm certain Tacy would enjoy having three lovers. You decide which male you think we will enjoy."

  Unwilling to make such a decision, she shook her head. She could not condemn her friends to life as their slaves. Wait! Had she heard correctly, had her friends been brought here to keep her happy? Did these vampires want her that badly? A rush of pleasure raced through her body. They really knew how to make her feel special. Still, I shouldn't consider it. They are vampires. Deep inside, she desperately needed to be wanted and they made her feel as though they did. It was a heady feeling, and she was tempted to give in to their wishes. “You cannot keep them against their will,” she mocked, feeling more confident than she had since meeting these vampires. Their plan was flawed; even if she stayed, they couldn't force the others to. Four people couldn't just disappear from the village without someone noticing.

  "Actually, we can make them do anything we wish. Would you like a demonstration?"

  Shaking her head, she covered her face with her hair.

  She couldn't allow this to continue. Ah, hell, it wouldn't be that bad if I could arrange some rules, even if they are unnatural creatures. Who am I kidding? It will probably be great. Besides, if he enhanced my sex drive, I am going to need two lovers. Still, I am not going to admit it to them. “I'll consider being your mistress, if you don't harm them."

  "Are you certain? After you make the decision on a replacement, I can erase your mind, and you won't remember any of this."

  "I don't want my memory erased.” She avoided a definite commitment. “Send them home; you said you didn't want a slave."

  "I don't think so. They are part of your motivation. I believe we should keep them with you.” Valo frowned.

  "It isn't necessary, as long as I'm not a prisoner and can visit with them."

  He shook his head. “The only reason we came after you was to give you an opportunity to change your mind without fear controlling your actions. You won't be a prisoner, but they stay."

  "What are you going to do to them?"

  "Nothing. They need jobs and we are in need of servants.” Cader turned to look at her three friends. “You are the house servants. You will be paid double the standard wage. You will have total loyalty to us, Lords Cader and Valo Umas; we are relatives. You will reveal nothing to anyone outside this house about what happens here. Miss Gana is our mistress, you will obey her, but her commands do not override those of Lord Valo or myself."

  He was confident of her agreement to be their mistress she noticed, and her eyebrows arched.

  Turning her face to Valo, Cader's voice continued in the background. “Miss Gana needs dinner. You may eat whatever you wish, after she is served. After that, you may choose a bedchamber, Miss Gana's room is the last one down the hall, then rest as you please for the night. In the morning, Miss Gana will instruct you as to your duties."

  "You own the castle?” speaking softly, she queried Valo.

  He nodded.

  "You will remember nothing you have seen in this room. In the future, should you see Miss Gana nude, you will immediately forget what you have seen. As far as you are concerned, this is a normal household, and you will behave as you normally would,” Cader continued his firm instructions. He snapped his fingers, the two men bowed, and Tacy bobbed a quick curtsey.

  "Thank you. Why must they be nude?” she demanded.

  "Do you wish to give the lady your gown, Gana? It is the only one here. We have no clothing for her. Besides, she looks as though some male companionship would be good for her. Some women blossom when they have male attention, and fade without it.

  "But you are embarrassing her,” she protested.

  "When they get a hard-on for her and start trying to seduce her, she won't be embarrassed any longer,” Cader said, a grin lifting the side of his mouth. “You wait. In no time, she will be strutting around here like a queen.” He removed his coat, and started opening the buttons of his shirt.

  Gana's heartbeat accelerated. Was he going to undress in the dungeon with her watching? Stepping back from her body, Valo began undressing also. Was everyone in the castle going to be nude?

  "What if she isn't interested in them? You will make certain they don't attack her?"

  "They won't do anything she doesn't want them to. I told them to behave as they normally would. I doubt they will attack a friend."

  "Why a woman and two men?” Growing nervous as Valo's hard muscular chest was revealed, she shifted her attention to Cader.

  Cader shrugged. “Seemed normal, and the correct number; two men for the heavy work, and a woman to keep them in order. What could be more natural? Women are good organizers."

  She had t
o admit, explained that way, it did sound like the proper arrangement for servants. They had chosen these three on purpose. Was it to control her? They could not have chosen anyone in the village she cared about more. “You won't harm them?"

  "No.” Cader advanced and stroked her cheek, then leaned forward and claimed her mouth. His tongue stroked across her lips until she parted them and admitted him. The penetration of his soft tongue thrilled her. His large hand stroked her breasts while they explored each other's mouth. The heat in her body quickly turned into desire. Leaving her mouth, Cader leaned and pressed soft kisses along her shoulder. Had he been forceful, she might have wanted to resist, but his soft kisses penetrated her defenses without a struggle. Holding her waist, he leaned lower and suckled her breasts.

  Gana gasped with startled surprise as the sensations his tongue caused in her breasts reached down to the core of her sexual longings. Moaning softly, she rolled her head to the side wanting the sensations to never stop.

  "You like that?” Valo asked, standing to the side watching as Cader seduced her into submission.

  Refusing to admit her desire, she ignored his question.

  Sucking her nipple into his mouth, Cader tugged on it, and scraped his tongue across the tip. His fingers slid down her hips and moved to her mons. Parting the labia, he stroked over the sensitive nub sending shockwaves deep into her vagina. Whimpering, she rolled her head against the wall. She wanted him in her so badly, she was ready to scream. Suddenly his hands fell away, his mouth released her nipple.

  "We need to feed.” Turning his head, he addressed Valo.

  "I would rather have sex, or watch the new servants chasing after the female,” Valo complained petulantly. Instantly both males were fully clothed. If their clothing went on that quickly, it would come off as fast, so the slow strip had been to arouse.

  "We can do that later."

  They started toward the doorway. Gana couldn't believe they intended to leave her chained to the wall.


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